532 research outputs found

    Optimization Of Branching Structures For Free-Form Surfaces Using Force Density Method

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    Branching structures are mechanically efficient in supporting large-span structures, such as free-form roofs. To support a roof with a specified geometry, we present a novel shape and topology optimization method to find the optimal branching structure in this paper. In the proposed method, the branching structure is modelled as a cable-net, while the reaction forces from the roof are taken as external loads. The force densities of the members are the design variables. The optimal branching structure can be obtained by minimizing one of the several proposed objective functions. The shape of the branching structure represented by the nodal coordinates is determined by solving the linear equilibrium equations. The topology is optimized by removing the members with small axial forces and incorporating the closely spaced nodes. The cross-sectional areas can be easily calculated, if the allowable stress is assigned. Hence, it is very convenient to simultaneously optimize the cross-section, shape, and topology of a branching structure. Numerical examples show that this method can be easily applied to a 2D problem. For a 3D problem, the constraints on the reaction forces should be relaxed. Considering the roof supports as variables is also an effective solution for 3D problems

    How to Pare a Pair: Topology Control and Pruning in Intertwined Complex Networks

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    Recent work on self-organized remodeling of vasculature in slime-mold, leaf venation systems and vessel systems in vertebrates has put forward a plethora of potential adaptation mechanisms. All these share the underlying hypothesis of a flow-driven machinery, meant to alter rudimentary vessel networks in order to optimize the system's dissipation, flow uniformity, or more, with different versions of constraints. Nevertheless, the influence of environmental factors on the long-term adaptation dynamics as well as the networks structure and function have not been fully understood. Therefore, interwoven capillary systems such as found in the liver, kidney and pancreas, present a novel challenge and key opportunity regarding the field of coupled distribution networks. We here present an advanced version of the discrete Hu--Cai model, coupling two spatial networks in 3D. We show that spatial coupling of two flow-adapting networks can control the onset of topological complexity in concert with short-term flow fluctuations. We find that both fluctuation-induced and spatial coupling induced topology transitions undergo curve collapse obeying simple functional rescaling. Further, our approach results in an alternative form of Murray's law, which incorporates local vessel interactions and flow interactions. This geometric law allows for the estimation of the model parameters in ideal Kirchhoff networks and respective experimentally acquired network skeletons

    GFRP Elastic Gridshell Structures: A Review of Methods, Research, Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

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    Gridshell structures have the potential to develop the construction process of free-form structures, offering numerous benefits. These include the minimum use of materials, light-weighting, the creation of a large span structure, structural efficiency, organic shapes, potential for quick and cost-effective construction, column-free spaces, maximum transparency, sustainability, and ease of deconstruction and recycling. Gridshells, regarding their architectural potential and intrinsic geometric rationality, are well-suited for creating complex shapes. Hence, the properties of gridshells depend on the equivalent pre-stress of the two-dimensional grid that was deformed. The mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP), such as high elastic limit strain, strength, and Young’s modulus, can further enhance the potential of gridshell structures. Gridshell structures offer numerous opportunities for constructing double curvature shells. However, they also present challenges, particularly in the design and construction process, while minimizing stress and preventing breakages of elements under the influence of forces. This paper presents a review of GFRP elastic gridshell structures, including design and construction methods. Additionally, a case study of an existing gridshell structure, the Solidays gridshell, is presented. Finally, the opportunities and challenges associated with gridshell structures are discussed.Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Applicatio

    Development of a novel platform for high-throughput gene design and artificial gene synthesis to produce large libraries of recombinant venom peptides for drug discovery

