95 research outputs found

    The influence of network topology on reverse-engineering of gene-regulatory networks

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    AbstractModeling and simulation of gene-regulatory networks (GRNs) has become an important aspect of modern computational biology investigations into gene regulation. A key challenge in this area is the automated inference (reverse-engineering) of dynamic, mechanistic GRN models from time-course gene expression data. Common mathematical formalisms used to represent such models capture both the relative weight or strength of a regulator gene and the type of the regulator (activator, repressor) with a single model parameter. The goal of this study is to quantify the role this parameter plays in terms of the computational performance of the reverse-engineering process and the predictive power of the inferred GRN models. We carried out three sets of computational experiments on a GRN system consisting of 22 genes. While more comprehensive studies of this kind are ultimately required, this computational study demonstrates that models with similar training (reverse-engineering) error that have been inferred under varying degrees of a priori known topology information, exhibit considerably different predictive performance. This study was performed with a newly developed multiscale modeling and simulation tool called MultiGrain/MAPPER

    Multigrain shared memory

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-203).by Donald Yeung.Ph.D

    Studies on automatic parallelization for heterogeneous and homogeneous multicore processors

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3537号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新587

    Optimizing NANOS OpenMP for the IBM Cyclops multithreaded architecture

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    In this paper, we present two approaches to improve the execution of OpenMP applications on the IBM Cyclops multithreaded architecture. Both solutions are independent and they are focused to obtain better performance through a better management of the cache locality. The first solution is based on software modifications to the OpenMP runtime library to balance stack accesses across all data caches. The second solution is a small hardware modification to change the data cache mapping behavior, with the same goal. Both solutions help parallel applications to improve scalability and obtain better performance in this kind of architectures. In fact, they could also be applied to future multi-core processors. We have executed (using simulation) some of the NAS benchmarks to prove these proposals. They show how, with small changes in both the software and the hardware, we achieve very good scalability in parallel applications. Our results also show that standard execution environments oriented to multiprocessor architectures can be easily adapted to exploit multithreaded processors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluation of OpenMP for the Cyclops multithreaded architecture

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    Multithreaded architectures have the potential of tolerating large memory and functional unit latencies and increase resource utilization. The Blue Gene/Cyclops architecture, being developed at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, is one such systems that offers massive intra-chip parallelism. Although the BG/C architecture was initially designed to execute specific applications, we believe that it can be effectively used on a broad range of parallel numerical applications. Programming such applications for this unconventional design requires a significant porting effort when using the basic built-in mechanisms for thread management and synchronization. In this paper, we describe the implementation of an OpenMP environment for parallelizing applications, currently under development at the CEPBA-IBM Research Institute, targeting BG/C. The environment is evaluated with a set of simple numerical kernels and a subset of the NAS OpenMP benchmarks. We identify issues that were not initially considered in the design of the BG/C architecture to support a programming model such as OpenMP. We also evaluate features currently offered by the BG/C architecture that should be considered in the implementation of an efficient OpenMP layer for massive intra-chip parallel architectures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Leivän verkkokauppahintojen hedoninen hinta-analyysi

