130 research outputs found

    From the Horse\u27s Mouth: Voices of the Nonhuman in Classic Children\u27s Literature

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    Children’s literature often features anthropomorphized talking animal characters with individual lives and voices. This thesis clarifies the types of animal voices heard in children’s literature, utilizing a tripartite spectrum of expressions of animal emotions and perspectives, moralizing speech, and world building or plot progressing speech. This framework facilitates the exploration of the animal-human relationships and events of communication which shine through human-filtered animal voices. Using this framework, this thesis analyzes Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty, Hugh Lofting’s The Story of Doctor Dolittle and The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle, and C. S. Lewis’s The Magician’s Nephew, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and The Horse and His Boy. In these works of classic children’s literature, animal voices advocate for animal rights, affirm animal subjectivity, explore the imagined lives of animals, and explore the methods and benefits of communication between human and nonhuman animals

    Gender Roles and Gender Stereotypes in Four Newbery Award-Winning Books

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    This research project examined the presentation of traditional gender roles and representation in four books that were awarded the Newbery Medal. The four books that were examined are the award recipients from 1922, 1923, 2014 and 2015. It was predicted that as gender equality has become a more prominent issue, and men and women have become more equal, one would expect this change to be reflected in children’s literature. A close reading was performed of these works, and special attention was paid to how the authors present the genders of the main characters in terms of personal interests, the roles of the parents, and other criteria. There was a predominance of male characters and male interests in both older and newer books and some stereotypical elements of gender roles in both, but there were also indications of changes in the portrayal of gender roles in the two newer books – there was one female main character who exhibited both male and female interest and the parents in the two newest books exhibited some non-traditional activities and roles. While this study found evidence of some change in portrayal of gender roles, some stereotypical elements persist so the thesis is only partly supported

    The Impact of Colonialism in Hugh Lofting’s The Story of Doctor Dolittle

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    The Story of Doctor Dolittle is the first entry in the Doctor Dolittle series, a children’s book series by English author Hugh Lofting. Despite being primarily aimed at children, the series contains mature themes that help it attract the attention of adults. In particular, The Story of Doctor Dolittle contains themes of colonialism that are drawn from the author’s own experiences. This research aims to discover how colonialism in The Story of Doctor Dolittle has impacted the numerous characters found in it. The original 1920 publication of the book was used as the primary data source, in which it was analyzed using a thorough closed reading of its contents, which is then compared with real-life colonial events. Jurgen Osterhammel’s theory of colonialism is used as the primary theory for this research, which details the processes and results of colonialism on both the colonizers and the colonized, as well as the different types of colonies created to serve different purposes for the colonizers. The results have shown that there are multiple instances of colonialism in The Story of Doctor Dolittle, both positive and negative, that have impacted its characters to varying degrees. Characters such as Doctor Dolittle and the monkeys of the Land of the Monkeys benefited from colonialism due to the former’s altruistic motives, while others like the Jolliginki tribe suffered due to reckless exploitation by the unnamed White Man


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    This review analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of N.H. Kleinbaum's Dead Poets Society. Dead Poets Society is a novel that tells a story about a journey of an English literature teacher who provides non-conventional teaching methods in literature. This review explores the strengths and the weaknesses of N.H. Kleinbaum's Dead Poets Society by reviewing its elements. They are theme, plot, and characters. This novel has strengths that make it as a good reading. The strengths of the novel are theme and plot. The weakness of the novel is the character aspect. The author tells too much about the additional figures. The goal of this study is to understand the novel clearly. Therefore, the reader can know the opinion of the author about the content of the novel

