19 research outputs found

    Modelling agricultural drought: a review of latest advances in big data technologies

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 12 Oct 2022This article reviews the main recent applications of multi-sensor remote sensing and Artificial Intelligence techniques in multivariate modelling of agricultural drought. The study focused mainly on three fundamental aspects, namely descriptive modelling, predictive modelling, and spatial modelling of expected risks and vulnerability to drought. Thus, out of 417 articles across all studies on drought, 226 articles published from 2010 to 2022 were analyzed to provide a global overview of the current state of knowledge on multivariate drought modelling using the inclusion criteria. The main objective is to review the recent available scientific evidence regarding multivariate drought modelling based on the joint use of geospatial technologies and artificial intelligence. The analysis focused on the different methods used, the choice of algorithms and the most relevant variables depending on whether they are descriptive or predictive models. Criteria such as the skill score, the given game complexity used, and the nature of validation data were considered to draw the main conclusions. The results highlight the very heterogeneous nature of studies on multivariate modelling of agricultural drought, and the very original nature of studies on multivariate modelling of agricultural drought in the recent literature. For future studies, in addition to scientific advances in prospects, case studies and comparative studies appear necessary for an in-depth analysis of the reproducibility and operational applicability of the different approaches proposed for spatial and temporal modelling of agricultural drought

    Assessment of Drought in Grasslands: Spatio – Temporal Analyses of Soil Moisture and Extreme Climate Effects in Southwestern Mongolia

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    Soil moisture plays an essential key role in the assessment of hydrological and meteorological droughts that may affect a wide area of the natural grassland and the groundwater resource. The surface soil moisture distribution as a function of time and space is highly relevant for hydrological, ecological, and agricultural applications, especially in water-limited or drought-prone regions. However, gauging soil moisture is challenging because of its high variability. While point-scale in-situ measurements are scarce, the remote sensing tools remain the only practical means to obtain regional and global-scale soil moisture estimates. A Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is the first satellite mission ever designed to gauge the Earth’s surface soil moisture (SM) at the near-daily time scales. This work aims to evaluate the spatial and temporal patterns of SMOS soil moisture, determine the effect of the climate extremes on the vegetation growth cycle, and demonstrate the feasibility of using our drought model (GDI) the Gobi Drought Index. The GDI is based on the combination of SMOS soil moisture and several products from the MODIS satellite. We used this index for hydro-meteorological drought monitoring in Southwestern Mongolia. Firstly, we validated bias-corrected SMOS soil moisture for Mongolia by the in-situ soil moisture observations 2000 to 2015. Validation shows satisfactory results for assessing drought and water-stress conditions in the grasslands of Mongolia. The correlation analysis between SMOS and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) index in the various ecosystems shows a high correlation between the bias-corrected, monthly-averaged SMOS and NDVI data (R2 > 0.81). Further analysis of the SMOS and in situ SM data revealed a good match between spatial SM distribution and the rainfall events over Southwestern Mongolia. For example, during dry 2015, SM was decreased by approximately 30% across the forest-steppe and steppe areas. We also notice that both NDVI and rainfall can be used as indicators for grassland monitoring in Mongolia. The second part of this research, analyzed several dzud (specific type of climate winter disaster) events (2000, 2001, 2002, and 2010) related to drought, to comprehend the spatial and temporal variability of vegetation conditions in the Gobi region of Mongolia. We determined how these extreme climatic events affect vegetation cover and local grazing conditions using the seasonal aridity index (aAIZ), NDVI, and livestock mortality data. The NDVI is used as an indicator of vegetation activity and growth. Its spatial and temporal pattern is expected to reflect the changes in surface vegetation density and status induced by water-deficit conditions. The Gobi steppe areas showed the highest degree of vulnerability to climate, with a drastic decline of grassland in arid areas. We found that under certain dzud conditions, rapid regeneration of vegetation can occur. A thick snow layer acting as a water reservoir combined with high livestock losses can lead to an increase of the maximum August NDVI. The snowy winters can cause a 10 to 20-day early peak in NDVI and the following increase in vegetation growth. However, during a year with dry winter conditions, the vegetation growth phase begins later due to water deficiency and the entire year has a weaker vegetation growth. Generally, livestock loss and the reduction of grazing pressure was played a crucial role in vegetation recovery after extreme climatic events in Mongolia. At the last stage of our study, we develop an integrated Gobi drought index (GDI), derived from SMOS and LST, PET, and NDVI MODIS products. GDI can incorporate both, the meteorological and soil moisture drought patterns and sufficiently well represent overall drought conditions in the arid lands. Specifically, the monthly GDI and 1-month standardized precipitation index SPI showed significant correlations. Both of them are useful for drought monitoring in semi-arid lands. But, the SPI requires in situ data that are sparse, while the GDI is free from the meteorological network restriction. Consequently, we compared the GDI with other drought indices (VSWI, NDDI, NDWI, and in-situ SM). Comparison of these drought indices with the GDI allowed assessing the droughts’ behavior from different angles and quantified better their intensity. The GDI maps at fine-scale (< 1km) permit extending the applicability of our drought model to regional and local studies. These maps were generated from 2000 to 2018 across Southwestern Mongolia. Fine-scale GDI drought maps are currently limited to the whole territory for Mongolia but the algorithm is dynamic and can be transported to any region. The GDI drought index can be served as a useful tool for prevention services to detect extremely dry soil and vegetation conditions posing a risk of drought and groundwater resource depletion. It was able to detect the drought events that were underestimated by the National Drought Watch System in Mongolia. In summary, with the help of satellite, climatological, and geophysical data, the integrated GDI can be beneficial for vegetation drought stress characterization and can be a useful tool to monitor the effectiveness of pasture land restoration management practices for Mongolian livelihoods. The future application of the GDI can be extended to monitor potential impacts on water resources and agriculture in Mongolia, which have been impacted by long periods of drought

