102 research outputs found

    DESTINY: A Comprehensive Tool with 3D and Multi-Level Cell Memory Modeling Capability

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    To enable the design of large capacity memory structures, novel memory technologies such as non-volatile memory (NVM) and novel fabrication approaches, e.g., 3D stacking and multi-level cell (MLC) design have been explored. The existing modeling tools, however, cover only a few memory technologies, technology nodes and fabrication approaches. We present DESTINY, a tool for modeling 2D/3D memories designed using SRAM, resistive RAM (ReRAM), spin transfer torque RAM (STT-RAM), phase change RAM (PCM) and embedded DRAM (eDRAM) and 2D memories designed using spin orbit torque RAM (SOT-RAM), domain wall memory (DWM) and Flash memory. In addition to single-level cell (SLC) designs for all of these memories, DESTINY also supports modeling MLC designs for NVMs. We have extensively validated DESTINY against commercial and research prototypes of these memories. DESTINY is very useful for performing design-space exploration across several dimensions, such as optimizing for a target (e.g., latency, area or energy-delay product) for a given memory technology, choosing the suitable memory technology or fabrication method (i.e., 2D v/s 3D) for a given optimization target, etc. We believe that DESTINY will boost studies of next-generation memory architectures used in systems ranging from mobile devices to extreme-scale supercomputers. The latest source-code of DESTINY is available from the following git repository: https://bitbucket.org/sparsh_mittal/destiny_v2

    Energy-Aware Data Movement In Non-Volatile Memory Hierarchies

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    While technology scaling enables increased density for memory cells, the intrinsic high leakage power of conventional CMOS technology and the demand for reduced energy consumption inspires the use of emerging technology alternatives such as eDRAM and Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) including STT-MRAM, PCM, and RRAM. The utilization of emerging technology in Last Level Cache (LLC) designs which occupies a signifcant fraction of total die area in Chip Multi Processors (CMPs) introduces new dimensions of vulnerability, energy consumption, and performance delivery. To be specific, a part of this research focuses on eDRAM Bit Upset Vulnerability Factor (BUVF) to assess vulnerable portion of the eDRAM refresh cycle where the critical charge varies depending on the write voltage, storage and bit-line capacitance. This dissertation broaden the study on vulnerability assessment of LLC through investigating the impact of Process Variations (PV) on narrow resistive sensing margins in high-density NVM arrays, including on-chip cache and primary memory. Large-latency and power-hungry Sense Amplifers (SAs) have been adapted to combat PV in the past. Herein, a novel approach is proposed to leverage the PV in NVM arrays using Self-Organized Sub-bank (SOS) design. SOS engages the preferred SA alternative based on the intrinsic as-built behavior of the resistive sensing timing margin to reduce the latency and power consumption while maintaining acceptable access time. On the other hand, this dissertation investigates a novel technique to prioritize the service to 1) Extensive Read Reused Accessed blocks of the LLC that are silently dropped from higher levels of cache, and 2) the portion of the working set that may exhibit distant re-reference interval in L2. In particular, we develop a lightweight Multi-level Access History Profiler to effciently identify ERRA blocks through aggregating the LLC block addresses tagged with identical Most Signifcant Bits into a single entry. Experimental results indicate that the proposed technique can reduce the L2 read miss ratio by 51.7% on average across PARSEC and SPEC2006 workloads. In addition, this dissertation will broaden and apply advancements in theories of subspace recovery to pioneer computationally-aware in-situ operand reconstruction via the novel Logic In Interconnect (LI2) scheme. LI2 will be developed, validated, and re?ned both theoretically and experimentally to realize a radically different approach to post-Moore\u27s Law computing by leveraging low-rank matrices features offering data reconstruction instead of fetching data from main memory to reduce energy/latency cost per data movement. We propose LI2 enhancement to attain high performance delivery in the post-Moore\u27s Law era through equipping the contemporary micro-architecture design with a customized memory controller which orchestrates the memory request for fetching low-rank matrices to customized Fine Grain Reconfigurable Accelerator (FGRA) for reconstruction while the other memory requests are serviced as before. The goal of LI2 is to conquer the high latency/energy required to traverse main memory arrays in the case of LLC miss, by using in-situ construction of the requested data dealing with low-rank matrices. Thus, LI2 exchanges a high volume of data transfers with a novel lightweight reconstruction method under specific conditions using a cross-layer hardware/algorithm approach