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e BiomédicasAnimal venoms are complex mixtures of biologically active molecules that, while presenting low immunogenicity, target with high selectivity and efficacy a variety of membrane receptors. It is believed that animal venoms comprise a natural library of more than 40 million different natural compounds that have been continuously fine-tuned during the evolutionary process to disturb cellular function. Within animal venoms, reticulated peptides are the most attractive class of molecules for drug discovery. However, the use of animal venoms to develop novel pharmacological compounds is still hampered by difficulties in obtaining these low molecular mass cysteine-rich polypeptides in sufficient amounts. Here, a high-throughput gene synthesis platform was developed to produce synthetic genes encoding venom peptides. The final goal of this project is the production of large libraries of recombinant venom peptides that can be screened for drug discovery. A robust and efficient Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) methodology was refined to assemble overlapping oligonucleotides into small artificial genes (< 500 bp) with high-fidelity. In addition, two bioinformatics tools were constructed to design multiple optimized genes (ATGenium) and overlapping oligonucleotides (NZYOligo designer), in order to allow automation of the high-throughput gene synthesis platform. The platform can assemble 96 synthetic genes encoding venom peptides simultaneously, with an error rate of 1.1 mutations per kb. To decrease the error rate associated with artificial gene synthesis, an error removal step using phage T7 endonuclease I was designed and integrated into the gene synthesis methodology. T7 endonuclease I was shown to be highly effective to specifically recognize and cleave DNA mismatches allowing a dramatically reduction of error frequency in large synthetic genes, from 3.45 to 0.43 errors per kb. Combining the knowledge acquired in the initial stages of the work, a comprehensive study was performed to investigate the influence of gene design, presence of fusion tags, cellular localization of expression, and usage of Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) protease for tag removal, on the recombinant expression of disulfide-rich venom peptides in Escherichia coli. Codon usage dramatically affected the levels of recombinant expression in E. coli. In addition, a significant pressure in the usage of the two cysteine codons suggests that both need to be present at equivalent levels in genes designed de novo to ensure high levels of expression. This study also revealed that DsbC was the best fusion tag for recombinant expression of disulfide-rich peptides, in particular when expression of the fusion peptide was directed to the bacterial periplasm. TEV protease was highly effective for efficient tag removal and its recognition sites can tolerate all residues at its C-terminal, with exception of proline, confirming that no extra residues need to be incorporated at the N-terminus of recombinant venom peptides. This study revealed that E. coli is a convenient heterologous host for the expression of soluble and potentially functional venom peptides. Thus, this novel high-throughput gene synthesis platform was used to produce ~5,000 synthetic genes with a low error rate. This genetic library supported the production of the largest library of recombinant venom peptides constructed until now. The library contains 2736 animal venom peptides and it is presently being screened for the discovery of novel drug leads related to different diseases.RESUMO - Desenvolvimento de uma nova plataforma de alta capacidade para desenhar e sintetizar genes artificiais, para a produção de péptidos venómicos recombinantes - Os venenos animais são misturas complexas de moléculas biologicamente activas que se ligam com elevada selectividade e eficácia a uma grande variedade de receptores de membrana. Embora apresentem baixa imunogenicidade, os venenos podem afectar a função celular actuando ao nível dos seus receptores. Actualmente, pensa-se que os venenos de animais constituam uma biblioteca natural de mais de 40 milhões de moléculas diferentes que têm sido continuamente aperfeiçoadas ao longo do processo evolutivo. Tendo em conta a composição dos venenos, os péptidos reticulados são a classe mais atractiva de moléculas com interesse farmacológico. No entanto, a utilização de venenos para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos está limitada por dificuldades em obter estas moléculas em quantidades adequadas ao seu estudo. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se uma plataforma de alta capacidade para a síntese de genes sintéticos codificadores de péptidos venómicos, com o objectivo de produzir bibliotecas de péptidos venómicos recombinantes que possam ser rastreadas para a descoberta de novos medicamentos. Com o objectivo de sintetizar genes pequenos (< 500 pares de bases) com elevada fidelidade e em simultâneo, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia de PCR (polymerase chain reaction) robusta e eficiente, que se baseia na extensão de oligonucleótidos sobrepostos. Para possibilitar a automatização da plataforma de síntese de genes, foram construídas duas ferramentas bioinformáticas para desenhar simultaneamente dezenas a milhares de genes optimizados para a expressão em Escherichia coli (ATGenium) e os respectivos oligonucleótios sobrepostos (NZYOligo designer). Esta plataforma foi optimizada para sintetizar em simultâneo 96 genes sintéticos, tendo-se obtido uma taxa de erro de 1.1 mutações por kb de DNA sintetizado. A fim de diminuir a taxa de erro associada à produção de genes sintéticos, desenvolveu-se um método para remoção de erros utilizando a enzima T7 endonuclease I. A enzima T7 endonuclease I mostrou-se muito eficaz no reconhecimento e clivagem de moléculas DNA que apresentam emparelhamentos incorrectos, reduzindo drasticamente a frequência de erros identificados em genes grandes, de 3.45 para 0.43 erros por kb de DNA sintetizado. Investigou-se também a influência do desenho dos genes, da presença de tags de fusão, da localização celular da expressão e da actividade da protease Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) para a remoção eficiente de tags, na expressão de péptidos venómicos ricos em cisteínas em E. coli. A utilização de codões meticulosamente escolhidos afectou drasticamente os níveis de expressão em E. coli. Para além disso, os resultados mostram que existe uma pressão significativa no uso dos dois codões que codificam para o resíduo cisteína, o que sugere que ambos os codões têm de estar presentes, em níveis equivalentes, nos genes que foram desenhados e optimizados para garantir elevados níveis de expressão. Este trabalho indicou também que o tag de fusão DsbC foi o mais apropriado para a expressão eficiente de péptidos venómicos ricos em cisteínas, particularmente quando os péptidos recombinantes foram expressos no periplasma bacteriano. Confirmou-se que a protease TEV é eficaz na remoção de tags de fusão, podendo o seu local de reconhecimento conter quaisquer aminoácidos na extremidade C-terminal, com excepção da prolina. Desta forma, verificou-se não ser necessário incorporar qualquer aminoácido extra na extremidade N-terminal dos péptidos venómicos recombinantes. Reunindo todos os resultados, verificou-se que a E. coli é um hospedeiro adequado para a expressão, na forma solúvel, de péptidos venómicos potencialmente funcionais. Por último, foram produzidos, com uma taxa de erro reduzida, ~5000 genes sintéticos codificadores de péptidos venómicos utilizando a nova plataforma de elevada capacidade para a síntese de genes aqui desenvolvida. A nova biblioteca de genes sintéticos foi usada para produzir a maior biblioteca de péptidos venómicos recombinantes construída até agora, que inclui 2736 péptidos venómicos. Esta biblioteca recombinante está presentemente a ser rastreada com o objectivo de descobrir novas drogas com interesse para a saúde humana

