13,780 research outputs found

    Model Driven Mutation Applied to Adaptative Systems Testing

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    Dynamically Adaptive Systems modify their behav- ior and structure in response to changes in their surrounding environment and according to an adaptation logic. Critical sys- tems increasingly incorporate dynamic adaptation capabilities; examples include disaster relief and space exploration systems. In this paper, we focus on mutation testing of the adaptation logic. We propose a fault model for adaptation logics that classifies faults into environmental completeness and adaptation correct- ness. Since there are several adaptation logic languages relying on the same underlying concepts, the fault model is expressed independently from specific adaptation languages. Taking benefit from model-driven engineering technology, we express these common concepts in a metamodel and define the operational semantics of mutation operators at this level. Mutation is applied on model elements and model transformations are used to propagate these changes to a given adaptation policy in the chosen formalism. Preliminary results on an adaptive web server highlight the difficulty of killing mutants for adaptive systems, and thus the difficulty of generating efficient tests.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Mutation Analysis Workshop (Mutation 2011), Berlin : Allemagne (2011

    An efficient genetic algorithm for large-scale transmit power control of dense and robust wireless networks in harsh industrial environments

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    The industrial wireless local area network (IWLAN) is increasingly dense, due to not only the penetration of wireless applications to shop floors and warehouses, but also the rising need of redundancy for robust wireless coverage. Instead of simply powering on all access points (APs), there is an unavoidable need to dynamically control the transmit power of APs on a large scale, in order to minimize interference and adapt the coverage to the latest shadowing effects of dominant obstacles in an industrial indoor environment. To fulfill this need, this paper formulates a transmit power control (TPC) model that enables both powering on/off APs and transmit power calibration of each AP that is powered on. This TPC model uses an empirical one-slope path loss model considering three-dimensional obstacle shadowing effects, to enable accurate yet simple coverage prediction. An efficient genetic algorithm (GA), named GATPC, is designed to solve this TPC model even on a large scale. To this end, it leverages repair mechanism-based population initialization, crossover and mutation, parallelism as well as dedicated speedup measures. The GATPC was experimentally validated in a small-scale IWLAN that is deployed a real industrial indoor environment. It was further numerically demonstrated and benchmarked on both small- and large-scales, regarding the effectiveness and the scalability of TPC. Moreover, sensitivity analysis was performed to reveal the produced interference and the qualification rate of GATPC in function of varying target coverage percentage as well as number and placement direction of dominant obstacles. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Instituted or Embedded? Legal, Fiscal and Economic Institutionalisation of Markets

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    Recent debates in economic sociology have raised questions about the significance of law in the economy, and specifically the role of law in the operation of markets. This paper compares a recent grand and detailed historical sweeps of the laws of the labour market by Deakin and Wilkinson with an ideally complementing similar two volume study of the history of taxation, also related to the labour market, by Daunton. By exploring the differences between the evolution of legal, fiscal and welfare institutions, this paper aims to cast light on the processes of institutional change that neither, taken separately, were able to undertake

    Deriving the dependence structure of portfolio credit derivatives using evolutionary algorithms

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    Even if the correct modeling of default dependence is essential for the valuation of portfolio credit derivatives, for the pricing of synthetic CDOs a one-factor Gaussian copula model with constant and equalpairwise correlationsfor all assets in the reference portfolio has become the standard market model. If this model were a re?ection of market opinion, there wouldn't be the implied correlation smilethatis observedinthe market. Thepurposeof thispaperistoderive a correlation structure from observed CDO tranche spreads. The correlation structure is chosen such that all tranche spreads of the traded CDO can be reproduced. This implied correlation structure can then be used to price o?-market tranches with the same underlying as the traded CDO. Using this approach we can significantly reduce the risk to misprice o?-market derivatives. Due to the complexity of the optimization problem we apply Evolutionary Algorithms. --

    Lorenzo Market between Diversity and Mutation

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the diversity of groups of workers and the local division of labour in the San Lorenzo Market, Florence, Italy. This empirical research may help distinguish the demographic, migratory and occupational patterns of the workers in accordance with their national origin. It shows that geographical origin is the key to the differences, specialisations and oppositions between the Florentines and the various groups of migrants on the one hand, and between these immigrant groups on the other hand. It shows too the mutation made by the conflict between global dynamics and a local labour market.San Lorenzo Market, Immigrant workers, Diversity, Local division of labour, Migratory trajectories

    Trust in MDE Components: the DOMINO Experiment

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    International audienceA large number of modeling activities can be automatic or computer assisted. This automation ensures a more rapid and robust software development. However, engineers must ensure that the models have the properties required for the application. In order to tend towards this requirement, the DOMINO project (DOMaINs and methodological prOcess) proposes to use the socalled trustworthy Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) components and aims to provide a methodology for the validation and qualification of such components
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