13 research outputs found

    WSPC- Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in main 1 Characterizing Swing-Leg Retraction in Human Locomotion

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    contact, is observed in human locomotion. While several advantages of swingleg retraction, like gait stability and perturbation rejection, are shown by conceptual models, there is currently very little experimental data on swing-leg retraction in human motion. In this paper, kinematic data for twenty-eight subjects walking and running at different speeds are analyzed. Swing-leg retraction was shown to exist in walking and running at every non-zero speed. Additionally, swing-leg retraction speed and acceleration linearly increase with gait speed. At comparable gait speeds, swing-leg retraction speed is higher for running than for walking

    Don't break a leg: Running birds from quail to ostrich prioritise leg safety and economy in uneven terrain

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    Cursorial ground birds are paragons of bipedal running that span a 500-fold mass range from quail to ostrich. Here we investigate the task-level control priorities of cursorial birds by analysing how they negotiate single-step obstacles that create a conflict between body stability (attenuating deviations in body motion) and consistent leg force–length dynamics (for economy and leg safety). We also test the hypothesis that control priorities shift between body stability and leg safety with increasing body size, reflecting use of active control to overcome size-related challenges. Weight-support demands lead to a shift towards straighter legs and stiffer steady gait with increasing body size, but it remains unknown whether non-steady locomotor priorities diverge with size. We found that all measured species used a consistent obstacle negotiation strategy, involving unsteady body dynamics to minimise fluctuations in leg posture and loading across multiple steps, not directly prioritising body stability. Peak leg forces remained remarkably consistent across obstacle terrain, within 0.35 body weights of level running for obstacle heights from 0.1 to 0.5 times leg length. All species used similar stance leg actuation patterns, involving asymmetric force–length trajectories and posture-dependent actuation to add or remove energy depending on landing conditions. We present a simple stance leg model that explains key features of avian bipedal locomotion, and suggests economy as a key priority on both level and uneven terrain. We suggest that running ground birds target the closely coupled priorities of economy and leg safety as the direct imperatives of control, with adequate stability achieved through appropriately tuned intrinsic dynamics

    Improved Efficiency in Legged Running Using Lightweight Passive Compliant Feet

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    This paper investigates the mechanical benefits of employing a passive foot segment to improve energetic efficiency in legged running. The proposed lightweight design significantly reduces impact and damping losses, while simultaneously allowing for a natural-looking stance configuration. Actuator in- put and ankle spring properties were optimized in simulation and successfully tested in 2D running experiments

    Don't break a leg: Running birds from quail to ostrich prioritise leg safety and economy in uneven terrain

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    Cursorial ground birds are paragons of bipedal running that span a 500-fold mass range from quail to ostrich. Here we investigate the task-level control priorities of cursorial birds by analysing how they negotiate single-step obstacles that create a conflict between body stability (attenuating deviations in body motion) and consistent leg force–length dynamics (for economy and leg safety). We also test the hypothesis that control priorities shift between body stability and leg safety with increasing body size, reflecting use of active control to overcome size-related challenges. Weight-support demands lead to a shift towards straighter legs and stiffer steady gait with increasing body size, but it remains unknown whether non-steady locomotor priorities diverge with size. We found that all measured species used a consistent obstacle negotiation strategy, involving unsteady body dynamics to minimise fluctuations in leg posture and loading across multiple steps, not directly prioritising body stability. Peak leg forces remained remarkably consistent across obstacle terrain, within 0.35 body weights of level running for obstacle heights from 0.1 to 0.5 times leg length. All species used similar stance leg actuation patterns, involving asymmetric force–length trajectories and posture-dependent actuation to add or remove energy depending on landing conditions. We present a simple stance leg model that explains key features of avian bipedal locomotion, and suggests economy as a key priority on both level and uneven terrain. We suggest that running ground birds target the closely coupled priorities of economy and leg safety as the direct imperatives of control, with adequate stability achieved through appropriately tuned intrinsic dynamics

    The effects of swing-leg retraction on running performance: analysis, simulation, and experiment

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    Using simple running models, researchers have argued that swing-leg retraction can improve running robot performance. In this paper, we investigate whether this holds for a more realistic simulation model validated against a physical running robot. We find that swing-leg retraction can improve stability and disturbance rejection. Alternatively, swing-leg retraction can simultaneously reduce touchdown forces, slipping likelihood, and impact energy losses. Surprisingly, swing-leg retraction barely affected net energetic efficiency. The retraction rates at which these effects are the greatest are strongly model-dependent, suggesting that robot designers cannot always rely on simplified models to accurately predict such complex behaviors

    Optimal relative timing of stance push-off and swing leg retraction

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    Abstract-Swing leg retraction, the backward rotation of the swing leg prior to heel-strike, is known to have several advantages in legged locomotion. To achieve this motion, a hip torque is required at the end of the swing phase to brake the forward rotation of the leg and/or accelerate its backward motion. In walking, pre-emptive push-off of the stance leg also occurs at the end of the swing, so its relative timing with late-swing retracting torque influences gait energetics. To find the best relative timing between the stance leg's pushoff force and the swing leg retraction torque, we calculate their work-based energetics in a simple bipedal model using impulsive approximations and with the aid of the so-called overlap parameter that quantifies the relative order and the percentage overlap of the push-off and retraction impulses. By minimizing the energetic cost of the gait, we found that it is energetically favorable to start with the push-off force, and postpone braking the leg swing until completely after the push-off (impulsive force/torque). The implication for the more realistic non-impulsive cases is to apply the retraction torque at the very end of the push-off before heel-strike. We show that the results are valid for many other bipedal models, for both periodic and aperiodic gaits, and regardless of the actuator efficiencies for positive and negative work

    An Empirical Approach for the Agile Control of Dynamic Legged Robot

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    Reachability and Real-Time Actuation Strategies for the Active SLIP Model

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    Running and hopping follow similar patterns for different animals, independent of the number of legs employed. An aerial phase alternates with a ground contact phase, during which the center of mass moves as if a spring were compressed and then extended to recover stored elastic energy. Hence, consisting of a point mass mounted on a massless spring leg, the Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP) is a prevalent model for analyzing running and hopping. In this work we consider an actuated version of the SLIP model, with a series elastic actuator added to the leg, serving the purposes of adding/removing energy to/from the system and of modifying dynamics during stance, toward achieving non-steady locomotion on varying terrain. While the SLIP model has been a topic of research in legged locomotion for several decades, studies on the effect of actuation on the system's behavior are still not complete.The goal of this thesis is to explore how a series elastic actuator applied to the SLIP model's leg can change the system's dynamics. This, in turn, enables a variety of long-term planning strategies for using limited footholds and design non-steady gaits while simultaneously recovering from unexpected perturbations, both sensorial and due to a limited knowledge of the terrain profile.We principally investigate how, through actuation, we can solve partially or completely the system's equations of motion, to enforce a desired trajectory and reach a desired state. We also determine the reachable state space of the model using several different actuation strategies, investigating the variation of the reachable set with respect to particular actuator motions and providing relationships between local actuator displacements throughout stance and location of the reached apex state. We then propose a control strategy based on graphical and numerical studies of the reachability space to drive the system to a desired state, with the ability to reduce the effects of sensing errors and disturbances happening at landing as well as during ground contact