29 research outputs found

    The role of transformative leadership, ICT-infrastructure and learning climate in teachers’ use of digital learning materials during their classes

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    This study investigated whether the school organizational variables transformative leadership (TL), ICT-infrastructure (technical and social), and organizational learning climate were related to teachers’ dispositional variables attitude, perceived norm, and perceived behavior control (PBC). The direct and indirect influences of these variables on teachers’ intention and use of modern technology such as digital learning materials (DLMs) were also investigated. A longitudinal design was used with three measurements spread out over three years, with 544 randomly selected teachers from the Dutch primary, secondary and vocational education. Model fit was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). All dispositional variables predicted the use of DLMs, mediated by teachers’ intention. TL had direct and indirect relationships via ICT-infrastructure and learning climate with attitude, perceived norm, and PBC. The longitudinal design proved the chronological effect of TL on learning climate and the dispositional variables. However, not all TL dimensions had relationships with ICT-infrastructure (only TL-vision and TL-intellectual stimulation) and with learning climate (only TL-intellectual stimulation). For educational practice, the results indicated that leadership can promote teachers’ use of DLMs directly and by supporting a school wide learning climate under the condition that an ICT-infrastructure exists

    The New Educational Policy in India: Towards a Digital Future

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    New Education Policy was formulated by the Government via a consultation process. It emerges as an inclusive, participatory, and holistic approach of MHRD initiated in January 2015, MHRDA new National Education Policy (NEP) has been approved by the Union Cabinet, which makes modifications in the Indian system of education from school to college. The New Education Policy outlines India's goal of becoming a knowledge superpower. As part of the restructuring, the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) became the Ministry of Education. NEP promotes ideas, concepts, applications, and problem-solving activities. This policy calls for more interactive teaching-learning. A technology-based educational approach is emphasized in this policy. This policy demonstrates a greater use of ICT for remote and interactive education at school and in higher education. The study in this paper shows the impact of ICT tools on future education and various methods for building virtual infrastructure for learning


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    Media Pembelajaran yang digunakan pada pembelajaran IPA saat ini belum mendukung pembelajaran dengan basis digital. Sehingga, media pembelajaran berbasis motion graphic ini dapat menjadi upaya untuk mendukung terlaksananya pembelajaran IPA di SD karena banyak manfaat dan kegunaan yang dirasa apalagi pada situasi seperti sekarang ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan rancangan dan respon pengguna terhadap pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis motion graphic pada Pembelajaran IPA di SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Design and Development dengan model ADDIE melalui teknik pengumpulan data lembar instrumen validasi ahli dan angket respon pengguna yang terdiri dari guru dan siswa. Media pembelajaran ini dirancang dalam bentuk Video yang berisi materi bagian dan fungsi mata serta cara kerja mata dalam menangkap benda. yang kegiatannya meliputi merumuskan masalah, mengajukan hipotesis, mengumpulkan mencatat data, menganalisis data, menyimpulkan, dan membuat karya. Prototipe dari media pembelajaran digital berbasis motion graphic memperoleh persentase penilaian ahli materi sebesar 91,25% dari aspek isi dan 90,62% dari aspek penyajian, ahli bahasa sebesar 82,00%, dan ahli media sebesar 75,00%, sehingga didapat rerata sebesar 84,72% dengan interpretasi sangat layak. Respon pengguna terhadap suplemen media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan memperoleh persentase penilaian sebesar 99,30% dari guru dan 96,20% dari siswa, sehingga didapat rerata 97,75% dengan interpretasi sangat layak. Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli dan respon pengguna tersebut, maka diperoleh persentasi penilaian keseluruhan sebesar 91,23% dengan interpretasi sangat layak untuk digunakan pada pembelajaran IPA. ----- The learning media used in science learning currently do not support digital-based learning. Thus, this motion graphic-based learning media can be an effort to support the implementation of science learning in elementary schools because of the many benefits and uses that are felt especially in situations like today. The purpose of this study is to describe the design and user responses to the development of motion graphic-based learning media in science learning in elementary schools. This study uses the Design and Development method with the ADDIE model through data collection techniques, expert validation instrument sheets and user response questionnaires consisting of teachers and students. This learning media is designed in the form of a video that contains material on the parts and functions of the eye and how the eye works in capturing objects. whose activities include formulating problems, proposing hypotheses, collecting/recording data, analyzing data, concluding, and creating works. The prototype of motion graphic-based digital learning media obtained a percentage of material expert assessment of 91.25% from the content aspect and 90.62% from the presentation aspect, linguist expert at 82.00%, and media expert at 75.00%, so that the mean of 84.72% with a very reasonable interpretation. The user's response to the developed learning media supplement obtained an assessment percentage of 99.30% from teachers and 96.20% from students, so that an average of 97.75% was obtained with a very feasible interpretation. Based on the results of expert validation and user responses, the percentage of the overall assessment is 91.23% with an interpretation that is very suitable for use in science learning