    Automatic synthesis and optimization of chip multiprocessors

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    The microprocessor technology has experienced an enormous growth during the last decades. Rapid downscale of the CMOS technology has led to higher operating frequencies and performance densities, facing the fundamental issue of power dissipation. Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) have become the latest paradigm to improve the power-performance efficiency of computing systems by exploiting the parallelism inherent in applications. Industrial and prototype implementations have already demonstrated the benefits achieved by CMPs with hundreds of cores.CMP architects are challenged to take many complex design decisions. Only a few of them are:- What should be the ratio between the core and cache areas on a chip?- Which core architectures to select?- How many cache levels should the memory subsystem have?- Which interconnect topologies provide efficient on-chip communication?These and many other aspects create a complex multidimensional space for architectural exploration. Design Automation tools become essential to make the architectural exploration feasible under the hard time-to-market constraints. The exploration methods have to be efficient and scalable to handle future generation on-chip architectures with hundreds or thousands of cores.Furthermore, once a CMP has been fabricated, the need for efficient deployment of the many-core processor arises. Intelligent techniques for task mapping and scheduling onto CMPs are necessary to guarantee the full usage of the benefits brought by the many-core technology. These techniques have to consider the peculiarities of the modern architectures, such as availability of enhanced power saving techniques and presence of complex memory hierarchies.This thesis has several objectives. The first objective is to elaborate the methods for efficient analytical modeling and architectural design space exploration of CMPs. The efficiency is achieved by using analytical models instead of simulation, and replacing the exhaustive exploration with an intelligent search strategy. Additionally, these methods incorporate high-level models for physical planning. The related contributions are described in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of the document.The second objective of this work is to propose a scalable task mapping algorithm onto general-purpose CMPs with power management techniques, for efficient deployment of many-core systems. This contribution is explained in Chapter 6 of this document.Finally, the third objective of this thesis is to address the issues of the on-chip interconnect design and exploration, by developing a model for simultaneous topology customization and deadlock-free routing in Networks-on-Chip. The developed methodology can be applied to various classes of the on-chip systems, ranging from general-purpose chip multiprocessors to application-specific solutions. Chapter 7 describes the proposed model.The presented methods have been thoroughly tested experimentally and the results are described in this dissertation. At the end of the document several possible directions for the future research are proposed

    Resource-aware scheduling for 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems

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    This dissertation addresses the complexities of 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems, focusing on two key areas: enhancing timing predictability in real-time multi-core processors and optimizing performance within thermal constraints. The integration of an increasing number of transistors into compact chip designs, while boosting computational capacity, presents challenges in resource contention and thermal management. The first part of the thesis improves timing predictability. We enhance shared cache interference analysis for set-associative caches, advancing the calculation of Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). This development enables accurate assessment of cache interference and the effectiveness of partitioned schedulers in real-world scenarios. We introduce TCPS, a novel task and cache-aware partitioned scheduler that optimizes cache partitioning based on task-specific WCET sensitivity, leading to improved schedulability and predictability. Our research explores various cache and scheduling configurations, providing insights into their performance trade-offs. The second part focuses on thermal management in 2D/3D many-core systems. Recognizing the limitations of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) in S-NUCA many-core processors, we propose synchronous thread migrations as a thermal management strategy. This approach culminates in the HotPotato scheduler, which balances performance and thermal safety. We also introduce 3D-TTP, a transient temperature-aware power budgeting strategy for 3D-stacked systems, reducing the need for Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) activation. Finally, we present 3QUTM, a novel method for 3D-stacked systems that combines core DVFS and memory bank Low Power Modes with a learning algorithm, optimizing response times within thermal limits. This research contributes significantly to enhancing performance and thermal management in advanced processor-memory systems

