93 research outputs found

    Information disclosure behaviour in social media among Malaysian youth : the impact of privacy concern, risk and trust

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    People have been using Social Network Sites (SNS) to communicate and make friends through online. Although SNS has been benefited its users in many ways, information privacy seemed to be overlooked. This study proposes a framework to examine users? protective behaviour associated with information disclosure in SNS. The proposed framework was derived based on the Protection Motivation Theory and Privacy Concern

    Information disclosure behaviour in social media among Malaysian youth: the impact of privacy concern, risk and trust

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    People have been using Social Network Sites (SNS) to communicate and make friends through online. Although SNS has been benefited its users in many ways, information privacy seemed to be overlooked. This study proposes a framework to examine users’ protective behaviour associated with information disclosure in SNS. The proposed framework was derived based on the Protection Motivation Theory and Privacy Concer

    The State of e-Banking Implementation in Nigeria: A Post-Consolidation Review

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    The most widely used e-Banking instrument in �igeria is e-Payment, particularly the automatic teller machine (ATM) card. However, with the adoption of e-Banking by all the banks in �igeria, the volume of cash in circulation has continued to increase pre-and-post bank recapitalization/consolidation exercise. Furthermore, some of the 25 banks that survived the exercise were found lately to have depleted their capital base and have lost credibility before the consumers, e-Banking implementation notwithstanding. Therefore, in this paper, we review the state of e-Banking implementation in �igeria and evaluate the influence of trust on the adoption of e-Payment using an extended technology acceptance model (TAM). Similarly, we investigate organizational reputation, perceived risk and perceived trust in the management of banks as a factor for enhancing customer loyalty. The findings in this work reveal that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are not only antecedent to ebanking acceptance, they are also factors to retain customers to the use of e-banking system such as organizational reputation, perceived risk and trust

    Examining the Security Issues of Automated Teller Machine Based on Revised Technology Acceptance Model

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    Trust of using automated teller machine (ATM) is a daunting task for many Indonesians, where the security issues associated with it, still haunting them. The paper examines the collaborative issues related to the ATM security such as: perceived usefulness and ease of use, perceived security, trust, intention to use and actual system use, by using revised technical acceptance model (TAM) according to the banking purposes. The study takes customer samples of major leading banks in Indonesia and expected to present the current situation faced by many Indonesians when dealing with the ATM security. The outcome will be valuable inputs for the policy makers of the banks to establish further strategy to cope with integrated security issues related to ATM use


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh (1) Gambaran intention to online shopping (2) Gambaran social media influencer (3) Pengaruh social media influencer terhadap intention to online shopping pada followers akun instagram resmi Focallure Indonesia. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode simple random sampling (pengambilan sampel secara acak) dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling terhadap 200 pengguna akun. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan alat bantu program IBM SPSS AMOS versi 24.0 for Windows. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa gambaran intention to online shopping, gambaran social media influencer dan pengaruh social media influencer berada pada kategori baik. Implikasi dalam penelitian ini menunjukan Social Media Influencer memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap Intention to Online Shopping. Dimensi credibility dalam social media influencer memberi kontribusi yang paling besar dalam membentuk intention to online shopping. The purpose of this study was to obtain (1) an overview of the intention to online shopping (2) an overview of social media influencers (3) The influence of social media influencers on the intention to online shopping on followers of the official Focallure Indonesia Instagram account. Sampling in this study using simple random sampling method (random sampling) using probability sampling techniques to 200 account users. The analysis technique used is the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with IBM SPSS AMOS version 24.0 for Windows. The findings of this study indicate that the description of the intention to online shopping, the description of social media influencers and the influence of social media influencers are in good categories. The implication in this study shows that Social Media Influencers have a positive and significant influence on Intention to Online Shopping. The credibility dimension in social media influencers has the greatest contribution in shaping the intention to online shopping


