231 research outputs found

    Optimal power control in green wireless sensor networks with wireless energy harvesting, wake-up radio and transmission control

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are autonomous networks of spatially distributed sensor nodes which are capable of wirelessly communicating with each other in a multi-hop fashion. Among different metrics, network lifetime and utility and energy consumption in terms of carbon footprint are key parameters that determine the performance of such a network and entail a sophisticated design at different abstraction levels. In this paper, wireless energy harvesting (WEH), wake-up radio (WUR) scheme and error control coding (ECC) are investigated as enabling solutions to enhance the performance of WSNs while reducing its carbon footprint. Specifically, a utility-lifetime maximization problem incorporating WEH, WUR and ECC, is formulated and solved using distributed dual subgradient algorithm based on Lagrange multiplier method. It is discussed and verified through simulation results to show how the proposed solutions improve network utility, prolong the lifetime and pave the way for a greener WSN by reducing its carbon footprint

    Cross-Protective Potential of a Novel Monoclonal Antibody Directed against Antigenic Site B of the Hemagglutinin of Influenza A Viruses

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    The hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza A viruses has been classified into sixteen distinct subtypes (H1–H16) to date. The HA subtypes of influenza A viruses are principally defined as serotypes determined by neutralization or hemagglutination inhibition tests using polyclonal antisera to the respective HA subtypes, which have little cross-reactivity to the other HA subtypes. Thus, it is generally believed that the neutralizing antibodies are not broadly cross-reactive among HA subtypes. In this study, we generated a novel monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific to HA, designated MAb S139/1, which showed heterosubtypic cross-reactive neutralization and hemagglutination inhibition of influenza A viruses. This MAb was found to have broad reactivity to many other viruses (H1, H2, H3, H5, H9, and H13 subtypes) in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. We further found that MAb S139/1 showed neutralization and hemagglutination-inhibition activities against particular strains of H1, H2, H3, and H13 subtypes of influenza A viruses. Mutant viruses that escaped neutralization by MAb S139/1 were selected from the A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2), A/Adachi/2/57 (H2N2), and A/WSN/33 (H1N1) strains, and sequence analysis of the HA genes of these escape mutants revealed amino acid substitutions at positions 156, 158, and 193 (H3 numbering). A molecular modeling study showed that these amino acids were located on the globular head of the HA and formed a novel conformational epitope adjacent to the receptor-binding domain of HA. Furthermore, passive immunization of mice with MAb S139/1 provided heterosubtypic protection. These results demonstrate that MAb S139/1 binds to a common antigenic site shared among a variety of HA subtypes and neutralizes viral infectivity in vitro and in vivo by affecting viral attachment to cells. The present study supports the notion that cross-reactive antibodies play some roles in heterosubtypic immunity against influenza A virus infection, and underscores the potential therapeutic utility of cross-reactive antibodies against influenza

    Evaluation of Energy Costs and Error Performance of Range-Aware Anchor-Free Localization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This research examines energy and error tradeoffs in Anchor-Free Range-Aware Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Localization algorithms. A concurrent and an incremental algorithm (Anchor Free Localization (AFL) and Map Growing) are examined under varying network sizes, densities, deployments, and range errors. Despite current expectations, even the most expensive configurations do not expend significant battery life (at most 0.4%), implying little energy can be conserved during localization. Due to refinement, AFL is twice as accurate, using 6 times the communication. For both, node degree affects communication most. As degree increases, Map Growing communication increases, while AFL transmissions drop. Nodes with more neighbors refine quicker with fewer messages. At high degree, many nodes receive the same message, overpowering the previous effect, and raising AFL received bits. Built from simulation data, the Energy Consumption Model predicts energy usage of incremental and concurrent algorithms used in networks with varying size, density, and deployments. It is applied to current wireless sensor nodes. Military WSNs should be flexible, cheap, and long lasting. Anchor-Free, Range-Aware algorithms best fit this need