    A design methodology for robust, energy-efficient, application-aware memory systems

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    Memory design is a crucial component of VLSI system design from area, power and performance perspectives. To meet the increasingly challenging system specifications, architecture, circuit and device level innovations are required for existing memory technologies. Emerging memory solutions are widely explored to cater to strict budgets. This thesis presents design methodologies for custom memory design with the objective of power-performance benefits across specific applications. Taking example of STTRAM (spin transfer torque random access memory) as an emerging memory candidate, the design space is explored to find optimal energy design solution. A thorough thermal reliability study is performed to estimate detection reliability challenges and circuit solutions are proposed to ensure reliable operation. Adoption of the application-specific optimal energy solution is shown to yield considerable energy benefits in a read-heavy application called MBC (memory based computing). Circuit level customizations are studied for the volatile SRAM (static random access memory) memory, which will provide improved energy-delay product (EDP) for the same MBC application. Memory design has to be aware of upcoming challenges from not only the application nature but also from the packaging front. Taking 3D die-folding as an example, SRAM performance shift under die-folding is illustrated. Overall the thesis demonstrates how knowledge of the system and packaging can help in achieving power efficient and high performance memory design.Ph.D

    Investigating Single Precision Floating General Matrix Multiply in Heterogeneous Hardware

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    The fundamental operation of matrix multiplication is ubiquitous across a myriad of disciplines. Yet, the identification of new optimizations for matrix multiplication remains relevant for emerging hardware architectures and heterogeneous systems. Frameworks such as OpenCL enable computation orchestration on existing systems, and its availability using the Intel High Level Synthesis compiler allows users to architect new designs for reconfigurable hardware using C/C++. Using the HARPv2 as a vehicle for exploration, we investigate the utility of several of the most notable matrix multiplication optimizations to better understand the performance portability of OpenCL and the implications for such optimizations on this and future heterogeneous architectures. Our results give targeted insights into the applicability of best practices that were for existing architectures when used on emerging heterogeneous systems

    On Energy Efficient Computing Platforms

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    In accordance with the Moore's law, the increasing number of on-chip integrated transistors has enabled modern computing platforms with not only higher processing power but also more affordable prices. As a result, these platforms, including portable devices, work stations and data centres, are becoming an inevitable part of the human society. However, with the demand for portability and raising cost of power, energy efficiency has emerged to be a major concern for modern computing platforms. As the complexity of on-chip systems increases, Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been proved as an efficient communication architecture which can further improve system performances and scalability while reducing the design cost. Therefore, in this thesis, we study and propose energy optimization approaches based on NoC architecture, with special focuses on the following aspects. As the architectural trend of future computing platforms, 3D systems have many bene ts including higher integration density, smaller footprint, heterogeneous integration, etc. Moreover, 3D technology can signi cantly improve the network communication and effectively avoid long wirings, and therefore, provide higher system performance and energy efficiency. With the dynamic nature of on-chip communication in large scale NoC based systems, run-time system optimization is of crucial importance in order to achieve higher system reliability and essentially energy efficiency. In this thesis, we propose an agent based system design approach where agents are on-chip components which monitor and control system parameters such as supply voltage, operating frequency, etc. With this approach, we have analysed the implementation alternatives for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling and power gating techniques at different granularity, which reduce both dynamic and leakage energy consumption. Topologies, being one of the key factors for NoCs, are also explored for energy saving purpose. A Honeycomb NoC architecture is proposed in this thesis with turn-model based deadlock-free routing algorithms. Our analysis and simulation based evaluation show that Honeycomb NoCs outperform their Mesh based counterparts in terms of network cost, system performance as well as energy efficiency.Siirretty Doriast

