1,780 research outputs found

    Resolving transition metal chemical space: feature selection for machine learning and structure-property relationships

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    Machine learning (ML) of quantum mechanical properties shows promise for accelerating chemical discovery. For transition metal chemistry where accurate calculations are computationally costly and available training data sets are small, the molecular representation becomes a critical ingredient in ML model predictive accuracy. We introduce a series of revised autocorrelation functions (RACs) that encode relationships between the heuristic atomic properties (e.g., size, connectivity, and electronegativity) on a molecular graph. We alter the starting point, scope, and nature of the quantities evaluated in standard ACs to make these RACs amenable to inorganic chemistry. On an organic molecule set, we first demonstrate superior standard AC performance to other presently-available topological descriptors for ML model training, with mean unsigned errors (MUEs) for atomization energies on set-aside test molecules as low as 6 kcal/mol. For inorganic chemistry, our RACs yield 1 kcal/mol ML MUEs on set-aside test molecules in spin-state splitting in comparison to 15-20x higher errors from feature sets that encode whole-molecule structural information. Systematic feature selection methods including univariate filtering, recursive feature elimination, and direct optimization (e.g., random forest and LASSO) are compared. Random-forest- or LASSO-selected subsets 4-5x smaller than RAC-155 produce sub- to 1-kcal/mol spin-splitting MUEs, with good transferability to metal-ligand bond length prediction (0.004-5 {\AA} MUE) and redox potential on a smaller data set (0.2-0.3 eV MUE). Evaluation of feature selection results across property sets reveals the relative importance of local, electronic descriptors (e.g., electronegativity, atomic number) in spin-splitting and distal, steric effects in redox potential and bond lengths.Comment: 43 double spaced pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Computational characterization of bulk heterojunction nanomorphology

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    The bulk heterojunction (BHJ) nanomorphology in organic solar cells strongly affects the final efficiency of the device. Progress in experimental techniques now allows visualization of the complex 3D BHJ morphology. It is, therefore, important to characterize the topological properties of the morphology in order to quantify the link between morphology features and performance. Here, we introduce a suite of morphology descriptors which encode the complex nature of the multi-stage photovoltaic process in the BHJ. These morphology descriptors are easily determined using an approach based on converting the morphology into an equivalent weighted, labeled, undirected graph. We show how these descriptors can be used to interrogate BHJ morphologies, allow identification of bottlenecks in the photovoltaic process, and conduct quantitative comparison between morphologies with respect to each sub-process in the photovoltaic phenomena. This framework provides a simple and easy-to-use characterization tool that can be used to unravel the impact of morphology on complex transport phenomena

    Microstructure design using graphs

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    Thin films with tailored microstructures are an emerging class of materials with applications such as battery electrodes, organic electronics, and biosensors. Such thin film devices typically exhibit a multi-phase microstructure that is confined, and show large anisotropy. Current approaches to microstructure design focus on optimizing bulk properties, by tuning features that are statistically averaged over a representative volume. Here, we report a tool for morphogenesis posed as a graph-based optimization problem that evolves microstructures recognizing confinement and anisotropy constraints. We illustrate the approach by designing optimized morphologies for photovoltaic applications, and evolve an initial morphology into an optimized morphology exhibiting substantially improved short circuit current (68% improvement over a conventional bulk-heterojunction morphology). We show optimized morphologies across a range of thicknesses exhibiting self-similar behavior. Results suggest that thicker films (250 nm) can be used to harvest more incident energy. Our graph based morphogenesis is broadly applicable to microstructure-sensitive design of batteries, biosensors and related applications

    Computer Aided Aroma Design. II. Quantitative structure-odour relationship

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    Computer Aided Aroma Design (CAAD) is likely to become a hot issue as the REACH EC document targets many aroma compounds to require substitution. The two crucial steps in CAMD are the generation of candidate molecules and the estimation of properties, which can be difficult when complex molecular structures like odours are sought and their odour quality are definitely subjective or their odour intensity are partly subjective as stated in Rossitier’s review (1996). The CAAD methodology and a novel molecular framework were presented in part I. Part II focuses on a classification methodology to characterize the odour quality of molecules based on Structure – Odour Relation (SOR). Using 2D and 3D molecular descriptors, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Artificial Neural Network are compared in favour of LDA. The classification into balsamic / non balsamic quality was satisfactorily solved. The classification among five sub notes of the balsamic quality was less successful, partly due to the selection of the Aldrich’s Catalog as the reference classification. For the second case, it is shown that the sweet sub note considered in Aldrich’s Catalog is not a relevant sub note, confirming the alternative and popular classification of Jaubert et al., (1995), the field of odours