    Toward Brain Area Sensor Wireless Network

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    RÉSUMÉ De nouvelles approches d'interfaçage neuronal de haute performance sont requises pour les interfaces cerveau-machine (BMI) actuelles. Cela nécessite des capacités d'enregistrement/stimulation performantes en termes de vitesse, qualité et quantité, c’est à dire une bande passante à fréquence plus élevée, une résolution spatiale, un signal sur bruit et une zone plus large pour l'interface avec le cortex cérébral. Dans ce mémoire, nous parlons de l'idée générale proposant une méthode d'interfaçage neuronal qui, en comparaison avec l'électroencéphalographie (EEG), l'électrocorticographie (ECoG) et les méthodes d'interfaçage intracortical conventionnelles à une seule unité, offre de meilleures caractéristiques pour implémenter des IMC plus performants. Les avantages de la nouvelle approche sont 1) une résolution spatiale plus élevée - en dessous dumillimètre, et une qualité de signal plus élevée - en termes de rapport signal sur bruit et de contenu fréquentiel - comparé aux méthodes EEG et ECoG; 2) un caractère moins invasif que l'ECoG où l'enlèvement du crâne sous une opération d'enregistrement / stimulation est nécessaire; 3) une plus grande faisabilité de la libre circulation du patient à l'étude - par rapport aux deux méthodes EEG et ECoG où de nombreux fils sont connectés au patient en cours d'opération; 4) une utilisation à long terme puisque l'interface implantable est sans fil - par rapport aux deux méthodes EEG et ECoG qui offrent des temps limités de fonctionnement. Nous présentons l'architecture d'un réseau sans fil de microsystèmes implantables, que nous appelons Brain Area Sensor NETwork (Brain-ASNET). Il y a deux défis principaux dans la réalisation du projet Brain-ASNET. 1) la conception et la mise en oeuvre d'un émetteur-récepteur RF de faible consommation compatible avec la puce de capteurs de réseau implantable, et, 2) la conception d'un protocole de réseau de capteurs sans fil (WSN) ad-hoc économe en énergie. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons un protocole de réseau ad-hoc économe en énergie pour le réseau désiré, ainsi qu'un procédé pour surmonter le problème de la longueur de paquet variable causé par le processus de remplissage de bit dans le protocole HDLC standard. Le protocole adhoc proposé conçu pour Brain-ASNET présente une meilleure efficacité énergétique par rapport aux protocoles standards tels que ZigBee, Bluetooth et Wi-Fi ainsi que des protocoles ad-hoc de pointe. Le protocole a été conçu et testé par MATLAB et Simulink.----------ABSTRACT New high-performance neural interfacing approaches are demanded for today’s Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI). This requires high-performance recording/stimulation capabilities in terms of speed, quality, and quantity, i.e. higher frequency bandwidth, spatial resolution, signal-to-noise, and wider area to interface with the cerebral cortex. In this thesis, we talk about the general proposed idea of a neural interfacing method which in comparison with Electroencephalography (EEG), Electrocorticography (ECoG), and, conventional Single-Unit Intracortical neural interfacing methods offers better features to implement higher-performance BMIs. The new approach advantages are 1) higher spatial resolution – down to sub-millimeter, and higher signal quality − in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and frequency content − compared to both EEG and ECoG methods. 2) being less invasive than ECoG where skull removal Under recording/stimulation surgery is required. 3) higher feasibility of freely movement of patient under study − compared to both EEG and ECoG methods where lots of wires are connected to the patient under operation. 4) long-term usage as the implantable interface is wireless − compared to both EEG and ECoG methods where it is practical for only a limited time under operation. We present the architecture of a wireless network of implantable microsystems, which we call it Brain Area Sensor NETwork (Brain-ASNET). There are two main challenges in realization of the proposed Brain-ASNET. 1) design and implementation of power-hungry RF transceiver of the implantable network sensors' chip, and, 2) design of an energy-efficient ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) protocol. In this thesis, we introduce an energy-efficient ad-hoc network protocol for the desired network, along with a method to overcome the issue of variable packet length caused by bit stuffing process in standard HDLC protocol. The proposed ad-hoc protocol designed for Brain-ASNET shows better energy-efficiency compared to standard protocols like ZigBee, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi as well as state-of-the-art ad-hoc protocols. The protocol was designed and tested by MATLAB and Simulink


