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    The mediating role of total quality management between human resource practices, information technology infrastructure and performance of Pakistan public hospitals

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    Health care sector in developing countries is striving for sustainable performance, where total quality management and national culture has considered as a key strategy for the hospitals to become more effective. Although, to understand the diverse perceptions of health care sector performance, this study aims to examine the impact of information technology infrastructure (ITI), human resource management practices (HRM) on the health care sector performance in Pakistan with the mediating effect of total quality management and the moderating role of national culture. However, this research used SmartPLS (SEM) 3.0 for the analysis of survey data (n = 249) collected from doctors working in public hospitals of Pakistan. Empirical results found that from six direct hypothesis,five have a direct strong relationship with total quality management (TQM) and organization performance (OP). Where, total quality management mediates the relationship between HRM and organization performance except ITI. Finally, national culture moderated the relationship between TQM and organization performance

    A systematic literature review of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation in the organization

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    [EN] In today’s market situation and complex business environment, organization must be able to deliver the customer’s requirement and the expectations which are critical to the satisfaction such as high product quality, faster delivery and competitive cost. Organization need to apply a comprehensive concept and method on managing those requirements. The concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) is considered as one of a popular concept used to manage the quality of product and services comprehensively. This research is to observe is this concept and method still relevant to be use and effectively improved the business performance as well as customer satisfaction. It is a systematic literature review to the literatures from many industry sectors that were collected and reviewed in detail. The result show that this concept is still being used by many organizations around the world and its successfully help the organization to improve their competitiveness, business growth and the sustainability as well as increase employee’s morale.This article was completed thanks to the financial support from the university of Mercu Buana, Jakarta-Indonesia. It also completed with the purpose and motivation of the authors to have an innovate research thinking as well as the contribution to the future researcher.Permana, A.; Purba, H.; Rizkiyah, N. (2021). A systematic literature review of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation in the organization. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 9(1):25-36. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2021.13765OJS253691Alanazi, M.H. (2020). The mediating role of primary TQM factors and strategy in the relationship between supportive TQM factors and organisational results: An empirical assessment using the MBNQA model. 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    An ANP-Balanced Scorecard Methodology to Quantify the Impact of TQM Elements on Organisational Strategic Sustainable Development: Application to an Oil Firm Sustainability

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    [EN] This paper presents a methodology for quantifying the impact of Total Quality Management TQM elements on organisational strategic sustainable development, integrating within it the well-known strategic management tool of Balanced Scorecard to represent the strategic part of the organisations, and the multi-criteria technique Analytic Network Process (ANP) to identify and quantify the mentioned impact. Additionally, the application of TQM generates directly some organisational improvements¿or outputs¿which help model a decisional ANP network constituted by all three building blocks¿TQM elements, strategic objectives and outputs¿and their interrelationships. 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    Meja konsol moden diinspirasikan oleh The Oval, Limassol

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    Dalam arus pemodenan yang begitu pesat, pelbagai hasil rekaan produk yang kreatif dan berinovasi dihasilkan demi memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak pengguna dalam melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti harian mereka. Rekaan sebegini mewujudkan persaingan yang sihat dan mampu meningkatkan pendapatan individu, syarikat, dan seterusnya negara. Hal ini tidak terkecuali dalam penghasilan produk-produk perabot. Menurut laporan tahunan yang dikeluarkan oleh Lembaga Perindustrian Kayu Malaysia (MTIB) mendapati bahawa industri perabot telah menyumbang sebanyak RM 22,498.3 juta kepada hasil eksport Malaysia pada 2019 (MTIB, 2020). Perabot yang dihasilkan bukan sahaja mementingkan tarikan luaran, malah ia perlu mempunyai kualiti yang tinggi serta memberi manfaat dan diterima oleh pengguna

    Experimental study and numerical modelling of woven fabric kenaf fiber composites hybrid adhesively bonded-bolted joints