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    Persaingan industri e-commerce pada saat ini semakin tinggi, dapat dilihat dari turunnya purchase intention. Purchase intention merupakan hal yang penting bagi perusahaan yang tidak bisa diabaikan. Meningkatkan purchase intention pada diri konsumen perusahaan harus memperhatikan kualitas produk, harga produk, dan meningkatkan berbagai strategi perusahaan, salah satunya meningkatkan online customer reviews. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran online customer reviews pada pengunjung website Blibli di Indonesia, mengetahui gambaran purchase intention pada pengunjung website Blibli di Indonesia, dan memperoleh temuan besarnya pengaruh online customer reviews terhadap purchase intention pada pengunjung website Blibli di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif eksplanatif, dan metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 400 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur dengan alat bantu software komputer SPSS 22.0 for Windows. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran online customer reviews dalam kategori baik, gambaran purchase intention dalam kategori baik, variabel online customer reviews yang memiliki pengaruh tinggi terhadap purchase intention adalah dimensi kredibilitas sumber, sedangkan dimensi yang memiliki pengaruh terendah adalah kualitas argumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian purchase intention dipengaruhi oleh online customer reviews dengan kategori kuat dan pengaruh dari luar yang tidak diteliti juga dengan kategori sedang. Kata kunci: Online customer reviews, online reviews, purchase intention ABSTRACK Ririe Novianty (1601332), "The Effect of Online Customer Reviews on Purchase intention (Survey on Website Blibli in Indonesia)". Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. H. Agus Rahayu, M.P and Drs. H. Rd. Dian Herdiana Utama, M.Si. E-commerce industry competition at this time is increasingly high, can be seen from the decline in purchase intention. Purchase intention is important for companies that cannot be ignored. Increasing the purchase intention of the consumer company must pay attention to product quality, product prices, and improve various corporate strategies, one of which is increasing online customer reviews. This study aims to determine the description of online customer reviews on Blibli website visitors in Indonesia, knowing the description of purchase intentions on Blibli website visitors in Indonesia, and to find the magnitude of the influence of online customer reviews on purchase intention on Blibli website visitors in Indonesia. This type of research is descriptive explanative, and the method used is a survey method using a simple random sampling technique with a sample size of 400 respondents. Data analysis technique used is path analysis with SPSS 22.0 for Windows computer software. The findings of this study indicate that the description of online customer reviews is in the good category, the description of purchase intention in the good category, the variable online customer reviews that has a high influence on purchase intention is the source credibility dimension, while the dimension that has the lowest influence is the quality of the argument. Based on the results of research purchase intention is influenced by online customer reviews with a strong category and external influences that are not examined also with the medium category. Keywords: Online customer reviews, online reviews, purchase intention

    Online drivers and offline influences related to loyalty to airline websites

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    This paper explores users loyalty to airlines’ websites, by examining differences among users belonging to the Y, X and baby boomer generations. The results indicate that to obtain users loyalty to a company’s site, it is necessary to first, affective e-loyalty, through e-trust, which is also positively influenced by offline perceived value, e-satisfaction, and indirectly by e-quality. We also demonstrates that significant differences exist among the various generations, implying airlines need to fine-tune their online strategies retain customer loyalty

    Home Computer User Security Behavioral Intention: A Replication Study from Guam

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    This replication study is a methodological replication of Study 1 of Anderson and Agarwal (2010) (A&A) using data collected from Guam to investigate information security (InfoSec) behavioral intention. This study also extended the A&A Model by examining the effect of gender on each construct of the model. Our findings are very similar to those reported by A&A, and indicate that the model is generalizable to the population on Guam. We also observed the effect of gender on several constructs of the model. As this study cannot confirm whether the slight differences between the result of A&A and this study are related to cultural differences, we suggest future replication studies be conducted to examine how culture would affect our security behavior intention. We also suggest practitioners consider gender as an important factor when designing mechanisms to encourage people to practice information security behavior