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    The authors have developed burst error-correcting method based on modular correcting codes. We have also designed error correcting algorithm for increasing data transfer reliability in the wireless sensor networks. Multidimensional codes (cascaded, iterated codes, product codes) were developed to deal with bursts of errors. The principle of these codes is the consistent use of two levels of encoding and decoding data. The codes with both same or different type and correcting ability can be used for each coding level. The advantage of multidimensional codes is high correction capability, and the disadvantage is high redundancy. At this work we developed two-dimensional error control scheme based on modular correction code. Modular correcting codes are non-binary codes that work with symbols composed of several bits characterized by low redundancy and allow effectively detecting and correcting any single errors. The principle of formation of check symbols in two-dimensional modular code is as follows. Firstly, the calculation of the check characters in the rows of the matrix of data is carried out. At the next stage, we calculated check symbols in the data columns. At that check symbols are calculated in the data rows and data columns can be transmitted with both data and individual packages. We developed error detection and correction algorithm for random single errors and error bursts with the length of b=3k–2. Experimental researches on detection and correction of error packages have been carried out. Finally, we calculated the syndrome as the difference between the check symbols calculated in the encoder and decoder. The position of the distorted symbol is determined by the value of the syndromes, which are not equal to zero at the intersection of the row and the column. If syndromes are not equal to zero in two or more rows or columns, then the errors occur in two or more symbols. If the syndrome in two columns – this means that the two characters in the row are distorted. Non-zero values of syndromes determine the positions of distorted symbols. Thus, the minimum and maximum length and structure of errors that can be corrected are shown. Due to low complexity of implementation of decoding algorithm this code can be used for increasing of data transmission reliability in wireless sensor networks.Запропоновано метод виправлення пакетів помилок на основі модулярного коригувального коду для підвищення надійності передачі даних у безпровідних сенсорних мережах. Для боротьби з пакетами помилок розроблено різні багатовимірні (каскадні, ітеративні) коди. Принцип роботи цих кодів полягає в послідовному використанні двох рівнів кодування і декодування даних. При цьому на кожному рівні кодування можна використовувати однакові за типом і коригувальною здатністю коди або різні. Перевагою багатовимірних кодів є їх висока коригувальна здатність, а недоліком – висока надлишковість. Розроблено двовимірну схему контролю помилок на основі модулярного коригувального коду. Модулярні коригувальні коди належать до символьних кодів, характеризуються низькою надлишковістю, дають змогу ефективно виявляти та виправляти одиничні символьні помилки. Принцип формування перевірних символів у двовимірному модулярному коді полягає в такому: спочатку обчислюють перевірні символи по рядках матриці даних; на наступному кроці обчислюють перевірні символи по стовпцях даних. Розроблено алгоритм виявлення та виправлення випадкових однократних помилок та пакетів помилок максимальною довжиною b = 3k – 2. Проведено експериментальні дослідження з виявлення та виправлення помилок у пакеті даних. Показано мінімальну та максимальну довжину та структуру помилок, яку може виправити цей код. Враховуючи низьку складність реалізації алгоритму декодування, цей коригувальний код планують використати для підвищення надійності передачі даних у безпровідних сенсорних мережах

    Reliable & Efficient Data Centric Storage for Data Management in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become a mature technology aimed at performing environmental monitoring and data collection. Nonetheless, harnessing the power of a WSN presents a number of research challenges. WSN application developers have to deal both with the business logic of the application and with WSN's issues, such as those related to networking (routing), storage, and transport. A middleware can cope with this emerging complexity, and can provide the necessary abstractions for the definition, creation and maintenance of applications. The final goal of most WSN applications is to gather data from the environment, and to transport such data to the user applications, that usually resides outside the WSN. Techniques for data collection can be based on external storage, local storage and in-network storage. External storage sends data to the sink (a centralized data collector that provides data to the users through other networks) as soon as they are collected. This paradigm implies the continuous presence of a sink in the WSN, and data can hardly be pre-processed before sent to the sink. Moreover, these transport mechanisms create an hotspot on the sensors around the sink. Local storage stores data on a set of sensors that depends on the identity of the sensor collecting them, and implies that requests for data must be broadcast to all the sensors, since the sink can hardly know in advance the identity of the sensors that collected the data the sink is interested in. In-network storage and in particular Data Centric Storage (DCS) stores data on a set of sensors that depend on a meta-datum describing the data. DCS is a paradigm that is promising for Data Management in WSNs, since it addresses the problem of scalability (DCS employs unicast communications to manage WSNs), allows in-network data preprocessing and can mitigate hot-spots insurgence. This thesis studies the use of DCS for Data Management in middleware for WSNs. Since WSNs can feature different paradigms for data routing (geographical routing and more traditional tree routing), this thesis introduces two different DCS protocols for these two different kinds of WNSs. Q-NiGHT is based on geographical routing and it can manage the quantity of resources that are assigned to the storage of different meta-data, and implements a load balance for the data storage over the sensors in the WSN. Z-DaSt is built on top of ZigBee networks, and exploits the standard ZigBee mechanisms to harness the power of ZigBee routing protocol and network formation mechanisms. Dependability is another issue that was subject to research work. Most current approaches employ replication as the mean to ensure data availability. A possible enhancement is the use of erasure coding to improve the persistence of data while saving on memory usage on the sensors. Finally, erasure coding was applied also to gossiping algorithms, to realize an efficient data management. The technique is compared to the state-of-the-art to identify the benefits it can provide to data collection algorithms and to data availability techniques