    The Design of A High Capacity and Energy Efficient Phase Change Main Memory

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    Higher energy-efficiency has become essential in servers for a variety of reasons that range from heavy power and thermal constraints, environmental issues and financial savings. With main memory responsible for at least 30% of the energy consumed by a server, a low power main memory is fundamental to achieving this energy efficiency DRAM has been the technology of choice for main memory for the last three decades primarily because it traditionally combined relatively low power, high performance, low cost and high density. However, with DRAM nearing its density limit, alternative low-power memory technologies, such as Phase-change memory (PCM), have become a feasible replacement. PCM limitations, such as limited endurance and low write performance, preclude simple drop-in replacement and require new architectures and algorithms to be developed. A PCM main memory architecture (PMMA) is introduced in this dissertation, utilizing both DRAM and PCM, to create an energy-efficient main memory that is able to replace a DRAM-only memory. PMMA utilizes a number of techniques and architectural changes to achieve a level of performance that is par with DRAM. PMMA achieves gains in energy-delay of up to 65%, with less than 5% of performance loss and extremely high energy gains. To address the other major shortcoming of PCM, namely limited endurance, a novel, low- overhead wear-leveling algorithm that builds on PMMA is proposed that increases the lifetime of PMMA to match the expected server lifetime so that both server and memory subsystems become obsolete at about the same time. We also study how to better use the excess capacity, traditionally available on PCM devices, to obtain the highest lifetime possible. We show that under specific endurance distributions, the naive choice does not achieve the highest lifetime. We devise rules that empower the designer to select algorithms and parameters to achieve higher lifetime or simplify the design knowing the impact on the lifetime. The techniques presented also apply to other storage class memories (SCM) memories that suffer from limited endurance

    Energy-efficient architectures for chip-scale networks and memory systems using silicon-photonics technology

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    Today's supercomputers and cloud systems run many data-centric applications such as machine learning, graph algorithms, and cognitive processing, which have large data footprints and complex data access patterns. With computational capacity of large-scale systems projected to rise up to 50GFLOPS/W, the target energy-per-bit budget for data movement is expected to reach as low as 0.1pJ/bit, assuming 200bits/FLOP for data transfers. This tight energy budget impacts the design of both chip-scale networks and main memory systems. Conventional electrical links used in chip-scale networks (0.5-3pJ/bit) and DRAM systems used in main memory (>30pJ/bit) fail to provide sustained performance at low energy budgets. This thesis builds on the promising research on silicon-photonic technology to design system architectures and system management policies for chip-scale networks and main memory systems. The adoption of silicon-photonic links as chip-scale networks, however, is hampered by the high sensitivity of optical devices towards thermal and process variations. These device sensitivities result in high power overheads at high-speed communications. Moreover, applications differ in their resource utilization, resulting in application-specific thermal profiles and bandwidth needs. Similarly, optically-controlled memory systems designed using conventional electrical-based architectures require additional circuitry for electrical-to-optical and optical-to-electrical conversions within memory. These conversions increase the energy and latency per memory access. Due to these issues, chip-scale networks and memory systems designed using silicon-photonics technology leave much of their benefits underutilized. This thesis argues for the need to rearchitect memory systems and redesign network management policies such that they are aware of the application variability and the underlying device characteristics of silicon-photonic technology. We claim that such a cross-layer design enables a high-throughput and energy-efficient unified silicon-photonic link and main memory system. This thesis undertakes the cross-layer design with silicon-photonic technology in two fronts. First, we study the varying network bandwidth requirements across different applications and also within a given application. To address this variability, we develop bandwidth allocation policies that account for application needs and device sensitivities to ensure power-efficient operation of silicon-photonic links. Second, we design a novel architecture of an optically-controlled main memory system that is directly interfaced with silicon-photonic links using a novel read and write access protocol. Such a system ensures low-energy and high-throughput access from the processor to a high-density memory. To further address the diversity in application memory characteristics, we explore heterogeneous memory systems with multiple memory modules that provide varied power-performance benefits. We design a memory management policy for such systems that allocates pages at the granularity of memory objects within an application