63 research outputs found

    The influence of social media on online consumer purchase intention

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    Social media have generated a huge buzz in today’s world. Internationally, Internet users now spend more than four and a half hours per week on social networking sites, the more time they spend on email. They cause a paradigm shift in how people interact and connect with each other and how they express and share ideas, and even on how they engage with products, brands and organizations. It is only popular among younger generations not so done middle and the older generation who get touched by the wave of social media. Initially, social media were used for the purpose of socializing where user able to connect with their friends and relatives. Later on, it developed widely as the tool of professional marketing to increase brand awareness among consumers which relatively cost effective. The world of digital communication creates many ways to promote the brand awareness and with the help of social media, it becomes the fastest way to reach consumer’s knowledge since consumer are almost always online and participating varieties of online activities. In additional, social media has become a dominant online platform of consumer knowledge of their online shopping activities. The purpose of this study to examine the influences of social media network on consumers ‘purchasing decision through available social commerce in Malaysia


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    Abstract        This study aims to examine the effect of marketing social media networks on consumer purchase intentions, the research method used is a survey with a quantitative approach, using a sample of 70 STIE Wikara students. The data analysis technique used is Linear Regression Analysis. The results showed that social media network marketing has a significant effect on consumer purchase intentions, or has a significant role on consumers' decisions to buy a product, other findings indicate that social media network marketing is related to consumer purchase intentions, where consumer involvement acts in influencing users social media to have consumer purchase intentions. This study reinforces that marketers must respond to the importance of increasing use of social media because it has a strong influence on consumer purchase intentions

    The Effect of Online Consumer Review on the Intention of Buying Products on Social Commerce

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    E-commerce is one form of evolution business models that adopt Web 2.0 technology with the aim of increasing consumer participation and gaining economic value ( greater economic value ) .This study aims to conduct confirmatory research on the relationship between social trade construction, online consumer review, trust and intention to buy through a questionnaire survey done to e-commerce users, especially students at Pekalongam IAIN using the purposive sampling method . The results of the collected questionnaires are then analyzed quantitatively using partial least square (PLS) . From the analysis and quantitative testing that can be done It was concluded that online consumer review does not have a direct influence on the intention to buy, but construction of trade has a direct influence on the buyer's trust and it is known that trust has a direct influence on the intention to buy.E-commerce is one form of evolution business models that adopt Web 2.0 technology with the aim of increasing consumer participation and gaining economic value ( greater economic value ) .This study aims to conduct confirmatory research on the relationship between social trade construction, online consumer review, trust and intention to buy through a questionnaire survey done to e-commerce users, especially students at Pekalongam IAIN using the purposive sampling method . The results of the collected questionnaires are then analyzed quantitatively using partial least square (PLS) . From the analysis and quantitative testing that can be done It was concluded that online consumer review does not have a direct influence on the intention to buy, but construction of trade has a direct influence on the buyer's trust and it is known that trust has a direct influence on the intention to buy.     &nbsp

    Factors Driving Mobile App Users to Pay for Freemium Services

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    With the popularity of smart mobile devices, mobile applications (most commonly referred to as an App) have gradually grown up to be a huge commercial market. Therefore, as the variety and download counts of Apps in the application stores of the two biggest operating systems increase, how to make a profit from Apps has become the most concerned issue for developers. Today the freemium strategy is widely observed in mobile App markets. Freemium is a business model by which an App is offered free of charge, but a premium is charged for advanced features. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the factors driving mobile App users to pay for freemium services based on value-based adoption model. An online survey was conducted to collect empirical data in order to test the research model. The results of PLS analysis indicate that an App user’s intention to pay is determined by perceived value, a thorough comparison of benefits and sacrifices, and trust of developer. Furthermore, perceived value will be affected by perceived effort and perceived usefulness while the App user has no experience on premium service. Finally, the implications for practitioners and researchers are discussed

    The Symbolic Meaning Effect on Smartphone Repurchase: A Comparison of Android and IOS

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    With Android and iOS as the dominating operation systems, the growth of one player’s influence in the market translates into the loss of its opponent’s market share. In the marketing discipline, expectation confirmation theory is used to study how a consumer’s satisfaction influences his/her willingness to repurchase the product. Scholars extended the theory and developed a post-acceptance model of information system continuance and applied the model to consumers’ continuance with information technological products. This paper will analyse consumers’ repurchase with Android and iOS-based smartphones. More, satisfied customers may still be switching to competitor\u27s product/service. This study therefore explores possible moderators between user satisfaction and repurchase


