253 research outputs found

    Optogenetic Brain Interfaces

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    The brain is a large network of interconnected neurons where each cell functions as a nonlinear processing element. Unraveling the mysteries of information processing in the complex networks of the brain requires versatile neurostimulation and imaging techniques. Optogenetics is a new stimulation method which allows the activity of neurons to be modulated by light. For this purpose, the cell-types of interest are genetically targeted to produce light-sensitive proteins. Once these proteins are expressed, neural activity can be controlled by exposing the cells to light of appropriate wavelengths. Optogenetics provides a unique combination of features, including multimodal control over neural function and genetic targeting of specific cell-types. Together, these versatile features combine to a powerful experimental approach, suitable for the study of the circuitry of psychiatric and neurological disorders. The advent of optogenetics was followed by extensive research aimed to produce new lines of light-sensitive proteins and to develop new technologies: for example, to control the distribution of light inside the brain tissue or to combine optogenetics with other modalities including electrophysiology, electrocorticography, nonlinear microscopy, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. In this paper, the authors review some of the recent advances in the field of optogenetics and related technologies and provide their vision for the future of the field.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific Grant/Contract No. N66001-12-C-4025)University of Wisconsin--Madison (Research growth initiative; grant 101X254)University of Wisconsin--Madison (Research growth initiative; grant 101X172)University of Wisconsin--Madison (Research growth initiative; grant 101X213)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (MRSEC DMR-0819762)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF CAREER CBET-1253890)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH/NIBIB R00 Award (4R00EB008738)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Director’s New Innovator award (1-DP2-OD002989))Okawa Foundation (Research Grant Award)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (1DP2OD007265))National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF CAREER Award (1056008)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Fellowship)Human Frontier Science Program (Strasbourg, France) (Grant No. 1351/12)Israeli Centers of Research Excellence (I-CORE grant, program 51/11)MINERVA Foundation (Germany

    Automated detection and analysis of fluorescence changes evoked by molecular signalling

