16 research outputs found

    Group-theoretic models of the inversion process in bacterial genomes

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    The variation in genome arrangements among bacterial taxa is largely due to the process of inversion. Recent studies indicate that not all inversions are equally probable, suggesting, for instance, that shorter inversions are more frequent than longer, and those that move the terminus of replication are less probable than those that do not. Current methods for establishing the inversion distance between two bacterial genomes are unable to incorporate such information. In this paper we suggest a group-theoretic framework that in principle can take these constraints into account. In particular, we show that by lifting the problem from circular permutations to the affine symmetric group, the inversion distance can be found in polynomial time for a model in which inversions are restricted to acting on two regions. This requires the proof of new results in group theory, and suggests a vein of new combinatorial problems concerning permutation groups on which group theorists will be needed to collaborate with biologists. We apply the new method to inferring distances and phylogenies for published Yersinia pestis data.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, in Press, Journal of Mathematical Biolog

    Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals (Journal Version)

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    Perfect sorting by reversals, a problem originating in computational genomics, is the process of sorting a signed permutation to either the identity or to the reversed identity permutation, by a sequence of reversals that do not break any common interval. B\'erard et al. (2007) make use of strong interval trees to describe an algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals. Combinatorial properties of this family of trees are essential to the algorithm analysis. Here, we use the expected value of certain tree parameters to prove that the average run-time of the algorithm is at worst, polynomial, and additionally, for sufficiently long permutations, the sorting algorithm runs in polynomial time with probability one. Furthermore, our analysis of the subclass of commuting scenarios yields precise results on the average length of a reversal, and the average number of reversals.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in the proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) 2009. See arXiv:0901.2847; Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, vol. 3(3), 201

    On the Inversion-Indel Distance

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    Willing E, Zaccaria S, Dias Vieira Braga M, Stoye J. On the Inversion-Indel Distance. BMC Bioinformatics. 2013;14(Suppl 15: Proc. of RECOMB-CG 2013): S3.Background The inversion distance, that is the distance between two unichromosomal genomes with the same content allowing only inversions of DNA segments, can be computed thanks to a pioneering approach of Hannenhalli and Pevzner in 1995. In 2000, El-Mabrouk extended the inversion model to allow the comparison of unichromosomal genomes with unequal contents, thus insertions and deletions of DNA segments besides inversions. However, an exact algorithm was presented only for the case in which we have insertions alone and no deletion (or vice versa), while a heuristic was provided for the symmetric case, that allows both insertions and deletions and is called the inversion-indel distance. In 2005, Yancopoulos, Attie and Friedberg started a new branch of research by introducing the generic double cut and join (DCJ) operation, that can represent several genome rearrangements (including inversions). Among others, the DCJ model gave rise to two important results. First, it has been shown that the inversion distance can be computed in a simpler way with the help of the DCJ operation. Second, the DCJ operation originated the DCJ-indel distance, that allows the comparison of genomes with unequal contents, considering DCJ, insertions and deletions, and can be computed in linear time. Results In the present work we put these two results together to solve an open problem, showing that, when the graph that represents the relation between the two compared genomes has no bad components, the inversion-indel distance is equal to the DCJ-indel distance. We also give a lower and an upper bound for the inversion-indel distance in the presence of bad components

    An asymmetric approach to preserve common intervals while sorting by reversals

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    Dias Vieira Braga M, Gautier C, Sagot M-F. An asymmetric approach to preserve common intervals while sorting by reversals. Algorithms for Molecular Biology. 2009;4(1):16.Background: The reversal distance and optimal sequences of reversals to transform a genome into another are useful tools to analyse evolutionary scenarios. However, the number of sequences is huge and some additional criteria should be used to obtain a more accurate analysis. One strategy is searching for sequences that respect constraints, such as the common intervals (clusters of co-localised genes). Another approach is to explore the whole space of sorting sequences, eventually grouping them into classes of equivalence. Recently both strategies started to be put together, to restrain the space to the sequences that respect constraints. In particular an algorithm has been proposed to list classes whose sorting sequences do not break the common intervals detected between the two inital genomes A and B. This approach may reduce the space of sequences and is symmetric (the result of the analysis sorting A into B can be obtained from the analysis sorting B into A). Results: We propose an alternative approach to restrain the space of sorting sequences, using progressive instead of initial detection of common intervals (the list of common intervals is updated after applying each reversal). This may reduce the space of sequences even more, but is shown to be asymmetric. Conclusions: We suggest that our method may be more realistic when the relation ancestor-descendant between the analysed genomes is clear and we apply it to do a better characterisation of the evolutionary scenario of the bacterium Rickettsia felis with respect to one of its ancestors

    New Algorithms for Structure Informed Genome Rearrangement

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    Evolution under Reversals: Parsimony and Conservation of Common Intervals

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    Gene order rearrangement methods for the reconstruction of phylogeny

