149 research outputs found

    Vliv atmosférické a topografické korekce na přesnost odhadu množství chlorofylu ve smrkových lesních porostech

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    Odstraňování efektů zemské atmosféry (tzv. atmosférická korekce) je jednou z klíčových součástí předzpracování obrazových dat dálkového průzkumu Země používaných pro kvantitativní nebo semi-kvantitativní analýzu. Přestože v současné době existuje velké množství robustních výpočetních technik kvantitativního odhadu různých parametrů zemského povrchu, vliv atmosférické korekce na výsledky těchto odhadů zpravidla není brán dostatečně v úvahu. Hlavním cílem této práce je zhodnocení vlivu použití různých technik atmosférické korekce na přesnost kvantitativního odhadu množství chlorofylu v lesních porostech smrku ztepilého (Picea abies). Obsah chlorofylu byl určován na podkladě výpočtu vybraných vegetačních indexů, které jsou na obsah chlorofylu citlivé (ANCB650-720, MSR, N718, TCARI/OSAVI a D718/D704). Hodnoty těchto indexů byly simulovány pomocí kombinace modelů radiativního transferu PROSPECT a DART. Výsledné odhady obsahu chlorofylu byly na závěr validovány pomocí výsledků laboratorního stanovení obsahu chlorofylu v odebraných vzorcích smrkových jehlic. Kromě toho byl v rámci práce odvozen nový index pro hodnocení podobnosti dvou srovnávaných spekter nazvaný normalized Area Under Difference Curve (nAUDC). V rámci této práce byla testována potenciální možnost náhrady standardní atmosférické korekce...Removal of atmospheric effects (atmospheric correction) is an essential step in a pre-processing chain of all remotely sensed image data used for any quantitative or semi-quantitative analysis. Although there are many robust computing techniques allowing quantitative estimation of various parameters of the Earth's surface, the influence of atmospheric correction on the accuracy of such estimation is usually not taken into account at all. The main focus of this thesis is to assess the influence of the use of different atmospheric correction techniques on the Norway spruce (Picea abies) canopy chlorophyll content estimation accuracy. Canopy chlorophyll content was estimated using values of chlorophyll sensitive vegetation indices (ANCB650-720, MSR, N718, TCARI/OSAVI and D718/D704) simulated by a coupling of PROSPECT and DART radiative transfer models and validated by a ground-truth dataset. A new spectral similarity index called normalized Area Under Difference Curve (nAUDC) was developed to allow mutual comparison of two spectra originating from hyperspectral datasets corrected by different atmospheric correction methods. Potential substitutability of the standard physically-based ATCOR-4 atmospheric correction by the empirical correction based on the data acquired by the downwelling irradiance...Department of Applied Geoinformatics and CartographyKatedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Second International Colloquium on Mars: Abstracts for a colloquium

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    Abstracts of 110 papers relating to investigations of the planet Mars and intended for consideration at the colloquium are presented. Entries are arranged alphabetically according to the author's name

    Theoretical Evaluation of Anisotropic Reflectance Correction Approaches for Addressing Multi-Scale Topographic Effects on the Radiation-Transfer Cascade in Mountain Environments

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    Research involving anisotropic-reflectance correction (ARC) of multispectral imagery to account for topographic effects has been ongoing for approximately 40 years. A large body of research has focused on evaluating empirical ARC methods, resulting in inconsistent results. Consequently, our research objective was to evaluate commonly used ARC methods using first-order radiation-transfer modeling to simulate ASTER multispectral imagery over Nanga Parbat, Himalaya. Specifically, we accounted for orbital dynamics, atmospheric absorption and scattering, direct- and diffuse-skylight irradiance, land cover structure, and surface biophysical variations to evaluate their effectiveness in reducing multi-scale topographic effects. Our results clearly reveal that the empirical methods we evaluated could not reasonably account for multi-scale topographic effects at Nanga Parbat. The magnitude of reflectance and the correlation structure of biophysical properties were not preserved in the topographically-corrected multispectral imagery. The CCOR and SCS+C methods were able to remove topographic effects, given the Lambertian assumption, although atmospheric correction was required, and we did not account for other primary and secondary topographic effects that are thought to significantly influence spectral variation in imagery acquired over mountains. Evaluation of structural-similarity index images revealed spatially variable results that are wavelength dependent. Collectively, our simulation and evaluation procedures strongly suggest that empirical ARC methods have significant limitations for addressing anisotropic reflectance caused by multi-scale topographic effects. Results indicate that atmospheric correction is essential, and most methods failed to adequately produce the appropriate magnitude and spatial variation of surface reflectance in corrected imagery. Results were also wavelength dependent, as topographic effects influence radiation-transfer components differently in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Our results explain inconsistencies described in the literature, and indicate that numerical modeling efforts are required to better account for multi-scale topographic effects in various radiation-transfer components.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Integration of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics into a distributed ecohydrological model: application to optimality theory and real-time watershed simulations