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    Fluorescent dyes and genetically encoded fluorescence indicators (GEFI) are common tools for visualizing concentration changes of specific ions and messenger molecules during intra- as well as intercellular communication. While fluorescent dyes have to be directly loaded into target cells and function only transiently, the expression of GEFIs can be controlled in a cell and time-specific fashion, even allowing long-term analysis in living organisms. Dye and GEFI based fluorescence fluctuations, recorded using advanced imaging technologies, are the foundation for the analysis of physiological molecular signaling. Analyzing the plethora of complex fluorescence signals is a laborious and time-consuming task. An automated analysis of fluorescent signals circumvents user bias and time constraints. However, it requires to overcome several challenges, including correct estimation of fluorescence fluctuations at basal concentrations of messenger molecules, detection and extraction of events themselves, proper segmentation of neighboring events as well as tracking of propagating events. Moreover, event detection algorithms need to be sensitive enough to accurately capture localized and low amplitude events exhibiting a limited spatial extent. This thesis presents three novel algorithms, PBasE, CoRoDe and KalEve, for the automated analysis of fluorescence events, developed to overcome the aforementioned challenges. The algorithms are integrated into a graphical application called MSparkles, specifically designed for the analysis of fluorescence signals, developed in MATLAB. The capabilities of the algorithms are demonstrated by analyzing astroglial Ca2+ events, recorded in anesthetized and awake mice, visualized using genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators (GECIs) GCaMP3 as well as GCaMP5. The results were compared to those obtained by other software packages. In addition, the analysis of neuronal Na+ events recorded in acute brain slices using SBFI-AM serve to indicate the putatively broad application range of the presented algorithms. Finally, due to increasing evidence of the pivotal role of astrocytes in neurodegenerative diseases such as epilepsy, a metric to assess the synchronous occurrence of fluorescence events is introduced. In a proof-of-principle analysis, this metric is used to correlate astroglial Ca2+ events with EEG measurementsFluoreszenzfarbstoffe und genetisch kodierte Fluoreszenzindikatoren (GEFI) sind gängige Werkzeuge zur Visualisierung von Konzentrationsänderungen bestimmter Ionen und Botenmoleküle der intra- sowie interzellulären Kommunikation. Während Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe direkt in die Zielzellen eingebracht werden müssen und nur über einen begrenzten Zeitraum funktionieren, kann die Expression von GEFIs zell- und zeitspezifisch gesteuert werden, was darüber hinaus Langzeitanalysen in lebenden Organismen ermöglicht. Farbstoff- und GEFI-basierte Fluoreszenzfluktuationen, die mit Hilfe moderner bildgebender Verfahren aufgezeichnet werden, bilden die Grundlage für die Analyse physiologischer molekularer Kommunikation. Die Analyse einer großen Zahl komplexer Fluoreszenzsignale ist jedoch eine schwierige und zeitaufwändige Aufgabe. Eine automatisierte Analyse ist dagegen weniger zeitaufwändig und unabhängig von der Voreingenommenheit des Anwenders. Allerdings müssen hierzu mehrere Herausforderungen bewältigt werden. Unter anderem die korrekte Schätzung von Fluoreszenzschwankungen bei Basalkonzentrationen von Botenmolekülen, die Detektion und Extraktion von Signalen selbst, die korrekte Segmentierung benachbarter Signale sowie die Verfolgung sich ausbreitender Signale. Darüber hinaus müssen die Algorithmen zur Signalerkennung empfindlich genug sein, um lokalisierte Signale mit geringer Amplitude sowie begrenzter räumlicher Ausdehnung genau zu erfassen. In dieser Arbeit werden drei neue Algorithmen, PBasE, CoRoDe und KalEve, für die automatische Extraktion und Analyse von Fluoreszenzsignalen vorgestellt, die entwickelt wurden, um die oben genannten Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Die Algorithmen sind in eine grafische Anwendung namens MSparkles integriert, die speziell für die Analyse von Fluoreszenzsignalen entwickelt und in MATLAB implementiert wurde. Die Fähigkeiten der Algorithmen werden anhand der Analyse astroglialer Ca2+-Signale demonstriert, die in narkotisierten sowie wachen Mäusen aufgezeichnet und mit den genetisch kodierten Ca2+-Indikatoren (GECIs) GCaMP3 und GCaMP5 visualisiert wurden. Erlangte Ergebnisse werden anschließend mit denen anderer Softwarepakete verglichen. Darüber hinaus dient die Analyse neuronaler Na+-Signale, die in akuten Hirnschnitten mit SBFI-AM aufgezeichnet wurden, dazu, den breiten Anwendungsbereich der Algorithmen aufzuzeigen. Zu guter Letzt wird aufgrund der zunehmenden Indizien auf die zentrale Rolle von Astrozyten bei neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen wie Epilepsie eine Metrik zur Bewertung des synchronen Auftretens fluoreszenter Signale eingeführt. In einer Proof-of-Principle-Analyse wird diese Metrik verwendet, um astrogliale Ca2+-Signale mit EEG-Messungen zu korrelieren

    Linking brain activity across scales with simultaneous opto- and electrophysiology

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    The brain enables adaptive behavior via the dynamic coordination of diverse neuronal signals across spatial and temporal scales: from fast action potential patterns in microcircuits to slower patterns of distributed activity in brain-wide networks. Understanding principles of multiscale dynamics requires simultaneous monitoring of signals in multiple, distributed network nodes. Combining optical and electrical recordings of brain activity is promising for collecting data across multiple scales and can reveal aspects of coordinated dynamics invisible to standard, single-modality approaches. We review recent progress in combining opto- and electrophysiology, focusing on mouse studies that shed new light on the function of single neurons by embedding their activity in the context of brain-wide activity patterns. Optical and electrical readouts can be tailored to desired scales to tackle specific questions. For example, fast dynamics in single cells or local populations recorded with multi-electrode arrays can be related to simultaneously acquired optical signals that report activity in specified subpopulations of neurons, in non-neuronal cells, or in neuromodulatory pathways. Conversely, two-photon imaging can be used to densely monitor activity in local circuits while sampling electrical activity in distant brain areas at the same time. The refinement of combined approaches will continue to reveal previously inaccessible and under-appreciated aspects of coordinated brain activity

    Inverse Current Source Density Method in Two Dimensions: Inferring Neural Activation from Multielectrode Recordings

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    The recent development of large multielectrode recording arrays has made it affordable for an increasing number of laboratories to record from multiple brain regions simultaneously. The development of analytical tools for array data, however, lags behind these technological advances in hardware. In this paper, we present a method based on forward modeling for estimating current source density from electrophysiological signals recorded on a two-dimensional grid using multi-electrode rectangular arrays. This new method, which we call two-dimensional inverse Current Source Density (iCSD 2D), is based upon and extends our previous one- and three-dimensional techniques. We test several variants of our method, both on surrogate data generated from a collection of Gaussian sources, and on model data from a population of layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons. We also apply the method to experimental data from the rat subiculum. The main advantages of the proposed method are the explicit specification of its assumptions, the possibility to include system-specific information as it becomes available, the ability to estimate CSD at the grid boundaries, and lower reconstruction errors when compared to the traditional approach. These features make iCSD 2D a substantial improvement over the approaches used so far and a powerful new tool for the analysis of multielectrode array data. We also provide a free GUI-based MATLAB toolbox to analyze and visualize our test data as well as user datasets