    Flouting maxims analysis on the characters in Dolittle movie

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    ENGLISH: Communication is the tool to express the ideas and to inform about something when people doing communication. In communication, the speaker and listener must be cooperative to avoid misunderstanding. Thus, the communication runs effective and efficient in delivering some information. Here, Grice (1975) offers the theory of cooperative principle to avoid misunderstanding. The cooperative principle is how people avoid misunderstanding between the speaker and listener, which consists of the maxim, that’s a maxim of quality, quantity, relation, and manner, but those maxims are often flouted by people in communication that called the flouting maxim. Furthermore, flouting maxim usually makes people misunderstand because the information provided is less or more. Sometimes people have difficulty understanding because the utterances have implied meaning. Therefore, this research wants to investigate what type of flouting maxims and why the characters flout the maxims. The research design of this research is descriptive qualitative because the data here are explained descriptively. The data is in the form of sentences containing flouting maxims that take from conversations in Dolittle Movie. Then the data are analyzed based on type of flouting maxim with use Grice theory (1975) and the reason use Cutting theory, (2002). After the data identified, the four flouting maxims can be found, flouting the maxim of quantity, flouting the maxim quality, flouting maxim of the relation, and flouting maxim of manner. Also, in this research, there is twenty-five flouting maxim that can be found. Flouting maxim which is flouted the most by characters is flouting maxim of quality 44%, flouting the maxim of quantity 24%, flouting the maxim of relation 20%, and the last flouting maxim of manner 12%. The result shows that the researcher finds the reason why the characters are flouting the maxim is to hiding the truth, convincing and teasing the hearers. INDONESIA: Komunikasi adalah alat untuk mengekspresikan ide-ide dan untuk menginformasikan tentang sesuatu ketika seseorang sedang berbicara. Dalam komunikasi, pembicara dan pendengar harus bekerja sama untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman. Untuk mencapai komunikasi efektif dan efisien dalam penyampaian suatu informasi. Di sini, Grice (1975) menawarkan teori prinsip kerja sama untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman. Prinsip kerjasama adalah bagaimana orang menghindari kesalahpahaman antara pembicara dan pendengar, yang terdiri dari maksim, yaitu maksim kualitas, kuantitas, hubungan, dan cara, tetapi maksim itu sering dilanggar oleh orang-orang dalam komunikasi yang disebut maksim pelanggaran. Selanjutnya, pelanggaran maksim biasanya membuat orang salah paham, karena informasi yang diberikan kurang atau lebih. Kadang- kadang orang mengalami kesulitan memahami karena ucapan memiliki makna tersirat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini penelitian ini ingin menyelidiki jenis pelanggaran maksim dan mengapa karakter melanggar maksim tersebut. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif karena data di sini dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Data berupa kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung pelanggaran maksim yang diambil dari percakapan dalan film Dilittle Movie. Kemudian data tersebut di analisis berdasarkan macam-macam flouting maxim dengan menggunakan teori Grice (1975) dan alasan menggunakan teorinya Cutting, (2002). Setelah data teridentifikasi, dapat ditemukan empat pelanggaran maksim yaitu pelanggaran maksim kuantitas, pelanggaran maksim kualitas, pelanggaran maksim relasi, dan pelanggaran maksim cara. Selain itu, dalam penelitian ini ditemukan dua puluh Lima maksim pelanggaran. Pelanggaran maksim yang paling banyak dilanggar menurut karakter pelanggaran maksim kualitas 44%, pelanggaran maksim kuantitas 24%, pelanggaran maksim relasi 20%, dan pelanggaran maksim cara terakhir 12%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peneliti menemukan alasan mengapa karakter melanggar maksim karena karakter ingin menyembunyikan kebenaran, meyakinkan dan menggoda pendengar. ARABIC: التواصل هو أداة للتعبير عن أفكارهم والإبلاغ عن شيء ما عندما يتحدثون. في التواصل ، يجب أن يعمل المتحدث والمستمع معًا لتجنب سوء التفاهم. لتحقيق التواصل الفعال والكفء في إيصال المعلومات. هنا ، يقدم Grice نظرية للمبدأ التعاوني لتجنب سوء الفهم. مبدأ التعاون هو كيف يتجنب الناس سوء التفاهم بين المتحدث والمستمع ، والذي يتكون من مبادئ ، أي قواعد الجودة والكمية والعلاقة والطريقة ، ولكن غالبًا ما ينتهك الأشخاص هذه المبادئ في التواصل والتي تسمى قواعد الانتهاك. علاوة على ذلك ، فإن انتهاك القواعد يجعل الناس يسيئون فهمها ، لأن المعلومات المقدمة أقل أو أكثر. أحيانًا يجد الناس صعوبة في الفهم لأن الكلام له معنى ضمني. لذلك، تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التحقق من أنواع مخالفة الأقوال وسبب انتهاك الشخصيات لهذه القواعد. يستخدم تصميم البحث هذا نوعيًا وصفيًا لأن البيانات هنا موصوفة وصفيًا. البيانات في شكل جمل تحتوي على انتهاك للحكم المأخوذ من المحادثات في فيلم Dolittle Movie . ثم يتم تحليل البيانات بناءً على العديد من القيم العائمة باستخدام نظرية جريس (1975) وأسباب استخدام نظرية كاتنج (2002) بعد تحديد البيانات ، يمكن العثور على مبادئ الاستهزاء الأربعة ، مما يتعارض مع مبدأ الكمية ، ويخالف الحد الأقصى من الجودة ، ويخالف مبدأ العلاقة ، ويخترق مبدأ الأسلوب. أيضًا ، في هذا البحث ، يوجد خمسة وعشرون مبدأ مخادع يمكن العثور عليه. مبدأ الاستهزاء الذي يتم الاستهزاء به أكثر من خلال الأحرف التي تتعارض مع الحد الأقصى للجودة 44٪ ، وتنتهك الحد الأقصى للكمية بنسبة 24٪ ، وتنتهك الحد الأقصى للعلاقة بنسبة 20٪ ، ومبدأ الاستهزاء الأخير بالطريقة 12٪. تظهر النتيجة أن الباحث وجد أن سبب استهزاء الشخصيات بالمبدأ الأساسي هو إخفاء الحقيقة وإقناع السامعين ومضايقتهم