    Besoin en eau et rendements des céréales en Méditerranée du Sud : observation, prévision saisonnière et impact du changement climatique

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    Le secteur agricole est l'un des piliers de l'économie marocaine. En plus de contribuer à 15% au Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB) et de fournir 35% des opportunités d'emploi, il a un impact sur les taux de croissance. Ces dernières sont affectées négativement ou positivement par les conditions climatiques et la pluviométrie en particulier. Lors des années de sécheresse, caractérisées par une baisse de la production agricole, en particulier celle des céréales, la croissance de l'économie marocaine a été sévèrement affectée et les importations alimentaires du royaume ont augmenté de manière significative. Dans ce contexte, il est important d'évaluer l'impact de la sécheresse agricole sur les rendements céréaliers et de développer des modèles de prévision précoce des rendements, ainsi que de déterminer l'impact futur du changement climatique sur le rendement du blé et leurs besoins en eau. Le but de ce travail est, premièrement, d'approfondir la compréhension de la relation entre le rendement des céréales et la sécheresse agricole au Maroc. Afin de détecter la sécheresse, nous avons utilisé des indices de sécheresse agricole provenant de différentes données satellitaires. En outre, nous avons utilisé les sorties du système d'assimilation des données terrestres (LDAS). Deuxièmement, nous avons développé des modèles empiriques de la prévision précoce des rendements des céréales à l'échelle provinciale. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons construit des modèles de prévision en utilisant des données multi-sources comme prédicteurs, y compris des indices basés sur la télédétection, des données météorologiques et des indices climatiques régionaux. Pour construire ces modèles, nous nous sommes appuyés sur des algorithmes de machine learning tels que : Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF) et eXtreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost). Enfin, nous avons évalué l'impact du changement climatique sur le rendement du blé et ses besoins en eau. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes appuyés sur cinq modèles climatiques régionaux disponibles dans la base de données Med-CORDEX sous deux scénarios RCP4.5 et RCP8.5, ainsi que sur le modèle AquaCrop et nous nous sommes basés sur trois périodes, la période de référence 1991-2010, la deuxième période 2041-2060 et la troisième période 2081-2100. Les résultats ont montré qu'il y a une corrélation étroite entre le rendement des céréales et les indices de sécheresse liés à l'état de végétation pendant le stade d'épiaison (mars et avril) et qui sont liés à la température de surface pendant le stade de développement en janvier-février, et qui sont liés à l'humidité du sol pendant le stade d'émergence en novembre-décembre. Les résultats ont également montré que les sorties du LDAS sont capables de suivre avec précision la sécheresse agricole. En ce qui concerne la prévision du rendement, les résultats ont montré que la combinaison des données provenant de sources multiples a donné des meilleurs résultats que les modèles basés sur une seule source. Dans ce contexte, le modèle XGBoost a été capable de prévoir le rendement des céréales dès le mois de janvier (environ quatre mois avant la récolte) avec des métriques statistiques satisfaisants (R² = 0.88 et RMSE = 0.22 t. ha^-1). En ce qui concerne l'impact du changement climatique sur le rendement et les besoins en eau du blé, les résultats ont montré que l'augmentation de la température de l'air entraînera un raccourcissement du cycle de croissance du blé d'environ 50 jours. Les résultats ont également