    Transformative Leadership to Enhance the Quality of Madrasa in the Covid-19 Outbreak: Learning Organization Perspective

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    This study aims to identify the implementation of transformative leadership in a madrasa in East Java. It was based on Peter Senge's learning organization theory. Moreover, this study employed quantitative descriptive research using the online survey method. It involved the leaders and the teachers of madrasa in East Java. The data was taken from February to April 2021. The respondents were 90 leaders and the teachers of all levels of madrasa – MI, MTs, and MA. It used random sampling. The researcher gathered the data from the questionnaires through Google Forms. Then, the data were analyzed descriptively. Based on Peter Senge's five-learning organization, transformative leadership implementation was found in madrasa during the Covid-19 outbreak. First, the systems thinking of teachers and education staff in madrasa during the outbreak had two indicators. The transformation of the madrasa service system based on some considerations is 75%. The curriculum adjustment also is 79%. Second, the implementation of personal mastery was through two indicators – learning new things and facing the challenges is 78%, and relevant learning method innovation is 81%. Third, the mental model is based on two indicators. They are the thinking skills quality improvement for better competence is 78% and improving the school system focused on the service quality is 83%. Fourth is the implementation of a shared vision which is based on two indicators. 79% of schools' communities comprehend the school vision. It also shows that the task completion based on the school vision is 86%. Fifth, team learning is based on two indicators. The peer group sharing habit is 90%, and fostering a dialogue culture with the leaders to improve school quality is 87%. In conclusion, this study shows that the implementation of transformative leadership enhances the madrasas’ quality amidst the covid-19 based on a learning organization perspective

    Relación entre el cambio tecnológico, la digitalización y las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la educación a distancia en institutos de Educación Superior de Lagos

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    The focus of this research is to investigate the relationship between learning flexibility, support services, and students' attitudes toward remote learning programs in Nigeria. A correlational research methodology is used, and 385 individuals drawn from a multi-stage sampling technique form the study's sample. The data collecting tool is a three-section questionnaire devised by the researchers. Experts validated the questionnaire, which was then administered once on a randomly selected sample to assess the internal consistency. The Cronbach Alpha formula produced values of .74, .77, and .78 for the three separate questionnaire constructs. At the .05 level of significance, two research questions were posed, and two related null hypotheses were investigated. The collected data is analysed using the Mean, Standard Deviation, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation formulas. The findings show that there is a positive relationship between digital learning flexibility and students' attitudes toward distant learning programs (r =.439, Freq=476, p.05). There is also a favourable link between technology supports and students' attitudes toward distant learning programs (r =.339, Freq=476, p.05). It is thus recommended, among other things, that providers of distance learning programs guarantee high flexibility and quality learner support services to cater to the academic needs of learners with different characteristics, as this would improve students' positive attitudes and increase the enrolment of candidates in distance learning programs.El enfoque de este estudio es investigar la relación entre la flexibilidad de aprendizaje, los servicios de apoyo y las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia los programas de aprendizaje remoto en Nigeria. Se utiliza una metodología de investigación correlacional y se extraen 385 individuos con una técnica de muestreo de etapas múltiples para formar la muestra del estudio. La herramienta de recolección de datos es un cuestionario de tres secciones diseñado por los investigadores. Los expertos validaron el cuestionario, que luego se administró una vez en una muestra seleccionada al azar para evaluar la consistencia interna. El alfa de Cronbach produjo valores de .74, .77 y .78 para las tres construcciones de cuestionario separadas. En el nivel de significación de .05, se plantean dos preguntas de investigación y se investigan dos hipótesis nulas relacionadas. Los datos recopilados se analizan utilizando las fórmulas de correlación de producto-momento de Pearson, desviación estándar y media. Los hallazgos muestran que existe una relación positiva entre la flexibilidad del aprendizaje digital y las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia los programas de aprendizaje a distancia (r =.439, Freq=476, p.05). También existe un vínculo favorable entre los apoyos tecnológicos y las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia los programas de aprendizaje a distancia (r =.339, Freq=476, p.05). Por lo tanto, se recomienda, entre otras cosas, que los proveedores de programas de educación a distancia garanticen servicios de apoyo al estudiante de alta flexibilidad y calidad para atender las necesidades académicas de los estudiantes con diferentes características, ya que esto mejoraría la actitud positiva de los estudiantes y aumentaría la inscripción de candidatos para programas de aprendizaje a distancia