    Improved prediction of dietary protein use and nitrogen excretion in tropical dairy cattle

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    The overall objective of the present doctoral thesis was to evaluate the adequacy (i.e., accuracy and precision) of existing laboratory methodologies and modeling tools, originally designed for temperate systems, in predicting the nitrogen (N) supply and excretion of cattle in tropical husbandry systems. It was hypothesized that the adoption of laboratory methodologies and modeling tools from temperate systems without validating and adapting them for tropical systems may result in inaccurate estimations of N supply, utilization, and excretion, which will hamper the assessment of N use efficiency. An in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the adequacy of the chemical method (Sniffen et al., 1992; Kirchhof et al., 2010; Valdés et al., 2011) to predict rumen-undegraded crude protein (RUP) of tropical forages grasses and legumes (n = 23). The adequacy of the predictions was assessed by comparing them with RUP proportions measured in situ at rumen passage rates of 2, 5, and 8% per hour. Results showed that the RUP of tropical forages estimated with the in situ method can be predicted using the chemical method. However, regression equations developed for temperate forages were not adequate enough to predict RUP proportions of tropical forages consistently for all rumen passage rates. Instead, developed equations in the present thesis can be used to predict RUP proportion of tropical forages with a similar chemical composition than the reference forage sample set. A second in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the adequacy of the chemical (Sniffen et al., 1992; Zhao and Cao, 2004) and in vitro methods (Steingaß et al., 2001) to predict post-ruminal crude protein (PRCP) supply of tropical forages (n = 23). The adequacy of the PRCP supply with the chemical and in vitro methods were tested against PRCP supply estimated from in situ measurements at rumen passage rates of 2, 5, and 8% per hour and digested organic matter. Results showed that the in vitro method can be used as an alternative method to estimate PRCP supply in tropical forages at moderate to fast rumen passage rate but not at slow rumen passage rate. Available regression equations developed for temperate forages were not adequate enough to predict the PRCP supply of tropical forages from concentrations of chemical crude protein fractions. Instead, developed equations in the present thesis can be used to estimate PRCP supply of tropical forages with a similar chemical composition than the reference forage sample set. A third study was conducted to assess the adequacy of modeling tools to predict N excretion of cattle in tropical husbandry systems. These models, namely model A (based on AFRC, 1993), model G (based on GfE, 2001), and model I (INRA, 2019), were selected to predict fecal N (FN), urine N (UN), and total N (TN) excretion as well as FN fractions of dairy cows, heifers, and steers kept under typical tropical husbandry conditions. The adequacy of the model predictions was assessed against reference values of UN (total collection and creatinine method) and FN excretion (total collection, internal and external markers) (n = 392 observations). Adjustments were made to the models with the greatest potential to predict N excretion. The adjustments were focused on the input variables driving the variability in N excretion predictions, identified through a sensitivity analysis. None of the tested models predicts adequately the excretion of UN, FN, and of different FN fractions of individual cattle kept under tropical conditions. Instead, model I in the present thesis, adjusted for increased efficiency of rumen microbial crude protein synthesis and reduced intercept of FN prediction, can be used to estimate FN and TN excretion of individual cattle kept under tropical conditions. The findings from the present thesis partially support our hypothesis. The adjustment of laboratory methodologies, such as the chemical method used to estimate the protein value of temperate forages, to tropical forages, results in more adequate estimates of the proportion of RUP and PRCP supply of tropical forages. Model I is, therefore, able to predict the N excretion of cattle more adequately in tropical husbandry systems, because it is sensitive to differences in the RUP proportion and PRCP supply. In addition to increasing the adequacy of these input variables, adjustments made to the microbial protein synthesis and intercept of the FN excretion of model I results in a more adequate prediction of N excretion by cattle in tropical husbandry systems. However, not all adjustments to laboratory methodologies and modeling tools from temperate systems yielded adequate predictions. Specifically, challenges remained in predicting RUP proportion and PRCP supply for tropical forage legume with slow rumen passage rates, as well as urinary N excretion in cattle with low N intakes. Consequently, further research is required to identify the factors contributing to