432 research outputs found

    Characteristics and Challenges of Agile Software Development Adoption in Brazilian Government

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    Governments worldwide have been working to provide better digital services to citizens. In Brazil, this initiative is ongoing since the 2000’s with the aim create better digital solutions that provide access to government information, improvements in public services, and increase social participation. One of the strategies for developing digital solutions – i.e. software solutions – is the adoption of agile software development (ASD) methods, which are forms of software processes that enable delivering working software in a timely manner to respond to customer needs. While industry surveys are performed annually to understand ASD adoption in companies, little is known about the adoption of ASD in Brazilian government organizations and which are the challenges faced by these organizations. The goal of this study is thus to describe agile software development adoption in the Brazilian public sector, by showing the characteristics for adoption and challenges. We conducted a survey with practitioners of government-based organizations in Brazil and statistically analyzed data. Out of the 167 responses, we learned that ASD projects are mostly successful and, on their majority, they are conducted combined with other software development approaches. Also, accelerating product delivery and increasing productivity are ranked as the main reasons for agile adoption, followed by cultural change and resistance to change as the main challenges still faced by Brazilian government IT organizations in the use of ASD

    Development of an Enhanced Agility Assessment Model for Legacy Information System

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    Deciding the moment to end the lifecycle of an information system are often not exhaustively studied. It is essential for an organisation to know when to end the life cycle of their legacy information system when it is no longer able to perform and comply with the changes the organization desires. Prolonging the length of an information system lifecycle could lead to a reduction in software cost. Most of the various metrics presented in literatures on agility measurement, such as Cost, Time, Robustness and Scope of changes (CTRS) and Simplicity, Speed and Scope of changes (3S) and the researchers evaluation methods, e.g., Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Mathematics Analytic are qualitative and usually need to be evaluated by domain experts subjectively. This study therefore developed an enhanced agility assessment model to measure legacy information system quantitatively with the agility factors: Speed, Robustness and Complexity in an educational institution. The adoption of a quantitative metrics methodology will lead to an accurate measurement of the student information system. A stand-alone online assessment system based on agility factors and satisfying the maximum metrics benchmark requirements was used for the model implementation. The results were: Complexity of the largest module=96, Robustness=547.5 hours and Speed 0.5 minutes. The complexity of the module that exceeded 20 can be fixed by reducing the control constructs of the source code modules into submodules, with each not greater than 20. The results obtained indicated that the student information system was still agile. Thus, management should continue with the system.    &nbsp

    Assessment of factors affecting the software process improvement in small organizations

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    Software process improvement implies a set of complex and systematic activities of software engineering. It requires theory and models established in management, technical and social sciences. The improvement is based on the assumption that the organization if it owns mature and capable processes, would be able to deliver quality software on time and in line with predicted costs. The maturity models are initially aimed for implementation in enterprise software organizations, government organizations and within the military industry. Their complexity and the size make them difficult to use in small software organizations and companies. In such organizations the interest for use and the efforts to make an efficient and effective organization is always presented, though. In this paper, the basic and derived capability maturity models are described and cases from their implementation are analyzed, along with assessment of results of such projects in business practices. The problem of the software process improvement in small organizations is described, extracting the risks and recommendations for its enhancement. These recommendations are provided in order to set up a foundation for implementation of these models in a specific managerial and organizational environment characterized by small organizations

    Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2022, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in June 2022. XP is the premier agile software development conference combining research and practice. It is a unique forum where agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations, research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends.  XP conferences provide an informal environment to learn and trigger discussions and welcome both people new to agile and seasoned agile practitioners. This year’s conference was held with the theme “Agile in the Era of Hybrid Work”. The 13 full papers and 1 short paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: agile practices; agile processes; and agile in the large

    Estudio de mapeo sistemático de las herramientas y técnicas para la identificación de los niveles de agilidad del equipo de desarrollo en un proyecto de software

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    El presente estudio registra los instrumentos, herramientas y técnicas para identificar el nivel de agilidad, se realizó una investigación en base al Método del Mapeo Sistemático (SMS), se investigó en diferentes bibliotecas virtuales. Los instrumentos, herramientas y técnicas permiten identificar los niveles de agilidad tanto en las organizaciones y equipos. Se tiene como finalidad evaluar el conocimiento, además, el nivel de agilidad mediante diferentes escalas, al momento de desarrollar sus proyectos, contribuyen con el mejoramiento continuo.He present study records the instruments, tools and techniques to identify the level of agility, an investigation was carried out based on the Systematic Mapping Method (SMS), it was investigated in different virtual libraries. The instruments, tools and techniques allow to identify the levels of agility in both organizations and teams. The purpose is to evaluate knowledge, in addition, the level of agility through different scales, at the time of developing your projects, they contribute to continuous improvement

