654 research outputs found

    Study of Single-Event Transient Effects on Analog Circuits

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    Radiation in space is potentially hazardous to microelectronic circuits and systems such as spacecraft electronics. Transient effects on circuits and systems from high energetic particles can interrupt electronics operation or crash the systems. This phenomenon is particularly serious in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs) since most of modern ICs are implemented with CMOS technologies. The problem is getting worse with the technology scaling down. Radiation-hardening-by-design (RHBD) is a popular method to build CMOS devices and systems meeting performance criteria in radiation environment. Single-event transient (SET) effects in digital circuits have been studied extensively in the radiation effect community. In recent years analog RHBD has been received increasing attention since analog circuits start showing the vulnerability to the SETs due to the dramatic process scaling. Analog RHBD is still in the research stage. This study is to further study the effects of SET on analog CMOS circuits and introduces cost-effective RHBD approaches to mitigate these effects. The analog circuits concerned in this study include operational amplifiers (op amps), comparators, voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), and phase-locked loops (PLLs). Op amp is used to study SET effects on signal amplitude while the comparator, the VCO, and the PLL are used to study SET effects on signal state during transition time. In this work, approaches based on multi-level from transistor, circuit, to system are presented to mitigate the SET effects on the aforementioned circuits. Specifically, RHBD approach based on the circuit level, such as the op amp, adapts the auto-zeroing cancellation technique. The RHBD comparator implemented with dual-well and triple-well is studied and compared at the transistor level. SET effects are mitigated in a LC-tank oscillator by inserting a decoupling resistor. The RHBD PLL is implemented on the system level using triple modular redundancy (TMR) approach. It demonstrates that RHBD at multi-level can be cost-effective to mitigate the SEEs in analog circuits. In addition, SETs detection approaches are provided in this dissertation so that various mitigation approaches can be implemented more effectively. Performances and effectiveness of the proposed RHBD are validated through SPICE simulations on the schematic and pulsed-laser experiments on the fabricated circuits. The proposed and tested RHBD techniques can be applied to other relevant analog circuits in the industry to achieve radiation-tolerance

    Simulation and Experimental Demonstration of the Importance of IR-Drops During Laser Fault-Injection

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    International audienceLaser fault injections induce transient faults into ICs by locally generating transient currents that temporarily flip the outputs of the illuminated gates. Laser fault injection can be anticipated or studied by using simulation tools at different abstraction levels: physical, electrical or logical. At the electrical level, the classical laser-fault injection model is based on the addition of current sources to the various sensitive nodes of CMOS transistors. However, this model does not take into account the large transient current components also induced between the VDD and GND of ICs designed with advanced CMOS technologies. These short-circuit currents provoke a significant IR-drop that contribute to the fault injection process. This paper describes our research on the assessment of this contribution. It shows through simulation and experiments that during laser fault injection campaigns, laser-induced IR-drop is always present when considering circuits designed with deep submicron technologies. It introduces an enhanced electrical fault model taking the laser-induced IR-drop into account. It also proposes a methodology that allows the use of the model to simulate laser-induced faults at the electrical level in large-scale circuits. On the basis of further simulations and experimental results, we found that, depending on the laser pulse characteristics, the number of injected faults may be underestimated by a factor of up to 2.4 if the laser-induced IR-drop is ignored. This could lead to incorrect estimations of the fault injection threshold, which is especially relevant to the design of countermeasure techniques for secure integrated systems

    Study of radiation-tolerant integrated circuits for space applications

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    Integrated Circuits in space suffer from reliability problems due to the radiative surroundings. High energy particles can ionize the semiconductor and lead to single event effects. For digital systems, the transients can upset the logic values in the storage cells which are called single event upsets, or in the combinational logic circuits which are called single event transients. While for analog systems, the transient will introduce noises and change the operating point. The influence becomes more notable in advanced technologies, where devices are more susceptive to the perturbations due to the compact layout. Recently radiation-hardened-by-design has become an effective approach compared to that of modifying semiconductor processes. Hence it is used in this thesis project. Firstly, three elaborately designed radiation-tolerant registers are implemented. Then, two built-in testing circuits are introduced. They are used to detect and count the single event upsets in the registers during high-energy particle tests. The third part is the pulse width measurement circuit, which is designed for measuring the single event transient pulse width in combinational logic circuits. According to the simulations, transient pulse width ranging from 90.6ps to 2.53ns can be effectively measured. Finally, two frequently used cross-coupled LC tank voltage-controlled oscillators are studied to compare their radiation tolerances. Simulation results show that the direct power connection and transistors working in the deep saturation mode have positive influence toward the radiation tolerance. All of the circuit designs, simulations and analyses are based on STMicroelectronics CMOS 90 nm 7M2T General Process