montré une diminution du rendement du blé jusqu'à 30% si l'augmentation du CO2 n'est pas prise en compte. Cependant, l'effet de la fertilisation au CO2 peut compenser les pertes du rendement, et ce dernier peut augmenter jusqu'à 27%. Finalement, les besoins en eau devraient diminuer de 13 à 42%, et cette diminution est associée à une modification de calendrier d'irrigation, le pic des besoins arrivant deux mois plus tôt que dans les conditions actuelles.The agricultural sector is one of the pillars of the Moroccan economy. In addition to contributing 15% in GDP and providing 35% of employment opportunities, it has an impact on growth rates that are negatively or positively affected by climatic conditions and rainfall in particular. During drought years characterized by a decline in agricultural production and in particular cereal production, the growth of the Moroccan economy was severely affected and the kingdom's food imports increased significantly. In this context, it's important to assess the impact of agricultural drought on cereal yields and to develop early yield prediction models, as well as to determine the future impact of climate change on wheat yield and water requirements. The aim of this work is, firstly to further understand the linkage between cereal yield and agricultural drought in Morocco. In order to identify this drought, we used agricultural drought indices from remotely sensed satellite data. In addition, we used the outputs of Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS). Secondly, to develop empirical models for early prediction of cereal yields at provincial scale. To achieve this goal, we built forecasting models using multi-source data as predictors, including remote sensing-based indices, weather data and regional climate indices. And to build these models, we relied on machine learning algorithms such as Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF) and eXtreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost). Finally, to evaluate the impact of climate change on the wheat yield its water requirements. To do this, we relied on five regional climate models available in the Med-CORDEX database under two scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, as well as the AquaCrop model and we based on three periods, the reference period 1991-2010, the second period 2041-2060 and the third period 2081-2100. The results showed that there is a close correlation between cereals yield and drought indices related to canopy condition during the heading stage (March and April) and which are related to surface temperature during the development stage in January -February, and which are related to soil moisture during the emergence stage in November -December. The results also showed that the outputs of LDAS are able to accurately monitor agricultural drought. Concerning, cereal yield forecasting, the results showed that combining data from multiple sources outperformed models based on one data set only. In this context, the XGBoost was able to predict cereal yield as early as January (about four months before harvest) with satisfactory statistical metrics (R² = 0.88 and RMSE = 0.22 t. ha^-1). Regarding the impact of climate change on wheat yield and water requirements, the results showed that the increase in air temperature will result in a shortening of the wheat growth cycle by about 50 days. The results also showed a decrease in wheat yield up to 30% if the rising in CO2 was not taken into account. The effect of fertilizing of CO2 can offset the yield losses, and yield can increase up to 27 %. Finally, water requirements are expected to decrease by 13 to 42%, and this decrease is associated with a change in temporal patterns, with the requirement peak coming two months earlier than under current conditions