    The origin of extracellular fields and currents — EEG, ECoG, LFP and spikes

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    Neuronal activity in the brain gives rise to transmembrane currents that can be measured in the extracellular medium. Although the major contributor of the extracellular signal is the synaptic transmembrane current, other sources — including Na+ and Ca2+ spikes, ionic fluxes through voltage- and ligand-gated channels, and intrinsic membrane oscillations — can substantially shape the extracellular field. High-density recordings of field activity in animals and subdural grid recordings in humans, combined with recently developed data processing tools and computational modelling, can provide insight into the cooperative behaviour of neurons, their average synaptic input and their spiking output, and can increase our understanding of how these processes contribute to the extracellular signal

    Comparative analysis of TMS-EEG signal using different approaches in healthy subjects

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    openThe integration of transcranial magnetic stimulation with electroencephalography (TMS-EEG) represents a useful non-invasive approach to assess cortical excitability, plasticity and intra-cortical connectivity in humans in physiological and pathological conditions. However, biological and environmental noise sources can contaminate the TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs). Therefore, signal preprocessing represents a fundamental step in the analysis of these potentials and is critical to remove artefactual components while preserving the physiological brain activity. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effects of different signal processing pipelines, (namely Leodori et al., Rogasch et al., Mutanen et al.) applied on TEPs recorded in five healthy volunteers after TMS stimulation of the primary motor cortex (M1) of the dominant hemisphere. These pipelines were used and compared to remove artifacts and improve the quality of the recorded signals, laying the foundation for subsequent analyses. Various algorithms, such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA), SOUND, and SSP-SIR, were used in each pipeline. Furthermore, after signal preprocessing, current localization was performed to map the TMS-induced neural activation in the cortex. This methodology provided valuable information on the spatial distribution of activity and further validated the effectiveness of the signal cleaning pipelines. Comparing the effects of the different pipelines on the same dataset, we observed considerable variability in how the pipelines affect various signal characteristics. We observed significant differences in the effects on signal amplitude and in the identification and characterisation of peaks of interest, i.e., P30, N45, P60, N100, P180. The identification and characteristics of these peaks showed variability, especially with regard to the early peaks, which reflect the cortical excitability of the stimulated area and are the more affected by biological and stimulation-related artifacts. Despite these differences, the topographies and source localisation, which are the most informative and useful in reconstructing signal dynamics, were consistent and reliable between the different pipelines considered. The results suggest that the existing methodologies for analysing TEPs produce different effects on the data, but are all capable of reproducing the dynamics of the signal and its components. Future studies evaluating different signal preprocessing methods in larger populations are needed to determine an appropriate workflow that can be shared through the scientific community, in order to make the results obtained in different centres comparable

    Localizing ECoG electrodes on the cortical anatomy without post-implantation imaging

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    AbstractIntroductionElectrocorticographic (ECoG) grids are placed subdurally on the cortex in people undergoing cortical resection to delineate eloquent cortex. ECoG signals have high spatial and temporal resolution and thus can be valuable for neuroscientific research. The value of these data is highest when they can be related to the cortical anatomy. Existing methods that establish this relationship rely either on post-implantation imaging using computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-Rays, or on intra-operative photographs. For research purposes, it is desirable to localize ECoG electrodes on the brain anatomy even when post-operative imaging is not available or when intra-operative photographs do not readily identify anatomical landmarks.MethodsWe developed a method to co-register ECoG electrodes to the underlying cortical anatomy using only a pre-operative MRI, a clinical neuronavigation device (such as BrainLab VectorVision), and fiducial markers. To validate our technique, we compared our results to data collected from six subjects who also had post-grid implantation imaging available. We compared the electrode coordinates obtained by our fiducial-based method to those obtained using existing methods, which are based on co-registering pre- and post-grid implantation images.ResultsOur fiducial-based method agreed with the MRI–CT method to within an average of 8.24mm (mean, median=7.10mm) across 6 subjects in 3 dimensions. It showed an average discrepancy of 2.7mm when compared to the results of the intra-operative photograph method in a 2D coordinate system. As this method does not require post-operative imaging such as CTs, our technique should prove useful for research in intra-operative single-stage surgery scenarios.To demonstrate the use of our method, we applied our method during real-time mapping of eloquent cortex during a single-stage surgery. The results demonstrated that our method can be applied intra-operatively in the absence of post-operative imaging to acquire ECoG signals that can be valuable for neuroscientific investigations

