635 research outputs found

    Forensics analysis of wi-fi communication traces in mobile devices

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    Forensic investigation of P2P cloud storage services and backbone for IoT networks : BitTorrent Sync as a case study

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    Cloud computing has been regarded as the technology enabler for the Internet of Things (IoT). To ensure the most effective collection of IoT-based evidence, it is vital for forensic practitioners to possess a contemporary understanding of the artefacts from different cloud services. In this paper, we seek to determine the data remnants from the use of BitTorrent Sync version 2.0. Findings from our research using mobile and computer devices running Windows 8.1, Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, iOS 7.1.2, and Android KitKat 4.4.4 suggested that artefacts relating to the installation, uninstallation, log-in, log-off, and file synchronisation could be recovered, which are potential sources of IoT forensics. We also present a forensically sound investigation methodology for BitTorrent Sync

    Unveiling the Digital Shadows: Cybersecurity and the Art of Digital Forensics

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    This paper navigates the symbiotic relationship between cybersecurity and digital forensics, exploring the profound role of digital forensic methodologies in addressing cyber incidents. Beginning with foundational definitions and historical evolution, this study delves into diverse types of methodologies and their applications across law enforcement and cybersecurity domains. The mechanics of cyber incident response illuminates the strategic orchestration of digital forensic methodologies. Amidst triumphs, challenges emerge from the shadows: swift threat evolution, digital ecosystem complexity, standardization gaps, resource limitations, and legal intricacies. Best practices guide experts through this intricate terrain, culminating in an enhanced understanding of the inseparable bond between cybersecurity and digital forensics. Through this synthesis, cyber threats’ shadows are unveiled and mitigated, fortifying the digital landscape

    A Survey of Social Network Forensics

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    Social networks in any form, specifically online social networks (OSNs), are becoming a part of our everyday life in this new millennium especially with the advanced and simple communication technologies through easily accessible devices such as smartphones and tablets. The data generated through the use of these technologies need to be analyzed for forensic purposes when criminal and terrorist activities are involved. In order to deal with the forensic implications of social networks, current research on both digital forensics and social networks need to be incorporated and understood. This will help digital forensics investigators to predict, detect and even prevent any criminal activities in different forms. It will also help researchers to develop new models / techniques in the future. This paper provides literature review of the social network forensics methods, models, and techniques in order to provide an overview to the researchers for their future works as well as the law enforcement investigators for their investigations when crimes are committed in the cyber space. It also provides awareness and defense methods for OSN users in order to protect them against to social attacks

    Integrated examination and analysis model for improving mobile cloud forensic investigation

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    Advanced forensic techniques become inevitable to investigate the malicious activities in Cloud-based Mobile Applications (CMA). It is challenging to analyse the casespecific evidential artifact from the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) environment under forensically sound conditions. The Mobile Cloud Investigation (MCI) encounters many research issues in tracing and fine-tuning the relevant evidential artifacts from the MCC environment. This research proposes an integrated Examination and Analysis (EA) model for a generalised application architecture of CMA deployable on the public cloud to trace the case-specific evidential artifacts. The proposed model effectively validates MCI and enhances the accuracy and speed of the investigation. In this context, proposing Forensic Examination and Analysis Methodology using Data mining (FED) and Forensic Examination and analysis methodology using Data mining and Optimization (FEDO) models address these issues. The FED incorporates key sub-phases such as timeline analysis, hash filtering, data carving, and data transformation to filter out case-specific artifacts. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) assisted forensic methodology decides the amount of potential information to be retained for further investigation and categorizes the forensic evidential artifacts for the relevancy of the crime event. Finally, the FED model constructs the forensic evidence taxonomy and maintains the precision and recall above 85% for effective decision-making. FEDO facilitates cloud evidence by examining the key features and indexing the evidence. The FEDO incorporates several sub-phases to precisely handle the evidence, such as evidence indexing, crossreferencing, and keyword searching. It analyses the temporal and geographic information and performs cross-referencing to fine-tune the evidence towards the casespecific evidence. FEDO models the Linearly Decreasing Weight (LDW) strategy based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm on the case-specific evidence to improve the searching capability of the investigation across the massive MCC environment. FEDO delivers the evidence tracing rate at 90%, and thus the integrated EA ensures improved MCI performance

    Insight from a Docker Container Introspection

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    Large-scale adoption of virtual containers has stimulated concerns by practitioners and academics about the viability of data acquisition and reliability due to the decreasing window to gather relevant data points. These concerns prompted the idea that introspection tools, which are able to acquire data from a system as it is running, can be utilized as both an early warning system to protect that system and as a data capture system that collects data that would be valuable from a digital forensic perspective. An exploratory case study was conducted utilizing a Docker engine and Prometheus as the introspection tool. The research contribution of this research is two-fold. First, it provides empirical support for the idea that introspection tools can be utilized to ascertain differences between pristine and infected containers. Second, it provides the ground work for future research conducting an analysis of large-scale containerized applications in a virtual cloud

    Emerging Technologies, Law Enforcement Responses, and National Security

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    Biometric identity systems in law enforcement and the politics of (voice)recognition: the case of SiiP

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    Biometric identity systems are now a prominent feature of contemporary law enforcement, including in Europe. Often advanced on the premise of efficiency and accuracy, they have also been the subject of significant controversy. Much attention has focussed on longer-standing biometric data collection, such as finger-printing and facial recognition, foregrounding concerns with the impact such technologies can have on the nature of policing and fundamental human rights. Less researched is the growing use of voice recognition in law enforcement. This paper examines the case of the recent Speaker Identification Integrated Project, a European wide initiative to create the first international and interoperable database of voice biometrics, now the third largest biometric database at Interpol. Drawing on Freedom of Information requests, interviews and public documentation, we outline the emergence and features of SiiP and explore how voice is recognised and attributed meaning. We understand Speaker Identification Integrated Project as constituting a particular 'regime of recognition' premised on the use of soft biometrics (age, language, accent and gender) to disembed voice in order to optimise for difference. This, in turn, has implications for the nature and scope of law enforcement, people's position in society, and justice concerns more broadly