    Critical appraisal of different drought indices of drought predection & their application in kbk districts of odisha

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    Mapping of the extreme events (droughts) is one of the adaptation strategies to consequences of increasing climatic inconsistency and climate alterations. Drought is one of the short-term extreme events. There is no operational practice to forecast the drought. One of the suggestions is to update mapping of drought prone areas for developmental planning. Drought indices play a significant role in drought mitigation. Many scientists have worked on different statistical analysis in drought and other climatological hazards. Many researchers have studied droughts individually for different sub-divisions or for India. Very few workers have studied district wise probabilities over large scale. In the present study, district wise drought probabilities over KBK (Kalahandi-Balangir-Koraput) districts of Odisha, which are seriously prone to droughts, has been established using meteorological, hydrological and remote sensing based agricultural droughts indices. The meteorological droughts indices are: percentage departure, percentage to normal, percentile, Standard Precipitation index (SPI), Reclamation Drought Index (RDI), Effective drought index (EDI), and Aridity Index (AI). The hydrological drought indices are: Streamflow drought index (SDI), Surface water supply index and proposed drought severity index (PDSI). The satellite data based agricultural drought indices was Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Mapping for moderate and severe drought probabilities for KBK districts has been done and regions belonging different class intervals of probabilities of drought have been demarcated. Such type of information would be a good tool for planning purposes and for input in modelling. Moreover, the present work discusses (a) composite drought indices with the combinations of meteorological, hydrological and satellite data based agricultural drought index, and (b) development of a proposed hydrological drought index

    Examining Ecosystem Drought Responses Using Remote Sensing and Flux Tower Observations

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Water is fundamental for plant growth, and vegetation response to water availability influences water, carbon, and energy exchanges between land and atmosphere. Vegetation plays the most active role in water and carbon cycle of various ecosystems. Therefore, comprehensive evaluation of drought impact on vegetation productivity will play a critical role for better understanding the global water cycle under future climate conditions. In-situ meteorological measurements and the eddy covariance flux tower network, which provide meteorological data, and estimates of ecosystem productivity and respiration are remarkable tools to assess the impacts of drought on ecosystem carbon and water cycles. In regions with limited in-situ observations, remote sensing can be a very useful tool to monitor ecosystem drought status since it provides continuous observations of relevant variables linked to ecosystem function and the hydrologic cycle. However, the detailed understanding of ecosystem responses to drought is still lacking and it is challenging to quantify the impacts of drought on ecosystem carbon balance and several factors hinder our explicit understanding of the complex drought impacts. This dissertation addressed drought monitoring, ecosystem drought responses, trends of vegetation water constraint based on in-situ metrological observations, flux tower and multi-sensor remote sensing observations. This dissertation first developed a new integrated drought index applicable across diverse climate regions based on in-situ meteorological observations and multi-sensor remote sensing data, and another integrated drought index applicable across diverse climate regions only based on multi-sensor remote sensing data. The dissertation also evaluated the applicability of new satellite dataset (e.g., solar induced fluorescence, SIF) for responding to meteorological drought. Results show that satellite SIF data could have the potential to reflect meteorological drought, but the application should be limited to dry regions. The work in this dissertation also accessed changes in water constraint on global vegetation productivity, and quantified different drought dimensions on ecosystem productivity and respiration. Results indicate that a significant increase in vegetation water constraint over the last 30 years. The results highlighted the need for a more explicit consideration of the influence of water constraints on regional and global vegetation under a warming climate

