61 research outputs found

    Faktor Organisasi, Individu dan Teknologi Terhadap Berbagi Pengetahuan di Universitas: Tinjauan Sistematis dan Meta Analisis

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    Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah tinjauan sistematis dari literatur yang membahas mengenai knowledge sharing di institusi pendidikan tinggi. Tinjauan sistematis dilakukan untuk memperdalam pengetahuan, mengetahui hasil penelitian terdahulu, dan memperjelas masalah penelitian dalam konteks knowledge sharing di lingkungan institusi pendidikan tinggi. Tinjauan sistematis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). PRISMA membantu para penulis dan peneliti dalam menyusun sebuah systematic review dimana berisikan panduan item apa saja yang harus ada dalam sebuah artikel. Literatur yang dikumpulkan berasal dari artikel yang terbit pada tahun 2018 sampai dengan 2022. Berdasarkan hasil dari membaca keseluruhan isi teks, terdapat 28 yang dijadikan sebagai artikel terpilih. Penelitian ini berusaha melakukan pemetaan faktor yang mempengaruhi knowledge sharing di institusi pendidikan tinggi. Faktor-faktor tersebut diklasifikasikan berdasarkan faktor organisasi, individu dan teknologi. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan faktor terdapat 12 faktor yang termasuk ke dalam faktor organisasi, 26 faktor yang termasuk ke dalam faktor individu dan 3 faktor yang termasuk ke dalam faktor teknologi.  Selain itu penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengusulkan model konseptual

    Knowledge Sharing Practices in Academics

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    Knowledge sharing is considered as thefoundation of learning and research at colleges anduniversities. In the context of higher education,knowledge sharing is the process of exchanging andacquiring knowledge that is needed through informaland formal channels technical facilities.This systematic literature review explainedknowledge sharing practice both by university andstudent. In this systematic Literature Review, willidentify and analyze what common practices ofknowledge sharing on academic purpose from eachresearch from 2007 until 2017

    Análise da inovação aberta em habitats de inovação/ Analysis of open innovation in innovation habitats

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    Os habitats de inovação surgem como instrumentos de incentivo à geração de inovações a criação de ambientes que possuem características tecnológicas, neste contexto emerge a importância das universidades na conversão da ciência em tecnologia. Assim, novos modelos de inovação são criados, como por exemplo o modelo de inovação aberta (open innovation), que possui como foco incorporar, compartilhar e demandar projetos de inovação com outras empresas, universidades e centros de pesquisa. O presente trabalho busca identificar estudos que vislumbram os impactos gerados pela inovação aberta em habitats de inovação, por meio de busca sistemática. Apresentou a metodologia de revisão bibliométrica, a partir de três bases de dados, Scopus, Web of Science e Science direct. Em 2011 foi o primeiro artigo encontrado sobre como mensurar inovação aberta em habitats de inovação. O assunto teve seu auge em 2016 com a publicação de 7 artigos. De 2016 até 2020 houve uma estabilidade no tema. Como principal produto resultante, contribuiu com a relação temática entre a inovação aberta e a gestão do conhecimento. O conhecimento científico obtido inicialmente por busca sistemática de literatura e análise bibliométrica, propicia criação do conhecimento nos temas, bem como situa o pesquisador nos resultados internacionais da pesquisa mundial

    Quality Management Of Facilities And Infrastructure At Madrasah

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    Facilities and infrastructure are important components of an efficient educational process in schools. The management of educational facilities and infrastructure must be done in order to guarantee the smooth operation of the madrasah's facilities and infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to describe the quality management of facilities and infrastructure at MAN 1 Pringsewu, Lampung, Indonesia. The principal of MAN 1 Pringsewu, the administrative staff, the committee, and the vice principal of facilities and infrastructure are the study's sources of data. Observation, documentation, and interviews were used to collect the data. The analysis of the study's data included data reduction techniques, data visualization, and conclusion drawing or verification. Triangulation was used to check the validity of the data in the interim. Planning, doing, checking, and action is all used to manage the quality of the facilities and infrastructure at MAN 1 Pringsewu, Lampung, Indonesia, based on the research's findings. After determining the needs through analysis, procurement is done by offering opportunities to partners. Maintenance of facilities and infrastructure is done by collecting data on the facilities and infrastructure owned, then organizing and taking special care of electronic objects. Finally, follow-up is done by using and removing facilities and infrastructure

