729 research outputs found

    Ease Virtual Machine Level Tooling with Language Level Ordinary Object Pointers

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    International audienceVirtual Machines (VMs) are critical language execution engines. When tooling the VM level, developers face an important abstraction gap. For instance, a VM supporting an Object-oriented Programming language often manipulates its memory using addresses whereas these addresses are hidden in the language this VM supports. This discourages tooling at the VM level. We propose to use language level object ordinary pointer (LLOOP) to reduce the abstraction gap. LLOOP combine VM level and language level knowledge at the VM level to ease VM tooling. We present our implementation on the Pharo language, which is supported by the Pharo VM. Moreover, we created two tools solving two real-world major bugs in the Pharo environment. These tools required VM level support. First, we investigate how to fix a meta error that was breaking a Pharo environment, preventing it to open. We repair the broken environment by tracking and fixing the language level method responsible for the error at the VM level. Second, we investigate a corrupted Pharo image. A few objects in the Pharo memory space were corrupted i.e., the VM was not able to read and manipulate them. We are able to identify and remove the corrupted objects, fixing the Pharo environment. CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering → Runtime environments; Software maintenance tools; Software defect analysis

    Garbage Collection and Efficiency in Dynamic Metacircular Runtimes

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    In dynamic object-oriented languages, low-level mechanisms such as just-in-time compilation, object allocation, garbage collection (GC) and method dispatch are often handled by virtual machines (VMs). VMs are typically implemented using static languages, allowing only few changes at run time. In such systems, the VM is not part of the language and interfaces to memory management or method dispatch are fixed, not allowing for arbitrary adaptation. Furthermore, the implementation can typically not be inspected or debugged with standard tools used to work on application code. This paper reports on our experience building Bee, a dynamic Smalltalk runtime, written in Smalltalk. Bee is a Dynamic Metacircular Runtime (DMR) and seamlessly integrates the VM into the application and thereby overcomes many restrictions of classic VMs, for instance by allowing arbitrary code modifications of the VM at run time. Furthermore, the approach enables developers to use their standard tools for application code also for the VM, allowing them to inspect, debug, understand, and modify a DMR seamlessly. We detail our experience of implementing GC, compilation, and optimizations in a DMR. We discuss examples where we found that DMRs can improve understanding of the system, provide tighter control of the software stack, and facilitate research. We also show that in high-level benchmarks the Bee DMR performance is close to that of a widely used Smalltalk VM

    XRSpotlight: Example-based Programming of XR Interactions using a Rule-based Approach

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    Research on enabling novice AR/VR developers has emphasized the need to lower the technical barriers to entry. This is often achieved by providing new authoring tools that provide simpler means to implement XR interactions through abstraction. However, novices are then bound by the ceiling of each tool and may not form the correct mental model of how interactions are implemented. We present XRSpotlight, a system that supports novices by curating a list of the XR interactions defined in a Unity scene and presenting them as rules in natural language. Our approach is based on a model abstraction that unifies existing XR toolkit implementations. Using our model, XRSpotlight can find incomplete specifications of interactions, suggest similar interactions, and copy-paste interactions from examples using different toolkits. We assess the validity of our model with professional VR developers and demonstrate that XRSpotlight helps novices understand how XR interactions are implemented in examples and apply this knowledge in their projects

    Emerging Threats to One Health: Implications to U.S. National Security Program

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    The program for the April 12, 2011 colloquium on Emerging Threats to One Health: Implications to U.S. National Security

    File System Support for Privacy-Preserving Analysis and Forensics in Low-Bandwidth Edge Environments

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    In this paper, we present initial results from our distributed edge systems research in the domain of sustainable harvesting of common good resources in the Arctic Ocean. Specifically, we are developing a digital platform for real-time privacy-preserving sustainability management in the domain of commercial fishery surveillance operations. This is in response to potentially privacy-infringing mandates from some governments to combat overfishing and other sustainability challenges. Our approach is to deploy sensory devices and distributed artificial intelligence algorithms on mobile, offshore fishing vessels and at mainland central control centers. To facilitate this, we need a novel data plane supporting efficient, available, secure, tamper-proof, and compliant data management in this weakly connected offshore environment. We have built our first prototype of Dorvu, a novel distributed file system in this context. Our devised architecture, the design trade-offs among conflicting properties, and our initial experiences are further detailed in this paper

    Virtual Machine-Assisted Collaborative Junk Object Detection

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    Memory leak is unrecoverable software bug that causes performance degradation and re- liability issues to software applications. Although memory management systems exist in modern Object Oriented Language to reclaim unused memory store, memory leak can still happen, and continue to exhaust memory resource. In Java, where there is garbage col- lection for releasing unused objects, memory leaks manifest itself in the form of unused object retention. Since Java Programming language allocates objects on heap, the lifetime of an object deviates from the stack discipline, which can be a challenge in detecting Java memory leak. In this thesis, we propose a collaborative approach in detecting Java memory leaks through verifying Object Lifetime Specification at runtime. We designed a runtime verifier that leverages Java Virtual Machine technologies to monitor and extract annotated infor- mation from the user application, and use that information to verify against Java Virtual Machine events to detect unintentional object retention in the Java application under test. We implemented our runtime verifier with Maxine Virtual Machine, an open source, meta-circular virtual machine developed by Oracle Lab, and conducted experiments and DaCapo benchmark to evaluate its accuracy and performance efficiency. The results show that the runtime verification tool successfully identifies junk objects for different semantic cases proposed in this thesis with certain runtime overhead. Through the research and experimental results, we further make implications on how to improve the performance overhead associated with current design and implementation methods in detecting unused object retention, which in the long term constitute memory leak and performance bug