    A Study of the Bases for Objections to Children’s Books

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    Following the steps of Jane Goodall: Animal respect in Early Childhood Education

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    RESUMEN: El respeto a los animales es una asignatura pendiente en nuestra sociedad, por lo que la educación ambiental debe recoger este punto tan importante. Asimismo, debemos educar desde la primera infancia en el respeto a todos los seres vivos que formamos parte de este planeta. Una de las mayores activistas en favor del cuidado de los animales y de la naturaleza en general es Jane Goodall, primatóloga, etóloga y antropóloga que tras pasar 25 años estudiando a los chimpancés, actualmente se dedica a fomentar el cuidado de la naturaleza a través de charlas y programas educativos como Raíces y Brotes (Roots & Shoots).ABSTRACT: Respect for animals is a pending issue in our society so environmental education must pick up this important point. Likewise, we must educate from early childhood in respect to all living beings that are part of this planet. One of the biggest activists in praise for the care of animals and nature in general is Jane Goodall, primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist who, after spending 25 years studying chimpanzees, is currently dedicated to promoting the care of nature through talks and educational programs such as Roots & Shoots.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Infanti

    A Tautology or Two While We Translate Chinese Classics

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    What is a Chinese classic, and why do we translate one? These innocent questions lead Sabina Knight and Kidder Smith into a mandala of paradox, metaphor, and tautologies. En route they must negotiate a field of errant nouns, shifty images, and undisclosed participants. Relying on maps drawn by Borges, A. A. Milne, Quine, and Zeno, they find themselves in a landscape where little is certain and much is in transit—from here to here. The generic passports of poetry, prose, and philosophy have been stamped Invalid. So everyone acts like a resident alien. The authors discover that what they don\u27t know is as useful as what they do. And, strangely, translations materialize