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    Spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics are important drivers to characterize seasonal to annual water and carbon budgets. Spatial adjustment and evolution of the ecosystem is closely related to the geomorphic, climatic, and hydrologic settings. In particular, lateral hydrologic redistribution along flowpaths control the long-term joint adjustments of vegetation and soil over successional and quasi-geological time scales. For this reason, it is complex and challenging to incorporate the many relevant processes and feedbacks between ecological and hydrological systems for the full simulation of water, carbon, and nutrient cycling. Recent developments in remote sensing technology provide the potential to link dynamic canopy measurements with integrated process descriptions within distributed ecohydrological modeling frameworks. In this dissertation, three research studies are presented concerning estimation of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in application into a distributed ecohydrological model at the Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research site. In Chapter 2, we test whether the simulated spatial pattern of vegetation corresponds to measured canopy patterns and an optimal state relative to a set of ecosystem processes, defined as maximizing ecosystem productivity and water use efficiency at the catchment scale. A distributed ecohydrological model is simulated at a small catchment scale with various field measurements to see if the evolved pattern of vegetation density along the flowpaths leads to system-wide emergent optimality for carbon uptake over and above the individual patch. Lateral hydrological connectivity determines the degree of dependency on productivity and resource use with other patches along flowpaths, resulting in different system-wide carbon and water uptake by vegetation. In Chapter 3, phenological signals are extracted from global satellite products to find the topography-mediated controls on vegetation phenology in the study site. It provides a basis to understand spatial variations of local vegetation phenology as a function of microclimate, vegetation community types, and hillslope positions. In Chapter 4, near real-time vegetation dynamics are estimated by fusing multi-temporal satellite images, and integrated into the catchment scale distributed ecohydrological simulation. Integration of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics into a distributed ecohydrological model helps to simulate ecohydrological feedbacks between vegetation patterns and lateral hydrological redistribution by reducing uncertainty related to state and flux variables

    mapping photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) using multiple remote sensing data

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    Incident Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) is an important parameter for terrestrial ecosystem models. Presently, deriving PAR using remotely sensed data is the only practical approach to meet the needs for large scale ecosystem modeling. The usefulness of the currently available PAR products is constricted by their limited spatial and temporal resolution. In addition, the applicability of the existing algorithms for deriving PAR using remotely sensed data are limited by their requirements for external atmospheric information. This study develops new algorithms to estimate incident PAR using remotely sensed data from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite), and AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer). The new PAR algorithms differ from existing algorithms in that the new algorithms derive surface properties and atmospheric optical properties using time-series of at-sensor radiance without external atmospheric information. First, a new PAR algorithm is developed for MODIS visible band data. The validity of the algorithm's underpinning theoretical basis is examined and associated errors are analyzed in light of their impact on PAR estimation accuracy. Second, the MODIS PAR algorithm is adapted to AVHRR in order to take advantage of the long data acquisition record of AVHRR. In addition, the scaling of remote sensing derived instantaneous PAR to daily PAR is addressed. Last, the new algorithm is extended to GOES visible band data. Two major improvements of GOES PAR algorithm over that of MODIS and AVHRR are the inclusion of the bi-directional reflectance distribution function for deriving surface reflectance, and the procedure for excluding cloud-shadowed pixels in searching for observations made under clear skies. Furthermore, the topographic impact on PAR is accessed and corrected. To assess the effectiveness of the newly developed PAR algorithms, validation efforts have been made using ground measurements made at FLUXNET sites. The validations indicate that the new PAR algorithms for MODIS, GOES, and AVHRR are capable of reaching reasonably high accuracy with no need for external atmospheric information. This work is the first attempt to develop a unified PAR estimation algorithm for both polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite data. The new algorithms developed in this study have been used to produce incident PAR over North America routinely to support the North America Carbon Program

    Metabolic scaling theory and remote sensing to model large-scale patterns of forest biophysical properties

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    Advanced understanding of the global carbon budget requires large-scale and long-term information on forest carbon pools and fluxes. In situ and remote sensing measurements have greatly enhanced monitoring of forest carbon dynamics, but incomplete data coverage in space and time results in significant uncertainties in carbon accounting. Although theoretical and mechanistic models have enabled continental-scale and global mapping, robust predictions of forest carbon dynamics are difficult without initialization, adjustment, and parameterization using observations. Therefore, this dissertation is focused on a synergistic combination of lidar measurements and modeling that incorporates biophysical principles underlying forest growth. First, spaceborne lidar data from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) were analyzed for monitoring and modeling of forest heights over the U.S. Mainland. Results showed the best GLAS metric representing the within-footprint heights to be dependent on topography. Insufficient data sampling by the GLAS sensor was problematic for spatially-complete carbon quantification. A modeling approach, called Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations (ASRL), successfully alleviated this problem. The metabolic scaling theory and water-energy balance equations embedded within the model also provided a generalized mechanistic understanding of valid relationships between forest structure and geo-predictors including topographic and climatic variables. Second, the ASRL model was refined and applied to predict large-scale patterns of forest structure. This research successfully expanded model applicability by including eco-regional and forest-type variations, and disturbance history. Baseline maps (circa 2005; 1-km2 grids) of forest heights and aboveground biomass were generated over the U.S. Mainland. The Pacific Northwest/California forests were simulated as the most favorable region for hosting large trees, consistent with observations. Through sensitivity and uncertainty analyses, this research found that the refined ASRL model showed promise for prognostic applications, in contrast to conventional black-box approaches. The model predicted temporal evolution of forest carbon stocks during the 21st century. The results demonstrate the effects of CO2 fertilization and climate feedbacks across water- and energy-limited environments. This dissertation documents the complex mechanisms determining forest structure, given availability of local resources. These mechanisms can be used to monitor and forecast forest carbon pools in combination with satellite observations to advance our understanding of the global carbon cycle

    Summary of the Results from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter after Seven Years in Lunar Orbit

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    In June 2009 the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft was launched to the Moon. The payload consists of 7 science instruments selected to characterize sites for future robotic and human missions. Among them, the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) was designed to obtain altimetry, surface roughness, and reflectance measurements. The primary phase of lunar exploration lasted one year, following a 3-month commissioning phase. On completion of its exploration objectives, the LRO mission transitioned to a science mission. After 7 years in lunar orbit, the LOLA instrument continues to map the lunar surface. The LOLA dataset is one of the foundational datasets acquired by the various LRO instruments. LOLA provided a high-accuracy global geodetic reference frame to which past, present and future lunar observations can be referenced. It also obtained high-resolution and accurate global topography that were used to determine regions in permanent shadow at the lunar poles. LOLA further contributed to the study of polar volatiles through its unique measurement of surface brightness at zero phase, which revealed anomalies in several polar craters that may indicate the presence of water ice. In this paper, we describe the many LOLA accomplishments to date and its contribution to lunar and planetary science

    Workshop on Ices, Oceans, and Fire : Satellites of the Outer Solar System, August 13-15, 2007, Boulder, Colorado

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    The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers focused on specific satellites or mechanisms to share their work in the broader context of common processes and unique properties shaping the satellites of the outer solar system.sponsors, Lunar and Planetary Institute, National Aeronautics and Space Administrationconvener, Curt NieburPARTIAL CONTENTS: The Impact of Cratering in the Outer Solar System / P.M. Schenk -- Aurora on Ganymede / M.A. McGrath -- The Role of Tides in Tectonic Formation and Eruption Activity on Satellites in the Outer Solar System / T. Hurford -- Modeling Europa's Surface Composition with Cryogenic Sulfate Hydrates / J.B. Dalton III -- The Convective Dynamics of Icy Satellites and Implications for Surface Evolution / A. Showman