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    The study of phylogeny, i.e. the evolutionary history of species, is a central problem in biology and a key for understanding characteristics of contemporary species. Many problems in this area can be formulated as combinatorial optimisation problems which makes it particularly interesting for computer scientists. The reconstruction of the phylogeny of species can be based on various kinds of data, e.g. morphological properties or characteristics of the genetic information of the species. Maximum parsimony is a popular and widely used method for phylogenetic reconstruction aiming for an explanation of the observed data requiring the least evolutionary changes. A certain property of the genetic information gained much interest for the reconstruction of phylogeny in recent time: the organisation of the genomes of species, i.e. the arrangement of the genes on the chromosomes. But the idea to reconstruct phylogenetic information from gene arrangements has a long history. In Dobzhansky and Sturtevant (1938) it was already pointed out that “a comparison of the different gene arrangements in the same chromosome may, in certain cases, throw light on the historical relationships of these structures, and consequently on the history of the species as a whole”. This kind of data is promising for the study of deep evolutionary relationships because gene arrangements are believed to evolve slowly (Rokas and Holland, 2000). This seems to be the case especially for mitochondrial genomes which are available for a wide range of species (Boore, 1999). The development of methods for the reconstruction of phylogeny from gene arrangement data has made considerable progress during the last years. Prominent examples are the computation of parsimonious evolutionary scenarios, i.e. a shortest sequence of rearrangements transforming one arrangement of genes into another or the length of such a minimal scenario (Hannenhalli and Pevzner, 1995b; Sankoff, 1992; Watterson et al., 1982); the reconstruction of parsimonious phylogenetic trees from gene arrangement data (Bader et al., 2008; Bernt et al., 2007b; Bourque and Pevzner, 2002; Moret et al., 2002a); or the computation of the similarities of gene arrangements (Bergeron et al., 2008a; Heber et al., 2009). 1 1 Introduction The central theme of this work is to provide efficient algorithms for modified versions of fundamental genome rearrangement problems using more plausible rearrangement models. Two types of modified rearrangement models are explored. The first type is to restrict the set of allowed rearrangements as follows. It can be observed that certain groups of genes are preserved during evolution. This may be caused by functional constraints which prevented the destruction (Lathe et al., 2000; Sémon and Duret, 2006; Xie et al., 2003), certain properties of the rearrangements which shaped the gene orders (Eisen et al., 2000; Sankoff, 2002; Tillier and Collins, 2000), or just because no destructive rearrangement happened since the speciation of the gene orders. It can be assumed that gene groups, found in all studied gene orders, are not acquired independently. Accordingly, these gene groups should be preserved in plausible reconstructions of the course of evolution, in particular the gene groups should be present in the reconstructed putative ancestral gene orders. This can be achieved by restricting the set of rearrangements, which are allowed for the reconstruction, to those which preserve the gene groups of the given gene orders. Since it is difficult to determine functionally what a gene group is, it has been proposed to consider common combinatorial structures of the gene orders as gene groups (Marcotte et al., 1999; Overbeek et al., 1999). The second considered modification of the rearrangement model is extending the set of allowed rearrangement types. Different types of rearrangement operations have shuffled the gene orders during evolution. It should be attempted to use the same set of rearrangement operations for the reconstruction otherwise distorted or even wrong phylogenetic conclusions may be obtained in the worst case. Both possibilities have been considered for certain rearrangement problems before. Restricted sets of allowed rearrangements have been used successfully for the computation of parsimonious rearrangement scenarios consisting of inversions only where the gene groups are identified as common intervals (Bérard et al., 2007; Figeac and Varré, 2004). Extending the set of allowed rearrangement operations is a delicate task. On the one hand it is unknown which rearrangements have to be regarded because this is part of the phylogeny to be discovered. On the other hand, efficient exact rearrangement methods including several operations are still rare, in particular when transpositions should be included. For example, the problem to compute shortest rearrangement scenarios including transpositions is still of unknown computational complexity. Currently, only efficient approximation algorithms are known (e.g. Bader and Ohlebusch, 2007; Elias and Hartman, 2006). Two problems have been studied with respect to one or even both of these possibilities in the scope of this work. The first one is the inversion median problem. Given the gene orders of some taxa, this problem asks for potential ancestral gene orders such that the corresponding inversion scenario is parsimonious, i.e. has a minimum length. Solving this problem is an essential component 2 of algorithms for computing phylogenetic trees from gene arrangements (Bourque and Pevzner, 2002; Moret et al., 2002a, 2001). The unconstrained inversion median problem is NP-hard (Caprara, 2003). In Chapter 3 the inversion median problem is studied under the additional constraint to preserve gene groups of the input gene orders. Common intervals, i.e. sets of genes that appear consecutively in the gene orders, are used for modelling gene groups. The problem of finding such ancestral gene orders is called the preserving inversion median problem. Already the problem of finding a shortest inversion scenario for two gene orders is NP-hard (Figeac and Varré, 2004). Mitochondrial gene orders are a rich source for phylogenetic investigations because they are known for more than 1 000 species. Four rearrangement operations are reported at least in the literature to be relevant for the study of mitochondrial gene order evolution (Boore, 1999): That is inversions, transpositions, inverse transpositions, and tandem duplication random loss (TDRL). Efficient methods for a plausible reconstruction of genome rearrangements for mitochondrial gene orders using all four operations are presented in Chapter 4. An important rearrangement operation, in particular for the study of mitochondrial gene orders, is the tandem duplication random loss operation (e.g. Boore, 2000; Mauro et al., 2006). This rearrangement duplicates a part of a gene order followed by the random loss of one of the redundant copies of each gene. The gene order is rearranged depending on which copy is lost. This rearrangement should be regarded for reconstructing phylogeny from gene order data. But the properties of this rearrangement operation have rarely been studied (Bouvel and Rossin, 2009; Chaudhuri et al., 2006). The combinatorial properties of the TDRL operation are studied in Chapter 5. The enumeration and counting of sorting TDRLs, that is TDRL operations reducing the distance, is studied in particular. Closed formulas for computing the number of sorting TDRLs and methods for the enumeration are presented. Furthermore, TDRLs are one of the operations considered in Chapter 4. An interesting property of this rearrangement, distinguishing it from other rearrangements, is its asymmetry. That is the effects of a single TDRL can (in the most cases) not be reversed with a single TDRL. The use of this property for phylogeny reconstruction is studied in Section 4.3. This thesis is structured as follows. The existing approaches obeying similar types of modified rearrangement models as well as important concepts and computational methods to related problems are reviewed in Chapter 2. The combinatorial structures of gene orders that have been proposed for identifying gene groups, in particular common intervals, as well as the computational approaches for their computation are reviewed in Section 2.2. Approaches for computing parsimonious pairwise rearrangement scenarios are outlined in Section 2.3. Methods for the computation genome rearrangement scenarios obeying biologically motivated constraints, as introduced above, are detailed in Section 2.4. The approaches for the inversion median problem are covered in Section 2.5. Methods for the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from gene arrangement data are briefly outlined in Section 2.6.3 1 Introduction Chapter 3 introduces the new algorithms CIP, ECIP, and TCIP for solving the preserving inversion median problem. The efficiency of the algorithm is empirically studied for simulated as well as mitochondrial data. The description of algorithms CIP and ECIP is based on Bernt et al. (2006b). TCIP has been described in Bernt et al. (2007a, 2008b). But the theoretical foundation of TCIP is extended significantly within this work in order to allow for more than three input permutations. Gene order rearrangement methods that have been developed for the reconstruction of the phylogeny of mitochondrial gene orders are presented in the fourth chapter. The presented algorithm CREx computes rearrangement scenarios for pairs of gene orders. CREx regards the four types of rearrangement operations which are important for mitochondrial gene orders. Based on CREx the algorithm TreeREx for assigning rearrangement events to a given tree is developed. The quality of the CREx reconstructions is analysed in a large empirical study for simulated gene orders. The results of TreeREx are analysed for several mitochondrial data sets. Algorithms CREx and TreeREx have been published in Bernt et al. (2008a, 2007c). The analysis of the mitochondrial gene orders of Echinodermata was included in Perseke et al. (2008). Additionally, a new and simple method is presented to explore the potential of the CREx method. The new method is applied to the complete mitochondrial data set. The problem of enumerating and counting sorting TDRLs is studied in Chapter 5. The theoretical results are covered to a large extent by Bernt et al. (2009b). The missing combinatorial explanation for some of the presented formulas is given here for the first time. Therefor, a new method for the enumeration and counting of sorting TDRLs has been developed (Bernt et al., 2009a)