    Samarbeidende læringsledelse i integrert spesialundervisning

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    Dette kapitlet bygger på en casestudie av et utviklingsarbeid der en skole skulle endre organisering fra segregert til integrert spesialundervisning. En slik form for spesialundervisning er både fysisk og faglig integrert i ordinær opplæring. For å lykkes med dette måtte lærerne endre sin læringsledelse. Fra å ha ledet elevenes læringsprosesser hver for seg skulle klasse- og spesiallærerne1 nå utvikle et tett samarbeid om læringsledelsen

    University students’ use of mobile technology in self-directed language learning: using the integrative model of behavior prediction

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    Mobile technology offers great potential for university students’ language learning. Numerousstudies have been conducted on utilizing mobile technology in language learning classroom.However, using it in self-initiated and self-directed learning outside class remains to be explored.The present study employed the integrative model of behavior prediction to investigate the re-lationships between attitude, subjective norm, self-efficacy and behavioral intention, as well asthe association between intention, facilitating conditions, self-regulation skills and actual use ofmobile technology in self-directed language learning. This study also examined whether self-regulation skills moderated intention and actual use. Survey data from 676 language learnersin different disciplines from Chinese universities were collected and analyzed using structuralequation modeling approach. The results showed that 37.1 percent of respondents indicated thatthey never used mobile technology for self-directed language learning. Of the other 425 re-spondents who did indicate that they used mobile technology for this purpose, the majority ofthem seemed to be extrinsically motivated. Learning activities regarding vocabulary acquisitionand translation were far more reported than those in terms of listening, speaking, reading andwriting. In addition, attitude and subjective norm significantly explained students’ intention touse mobile technology, but self-efficacy did not have a direct effect on students’ intention.Moreover, students’ self-regulation skills and intention significantly predicted students’ actual useof mobile technology. Through moderation analysis, the results indicated that the relationshipbetween intention and actual behavior would be stronger with any increase in self-regulationskills. These findings are discussed and implications are formulated.Teaching and Teacher Learning (ICLON

    مُسْتَوى مهارات التعلُّم الرَّقمي والاتجاهُ نحو استخدامِها في تعليم الرياضيات وتعلُّمِها لدى الطالب المُعلِّم بكليَّةِ التربية جامعة الملك خالد. The Level of Digital Learning Skills and the Attitude towards their Use in Teaching and learning Mathematics among the Student-Teacher at the College of Education at King Khalid University

