16 research outputs found

    Efecto de la confianza en la lealtad y el eWOM en las comunidades virtuales de marca.

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    La confianza en la marca y en la Comunidad Virtual de Marca (CVM) pueden contribuir a la generación de lealtad a la marca y eWOM positivo. Sin embargo, no han sido muchos los estudios empíricos que han incluido ambos tipos de confianza en la evaluación de los resultados de las CVM. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tiene como objetivo explorar cómo la confianza en la marca y la confianza en la comunidad influyen en la lealtad y en el eWOM. Para ello se emplearon datos procedentes de una encuesta realizada a usuarios de CVM que fueron analizados mediante la técnica PLS. Los resultados confirman que la confianza en la marca influye en la lealtad y en el eWOM tanto directamente, como indirectamente a través de la confianza en la CVM. Además, la lealtad favorece la generación de eWOM. Las implicaciones para la práctica de marketing son comentadas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Explaining online communities’ contribution to socio-economic development

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    In recent times, online communities are emerging as a potential source of information technology-led socio-economic development by enabling new generative mechanisms. Existing studies provide useful insights yet do not recognize the contributions of online communities in achieving socio-economic development. To address this knowledge gap, this paper documents a netnography study conducted on an online community for teaching the youth how to earn income online legitimately. We applied the theoretical notion of IT affordances to examine the possibilities for socio-economic action via online communities in the context of a developing country. Preliminary findings show how the online community contributes to socio-economic development by fostering collaboration, information sharing, and learning leading to income generation

    Analisis Keterlibatan Pelanggan sebagai Variabel Mediasi pada Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem dan Kualitas Informasi terhadap Loyalitas Merek (Aplikasi Model Simulus-Organism-Response)

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    This study analyzes the impact of customer engagement on the characteristics of Online Brand Community (system quality and information quality) on brand loyalty. Respondents in this study were the general public in the Solo Raya area who had interacted with the Smartfren Community. 195 respondents met the research criteria. Data processing used the PLS-SEM analysis tool to test the model developed under the application of the stimulus-organism-response model. Each characteristic of the Online Brand Community (OBC) shows a significant positive result on customer engagement. Customer engagement has a significant positive effect on brand loyalty. Customer engagement successfully mediates between information quality and system quality on brand loyalty. The hypothesized model of the stimulus-organism-response framework was validated among a sample of emerging markets, focusing on customer engagement on OBC characteristics of brand loyalty

    Self-Awareness or Context-Awareness? The Role of Awareness in Herd Behavior

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    Online consumers are increasingly using social commerce platforms to engage in various social interactions and conduct commercial activities. Drawing on latent state-trait (LST) theory, this study investigates how self-awareness (i.e., private and public self-awareness) and context-awareness (i.e., perceived expertise, similarity and familiarity) influence herd behavior (i.e., discounting own information and imitating other). In addition, we examine the interplay between self-awareness and context-awareness. Furthermore, we posit that herd behavior contributes positively to purchase intention, which in turn influences purchase behavior. To test the proposed model, we will collect longitudinal data from actual social commerce users. The theoretical and practical implication will be discusse


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    Kebanggaan produk lokal Indonesia merupakan media informasi sekaligus gerakan untuk mendukung merek- merek lokal yang baru berdiri selama satu tahun. Setiap harinya, media ini mengunggah foto-foto produk dari lini fashion lokal, terutama produk yang baru diluncurkan. Kebanggan produk lokal Indonesia yang banyak didukung oleh followers ini juga banyak diteliti yang pada akhirnya timbul keterikatan konsumen yang khususnya menggemari komunitas dari brand yang ada di forum tersebut. Perusahaan produk lokal harus bisa memaksimalkan media sosial untuk menyusun strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan customer brand engagement. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh analisis brand image dan brand love terhadap customer brand engagement. Penelitian ini berjenis deskriptif verifikatif yaitu dengan menggambarkan dan memaparkan variabel-variabel yang diteliti dan kemudian menarik kesimpulan. Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah customer brand engagement serta brand image dan brand love sebagai variabel bebas. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah komunitas anggota teman compass sebanyak 267 anggota pada bulan Juli Tahun 2021. Metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory survey dengan teknik purposive sampling terhadap 200 anggota teman compass di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan alat bantu program IBM SPSS AMOS. Hasil temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran brand image dan brand love terhadap customer brand engagement berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Brand image dan brand love memiliki pengaruh yang positif signifikan dalam meningkatkan customer brand engagement. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, disarankan dalam segi brand image, perusahaan perlu melakukan kesesuaian yaitu kualitas bahan produk dimana perusahaan Compass perlu memikirkan bagaimana kualitas produk sepatu mereka lebih baik dibandingkan dengan sepatu lokal lainnya. Dalam segi brand love perlu melakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan customer brand engagement perusahaan harus membuat ide agar konsumen membeli sepatu compass, dengan kelebihan sepatu compass dibandingkan dengan produk lainnya. Sehingga diharapkan brand image dan brand love perlu diperhatikan lebih lanjut oleh perusahaan sepatu Compass untuk meningkatkan Keterlibatan konsumen atau customer brand engagement. Kata Kunci: Brand Image, Brand Love, Customer Brand Engagement

    What drives the purchase decision in Instagram stores?