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    Couple with natural fiber composite parts, hybrid joints provide better joint strength than using separate joints. There are limited studies on structures response and strength prediction work on hybrid joints that limits its applicability. The aim of present study is to conduct experimental datasets on woven fabric kenaf fiber reinforced polymer (KFRP) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite hybrid joints under quasi-static testing and to carry out the strength prediction works subsequently by implementing physically-based traction-separation constitutive law. Testing series investigated includes variation of joint types, normalized W/d = 2 to 5, reinforcing fiber composites, lay-up types, plate thickness and bolt loads. Experimental observations and bearing stress at failures were conducted, the datasets were then used as validation works in FEA modelling. All KFRP hybrid joint series demonstrated net-tension failure mode associated to stress concentration at the vicinity of notch tip. Initially, strength prediction works were attempted by implementing various numerical approaches and fully XFEM techniques was adopted to all series as it provides promising results with better physically representation and less computational time. Good agreements between experimental datasets and predicted bearing stress at failure were found in KFRP hybrid joints with average discrepancy of less than 23%. It was found that combinations of thicker and cross-ply lay-up gives the best prediction of less than 2 % (where experimental datasets and FEA output were given as 201 N/mm2 and 198 N/mm2 respectively) due to better repetitive lay-up with implementation of smeared-out properties. Less significant effects from bolt loads and reinforcing fibers were found for both joint types. It can be concluded that fully XFEM technique able to provide as a unified prediction tools in hybrid joints of most composite materials with reasonable agreements

    The effect of entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, total quality management and organizational culture on the SMEs performance: A theoretical framework

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    In the contemporary, Entrepreneurial orientation and Market orientation have become important topics among business academics and practitioners. Since business environment has become more competitive, the need to develop and improve internal resources is now a prerequisite for global survival; entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation are now the crucial falcons that are assisting the firms to achieve such a niche.Despite the importance of MO and EO, researches that link these concepts to SMEs performance are very limited.In this view, through extensive literature view, this study has found a theoretical link that exists between entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and performance of SMEs and also developed conceptual model for empirical validations. This study serves not only to clarify the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and SMEs performance, it also explains the role which TQM plays as a mediator in this relationship which most studies have neglected.Again, the conceptual model also examines the moderation role of the organizational culture in the relationship between TQM and SMEs performance

    Arguments for use of ABC in TQM environment

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    In the current context, analysis methods of management, quality-centered management is of particular relevance.TQM is a management approach with great potential, which incite to new and deeper analysis and research. Multiple analyses of the techniques, methods and TQM require expansion and accounting solutions.The application presented is a model for tracking quality costs in terms of applying TQM.Tracking quality costs using ABC is the solution obtained after a thorough analysis of TQM and ABC method. For relevance solution, we chose the solution in an enterprise application.The material presented is a step in the successful implementation of TQM using the method of analysis of quality costs ABC method.quality costs, quality management

    The mediating effect of market orientation on the relationship between total quality management, entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of banks in Libya

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of Market Orientation (MO) on the relationship between total quality management (TQM), entrepreneurial orientation (EO), and organizational performance (OP). The motivation for this study was driven by the inconsistent findings in the literature concerning the relationships between TQM, EO, and organizational performance. Due to the inconsistent results, a new research has emerged and this has prompted further investigation on the effect of other variables that may better explain the nature of these links. In the related literature, many theories have suggested that the compatibility between strategies, resources, and capabilities as the keys for success. To achieve this purpose, this study has integrated different theories such as the resource-based view, and the Congruence Model . Questionnaires were distributed to 400 Sections of the Libyan banks. 230 questionnaires were returned and used in the analysis using the PLSSEM. The results of this study revealed that TQM, and EO were positive and have also been proven to be significant predictors of organizational performance. More importantly, the results have also confirmed the mediating effect of Market Orientation on the relationships between TQM, EO, and organizational performanc

    The Effect of Total Quality Management on Firm Performance with the Mediating Roles of Innovation and Knowledge Management in Small Medium Enterprises

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    In the present era, the policy and decision makers are quite concerned regarding quality, hence the firms are more intricate and facing questions concerning which quality management practice would be adopted to increase the firm’s performance. The primary objective of this paper was to identify the effect of total quality management on firm’s performance through the mediating roles of innovation and knowledge management in the SME’S of Pakistan. A sum of 280 respondents was selected for data collection from various SME’S and employing a structural equation modelling for data analysis. It was summed up that a statistically significant causal correlation has been found among the TQM, innovation, knowledge management and firm’s performance. This article is established on theories like resource based theory and institutional theory. The results give cognitive understandings regarding how the modern as well as present SME’s would accomplish higher performance and consistent competitiveness through the interplay of these variables in the local and international market