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    هدفَ البحثُ إلى تقييمِ مستوى الطالب المُعلِّم تخصُّص رياضيات بكليَّةِ التربية جامعة الملك خالد في مهارات التعلُّم الرَّقمي والاتجاهات نحو استخدامِها في البرامجِ والأنشطةِ الخاصَّة بتعليم الرياضيات وتعلُّمها. اعتمدَ البحثُ على المنهجِ الوصفي التحليلي، وتكوَّنت عيِّنةُ الدِّراسةِ من (32) من الطُلَّاب المُعلِّمين بُكليَّة التربية بجامعةِ الملك خالد. وأعدت استبانة لقياس مُستوى مهارات التعلُّم الرَّقمي لدى عينة الدراسة تكوَّنت من (32) مفردةً في مهارات (مُتطلَّبات التعلُّم الرَّقمي، وإدارةُ أنظمةِ التعلُّم الرَّقمي، ومعالجةُ المحتوى الرَّقمي، واستخدامُ تطبيقات وسائط التَّواصل الاجتماعي لتحسين التفاعلات في بيئات التعلُّم بصورةٍ متزامنة وغير متزامنة، واستخدام التعلُّم الرَّقمي لتحسين عمليات التعلُّم وحل المشكلات)، كما أعدّ مقياس اتجاهات نحو استخدامِ التعلُّم الرَّقمي في برامج تعليم الرياضيات وتعلُّمِها تكون من (22) مفردةً في أبعاد (الرؤية الواضحة لدى الطُلَّاب، ومستوى الدافعية والانتباه في التعلُّم الرَّقمي، وتوظيف التعلُّم الرَّقمي في جامعته). بيَّنتْ نتائجُ البحثِ أنَّ مستوى مهارات الطَّالبِ المُعلِّم في التعلُّم الرَّقمي جاء بدرجةٍ متوسِّطةٍ إجمالًا، وبدرجةٍ كبيرةٍ في مهارةِ إتقانِ المهارات الأساسية لمُتطلَّبات التعلُّم الرَّقمي ، وبدرجات مُتوسِّطة في مهارات إدارة أنظمة التعلُّم الرَّقمي ومعالجة المحتوى الرَّقمي، ومهارات استخدام تطبيقات وسائط التَّواصُلِ الاجتماعي لتحسينِ التفاعلات في بيئات التعلم بصورةٍ متزامنة وغير متزامنة، ومهارات استخدام التعلُّم الرَّقمي لتحسينِ عمليات التعلُّم وحلِّ المشكلات. كما بيَّنت أنَّ مستوى اتجاهات الطالب المُعلِّم نحو استخدام التعلُّم الرَّقمي في تعليمِ الرياضيات وتعلُّمِها بالمرحلة الجامعية جاء بدرجةٍ متوسطة إجمالًا، وجاء بدرجةٍ كبيرة في البعد الأول: الرؤية الواضحة لدى الطلاب، وبدرجةٍ متوسِّطة في البعد الثاني: مستوى الدافعية والانتباه في التعلُّم الرَّقمي، والبعد الثالث: استخدام التعلُّم الرَّقمي في جامعته. واتَّضح أنَّه لا توجد علاقة ارتباطية موجبة بين مستويات الطلاب في التعلُّم الرَّقمي ودرجة اتجاههم نحو توظيفه في تعليم الرياضيات وتعلُّمها. This study aimed at assessing the level of student-teacher majoring in mathematics at the College of Education at King Khalid University in digital learning skills and attitudes towards their use in the programs and activities of teaching and learning mathematics. The descriptive analytical method was utilized. The study sample consisted of (32) student - teachers at the College of Education at King Khalid University. A 32 _item questionnaire to measure the level of digital learning skills for the study sample was devised. The questionnaire items covered: the requirements for digital learning, managing digital learning systems, manipulating digital content, using social media applications to improve interactions in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, and using digital learning to improve learning and problem-solving processes. A 22_ item scale of attitudes towards the use of digital learning in mathematics education and learning programs was also devised. The scale items covered: the students\u27 clear vision, the level of motivation and attention in the digital learning, and the use of digital learning in their university. The results of the study showed that the level of skills of the student-teacher in the digital learning reached an overall medium degree, and a large degree in the skill of mastering the basic skills of digital learning requirements ; and to medium degrees in the skills of managing digital learning systems, manipulating digital content, using social media applications to improve interactions in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, and using digital learning to improve learning and problem-solving processes. Results also showed that the level of student-teacher attitudes towards the use of digital learning in the teaching and learning of mathematics at the university level came to an overall medium degree , and to a large degree in the first scale dimension: the students\u27 clear vision ; and to a medium degree in the second scale dimension: the level of motivation and attention in the digital learning , and the third dimension: the use of digital learning in his university . Results revealed that there was no positive correlation between students\u27 levels of digital learning and the degree of their attitudes towards employing them in teaching and learning mathematics. In light of these results, some recommendations and suggestions for further research were presented