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    Lisääntynyt tietoisuus elintarvikkeiden terveys- ja ravitsemustekijöistä on saanut kuluttajat maksamaan korkeampia hintoja miellyttävistä tuotteista, ja tuottajat ovat tuotekehityksellä pyrkineet vastaamaan näihin heterogeenisiin preferensseihin. Monipuoliset elintarvikemarkkinat ovat kiinnostaneet tutkijoita pitkään ja on osoitettu, että hedoninen hinnoittelumenetelmä on varteenotettava lähestymistapa määritettäessä tuotteen ominaisuuden marginaalihintaa tuottajille ja kuluttajille. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten leivän eri attribuutit muodostavat lopputuotteen hinnan vähittäiskaupan verkkoalustoilla hedonisen hinnoittelumenetelmän avulla. Tämä tutkimus analysoi verkkokauppaalustoilla myytävän leivän marginaalihintoja ja niiden vaihtelua Suomessa. Lisäksi tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kartoittaa, missä määrin monimutkaisemmat aineistonkeruumenetelmät, kuten web scraping, tuovat lisäarvoa aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin. Tutkimuksen nollahypoteesit ovat muodostettu seuraavasti: estimoiduilla marginaalihinnoilla ei ole merkittävää vaikutusta leivän verkkokauppahintoihin ja leivän attribuuttien marginaalihinnat eivät merkittävästi muutu aineistonkeruujakson aikana. Nollahypoteesien testaamiseksi estimoitiin puolilogaritminen hedoninen hintafunktio HAC-keskivirheillä. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa tämä funktio estimoitiin käyttäen hyväksi koko aineistoa sekä erikseen jokaiselle yksittäiselle päivälle aineistossa. Leipätuotteiden hinnat ja attribuutit kerättiin päivittäin Suomen suurimman päivittäistavarakaupan verkkokaupan alustalta web scraping -tekniikan avulla. Tulokset osoittivat, että marginaalihintojen rooli lopputuotteen hinnanmuodostuksessa on merkittävä, mutta attribuuttien vaikutukset hintaan eivät merkittävästi muuttuneet aineistonkeruujakson aikana. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että leivän ostopäätökseen vaikuttaa tuotteen maku enemmän kuin terveydelle hyväksi olevat ominaisuudet. Tuloksista huomattiin myös, että vatsaystävällisiä ominaisuuksia ja kotimaista leipää arvostetaan paljon. Nämä havainnot muiden tulosten ohessa luovat arvokkaan pohjan tavanomaisten leivän ostopäätösten ja tuotteiden hinnoittelustrategioiden ymmärtämiseen. Web scraping -tekniikka oli ainoa vaihtoehto yksityiskohtaisen ja ajantasaisen aineiston keräämiseksi Suomessa, mutta päivittäinen aineiston keruu osoittautui tarpeettomaksi leivän hintojen pysyessä vakaina. Päivittäinen aineiston keruu yhdistettynä hedoniseen hinnoittelumenetelmään antoi kuitenkin arvokasta tietoa suomalaisten vähittäiskauppiaiden ja tuottajien toiminnasta sekä kuluttajien käyttäytymisestä. Tulevien tutkimusten tulisi soveltaa web scraping -tekniikkaa elintarviketuotteiden hedonisiin hinnoittelututkimuksiin sekä koko elintarvikealan tutkimukseen.Increased awareness in health issues and nutritional elements has derived consumers to pay premium prices for functional products and producers have developed differentiated products to match these heterogenous preferences. The assessment of the versatile food commodity markets has long intrigued the attention of researchers and it is well-established that the hedonic pricing method is a prominent approach in determining an attribute's cost and perceived value to customers. With the method of hedonic pricing, this study aims to determine how those values form the online prices of bread. Specifically, it examines the marginal prices of bread sold on e-commerce platforms in Finland and whether those change over time. Moreover, this study aims to analyze the extent to which complex data extraction methods add value to prior hedonic pricing methodologies. To test the null hypotheses that estimated marginal prices have no relationship to online prices of bread, and the marginal prices of bread attributes do not significantly change during the data collection period, a semi-logarithmic hedonic price function with HAC standard errors was specified. In the empirical part, the hedonic price function was estimated for the whole sample and each data day. Daily price quotes for the analysis were extracted from the largest Finnish grocery retailer's e-commerce platform via web scraping. The results showed that the estimated relationships between price and marginal prices were significant but that the effects on the price did not significantly change during the data collection period. The results suggest that Finnish consumers value taste over health and place a high value on stomach-friendly and domestic bread. These findings are a valuable source for better understanding regular bread purchasing decisions and producer product differentiation strategies. Although web scraping was the only alternative to obtain detailed, up-to-date product data in the Finnish context, daily scraping seemed unnecessary as bread prices remained stable. However, daily scraping combined with the hedonic pricing method yielded valuable information regarding the holiday season’s pricing strategies of Finnish retailers. On this basis, web scraping should be included in hedonic pricing applications on food products and the whole food commodity research field