    Dynamic Thermal Imaging for Intraoperative Monitoring of Neuronal Activity and Cortical Perfusion

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    Neurosurgery is a demanding medical discipline that requires a complex interplay of several neuroimaging techniques. This allows structural as well as functional information to be recovered and then visualized to the surgeon. In the case of tumor resections this approach allows more fine-grained differentiation of healthy and pathological tissue which positively influences the postoperative outcome as well as the patient's quality of life. In this work, we will discuss several approaches to establish thermal imaging as a novel neuroimaging technique to primarily visualize neural activity and perfusion state in case of ischaemic stroke. Both applications require novel methods for data-preprocessing, visualization, pattern recognition as well as regression analysis of intraoperative thermal imaging. Online multimodal integration of preoperative and intraoperative data is accomplished by a 2D-3D image registration and image fusion framework with an average accuracy of 2.46 mm. In navigated surgeries, the proposed framework generally provides all necessary tools to project intraoperative 2D imaging data onto preoperative 3D volumetric datasets like 3D MR or CT imaging. Additionally, a fast machine learning framework for the recognition of cortical NaCl rinsings will be discussed throughout this thesis. Hereby, the standardized quantification of tissue perfusion by means of an approximated heating model can be achieved. Classifying the parameters of these models yields a map of connected areas, for which we have shown that these areas correlate with the demarcation caused by an ischaemic stroke segmented in postoperative CT datasets. Finally, a semiparametric regression model has been developed for intraoperative neural activity monitoring of the somatosensory cortex by somatosensory evoked potentials. These results were correlated with neural activity of optical imaging. We found that thermal imaging yields comparable results, yet doesn't share the limitations of optical imaging. In this thesis we would like to emphasize that thermal imaging depicts a novel and valid tool for both intraoperative functional and structural neuroimaging

    Beyond language: The unspoken sensory-motor representation of the tongue in non-primates, non-human and human primates

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    The English idiom “on the tip of my tongue” commonly acknowledges that something is known, but it cannot be immediately brought to mind. This phrase accurately describes sensorimotor functions of the tongue, which are fundamental for many tongue-related behaviors (e.g., speech), but often neglected by scientific research. Here, we review a wide range of studies conducted on non-primates, non-human and human primates with the aim of providing a comprehensive description of the cortical representation of the tongue's somatosensory inputs and motor outputs across different phylogenetic domains. First, we summarize how the properties of passive non-noxious mechanical stimuli are encoded in the putative somatosensory tongue area, which has a conserved location in the ventral portion of the somatosensory cortex across mammals. Second, we review how complex self-generated actions involving the tongue are represented in more anterior regions of the putative somato-motor tongue area. Finally, we describe multisensory response properties of the primate and non-primate tongue area by also defining how the cytoarchitecture of this area is affected by experience and deafferentation

    Angiography and Monitoring of Hemodynamic Signals in the Brain via Optical Coherence Tomography

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    The brain is a complex network of interconnected neurons with each cell functioning as a nonlinear processing unit. Neural responses to stimulus can be described by activity in neurons. While blood flow changes have been associated with neural activity and are critical to brain function, this neurovascular coupling is not well understood. This work presents a technique for neurovascular interrogation, combining optogenetics and optical coherence tomography. Optogenetics is a recently developed neuromodulation technique to control activity in the brain using light with precise spatial neuronal control and high temporal resolution. Using this method, cells act as light-gated ion channels and respond to photo stimulation by increasing or decreasing activity. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) is a noninvasive imaging modality that has the ability to image millimeter range depth and with micrometer resolution. SD-OCT has been shown to image rodent cortical microvasculature in-vivo and detect hemodynamic changes in blood vessels. Our proposed system combines optogenetics and SD-OCT to image cortical patches of the brain with the capability of simultaneously stimulating the brain. The combination allows investigation of the hemodynamic changes in response to neural stimulation. Our results detected changes in blood vessel diameter and velocity before, during and after optogenetic stimulation and is presented