    Maximum independent sets of commuting and noninterfering inversions

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    Background: Given three signed permutations, an inversion median is a fourth permutation that minimizes the sum of the pairwise inversion distances between it and the three others. This problem is NP-hard as well as hard to approximate. Yet median-based approaches to phylogenetic reconstruction have been shown to be among the most accurate, especially in the presence of long branches. Most existing approaches have used heuristics that attempt to find a longest sequence of inversions from one of the three permutations that, at each step in the sequence, moves closer to the other two permutations; yet very little is known about the quality of solutions returned by such approaches

    Mathematical models for evolution of genome structure

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    The structure of a genome can be characterized by its gene content. Evolution of genome structure in closely related species can be studied by examining their synteny or conserved gene order and content. A variety of evolutionary rearrangements like polyploidy, inversions, transpositions, translocations, gene duplication and gene loss degrade synteny over time. In this dissertation, I approach the problem of understanding synteny in genomes and how far back its evolutionary history can be traced in multiple ways. First, I present a probabilistic model of the rearrangements gene loss and transposition (gain) and apply it to the problem of estimating the relative contribution of these rearrangements within a set of syntenic genome segments. This model can be used to predict gene content in syntenic regions of unsequenced genomes. Next, I use optimization methods to recover syntenic segments between genomes based on reconstructions of their parent ancestry. I examine how these reconstructions can be used as input to programs that identify syntenic regions in genomes to reveal more synteny than was previously detected. I use simulations that incorporate each of the evolutionary rearrangements described above to evaluate the models presented in this dissertation. Finally, I apply these models to genomic data from yeast and flowering plants, two eukaryotic systems that are known to have experienced polyploidy. This application is of particular relevance in flowering plants, in which a lot of economically and scientifically important polyploid species have incompletely sequenced genomes