    Provide a model for establishing a comprehensive knowledge management system in knowledge-based organizations based on success factors

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    Purpose: This study provides a model for establishing a comprehensive knowledge management system in knowledge-based organizations based on success factors. Research methodology: A researcher-made questionnaire was used to examine these factors and finally to present the model. The statistical population of this study is all managers and employees of knowledge-based organizations. There are 150 of them and 108 people were randomly selected as the research sample. Result: The results of factor analysis showed that all 7 factors under study explain 65.16% of the total variance, which is acceptable. On the other hand, the results of the Friedman test also showed the first to the seventh priority of effective factors of knowledge success in construction projects, including human resource development, knowledge-based orientation, knowledge evaluation and transfer, information systems infrastructure, business culture, modeling. Finally, there was a conflict between people. A model was designed according to the mentioned priority. Limitations: This research only described knowledge-based organizations. Contribution: In this article, using a comprehensive knowledge management system, an attempt is made to provide a mechanism for establishing and implementing a comprehensive knowledge management system in knowledge-based organizations to help it take an important step towards capacity building to create value in processes and exchanges. The knowledge of the experts of the organization should be removed in order to direct the tacit knowledge of the experts, which is the main capital of any organization, towards this important issue

    Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Cafés: A Case Study in Higher Education

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    Higher Education Institutions are knowledge intensive institutions. Academics are considered knowledge workers within a knowledge society, with a remit to create and transfer knowledge to their students, as well as to distribute and share the knowledge created from research undertaken. These forms of knowledge sharing within Higher Education Institutions happen as part of the role of an educator and an academic. Knowledge sharing between academics is not as commonplace as sharing explicit knowledge. The academic culture within Higher Education can be quite hierarchical, competitive, and individualistic, where the focus for career advancement is on research and publishing, although a renewed focus on teaching quality, is also a performance measurement tool. For new and relatively new staff, the academic context can be perceived as highly individualised, and self‐directed. Most newcomers to academia initially operate not being aware of the complexity of its rules of interaction. There are several barriers to knowledge sharing at a personal level within this context. Given these challenges, it is important for new academics, as well as seasoned academics in the United Kingdom context, to understand the value of sharing practices through informal conversations, which inspired this project. As a funded project titled, “Improving student engagement and satisfaction by sharing best practices”, the project had a three-fold set of objectives: 1). To undertake initial research to understand knowledge sharing practices at Higher Education institutions, 2). To provide opportunities for knowledge sharing via the implementation of three Knowledge Cafés, and 3). To disseminate research and lessons learnt around the sharing of teaching best practices. This case study presents one of the three arms of the project, which is the implementation of the Knowledge Cafés within a Higher Education Institution, at Swansea University. The impact of the radical shift from a face-to-face environment to a virtual space, the perception of the personal value of the Knowledge Cafés, and how it was experienced by the participants, is explored. The idea of the knowledge café progressed and further developed into special sessions being delivered at two international conferences: 1) The 14th Annual International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation 2021 (virtual), and 2) The 14th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (face-to-face, Spain). Initial surveys conducted of the Knowledge Cafés suggests that these opportunities to informally have conversations around teaching best practice and their experience of online teaching was valued, and its benefits understood. Several determinants for the success of knowledge sharing, within this context, are revealed

    Synthesizing Sentience: Integrating Large Language Models and Autonomous Agents for Emulating Human Cognitive Complexity

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    The paper aims to present a novel methodology for emulating the intricacies of human cognitive complexity by ingeniously integrating large language models with autonomous agents. Grounded in the theoretical framework of the modular mind theory-originally espoused by Fodor and later refined by scholars such as Joanna Bryson—the study seeks to venture into the untapped potential of large language models and autonomous agents in mirroring human cognition. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence, exemplified by the inception of autonomous agents like Age in GPT, auto GPT, and baby AGI, underscore the transformative capacities of these technologies in diverse applications. Moreover, empirical studies have substantiated that persona-driven autonomous agents manifest enhanced efficacy and nuanced performance, mimicking the intricate dynamics of human interactions. The paper postulates a theoretical framework incorporating persona-driven modules that emulate psychological functions integral to general cognitive processes. This framework advocates for the deployment of a plurality of autonomous agents, each informed by specific large language models, to act as surrogates for different cognitive functionalities. Neurological evidence is invoked to bolster the theoretical architecture, delineating how autonomous agents can serve as efficacious proxies for modular cognitive centers within the human brain. Given this foundation, a theory of mind predicated upon modular constructs offers a fertile landscape for further empirical investigations and technological innovations