    Team Learning, Team Performance, Entrepreneurial Intention, and Self-Regulated Learning in Entrepreneurship Education of UNUSA Students

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    In this paper the authors investigate the effect of Self-regulated Learning (SRL), team learning, and entrepreneurial intention on various assessment types in the context of an entrepreneurship class. The investigation was utilized with quantitative methods, and saturated technique was performed by collecting several samples from 135 students at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama (UNUSA). The analysis is conducted with Partial Least Square, resulting in Positive relation of entrepreneurial intention and team learning strengthened by self-regulated learning (SRL). Whereas team learning and team performance is positively related to entrepreneurship intention. And psychological security strengthens the relationship between team learning and team performance

    Knowledge as an Organizational Asset for Managing Complex Projects: The Case of Naval Platforms

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    Knowledge management (KM) involves learning from past experiences to avoid or correct scope misalignments, quality deviations, safety problems, time delays and/or cost overruns. KM is frequently materialized as a risk management (RM) plan. An RM plan allows for anticipating, avoiding, mitigating, or reducing potential problems impacting project performance. However, despite their high complementarity, KM and RM are not the same, nor share the same purpose. In the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, managing complex projects involves many KM-related challenges, such as differential competitiveness enhancement and value chain streamlining. Naval platforms are complex projects that require the integration of multiple sources of knowledge and information. They also need to keep on integrating latest digital technology innovations in their production processes. In this context, streamlining the requirements management may become a differential asset for project stakeholders of naval platforms. Namely, enhancing requirements management can make the customers' needs easier to meet, shorten the projects duration, reduce costs, optimize resources, and allow for higher flexibility. However, requirements management has KM as pre-requisite and RM as consequence. Unfortunately, potential synergies between KM and RM have remained largely unexplored in the project management literature, and so has requirements management as a potential bridge between both concepts. In this paper, a holistic model for shipbuilding organizations linking KM and RM is proposed. The model draws from existing KM and RM models while considering organizational factors, technological platforms, and competitiveness factors. A case study of a naval platform showing the model's applicability is provided. It is shown how the model can allow shipbuilding companies to sustain a competitive advantage by facilitating more robust decision making in dynamic project environments. Furthermore, the model also facilitates the identification of the companies' core competences to reach and keep a strong position in current global markets

    Framework para la evaluación de calidad de procesos ágiles : Resumen de Tesis presentada para obtener el Doctorado en Ciencias Informáticas en la Facultad de Informática de UNLP

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    La industria del software requiere de productos y servicios de alta calidad, puede lograrse mediante la aplicación de modelos y metodologías de calidad reconocidos internacionalmente. Sin embargo, estos modelos en pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) son muy difíciles de implementar ya que ello implica una gran inversión en dinero, tiempo y recursos. Por ello, resulta necesario establecer estrategias que permitan la automatización del ciclo de desarrollo de software, de forma tal de promover la reducción de costos y la eficiencia en los procesos de obtención de productos finales. En este caso, la filosofía ágil resulta ser el enfoque más adecuado para los entornos de desarrollo actuales, y se posicionan como alternativa a los procesos de desarrollo con alto costo en documentación y procesos excesivamente prolongados. Con el objetivo de facilitar la adopción de prácticas ágiles en las PYMES, promoviendo el aseguramiento de la calidad de los procesos de desarrollo de software, se presenta Agile Quality Framework (AQF), un framework cuya propuesta integra el diseño y desarrollo de un modelo que permita evaluar la calidad en procesos ágiles de software, y una plataforma que permitirá el seguimiento de proyectos de software ágiles junto a la evaluación sistemática de calidad del proceso de desarrollo. AQF surge, como una plataforma que contribuye con los equipos de desarrollo de software a partir de la evaluación de calidad en proyectos ágiles, considerando como objeto de la medición al proceso de desarrollo independientemente del enfoque ágil seleccionado.Eje: Tesis de Doctorado.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Validación de la reingeniería aplicada sobre la primera versión de Agile Quality Framework

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    Actualmente las empresas de Software, para mantener la competitivi-dad en el escenario mundial, deben ofrecer productos y servicios de calidad a través de la implementación de modelos y normas reconocidas internacional-mente. Sin embargo, esto no es posible en las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) debido a los altos costos de implementación, escases de personal es-pecializado y tiempos acotados. Además, en el Nordeste Argentino (NEA), las PYMES, han iniciado la aplicación de prácticas ágiles de desarrollo de software que se contraponen a formalizaciones exigidas por los procesos de certificación de calidad más usados actualmente. Por tal motivo se ha desarrollado AQF, un framework que integra un modelo de calidad junto a una herramienta de software para la evaluación de calidad en en-tornos ágiles. Debido a que se obtuvieron resultados de validaciones previas, en este artículo se presenta AQF 2.0 con nuevas características y mejoras adecuadas a la realidad de la Industria del Software en el NEA.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