45 research outputs found

    The Influence of Juncus-rhizosphere Dissolved Organic Matter on Coastal Plankton Communities

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    Many aquatic plants produce copious amounts of dissolved organic matter (DOM) which enters surrounding waters and potentially stimulates planktonic activity. In the northern Gulf of Mexico, Juncus roemarianus (i.e. black needlerush) is a dominant marsh grass species residing in coastal zones and barrier islands. The below-ground biomass i.e. rhizosphere, can be consistently submerged, serving as a potential source of DOM to the surrounding waters. The lability and possible stimulatory effect of J. roemarianus DOM was examined for three plankton communities collected within the discharge region of Mobile Bay and adjacent waters of Gulf Shores, Alabama (less affected by Mobile Bay). DOM within the pore water surrounding the J. roemarianus was extracted, concentrated, and added to the field communities along with positive (i.e. addition of labile organic matter) and negative (i.e. no additions) controls. In the Mobile Bay experiment, the DOM addition stimulated increased autotrophic biomass and heterotrophic activity well above that observed in the negative controls. However, experiments utilizing Gulf Shores water showed little to no stimulation. Our results suggest that J. roemarianus DOM addition may stimulate planktonic activity; however, the degree of enhancement is likely controlled by the community composition and water properties (e.g. nutrient availability)

    Experimental study on coronary perfusion with selective brain cooling for direct aortic surgery

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    1. Retrograde coronary perfusion in combination with selective brain cooling by irrigation was investigated in dogs, in comparison with direct coronary artery perfusion. 2. High incidence of ventricular fibrillation was seen in both methods in hypothermic state. Operation at the normal temperature using extracorporeal circulation is desirable, 3. In view of the above results optimal perfusion pressure appears 30 mm Hg. in retroperfusion, while 100 mm Hg. in direct coronary artery perfusion. 4. The right ventricle anoxia is an undesirable feature in retroperfusion, while the left ventricle showed a tendency to slight anoxia in both methods.</p

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe palladium-catalyzed functionalization of sp3-hybridized carbons has been an active area of research in recent years. In order to accomplish such transformations, control of β-hydride elimination is one of the central issues to be addressed. In our group, palladium-catalyzed hydro- and difunctionalization reactions of alkenes have been a long-standing area of interest, and we have developed several catalytic systems that achieve precise control of β-hydride elimination from various Pd complexes. Three of these systems are presented in this thesis. In the first chapter, a hydroalkoxylation of styrenes is discussed. In this method, it is proposed that a Pd hydride is generated via Pd-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of an alcohol solvent. The substrate would then insert into the Pd-H bond to form a Pd alkyl intermediate, which undergoes nucleophilic substitution to yield the overall hydroalkoxylation product. Mechanistic experiments performed in parallel with the development of this transformation highlighted the precise control over relative rates of the different steps that is necessary for the reaction to proceed effectively. Importantly, the stabilization imparted by π-benzyl interactions on the Pd alkyl intermediates was found to be crucial to allow for their functionalization. In the second chapter, an asymmetric hydroarylation of styrenes and dienes is described. This was developed on the basis of several racemic styrene and diene hydroarylation reactions previously reported by our laboratory. Analogously to the hydroalkoxylation, oxidation of the alcohol solvent was proposed to provide the hydrogen incorporated into product; and formation of a Pd π-benzyl or π-allyl intermediate was found to be essential for further functionalization. Toward the development of an asymmetric variant of this reaction, several classes of ligands were explored, with bisoxazolines giving the highest enantioselectivities. Bisoxazolines were then systematically modified and evaluated. As the effort toward an asymmetric hydroarylation was only moderately successful, we chose to investigate other routes to access hydroarylation-type products, as presented in Chapter 3. Specifically, we decided to access Pd π-allyl complexes from homoallyl electrophiles by "walking" the Pd along the carbon chain of the substrate. This would result in a novel approach to Pd π-allyl complexes and their functionalization, which has the potential to be further developed into an asymmetric reaction. The development of this reaction as well as the preliminary scope and mechanism are presented

    UA12/5 WKU Housing - Your Home Away From Home

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    Brochure describing residence halls on WKU campus. Includes photos, floor plans and a campus map

    A randomized prospective comparative study of nerve stimulator and ultrasonogram in popliteal sciatic nerve block for ankle and foot surgeries

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    Background: Regional blocks in the field of anaesthesia were done traditionally with paraesthesia technique. To overcome the demerits with paraesthesia technique, nerve locator was applied for nerve blocks. Later, the application of ultrasonogram for regional blocks got the real time imaging of the nerves and drug administration. This resulted in publications of numerous studies with variable results. Therefore we planned to compare ultrasonogram and nerve locator in popliteal sciatic nerve block in our population.Methods: A prospective, randomized, observer blinded study was planned to compare the nerve stimulator (Group N) and ultrasound (Group U) on duration of ‘block technique’, number of needle reinsertions in popliteal sciatic nerve block for ankle and foot surgeries. We included all consented patients aged ≥18 years of both genders belonging to ASA I to III and excluded pregnant mothers, diabetes mellitus, neuropathy, chronic opioid use, positioning difficulty, coagulopathy, nerve block contraindications, local anaesthetic allergic patients.Results: The duration of block technique in Group U = 262.00 ± 108.36 Seconds and Group N = 715.16 ± 234.66 Seconds with statistically significant P value = 0.0001. The average number of needle reinsertions in Group N = 6.05 ± 2.31 and Group U = 2.46 ± 1.11 with statistically significant p value of 0.0001. Therefore the time taken to perform the block and the number of needle reinsertions in Group U is shorter than the Group N.Conclusion: The duration of block technique and number of needle reinsertions are better with ultrasound. Though the onset of motor and sensory blockade were better with ultrasound success rate is not significantly different.