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    The adoption of social media by students in Nigeria has remained a fast and welcome development and has been used in the transfer of title in many ways. The reason for this study is to examine the effect of social media advertisement on students’ shopping habit in Nigeria, as well as examine the effect of social media credibility on students’ shopping habits in Nigeria. The research focused on internet users (students) from five selected Local Government Councils (Oyi, Idemili North and South, Onitsha North and South) particularly those who use social media sites. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews from the population of internet users of the selected five selected Local Government Councils. A sample of 150 internet users was drawn from the population. Regression statistics was used to analyse the established variables. The test conducted show that social media advertisement and credibility has significant effect on students’ shopping habit. Based on the outcome of the findings, the authors recommend that advertisers should give all the details that are needed for easy patronage of the products. In addition, users of social media in promotion of products, especially manufacturers and middlemen, should know that the credibility of any social platform creates an added advantage to the profit of that organization.  Article visualizations

    Pengaruh Aktivitas Pemasaran Media Sosial Terhadap Kesadaran Merek, Citra Merek, dan Loyalitas Merek Avoskin

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    Penelitian ini dibuat untuk menguji pengaruh aktivitas pemasaran media sosial terhadap kesadaran merek, citra merek, dan loyalitas merek. Objek pada penelitian ini adalah Avoskin. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatf dengan jumlah responden 169. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling serta pengumpulan data melalui google forms yang menggunakan skala likert 5 poin. Analisis ini dihitung dengan aplikasi Smart-PLS versi 3.2.9. Hasil pada penalitian ini aktivitas pemasaran media sosial memiliki pengaruh terhadap kesadaran merek, citra merek, dan loyalitas secara positif. Kesadaran merek mempengaruhi citra merek Avoskin. Kesadaran merek tidak mempengaruhi loyalitas merek Avoskin. Citra merek mempengaruhi loyalitas merek Avoskin. Kesadaran merek memediasi pengaruh antara aktivitas pemasaran media sosial pada citra merek Avoskin. Citra merek memediasi pengaruh antara aktivitas pemasaran media sosial pada loyalitas merek Avoskin. Kesadaran merek tidak memediasi pengaruh antara aktivitas pemasaran media sosial pada loyalitas merek Avoskin. Citra merek memediasi pengaruh kesadaran merek pada loyalitas merek Avoskin


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    This study examines the combined effect of positive and negative emotions on user satisfaction with social network services (SNSs). The sample consists of 582 individuals who use SNSs. Our results suggest that as the intensity of positive emotions increases, users are more satisfied with SNSs. This applies to low and medium levels of negative emotions. On the other hand, for all levels of positive emotions, as the intensity of negative emotions increases, there is no significant effect on satisfaction. Our findings suggest the dominating effect of positive emotions over the negative ones in SNSs. We conclud

    Instrument unidimensionality, validity and reliability to measure user intention to use of Facebook Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia

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    Facebook users’ motive encourages them to choose the preferred Facebook page. A motive embedded in an individual can be stimulated to become an action. A motive could also turn into motivation during a particular process. This paper's ultimate purpose is to validate the adequacy of the generated items representing the construct involved in this research. The CFA validation included attitude, subjective norms, behavioural control response, Facebook user's experience, response, and engagement. This research collected 237 valid responses from active Facebook users. Upon finding, the attitude is considered invalid as a construct in this research due to the model fit issue. It can be concluded that in general, the remaining items and constructs are considered valid and reliable to be applied in this research and suitable for the second level (measurement model) analysis for validity and reliability

    Students’ Continuous Intention to Use Online Learning for Art Education in Chongqing, China

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the factors influencing students’ continuous intention to use online learning for art education in Chongqing, China. The conceptual framework incorporates self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude and continuous intention. Research design, data, and methodology: This study used a quantitative method to collect information from students with experience in using online software for arts education in two private institutions in Chongqing. Data collection was performed by judgmental sampling, quota and convenience sampling. The data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM). Results: The findings confirm the theory and relationship of attitude and continuous intention to use online art education software. Perceived ease of use had the most significant effect on attitudes but had no significant effect on perceived usefulness. In addition, the effect of self-efficacy on perceived ease of use was significant. Conclusion: The advantage of the perceived usefulness of online art education software is the most important factor that should be emphasized when trying to enhance students’ continuous intention to use online learning software. Therefore, this study suggests that educators should create a more suitable learning platform that can optimize the learning efficiency of students