    Design of a modular exhibition structure with additive manufacturing of eco-sustainable materials

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    In this paper the mechanical characteristics of an innovative bioplastic material, the HBP - HempBioPlastic filament, is investigated. HBP was recently patented by an Italian company Kanésis that focused its activity on nature-derived materials. The filaments are the upshot of an original process allowing to reuse the surplus of the agricultural supply chains and transform it into new sustainable materials. At first, the 3D printed HBP samples were tested in tensile tests according to the ASTM- D638 standard and monitored in term of deformations by the Digital Image Correlation techniques (DIC) in order to evaluate the stress-strain behavior of different HBP textures under loading. In addition, using the HBP and the results coming from the experimental campaign, the design of an exhibition pavilion was proposed. The pavilion was modelled starting from the geometric construction of the fullerene. The supporting modular structure is combined by HBP modular elements, that can be produced by 3D printing or moulding. Finally, in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed pavilion, a linear finite element analysis is presented on the base of the experimentally determined mechanical properties of HBP elements, under the effects of wind and seismic environmental actions

    Characteristics of pattern formation and evolution in approximations of physarum transport networks

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    Most studies of pattern formation place particular emphasis on its role in the development of complex multicellular body plans. In simpler organisms, however, pattern formation is intrinsic to growth and behavior. Inspired by one such organism, the true slime mold Physarum polycephalum, we present examples of complex emergent pattern formation and evolution formed by a population of simple particle-like agents. Using simple local behaviors based on Chemotaxis, the mobile agent population spontaneously forms complex and dynamic transport networks. By adjusting simple model parameters, maps of characteristic patterning are obtained. Certain areas of the parameter mapping yield particularly complex long term behaviors, including the circular contraction of network lacunae and bifurcation of network paths to maintain network connectivity. We demonstrate the formation of irregular spots and labyrinthine and reticulated patterns by chemoattraction. Other Turing-like patterning schemes were obtained by using chemorepulsion behaviors, including the self-organization of regular periodic arrays of spots, and striped patterns. We show that complex pattern types can be produced without resorting to the hierarchical coupling of reaction-diffusion mechanisms. We also present network behaviors arising from simple pre-patterning cues, giving simple examples of how the emergent pattern formation processes evolve into networks with functional and quasi-physical properties including tensionlike effects, network minimization behavior, and repair to network damage. The results are interpreted in relation to classical theories of biological pattern formation in natural systems, and we suggest mechanisms by which emergent pattern formation processes may be used as a method for spatially represented unconventional computation. © 2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Topology optimisation and additive manufacturing of structural nodes of gridshell structures

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    Gridshells, also called lattice shells or reticulated shells, are lightweight spatial structures. Their organic shape, column-free space, free-form surface and maximised transparency have provided limitless design freedom for architects and structural engineers. The design and manufacturing of structural connections (nodes) have been the bottle neck in the design and construction of gridshells, which is due to their complicated geometries and the three-dimensional loading conditions applying on these nodes. The invention of additive manufacturing (AM) provides the possibility of optimising the nodes by using topology optimisation (TO) algorithms. Instead of rationalising the geometry of the nodes to provide simplified connections for conventional production system, custom-designed connections can be achieved with lower weight and higher accuracy using combination of TO and AM. As a consequence, the optimised nodes help reduce the structure size and foundation requirements which leads to saving in the material cost. Furthermore, other features also make the newly designed nodes promising, such as the aesthetical features, high stiffness, high precision and less labour. In this study, Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (BESO) techniques are used to minimise the weight and the printing time required for each node. Firstly, the effect of general load cases on the optimised topology of structural node is studied by comparing the optimised results for the nodes under different individual load cases and combined load cases. Furthermore, the effect of the size of the design-domain on the final weight and topology of a node designed by BESO is examined by using different initial sizes. In addition, various smoothing methods for the final geometry are explored and compared with each other. The challenges of using AM in manufacturing nodes are also investigated through 3D printing individual optimised nodes and the optimised nodes for a case study of a prototype gridshell structure. Besides, comparisons made between optimised nodes and conventional nodes show the efficiency of the optimised nodes. An innovative experimental setup for quasi-static test of nodes under dominant design loads is also proposed in this study. Two nodes are designed and manufactured using BESO and AM to test by a test rig designed based on the proposed setup. In addition, a 3D finite element analysis is conducted, and the numerical model is validated against the test results

    Advanced Underground Space Technology

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    The recent development of underground space technology makes underground space a potential and feasible solution to climate change, energy shortages, the growing population, and the demands on urban space. Advances in material science, information technology, and computer science incorporating traditional geotechnical engineering have been extensively applied to sustainable and resilient underground space applications. The aim of this Special Issue, entitled “Advanced Underground Space Technology”, is to gather original fundamental and applied research related to the design, construction, and maintenance of underground space