    Leveraging Generative Agents: Autonomous AI with Simulated Personas for Interactive Simulacra and Collaborative Research

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    The advent of large language models (LLMs) and AI learning have fundamentally reshaped the research landscape, paving the way for novel problem-solving approaches. This paper introduces a unique framework that leverages the capabilities of autonomous AI agents with simulated personas to drive collaborative research in groundbreaking ways. Inspired by a recent study of autonomous agents mirroring human behavior, this concept encourages the use of a cadre of AI agents, each possessing specialized expertise for collective endeavors. By replicating human diversity in teamwork, this approach targets complex and hitherto unsolvable issues. The key to this strategy is persona and emotional simulation, enabling these AI agents to facilitate cross- disciplinary and interdisciplinary research within a decentered author model, and providing innovative solutions to wicked problems. Expertise can be drawn upon from disparate fields, including STEM, business, education, arts and humanities, and more. Enhanced by the advancements in AI research, specifically with LLMs like OpenAI\u27s ChatGPT 3.5 and 4, this model offers profound potential to nurture research culture within universities by identifying barriers and proposing strategies to surmount them, drawing from international models for inspiration. This proposed decentered collaborative research model, despite constraints, holds immense promise in reinventing the research paradigm

    Aspects to take into account in the realization of an integral organizational climate diagnosis and derived action plans

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    El clima organizacional como factor determinante en las políticas corporativas actuales cada vez toma más fuerza. En este ensayo se plantean varios aspectos fundamentales acerca del clima organizacional, algunos antecedentes de su estudio y varios conceptos abordados por otros autores en varias obras, menciones y artículos. En este postulado se utilizan mayormente fuentes pragmáticas obtenidas por medio de análisis de variables organizacionales en varias compañías del sector real, opiniones de colaboradores y fundamentos hallados en varias obras y artículos que otros autores hicieron respecto al tema y a otras características subyacentes. El resultado final de este artículo es una guía para comprender mejor el clima organizacional y sus factores derivados, lograr entender las propiedades del mismo en cada entorno y al final poder implementar determinadas políticas para la mejora y seguimiento del mismo. El propósito final es aportar a las organizaciones y a las personas herramientas que faciliten el desarrollo de un óptimo clima organizacional y la materialización de mejor desempeño.Portada, Resumen, Introducción, Materiales y métodos, Resultados, Conclusiones, Referencias.The organizational climate as a determining factor in current corporate policies is becoming stronger. In this essay several fundamental aspects about the organizational climate, some antecedents of his study and several concepts approached by other authors in several works, mentions and articles are raised. In this postulate, pragmatic sources obtained through the analysis of organizational variables in several companies of the real sector, opinions of collaborators and fundamentals found in several works and articles that other authors made regarding the subject and other underlying characteristics are mostly used. The final result of this article is a guide to better understand the organizational climate and its derived factors, to understand its properties in each environment and in the end to be able to implement certain policies for its improvement and monitoring. The ultimate purpose is to provide organizations and individuals with tools that facilitate the development of an optimal organizational climate and the performance of better performance.Especializació

    Promoting student participation skills through student organizations

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    A student organization is a step used to improve students' basic norms, roles and learning functions in accordance with the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture number 155/1998. Conversely, Law number 12 of the 2012 government regulation amended in 2014 on the Implementation and management of Higher Education did not provide more details on student organizations. Student organizations under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia tend to be independent in their management with the establishment of Decree (S.K.) by the General Director of Islamic Education number 4961 in 2016. Therefore, this study aims to describe, analyze, and explore students' participation in fostering their organizations through a series of working programs. These programs were predicted to be a medium for students to participate in their communities after they had graduated from college. This is qualitative research with semi-structured interviews, observation, and literature studies as instruments to collect data from 24 informants from eight different campuses in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (D.I. Yogyakarta). The result shows that student participation in organizations includes cadre formation, leadership skills, and educational awareness. Implementing a working program is an operational concern for members on campus; therefore, it is a medium for a country to gain knowledge, prepare for the future, and self-actualize its citizens from the perspective of competency