    Design of a Radiation-Hardened Optical Transceiver

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    Reliable and efficient communication links are vital in harsh environments where ionizing radiation is present. Optical links specifically are necessary to support the growing need for higher data rates and faster signal processing requirements of devices in these environments. For many years, radiation hardness in electronics has been achieved via specialized manufacturing processes in dedicated foundries. These techniques have failed to scale at the rate of commercial CMOS processes, disallowing for faster and more efficient circuits. One strategy to create radiation tolerant circuits while still retaining the benefits of commercial fabrication is a hard-by-design methodology. Techniques such as enclosed layout (EL) and triple modular redundancy (TMR) can be used to design circuitry tolerant to ionizing radiation. This thesis demonstrates an optical transceiver in a 180nm CMOS process based on a transmit vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and a receive photo-detector (PD) with radiation-hardened circuitry. The transceiver has been characterized electrically and comparisons between the radiation hardened and non radiation-hardened versions were performed in the Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute and Nuclear Engineering & Science Center (NESC)

    A review of advances in pixel detectors for experiments with high rate and radiation

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments ATLAS and CMS have established hybrid pixel detectors as the instrument of choice for particle tracking and vertexing in high rate and radiation environments, as they operate close to the LHC interaction points. With the High Luminosity-LHC upgrade now in sight, for which the tracking detectors will be completely replaced, new generations of pixel detectors are being devised. They have to address enormous challenges in terms of data throughput and radiation levels, ionizing and non-ionizing, that harm the sensing and readout parts of pixel detectors alike. Advances in microelectronics and microprocessing technologies now enable large scale detector designs with unprecedented performance in measurement precision (space and time), radiation hard sensors and readout chips, hybridization techniques, lightweight supports, and fully monolithic approaches to meet these challenges. This paper reviews the world-wide effort on these developments.Comment: 84 pages with 46 figures. Review article.For submission to Rep. Prog. Phy

    Study of Radiation Effects on 28nm UTBB FDSOI Technology

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    With the evolution of modern Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology, transistor feature size has been scaled down to nanometers. The scaling has resulted in tremendous advantages to the integrated circuits (ICs), such as higher speed, smaller circuit size, and lower operating voltage. However, it also creates some reliability concerns. In particular, small device dimensions and low operating voltages have caused nanoscale ICs to become highly sensitive to operational disturbances, such as signal coupling, supply and substrate noise, and single event effects (SEEs) caused by ionizing particles, like cosmic neutrons and alpha particles. SEEs found in ICs can introduce transient pulses in circuit nodes or data upsets in storage cells. In well-designed ICs, SEEs appear to be the most troublesome in a space environment or at high altitudes in terrestrial environment. Techniques from the manufacturing process level up to the system design level have been developed to mitigate radiation effects. Among them, silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technologies have proven to be an effective approach to reduce single-event effects in ICs. So far, 28nm ultra-thin body and buried oxide (UTBB) Fully Depleted SOI (FDSOI) by STMicroelectronics is one of the most advanced SOI technologies in commercial applications. Its resilience to radiation effects has not been fully explored and it is of prevalent interest in the radiation effects community. Therefore, two test chips, namely ST1 and AR0, were designed and tested to study SEEs in logic circuits fabricated with this technology. The ST1 test chip was designed to evaluate SET pulse widths in logic gates. Three kinds of the on-chip pulse-width measurement detectors, namely the Vernier detector, the Pulse Capture detector and the Pulse Filter detector, were implemented in the ST1 chip. Moreover, a Circuit for Radiation Effects Self-Test (CREST) chain with combinational logic was designed to study both SET and SEU effects. The ST1 chip was tested using a heavy ion irradiation beam source in Radiation Effects Facility (RADEF), Finland. The experiment results showed that the cross-section of the 28nm UTBB-FDSOI technology is two orders lower than its bulk competitors. Laser tests were also applied to this chip to research the pulse distortion effects and the relationship between SET, SEU and the clock frequency. Total Ionizing Dose experiments were carried out at the University of Saskatchewan and European Space Agency with Co-60 gammacell radiation sources. The test results showed the devices implemented in the 28nm UTBB-FDSOI technology can maintain its functionality up to 1 Mrad(Si). In the AR0 chip, we designed five ARM Cortex-M0 cores with different logic protection levels to investigate the performance of approximate logic protecting methods. There are three custom-designed SRAM blocks in the test chip, which can also be used to measure the SEU rate. From the simulation result, we concluded that the approximate logic methodology can protect the digital logic efficiently. This research comprehensively evaluates the radiation effects in the 28nm UTBB-FDSOI technology, which provides the baseline for later radiation-hardened system designs in this technology