    Solventless Extraction of Essential Oil

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    Essential oil is one of an important concentrated liquid that possesses many physical, chemical and pharmacological properties. Extraction of essential is one of the main issues in the last decade. Conventional treatment consisting of hydrodistillation and steam distillation has many disadvantages and finds difficult to purify essential oil. Now, it is much easier to extract essential oil with the invention of new greener technologies that reduce the involvement of solvent, decrease the extraction time, energy and descent the interaction of the concentrated volatile liquid with atmospheric oxygen through the application of vacuum

    Posoperatorio inmediato de trasplante pulmonar: mapeo de intervenciones de enfermería

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    OBJETIVOS: conocer las principales intervenciones/acciones de enfermería prescritas para el posoperatorio inmediato de los receptores de trasplante pulmonar, registrados en las fichas médicas y mapear esas prescripciones con la taxonomía Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). MÉTODO: investigación documental retrospectiva compuesta por 183 fichas médicas de pacientes sometidos a trasplante pulmonar (2007/2012). Los datos del perfil de los pacientes fueron agrupados de acuerdo con las variables investigadas y sometidos al análisis descriptivo. Las intervenciones de enfermería prescritas fueron analizadas por el método del mapeo cruzado con las intervenciones relacionadas en la NIC. Se excluyeron las fichas médicas sin prescripciones de enfermería. RESULTADOS: la mayoría de los pacientes era hombre, con diagnóstico médico de fibrosis pulmonar, sometidos a trasplante pulmonar con donador fallecido. Se encontraron 26 intervenciones/acciones más citadas. La mayoría (91,6%) pertenecía a los dominios fisiológicos complejo y básico de la NIC. No fue posible mapear dos acciones prescritas por los enfermeros. CONCLUSIONES: se identificó que las principales prescripciones contenían cuidados generales de posoperatorio de cirugías de gran porte, y no individualizadas para paciente en posoperatorio de trasplante pulmonar. Los cuidados relacionados al dolor fueron subestimados en las prescripciones. El mapeo con la taxonomía puede contribuir para la elaboración del plan de cuidados y la utilización de sistemas computarizados en esta compleja modalidad terapéutica.OBJETIVOS: conhecer as principais intervenções/ações de enfermagem prescritas no pós-operatório imediato dos receptores de transplante pulmonar, registradas nos prontuários, e mapear com a taxonomia Nursing Interventions Classification. MÉTODO: pesquisa documental retrospectiva, composta por 183 prontuários de pacientes submetidos a transplante pulmonar (2007/2012). Os dados do perfil dos pacientes foram agrupados de acordo com as variáveis investigadas e submetidos às análises descritivas. As intervenções de enfermagem prescritas foram analisadas pelo método de mapeamento cruzado com as intervenções relacionadas na Nursing Interventions Classification. Excluíram-se prontuários sem prescrições de enfermagem. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos pacientes era composta por homens, com diagnóstico médico de fibrose pulmonar e submetidos a transplante pulmonar com doador falecido. Encontraram-se 26 intervenções/ações mais citadas. A maioria (91,6%) alocou-se nos domínios fisiológico complexo e básico da Classification Nursing Information. Não foi possível mapear duas ações prescritas pelos enfermeiros. CONCLUSÕES: identificou-se que as principais prescrições continham cuidados gerais de pós-operatório de cirurgias de grande porte, e não individualizadas ao paciente em pós-operatório de transplante pulmonar. Cuidados relacionados à dor foram subestimados nas prescrições. O mapeamento com a taxonomia pode contribuir para a elaboração do plano de cuidados e utilização de sistemas informatizados nessa complexa modalidade terapêutica.OBJECTIVES: to investigate the principle nursing interventions/actions, prescribed in the immediate post-operative period for patients who receive lung transplantation, recorded in the medical records, and to map these using the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) taxonomy. METHOD: retrospective documental research using 183 medical records of patients who received lung transplantation (2007/2012). The data of the patients' profile were grouped in accordance with the variables investigated, and submitted to descriptive analysis. The nursing interventions prescribed were analyzed using the method of cross-mapping with the related interventions in the NIC. Medical records which did not contain nursing prescriptions were excluded. RESULTS: the majority of the patients were male, with medical diagnoses of pulmonary fibrosis, and underwent lung transplantation from a deceased donor. A total of 26 most frequently-cited interventions/actions were found. The majority (91.6%) were in the complex and basic physiological domains of the NIC. It was not possible to map two actions prescribed by the nurses. CONCLUSIONS: it was identified that the main prescriptions contained general care for the postoperative period of major surgery, rather than prescriptions individualized to the patient in the postoperative period following lung transplantation. Care measures related to pain were underestimated in the prescriptions. The mapping with the taxonomy can contribute to the elaboration of the care plan and to the use of computerized systems in this complex mode of therapy

    How to be a Successful Organic Chemist

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    How to be a successful organic chemist is meant as an introductory text for undergraduates taking organic chemistry teaching labs. The text is a clear and practical introduction to safety, chemical handling, organic chemistry techniques, and lab reports. Adopt/Adapt If you are an instructor adopting or adapting this PDXOpen textbook, please help us understand your use by filling out this formhttps://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/pdxopen/1021/thumbnail.jp