13 research outputs found

    Polyhedral Approaches to Hypergraph Partitioning and Cell Formation

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    Ankara : Department of Industrial Engineering and Institute of Engineering and Science, Bilkent University, 1994.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- -Bilkent University, 1994.Includes bibliographical references leaves 152-161Hypergraphs are generalizations of graphs in the sense that each hyperedge can connect more than two vertices. Hypergraphs are used to describe manufacturing environments and electrical circuits. Hypergraph partitioning in manufacturing models cell formation in Cellular Manufacturing systems. Moreover, hypergraph partitioning in VTSI design case is necessary to simplify the layout problem. There are various heuristic techniques for obtaining non-optimal hypergraph partitionings reported in the literature. In this dissertation research, optimal seeking hypergraph partitioning approaches are attacked from polyhedral combinatorics viewpoint. There are two polytopes defined on r-uniform hypergraphs in which every hyperedge has exactly r end points, in order to analyze partitioning related problems. Their dimensions, valid inequality families, facet defining inequalities are investigated, and experimented via random test problems. Cell formation is the first stage in designing Cellular Manufacturing systems. There are two new cell formation techniques based on combinatorial optimization principles. One uses graph approximation, creation of a flow equivalent tree by successively solving maximum flow problems and a search routine. The other uses the polynomially solvable special case of the one of the previously discussed polytopes. These new techniques are compared to six well-known cell formation algorithms in terms of different efficiency measures according to randomly generated problems. The results are analyzed statistically.Kandiller, LeventPh.D

    A branch, price, and cut approach to solving the maximum weighted independent set problem

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    The maximum weight-independent set problem (MWISP) is one of the most well-known and well-studied NP-hard problems in the field of combinatorial optimization. In the first part of the dissertation, I explore efficient branch-and-price (B&P) approaches to solve MWISP exactly. B&P is a useful integer-programming tool for solving NP-hard optimization problems. Specifically, I look at vertex- and edge-disjoint decompositions of the underlying graph. MWISPâÂÂs on the resulting subgraphs are less challenging, on average, to solve. I use the B&P framework to solve MWISP on the original graph G using these specially constructed subproblems to generate columns. I demonstrate that vertex-disjoint partitioning scheme gives an effective approach for relatively sparse graphs. I also show that the edge-disjoint approach is less effective than the vertex-disjoint scheme because the associated DWD reformulation of the latter entails a slow rate of convergence. In the second part of the dissertation, I address convergence properties associated with Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition (DWD). I discuss prevalent methods for improving the rate of convergence of DWD. I also implement specific methods in application to the edge-disjoint B&P scheme and show that these methods improve the rate of convergence. In the third part of the dissertation, I focus on identifying new cut-generation methods within the B&P framework. Such methods have not been explored in the literature. I present two new methodologies for generating generic cutting planes within the B&P framework. These techniques are not limited to MWISP and can be used in general applications of B&P. The first methodology generates cuts by identifying faces (facets) of subproblem polytopes and lifting associated inequalities; the second methodology computes Lift-and-Project (L&P) cuts within B&P. I successfully demonstrate the feasibility of both approaches and present preliminary computational tests of each

    Image Partitioning based on Semidefinite Programming

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    Many tasks in computer vision lead to combinatorial optimization problems. Automatic image partitioning is one of the most important examples in this context: whether based on some prior knowledge or completely unsupervised, we wish to find coherent parts of the image. However, the inherent combinatorial complexity of such problems often prevents to find the global optimum in polynomial time. For this reason, various approaches have been proposed to find good approximative solutions for image partitioning problems. As an important example, we will first consider different spectral relaxation techniques: based on straightforward eigenvector calculations, these methods compute suboptimal solutions in short time. However, the main contribution of this thesis is to introduce a novel optimization technique for discrete image partitioning problems which is based on a semidefinite programming relaxation. In contrast to approximation methods employing annealing algorithms, this approach involves solving a convex optimization problem, which does not suffer from possible local minima. Using interior point techniques, the solution of the relaxation can be found in polynomial time, and without elaborate parameter tuning. High quality solutions to the original combinatorial problem are then obtained with a randomized rounding technique. The only potential drawback of the semidefinite relaxation approach is that the number of variables of the optimization problem is squared. Nevertheless, it can still be applied to problems with up to a few thousand variables, as is demonstrated for various computer vision tasks including unsupervised segmentation, perceptual grouping and image restoration. Concerning problems of higher dimensionality, we study two different approaches to effectively reduce the number of variables. The first one is based on probabilistic sampling: by considering only a small random fraction of the pixels in the image, our semidefinite relaxation method can be applied in an efficient way while maintaining a reliable quality of the resulting segmentations. The second approach reduces the problem size by computing an over-segmentation of the image in a preprocessing step. After that, the image is partitioned based on the resulting "superpixels" instead of the original pixels. Since the real world does not consist of pixels, it can even be argued that this is the more natural image representation. Initially, our semidefinite relaxation method is defined only for binary partitioning problems. To derive image segmentations into multiple parts, one possibility is to apply the binary approach in a hierarchical way. Besides this natural extension, we also discuss how multiclass partitioning problems can be solved in a direct way based on semidefinite relaxation techniques

    Quantum Correlations: A Modern Augmentation

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    A branch, price, and cut approach to solving the maximum weighted independent set problem