    Radiation Tolerant Electronics, Volume II

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    Research on radiation tolerant electronics has increased rapidly over the last few years, resulting in many interesting approaches to model radiation effects and design radiation hardened integrated circuits and embedded systems. This research is strongly driven by the growing need for radiation hardened electronics for space applications, high-energy physics experiments such as those on the large hadron collider at CERN, and many terrestrial nuclear applications, including nuclear energy and safety management. With the progressive scaling of integrated circuit technologies and the growing complexity of electronic systems, their ionizing radiation susceptibility has raised many exciting challenges, which are expected to drive research in the coming decade.After the success of the first Special Issue on Radiation Tolerant Electronics, the current Special Issue features thirteen articles highlighting recent breakthroughs in radiation tolerant integrated circuit design, fault tolerance in FPGAs, radiation effects in semiconductor materials and advanced IC technologies and modelling of radiation effects

    Ultra low-power fault-tolerant SRAM design in 90nm CMOS technology

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    With the increment of mobile, biomedical and space applications, digital systems with low-power consumption are required. As a main part in digital systems, low-power memories are especially desired. Reducing the power supply voltages to sub-threshold region is one of the effective approaches for ultra low-power applications. However, the reduced Static Noise Margin (SNM) of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) imposes great challenges to the subthreshold SRAM design. The conventional 6-transistor SRAM cell does not function properly at sub-threshold supply voltage range because it has no enough noise margin for reliable operation. In order to achieve ultra low-power at sub-threshold operation, previous research work has demonstrated that the read and write decoupled scheme is a good solution to the reduced SNM problem. A Dual Interlocked Storage Cell (DICE) based SRAM cell was proposed to eliminate the drawback of conventional DICE cell during read operation. This cell can mitigate the singleevent effects, improve the stability and also maintain the low-power characteristic of subthreshold SRAM, In order to make the proposed SRAM cell work under different power supply voltages from 0.3 V to 0.6 V, an improved replica sense scheme was applied to produce a reference control signal, with which the optimal read time could be achieved. In this thesis, a 2K ~8 bits SRAM test chip was designed, simulated and fabricated in 90nm CMOS technology provided by ST Microelectronics. Simulation results suggest that the operating frequency at VDD = 0.3 V is up to 4.7 MHz with power dissipation 6.0 ƒÊW, while it is 45.5 MHz at VDD = 0.6 V dissipating 140 ƒÊW. However, the area occupied by a single cell is larger than that by conventional SRAM due to additional transistors used. The main contribution of this thesis project is that we proposed a new design that could simultaneously solve the ultra low-power and radiation-tolerance problem in large capacity memory design

    Integrated Circuit Design for Hybrid Optoelectronic Interconnects

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    This dissertation focuses on high-speed circuit design for the integration of hybrid optoelectronic interconnects. It bridges the gap between electronic circuit design and optical device design by seamlessly incorporating the compact Verilog-A model for optical components into the SPICE-like simulation environment, such as the Cadence design tool. Optical components fabricated in the IME 130nm SOI CMOS process are characterized. Corresponding compact Verilog-A models for Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) device are developed. With this approach, electro-optical co-design and hybrid simulation are made possible. The developed optical models are used for analyzing the system-level specifications of an MZM based optoelectronic transceiver link. Link power budgets for NRZ, PAM-4 and PAM-8 signaling modulations are simulated at system-level. The optimal transmitter extinction ratio (ER) is derived based on the required receiver\u27s minimum optical modulation amplitude (OMA). A limiting receiver is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm CMOS process. By side- by-side wire-bonding to a commercial high-speed InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode, we demonstrate that the hybrid optoelectronic limiting receiver can achieve the bit error rate (BER) of 10-12 with a -6.7 dBm sensitivity at 4 Gb/s. A full-rate, 4-channel 29-1 length parallel PRBS is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. Together with a 10 GHz phase locked loop (PLL) designed from system architecture to transistor level design, the PRBS is demonstrated operating at more than 10 Gb/s. Lessons learned from high-speed PCB design, dealing with signal integrity issue regarding to the PCB transmission line are summarized