19 research outputs found

    Total Variation Wavelet-Based Medical Image Denoising

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    We propose a denoising algorithm for medical images based on a combination of the total variation minimization scheme and the wavelet scheme. We show that our scheme offers effective noise removal in real noisy medical images while maintaining sharpness of objects. More importantly, this scheme allows us to implement an effective automatic stopping time criterion


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    Medical images are often subjected to noise due to the failure of data acquisition hardware at the source. Thus, making it difficult for the radiologist toperform image analysis and give correct diagnosis of the disease. This research presents a new image denoising algorithm based on the combinationof neuro-type 2 fuzzy systems. The method not only preserves the information relevant for diagnostic details but also provides a cost-effective solutionfor recovery of lost information due to noise

    Robust Data-Driven Accelerated Mirror Descent

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    Learning-to-optimize is an emerging framework that leverages training data to speed up the solution of certain optimization problems. One such approach is based on the classical mirror descent algorithm, where the mirror map is modelled using input-convex neural networks. In this work, we extend this functional parameterization approach by introducing momentum into the iterations, based on the classical accelerated mirror descent. Our approach combines short-time accelerated convergence with stable long-time behavior. We empirically demonstrate additional robustness with respect to multiple parameters on denoising and deconvolution experiments.Comment: Note inconsistency with ICASSP paper for step-size choice in (4c) and associated Alg. 1, this version is correct with step-size kt/

    Performance Analysis of Intensity Averaging By Anisotropic Diffusion Method for MRI Denoising Corrupted By Random Noise

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    The two parameters which plays important role in MRI(magnetic resonance imaging),acquired by various imaging modalities are Feature extraction and object recognition. These operations will become difficult if the images are corrupted with noise. Noise in MR image is always random type of noise. This noise will change the value of amplitude and phase of each pixel in MR image. Due to this, MR image gets corrupted and we cannot make perfect diagnostic for a body. So noise removal is essential task for perfect diagnostic. There are different approaches for noise reduction, each of which has its own advantages and limitation. MRI denoising is a difficult task task as fine details in medical image containing diagnostic information should not be removed during noise removal process. In this paper, we are representing an algorithm for MRI denoising in which we are using iterations and Gaussian blurring for amplitude reconstruction and image fusion,anisotropic diffusion and FFT for phase reconstruction. We are using the PSNR(Peak signal to noise ration),MSE(Mean square error) and RMSE(Root mean square error) as performance matrices to measure the quality of denoised MRI. The final result shows that this method is effectively removing the noise while preserving the edge and fine information in the images

    Medical Image Denoising Using Mixed Transforms

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    يقترح في هذا البحث طريقة تعتمد على خليط من التحويلات Wavelet Transform(WT) و Multiwavelet Transform (MWT) من اجل تقليل التشوه في الصور الطبية . تعتمد الطريقة المقترحة على استخدام WT  و MWT بالتعاقب لتعزيز اداء ازالة التشوه من الصور الطبية. عمليا , يتم في البداية اضافة تشويه لصور الرنين المغناطيسي (MRI) والتصوير المقطعي المحوسب (CT)  من اجل الاختبار. ثم تعالج الصورة المشوهة بواسطة WT  لتنتج اربع تقسيمات للصورة موزعة على اساس التردد ويعالج كل تقسيم بواسطة MWT  قبل مرحلة ازالة التشوه المكثفة او البسيطة. اوضحت النتائج العملية ان نسبة الاشارة الى الضوضاء (PSNR) تحسنت بشكل ملحوظ وتم المحافظة على المعلومات الاساسية للصورة. بالاضافة الى ذلك, فان متوسط نسبة الخطا انخفض تبعا لذلك بالمقارنة مع الطرق الاخرى. In this paper,  a mixed transform method is proposed based on a combination of wavelet transform (WT) and multiwavelet transform (MWT) in order to denoise medical images. The proposed method consists of WT and MWT in cascade form to enhance the denoising performance of image processing. Practically, the first step is to add a noise to Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) or Computed Tomography (CT) images for the sake of testing. The noisy image is processed by WT to achieve four sub-bands and each sub-band is treated individually using MWT before the soft/hard denoising stage. Simulation results show that a high peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) is improved significantly and the characteristic features are well preserved by employing mixed transform of WT and MWT due to their capability of separating noise signals from image signals. Moreover, the corresponding mean square error (MSE) is decreased accordingly compared to other available methods

    A total variation-undecimated wavelet approach to chest radiograph image enhancement

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    Most often medical images such as X-Rays have a low dynamic range and many of their targeted features are difficult to identify. Intensity transformations that improve image quality usually rely onwavelet denoising and enhancement typically use the technique of thresholding to obtain better quality medical images. A disadvantage of wavelet thresholding is that even though it adequately removes noise in an image, it introduces unwanted artifacts into the image near discontinuities. We utilize a total variation method and an undecimated wavelet image enhancing algorithm for improving the image quality of chest radiographs. Our approach achieves a high level chest radiograph image deniosing in lung nodules detection while preserving the important features. Moreover, our method results in a high image sensitivity that reduces the average number of false positives on a test set of medical data

    Liver CT enhancement using Fractional Differentiation and Integration

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    In this paper, a digital image filter is proposed to enhance the Liver CT image for improving the classification of tumors area in an infected Liver. The enhancement process is based on improving the main features within the image by utilizing the Fractional Differential and Integral in the wavelet sub-bands of an image. After enhancement, different features were extracted such as GLCM, GRLM, and LBP, among others. Then, the areas/cells are classified into tumor or non-tumor, using different models of classifiers to compare our proposed model with the original image and various established filters. Each image is divided into 15x15 non-overlapping blocks, to extract the desired features. The SVM, Random Forest, J48 and Simple Cart were trained on a supplied dataset, different from the test dataset. Finally, the block cells are identified whether they are classified as tumor or not. Our approach is validated on a group of patients’ CT liver tumor datasets. The experiment results demonstrated the efficiency of enhancement in the proposed technique