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    The maximum weight-independent set problem (MWISP) is one of the most well-known and well-studied NP-hard problems in the field of combinatorial optimization. In the first part of the dissertation, I explore efficient branch-and-price (B&P) approaches to solve MWISP exactly. B&P is a useful integer-programming tool for solving NP-hard optimization problems. Specifically, I look at vertex- and edge-disjoint decompositions of the underlying graph. MWISPâÂÂs on the resulting subgraphs are less challenging, on average, to solve. I use the B&P framework to solve MWISP on the original graph G using these specially constructed subproblems to generate columns. I demonstrate that vertex-disjoint partitioning scheme gives an effective approach for relatively sparse graphs. I also show that the edge-disjoint approach is less effective than the vertex-disjoint scheme because the associated DWD reformulation of the latter entails a slow rate of convergence. In the second part of the dissertation, I address convergence properties associated with Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition (DWD). I discuss prevalent methods for improving the rate of convergence of DWD. I also implement specific methods in application to the edge-disjoint B&P scheme and show that these methods improve the rate of convergence. In the third part of the dissertation, I focus on identifying new cut-generation methods within the B&P framework. Such methods have not been explored in the literature. I present two new methodologies for generating generic cutting planes within the B&P framework. These techniques are not limited to MWISP and can be used in general applications of B&P. The first methodology generates cuts by identifying faces (facets) of subproblem polytopes and lifting associated inequalities; the second methodology computes Lift-and-Project (L&P) cuts within B&P. I successfully demonstrate the feasibility of both approaches and present preliminary computational tests of each

    Abstracts for the twentyfirst European workshop on Computational geometry, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 9-11, 2005

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    This volume contains abstracts of the papers presented at the 21st European Workshop on Computational Geometry, held at TU Eindhoven (the Netherlands) on March 9–11, 2005. There were 53 papers presented at the Workshop, covering a wide range of topics. This record number shows that the field of computational geometry is very much alive in Europe. We wish to thank all the authors who submitted papers and presented their work at the workshop. We believe that this has lead to a collection of very interesting abstracts that are both enjoyable and informative for the reader. Finally, we are grateful to TU Eindhoven for their support in organizing the workshop and to the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for sponsoring the workshop

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum

    Reconnaissance d'opérations d'algèbre linéaire dans un programme polyédrique

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    Writing a code which uses an architecture at its full capability has become an increasingly difficult problem over the last years. For some key operations, a dedicated accelerator or a finely tuned implementation exists and delivers the best performance. Thus, when compiling a code, identifying these operations and issuing calls to their high-performance implementation is attractive. In this dissertation, we focus on the problem of detection of these operations. We propose a framework which detects linear algebra subcomputations within a polyhedral program. The main idea of this framework is to partition the computation in order to isolate different subcomputations in a regular manner, then we consider each portion of the computation and try to recognize it as a combination of linear algebra operations.We perform the partitioning of the computation by using a program transformation called monoparametric tiling. This transformation partitions the computation into blocks, whose shape is some homothetic scaling of a fixed-size partitioning. We show that the tiled program remains polyhedral while allowing a limited amount of parametrization: a single size parameter. This is an improvement compared to the previous work on tiling, that forced us to choose between these two properties.Then, in order to recognize computations, we introduce a template recognition algorithm. This template recognition algorithm is built on a state-of-the-art program equivalence algorithm. We also propose several extensions in order to manage some semantic properties.Finally, we combine these two previous contributions into a framework which detects linear algebra subcomputations. A part of this framework is a library of template, based on the BLAS specification. We demonstrate our framework on several applications.Durant ces dernières années, Il est de plus en plus compliqué d'écrire du code qui utilise une architecture au mieux de ses capacités. Certaines opérations clefs ont soit un accélérateur dédié, ou admettent une implémentation finement optimisée qui délivre les meilleurs performances. Ainsi, il est intéressant d'identifier ces opérations pendant la compilation d'un programme, et de faire appel à une implémentation optimisée.Nous nous intéressons dans cette thèse au problème de détection de ces opérations. Nous proposons un procédé qui détecte des sous-calculs correspondant à des opérations d'algèbre linéaire à l'intérieur de programmes polyédriques. L'idée principale de ce procédé est de découper le programme en sous-calculs isolés, et essayer de reconnaître chaque sous-calculs comme une combinaison d'opérateurs d'algèbre linéaire.Le découpage du calcul est effectué en utilisant une transformation de programme appelée tuilage monoparamétrique. Cette transformation partitionne le calcul en tuiles dont la forme est un agrandissement paramétrique d'une tuile de taille constante. Nous montrons que le programme tuilé reste polyédrique tout en permettant une paramétrisation limitée des tailles de tuile. Les travaux précédents sur le tuilage nous forçaient à choisir l'une de ces deux propriétés.Ensuite, afin d'identifier les opérateurs, nous introduisons un algorithme de reconnaissance de template, qui est une extension d'un algorithme d'équivalence de programme. Nous proposons plusieurs extensions afin de tenir compte des propriétés sémantiques communément rencontrées en algèbre linéaire.Enfin, nous combinons les deux contributions précédentes en un procédé qui détecte les sous-calculs correspondant à des opérateurs d'algèbre linéaire. Une de ses composantes est une librairie de template, inspirée de la spécification BLAS. Nous démontrons l'efficacité de notre procédé sur plusieurs applications

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum