43 research outputs found

    A note on tilted Sperner families with patterns

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    Let pp and qq be two nonnegative integers with p+q>0p+q>0 and n>0n>0. We call FP([n])\mathcal{F} \subset \mathcal{P}([n]) a \textit{(p,q)-tilted Sperner family with patterns on [n]} if there are no distinct F,GFF,G \in \mathcal{F} with: (i)  pFG=qGF, and(i) \ \ p|F \setminus G|=q|G \setminus F|, \ \textrm{and} (ii) f>g for all fFG and gGF.(ii) \ f > g \ \textrm{for all} \ f \in F \setminus G \ \textrm{and} \ g \in G \setminus F. Long (\cite{L}) proved that the cardinality of a (1,2)-tilted Sperner family with patterns on [n][n] is O(e120logn 2nn).O(e^{120\sqrt{\log n}}\ \frac{2^n}{\sqrt{n}}). We improve and generalize this result, and prove that the cardinality of every (p,qp,q)-tilted Sperner family with patterns on [nn] is O(logn 2nn).O(\sqrt{\log n} \ \frac{2^n}{\sqrt{n}}).Comment: 8 page

    Forbidding intersection patterns between layers of the cube

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    A family AP[n]{\mathcal A} \subset {\mathcal P} [n] is said to be an antichain if A⊄BA \not \subset B for all distinct A,BAA,B \in {\mathcal A}. A classic result of Sperner shows that such families satisfy A(nn/2)|{\mathcal A}| \leq \binom {n}{\lfloor n/2\rfloor}, which is easily seen to be best possible. One can view the antichain condition as a restriction on the intersection sizes between sets in different layers of P[n]{\mathcal P} [n]. More generally one can ask, given a collection of intersection restrictions between the layers, how large can families respecting these restrictions be? Answering a question of Kalai, we show that for most collections of such restrictions, layered families are asymptotically largest. This extends results of Leader and the author.Comment: 16 page

    Forbidding a Set Difference of Size 1

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    How large can a family \cal A \subset \cal P [n] be if it does not contain A,B with |A\setminus B| = 1? Our aim in this paper is to show that any such family has size at most \frac{2+o(1)}{n} \binom {n}{\lfloor n/2\rfloor }. This is tight up to a multiplicative constant of 22. We also obtain similar results for families \cal A \subset \cal P[n] with |A\setminus B| \neq k, showing that they satisfy |{\mathcal A}| \leq \frac{C_k}{n^k}\binom {n}{\lfloor n/2\rfloor }, where C_k is a constant depending only on k.Comment: 8 pages. Extended to include bound for families \cal A \subset \cal P [n] satisfying |A\setminus B| \neq k for all A,B \in \cal

    Set families with a forbidden pattern

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    A balanced pattern of order 2d is an element P ∈ {+, −}2d , where both signs appear d times. Two sets A, B ⊂ [n] form a P-pattern, which we denote by pat(A, B) = P, if A△B = {j1, . . . , j2d} with 1 ≤ j1 < · · · < j2d ≤ n and {i ∈ [2d] : Pi = +} = {i ∈ [2d] : ji ∈ A \ B}. We say A ⊂ P [n] is P-free if pat(A, B) ̸= P for all A, B ∈ A. We consider the following extremal question: how large can a family A ⊂ P [n] be if A is P-free? We prove a number of results on the sizes of such families. In particular, we show that for some fixed c > 0, if P is a d-balanced pattern with d < c log log n then | A |= o(2 n ). We then give stronger bounds in the cases when (i) P consists of d+ signs, followed by d− signs and (ii) P consists of alternating signs. In both cases, if d = o( √ n)then | A |= o(2 n ). In the case of (i), this is tight