their poor adequacy.Das übergeordnete Ziel der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit bestand daher darin, die Genauigkeit und Präzision der vorhandenen Labormethoden und Modellierungsinstrumente für die Vorhersage der Stickstoff (N)-Zufuhr und -ausscheidung von Rindern in tropischen Haltungssystemen zu bewerten. Es wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass die Anwendung von Labormethoden und Modellierungsinstrumenten aus gemäßigten Breiten ohne deren Validierung und Anpassung an tropische Systeme zu ungenauen Schätzungen der N-Zufuhr, -verwendung und -ausscheidung führen kann, was die Bewertung der N-Verwertungseffizienz erschwert. In einer In-vitro-Studie wurde die Eignung der chemischen Methode (Sniffen et al., 1992; Kirchhof et al., 2010; Valdés et al., 2011) zur Vorhersage des im Pansen nicht abbaubaren Rohproteins (RUP) tropischer Futtermittel untersucht (n = 23). Die Genauigkeit und Präzision der Vorhersagen wurde anhand der in situ gemessenen RUP-Anteile bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der mit der In-situ-Methode geschätzte RUP-Anteil tropischer Futtermittel mit der chemischen Methode vorhergesagt werden kann. Die für gemäßigten Futtermittel entwickelten Regressionsgleichungen reichten jedoch nicht aus, um die RUP-Anteile tropischer Futtermittel für alle Pansenpassageraten (Kp) korrekt vorherzusagen. Stattdessen können die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Gleichungen zur Schätzung des RUP-Anteils tropischer Futtermittel verwendet werden, die eine ähnliche chemische Zusammensetzung aufweisen wie die Referenz-Futtermittelproben. Eine zweite In-vitro-Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Eignung der chemischen Analysemethode (Sniffen et al., 1992; Zhao and Cao, 2004) und der In-vitro-Methode (Steingaß et al., 2001) zur Vorhersage des postruminalen Rohproteinanteils (PRCP) von tropischen Futtermitteln zu bewerten (n = 23). Die Genauigkeit und Präzision der Vorhersagen wurden anhand der in situ gemessenen RUP-Anteile und der Konzentration an verdauter organischer Substanz bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die In-vitro-Methode zur Schätzung der PRCP-Versorgung in tropischen Futtermitteln bei mäßiger bis schneller Kp, nicht aber bei langsamer Kp, verwendet werden kann. Verfügbare Regressionsgleichungen, entwickelt für Futtermittel aus gemäßigten Zonen, waren nicht ausreichend, um die PRCP-Versorgung tropischer Futtermittel vorherzusagen. Stattdessen können die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Gleichungen zur Schätzung des PRCP-Angebots tropischer Futtermittel verwendet werden, die eine ähnliche chemische Zusammensetzung aufweisen wie die Referenz-Futtermittelproben. Eine dritte Studie durchgeführt, um die Eignung von Modellierungsinstrumenten zur Vorhersage der N-Ausscheidung von Milchkühen, Färsen und Ochsen unter typischen tropischen Haltungsbedingungen zu bewerten. Diese Modelle, nämlich Modell A (AFRC, 1993), Modell G (GfE, 2001) und Modell I (INRA, 2019), wurden ausgewählt, um die Ausscheidung von N im Kot (KN), im Urin (UN) und Gesamt-N (GN) sowie die KN-Fraktionen vorherzusagen (n = 392). An den Modellen mit dem größten Potenzial zur Vorhersage der N-Ausscheidung wurden Anpassungen vorgenommen. Die Anpassungen konzentrierten sich auf die Inputvariablen, die die größten Abweichungen bei der Vorhersage der N-Ausscheidung verursachten. Um diese Inputvariablen zu identifizieren, wurde eine Sensitivitätsanalyse durchgeführt. Keines der getesteten Modelle liefert adäquate Vorhersagen für die Ausscheidung von UN, KN und KN-Fraktionen. Stattdessen kann das Modell I zur Schätzung der KN- und GN-Ausscheidung bei Rindern in tropischer Haltung verwendet werden, nach Anpassungen an die mikrobielle Rohproteinsynthese im Pansen und den KN-Vorhersage-Intercept. Die Ergebnisse aus der vorliegenden Dissertation unterstützen unsere Hypothese teilweise. Die Anpassung von Labormethoden an tropische Futtermittel, wie z. B. der chemischen Methode zur Schätzung des Proteinwertes von Futtermitteln aus gemäßigten Zonen, führt zu genaueren und präziseren Schätzungen des Anteils der RUP- und PRCP-Versorgung mit tropischen Futtermitteln. Das Modell I ist daher in der Lage, die N-Ausscheidung von Rindern in tropischen Haltungssystemen besser vorherzusagen, da es auf Unterschiede im RUP-Anteil und PRCP-Angebot reagiert. Zusätzlich zur Erhöhung die Genauigkeit und Präzision dieser Inputvariablen führen die Anpassungen der mikrobiellen Proteinsynthese und des Schnittpunkts der KN-Ausscheidung des Modells I zu einer angemesseneren Vorhersage der N-Ausscheidung von Rindern in tropischen Haltungssystemen. Jedoch führten nicht alle Anpassungen der Labormethoden und Modellierungswerkzeuge zu angemessenen Vorhersagen. Herausforderungen bleiben bestehen, insbesondere bei der präzisen Vorhersage des Anteils an RUP und PRCP für tropisches Leguminosen mit langsamer Kp, sowie bei der Harnstickstoffausscheidung bei Rindern mit geringer Stickstoffaufnahme. Daher ist weitere Forschung erforderlich, um die Faktoren zu identifizieren, die zu einer fehlerhaften Vorhersage beitragen