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    The popularity of social media and particularly Instagram grows steadily. People use the different platforms to share pictures as well as videos and to communicate with friends. The potential of social media platforms is also being used for marketing purposes and for selling products. While for Facebook and other online social media platforms the purchase decision factors are investigated several times, Instagram stores remain mainly unattended so far. The present research work closes this gap and sheds light into decisive factors for purchasing products offered in Instagram stores. A theoretical research model, which contains selected constructs that are assumed to have a significant influence on Instagram user´s purchase intention, is developed. The hypotheses are evaluated by applying structural equation modelling on survey data containing 127 relevant participants. The results of the study reveal that ‘trust’, ‘personal recommendation’, and ‘usability’ significantly influences user’s buying intention in Instagram stores

    Resistance to customer-driven business model innovations : an explorative customer experience study on voice assistant services of a Swiss tourism destination

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    For tourism, voice search is a promising tool with a considerable impact on tourist experience. For example, voice search might not only simplify the booking process of flights and hotels but also change local search for tourist information. Against this backdrop, our pilot study analyzes the current state of voice search in a Swiss tourism destination so that providers can benefit from those new opportunities. We conducted interviews with nine experts in Swiss tourism marketing. They agree that voice search offers a significant opportunity as a new and diverse channel in tourism. Moreover, this technology provides new marketing measures and a more efficient use of resources. However, possible threats to this innovation are data protection regulation and providers’ lack of skills and financial resources. Furthermore, the diversity of Swiss dialects pushes voice search to its limits. Finally, our study confirms that tourism destinations should cooperate to implement voice search within their touristic regions. In conclusion, following our initial findings from the sample destination, voice search remains of minor importance for tourist marketing in Switzerland as evident in the given low use of resources. Following this initial investigation of voice search in a Swiss tourism destination, we recommended conducting further qualitative interviews on tourists’ voice search experience in different tourist destinations

    How to drive brand engagement and EWOM intention in social commerce: A competitive strategy for the emerging market

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    Brand engagement and eWOM intention have been found to be critical factors driving competitive advantage for companies, as the evolution of social networking sites has changed the perspective of how companies engage with customers. Based on social exchange theory, the current research proposes an empirical model that emphasizes (1) the unique role of social commerce characteristics, including personalization, socialization, and information availability, in enhancing consumer-brand engagement, (2) the connection between consumer-brand engagement and eWOM intention, and (3) the moderating influence of trust towards such connection. A survey of 248 Facebook users with online shopping experience was employed. By using PLS-graph 3.0, structural equation modelling, the findings demonstrate that personalization and socialization positively influence brand engagement, which in turn leads to eWOM intention. Furthermore, trust moderates the brand engagement-eWOM intention relationship. Unexpectedly, information availability has shown no significant effect on brand engagement. The study encompasses the knowledge of social exchange theory into the social commerce environment by investigating the linkage between the social commerce environment and brand engagement. It contributes value to marketing theories by describing the moderating role of trust from the viewpoint of Gen Y. In addition, the study's findings may shed light on how firms in emerging markets can increase competitiveness by stimulating brand engagement and eWOM intention, as well as enhancing consumer trust in the comments regarding the products/services within the social commerce environment. © 2020 Tomas Bata University in Zlín. All rights reserved.Internal Grant Agency of the Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FaME/2018/015

    a framework and meta-analysis

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    Santini, F. D. O., Ladeira, W. J., Pinto, D. C., Herter, M. M., Sampaio, C. H., & Babin, B. J. (2020). Customer engagement in social media: a framework and meta-analysis. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science. [Advanced online publication on 27 May 2020]. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-020-00731-5This research examines customer engagement in social media (CESM) using a meta-analytic model of 814 effect sizes across 97 studies involving 161,059 respondents. Findings reveal that customer engagement is driven by satisfaction, positive emotions, and trust, but not by commitment. Satisfaction is a stronger predictor of customer engagement in high (vs. low) convenience, B2B (vs. B2C), and Twitter (vs. Facebook and Blogs). Twitter appears twice as likely as other social media platforms to improve customer engagement via satisfaction and positive emotions. Customer engagement is also found to have substantial value for companies, directly impacting firm performance, behavioral intention, and word-of-mouth. Moreover, hedonic consumption yields nearly three times stronger customer engagement to firm performance effects vis-à-vis utilitarian consumption. However, contrary to conventional managerial wisdom, word-of-mouth does not improve firm performance nor does it mediate customer engagement effects on firm performance. Contributions to customer engagement theory, including an embellishment of the customer engagement mechanics definition, and practical implications for managers are discussed.authorsversionpublishe

    Social media brand engagement practices : examining the role of consumer brand knowledge, social pressure, social relatedness, and brand trust

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to deepen the understanding on social media brand engagement (SMBE) practices by exploring the impact of consumer brand knowledge, perceived social pressure, perceived social relatedness (PSR) and the role of brand trust. Design/methodology/approach A model is proposed to suggest the influence of consumer-level antecedents and moderators of SMBE. Following a survey design approach, data collected from 687 respondents on Facebook are examined through structural equation modelling using AMOS 23.0. Findings The findings reveal significant relationship between the examined antecedents (brand knowledge, perceived social pressure and brand trust) and SMBE. Examination of the moderation role of PSR revealed significant interaction effects on the relationship between brand knowledge and SMBE, as well as perceived social pressure and SMBE. The findings also suggest a lack of interaction effect of PSR on the relationship between brand trust and SMBE. Research limitations/implications This research provides empirical evidence in support of understanding SMBE practices by testing theoretically grounded hypotheses. The study focussed on technologically savvy respondents and only Facebook users in Ghana, which could limit the generalisation of the findings reported. Practical implications This study illustrates a need for managers to integrate multi-communication channels to enhance brand interactions and engagements. Firms must also adopt strategies that would enhance the sharing of interesting information about their brands on their social media platforms to attract others through customer networks. Originality/value The conceptualization of SMBE in this study zooms out our understanding of online SMBE by examining pertinent variables that drive or moderate consumer participation in SMBE activities. The integration of these variables brings out new empirical understanding and extends our knowledge on SMBE