    On some problems in extremal, probabilistic and enumerative combinatorics

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    This is a study of a small selection of problems from various areas of Combinatorics and Graph Theory, a fast developing field that provides a diverse spectrum of powerful tools with numerous applications to computer science, optimization theory and economics. In this thesis, we focus on extremal, probabilistic and enumerative problems in this field. A central theorem in combinatorics is Sperner's Theorem, which determines the maximum size of a family \F\subseteq \P(n) that does not contain a 22-chain F1F2F_1\subsetneq F_2. Erd\H{o}s later extended this result and determined the largest family not containing a kk-chain F1FkF_1\subsetneq \ldots \subsetneq F_k. Erd\H{o}s and Katona and later Kleitman asked how many such chains must appear in families whose size is larger than the corresponding extremal result. In Chapter 2 we answer their question for all families of size at most (1-\eps)2^n, provided nn is sufficiently larger compared to kk and \eps. The result of Chapter 2 is an example of a supersaturation, or Erd\H{o}s--Rademacher type result, which seeks to answer how many forbidden objects must appear in a set whose size is larger than the corresponding result. These supersaturation results are a key ingredient to a very recently discovered proof method, called the Container method. Chapters 3 and 4 show various examples of this method in action. In Chapter 3 we, among others, give tight bounds on the logarithm of the number of tt-error correcting codes and illustrate how the Container method can be used to prove random analoges of classical extremal results. In Chapter 4 we solve a conjecture of Burosch--Demetrovics--Katona--Kleitman--Sapozhenko about estimating the number of families in {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n which do not contain two sets and their union. In Chapter 5 we improve an old result of Erd\H{o}s and Spencer. Folkman's theorem asserts that for each kNk \in \N, there exists a natural number n=F(k)n = F(k) such that whenever the elements of [n][n] are two-colored, there exists a set A[n]A \subset [n] of size kk with the property that all the sums of the form xBx\sum_{x \in B} x, where BB is a nonempty subset of AA, are contained in [n][n] and have the same color. In 1989, Erd\H{o}s and Spencer showed that F(k)2ck2/logkF(k) \ge 2^{ck^2/ \log k}, where c>0c >0 is an absolute constant; here, we improve this bound significantly by showing that F(k)22k1/kF(k) \ge 2^{2^{k-1}/k} for all kNk\in \N. Fox--Grinshpun--Pach showed that every 33-coloring of the complete graph on nn vertices without a rainbow triangle contains a clique of size Ω(n1/3log2n)\Omega\left(n^{1/3}\log^2 n\right) which uses at most two colors, and this bound is tight up to the constant factor. We show that if instead of looking for large cliques one only tries to find subgraphs of large chromatic number, one can do much better. In Chapter 6 we show, amongst others, that every such coloring contains a 22-colored subgraph with chromatic number at least n2/3n^{2/3}, and this is best possible. As a direct corollary of our result we obtain a generalisation of the celebrated theorem of Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres, which states that any sequence of nn numbers contains a monotone subsequence of length at least n\sqrt{n}

    Digital Graphic Documentation and Architectural Heritage: Deformations in a 16th-Century Ceiling of the Pinelo Palace in Seville (Spain)

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    Suitable graphic documentation is essential to ascertain and conserve architectural heritage. For the first time, accurate digital images are provided of a 16th-century wooden ceiling, composed of geometric interlacing patterns, in the Pinelo Palace in Seville. Today, this ceiling suffers from significant deformation. Although there are many publications on the digital documentation of architectural heritage, no graphic studies on this type of deformed ceilings have been presented. This study starts by providing data on the palace history concerning the design of geometric interlacing patterns in carpentry according to the 1633 book by López de Arenas, and on the ceiling consolidation in the 20th century. Images were then obtained using two complementary procedures: from a 3D laser scanner, which offers metric data on deformations; and from photogrammetry, which facilitates the visualisation of details. In this way, this type of heritage is documented in an innovative graphic approach, which is essential for its conservation and/or restoration with scientific foundations and also to disseminate a reliable digital image of the most beautiful ceiling of this Renaissance palace in southern Europe.Instituto Universitario de Arquitectura y Ciencias de la Construcción (IUACC) of the VII Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia in the University of Sevill