    Метод розширення набору модулів модифікованої досконалої форми системи залишкових класів

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    У роботі представлений метод розширення набору модулів модифікованої досконалої форми системи залишкових класів. Показано, що в залежності від їх вибору розрядність чисел, над якими виконуватимуться арифметичні операції, зменшується в 2–3 рази. Це особливо актуально при обчисленнях з багаторозрядними числами.Present work declaring the method of expansion set of modules of modified perfect form of residual classes' system. It was shown that depends on their choice the bit of numbers, arithmetic operations performed over-their, was reduced by 2–3 times. This is especially necessary in the calculation of multi-digital numbers

    International Conference on Computer Science

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    UBT Annual International Conference is the 11th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference which publishes works of the scientists as well as practitioners in the area where UBT is active in Education, Research and Development. The UBT aims to implement an integrated strategy to establish itself as an internationally competitive, research-intensive university, committed to the transfer of knowledge and the provision of a world-class education to the most talented students from all background. The main perspective of the conference is to connect the scientists and practitioners from different disciplines in the same place and make them be aware of the recent advancements in different research fields, and provide them with a unique forum to share their experiences. It is also the place to support the new academic staff for doing research and publish their work in international standard level. This conference consists of sub conferences in different fields like: Art and Digital Media Agriculture, Food Science and Technology Architecture and Spatial Planning Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment Computer Science and Communication Engineering Dental Sciences Education and Development Energy Efficiency Engineering Integrated Design Information Systems and Security Journalism, Media and Communication Law Language and Culture Management, Business and Economics Modern Music, Digital Production and Management Medicine and Nursing Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics Pharmaceutical and Natural Sciences Political Science Psychology Sport, Health and Society Security Studies This conference is the major scientific event of the UBT. It is organizing annually and always in cooperation with the partner universities from the region and Europe. We have to thank all Authors, partners, sponsors and also the conference organizing team making this event a real international scientific event. Edmond Hajrizi, President of UBT UBT – Higher Education Institutio