    Drought forecasts using satellite data based on deep learning over East Asia

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    Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering (Environmental Science and Engineering)This thesis/dissertation seeks to 1) forecast drought conditions effectively considering temporal patterns of drought indices and upcoming weather conditions through the deep learning approach, and 2) forecast drought by identifying the teleconnection effect based on the sea surface temperature through the deep learning approach. In this thesis/dissertation, there are four chapters. Chapter 1 summarizes the background of the research and overviews of the thesis research. In Chapter 2, drought-forecasting models on a short-term scale (8 days) were developed considering the temporal patterns of satellite-based drought indices and numerical model outputs through the synergistic use of convolutional long short term memory (ConvLSTM) and random forest (RF) approaches over a part of East Asia. Through the combination of temporal patterns and the upcoming weather conditions (numerical model outputs), the overall performances of drought-forecasting models (ConvLSTM and RF combined) produced competitive results. Furthermore, our short-term drought-forecasting model can be effective regardless of drought intensification or alleviation. The proposed drought-forecasting model can be operationally used, providing useful information on upcoming drought conditions with high resolution (0.05??). In Chapter 3, the Drought forecasting model on a mid-and long-term scale (one-three lead time) over East Asia was developed using temporal patterns of drought indices and teleconnection phenomena of SST through the CNN. Reanalysis based drought index, SPI, were selected with a mid- and long-timescale (one to three months), and satellite-based variable, precipitation and SST across the Pacific Ocean. As the lead time increased, the accuracy tended to fall, but it showed good results compared to CFS. When compared to a drought case, the SST of 8 months ago influenced on the results. Chapter 4 provides a brief summary of these studiesclos


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    IPCC SPECIAL REPORT ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND LAND (SRCCL) Chapter 3: Climate Change and Land: An IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystem

    The use of machine learning algorithms to assess the impacts of droughts on commercial forests in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Droughts are a non-selective natural disaster in that their occurrence can be in both high and low precipitation areas. However, this study acknowledged that droughts are more recurrent and a regular feature in arid and semi-arid climates such as that of Southern Africa. Some of these countries rely strongly on commercial forests for their gross domestic product (GDP), especially South Africa and Mozambique which means droughts pose a significant threat to their economy and the society that depends on this economy. The risks associated with droughts have consequently created an increased demand for an efficient method of analysing and investigating droughts and the impacts they impose on forest vegetation. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effects of droughts on all commercial forests within the province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) at a catchment and provincial scale by employing Kernel Support Vector Machine (Kernel –SVM), Rotation Forests (RTF) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithms. These were based on Landsat and MODIS derived vegetation and conditional drought indices. The main aim of this study was achieved by the following objectives: (i) to improve methods for classifying droughts; (ii) to achieve medium spatial resolution drought analysis using Landsat sensors; (iii) to determine the accuracy of machine learning algorithms (MLAs) when employed on remote sensing data and (iv) to improve the usability of conditional drought indices and vegetation indices. The results obtained there-after demonstrated that the objectives of this study were met. With the MLAs performing better when using conditional drought indices compared to vegetation indices, therefore, highlighting drawbacks already associated with vegetation indices. Where at the catchment scale, Kernel – support vector machine (SVM) produced an overall accuracy (OA) of 94.44% when based on conditional drought indices compared to 81.48% when based on vegetation indices. On the same scale, Rotation forests (RTF) produced 96.30% and 81.84% when using conditional drought indices and vegetation indices, respectively. At a provincial scale, RTF produced an OA of 76.6% and 70.7% when using conditional drought indices and vegetation indices respectively. This was compared to extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) which produced an OA of 81.9% and 69.3% when using conditional drought indices and vegetation indices respectively. These results also indicate that it is possible to analyse droughts at provincial and catchment scale. Although the results presented in this study were promising, more research is still required to improve the applicability of MLAs in drought analysis.Dedication is listed on page iii