806,798 research outputs found

    A Program Visualization System That Supports the Program Understanding Process.

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    The goal of this research is to provide a graphical system that supports the program understanding process by representing the program\u27s control flow, the code and the identifiers local to a specific point within the program. By having more information local to the point of interest, the programmer can maintain continuity in developing program understanding. The programmer can see loops, procedure calls, and other structures with respect to their execution order and can view them in the environment or the context in which they will execute. The Peec system supplies a graphical representation of the program\u27s control flow in which the control structures are represented as tiers. The tiers are arranged in a three-dimensional space representing the program\u27s operational flow. The body of the procedure or function is nested within the reference tier so that the programmer views the routine local to its reference point. Also, a list of live identifiers is displayable for the current tier element. The advantage is that the routine\u27s text and the identifier list are local to the area of study and the programmer does not have to look elsewhere for the program text and the identifier definition. The programmer can maintain a continuity in developing program understanding using information local to the point of interest. The Peec system consists of the Peec compiler which transforms a Pascal program into tier and identifier information, and the Peec environment for modeling the program\u27s operational flow image. The Peec environment provides the programmer many interactive capabilities. These capabilities consist of browsing the flow model, displaying text, displaying identifiers and transforming the three-dimensional flow model into appropriate views. These features are aimed at assisting the programmer in the processing of developing program understanding

    Standardization versus customisation. The role of culture

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    Fast food restaurants have expanded globally in recent years. As companies become global marketers to acquire new knowledge and a greater understanding of the fast food business and the environment, in which they operate in order to determine and adopt an appropriate marketing mix. Managers can use knowledge of a market's national culture to develop successful image strategies. This paper aims to explore the role of culture in the formation of consumer perceptions. To measure cultural influences a store image scale was constructed for fast food restaurants. An eight - step process based on Churchill's (1979), model, guided the development, validation and refinement of the scale. The final structure of the scale included six factors consisting of 14 items. The six factors are a) Adaptation to Locality b) Service c) Facilities d) Food quality e) Place to be and g) Sales incentive program. Then the relative weights of the six factor dimensions in influencing customers' overall image, as well as satisfaction and loyalty ratings were explored. Adaptation to locality has been found as the most important factor in the formation of store image as well as in predicting satisfaction and loyalty. The results of structural equation analysis have shown that the local culture factor is strongly associated with 'food quality' and especially with the "Place to be factor". The results can be very useful to marketers who want to invest in the local or other foreign markets.Store image, internationalisation, Adaptation to locality, Consumer/Household Economics,

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Import 22/07/2015NĂĄplnĂ­ tĂ©to bakaláƙskĂ© praxe byla prĂĄce ve firmě ATEsystem s.r.o. HlavnĂ­m zaměƙenĂ­m byla prĂĄce v nĂĄvrhovĂ©m prostƙenĂ­ LabVIEW. DalĆĄĂ­ pracĂ­ v menĆĄĂ­ míƙe byla prĂĄce na pƙípravě PC pro zĂĄkaznĂ­ka. HlavnĂ­mi cĂ­li v oblasti programovĂĄnĂ­ v LabVIEW bylo prozkoumĂĄnĂ­, pochopenĂ­ a realizace programu, zaměƙujĂ­cĂ­ se na webovĂ© sluĆŸby a jejich vyuĆŸitĂ­ ve spojenĂ­ s prostƙedĂ­m UI Builder. V tomto prostƙedĂ­ byla vytvoƙena ukĂĄzkovĂĄ aplikace, kterĂĄ po navolenĂ­ parametrĆŻ z webovĂ© strĂĄnky odeĆĄle data ke zpracovĂĄnĂ­ na serverovou aplikaci. Zpět jsou poslĂĄny vĂœsledky a zobrazeny v grafu. Byl kladen dĆŻraz na zjiĆĄtěnĂ­ maximĂĄlnĂ­ho objemu dat, kterĂœ je moĆŸnĂ© pƙenĂ©st. DalĆĄĂ­ zkoumanou oblastĂ­ byla realizace programu pro ztrĂĄtovou kompresi obrazu pomocĂ­ grafickĂ© karty s technologiĂ­ CUDA. Pro vyzkouĆĄenĂ­ byl vytvoƙen program pro ověƙenĂ­ prĂĄce funkce Call Library Function Node. NedĂ­lnou součástĂ­ byla Ășprava knihovny GPUJPEG, vytvoƙenĂĄ společnostĂ­ CESNET, z. s. p. o. Z časovĂœch dĆŻvodĆŻ a v dĆŻsledku moĆŸnĂ© chyby ve veƙejně dostupnĂ© knihovně nebyla aplikace pro kompresi obrazu zcela dokončena.Center of this bachelor thesis was the individual professional practice in the ATEsystem s.r.o. with major focus on LabVIEW system design software. Minor part was working on PC for customer. The main objective of programming in the LabVIEW had two parts. The first one was researching, understanding the issues and realization the program using web services and User Interface Builder environment. In this environment was built demo application, which is able to send data to server application after selecting the options. Processed data are sent back and being viewed in the graph. The main objective was to find out how much data is possible to send. The second objective was making a program for lossy image compression using graphic card with CUDA. It was created a demo program for demonstration of functionality of the Call Library Function Node. An integral part of the adjustment library GPUJPEG developed by CESNET, z. s. p. o. Application for image compression was not completed because of lack of time and because of possible bug in the public available library.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicĂ­nskĂ©ho inĆŸenĂœrstvĂ­vĂœborn

    A Prototype of Web-Based Simulation Environment (WEBSIM)

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    Computer simulation is the discipline of designing a model of an actual or theoretical physical system, executing the model on a computer, and analysing the execution output. Among the popular simulation tools are Mil3 Opnet, Mathworks MATLAB and even self-developed simulation program (using language such as Pascal, Fortran and C/C++). However, these simulation tools have limitations such as platform dependent, expensive cost, maintenance difficulties and limited in reusability. One of the methods to overcome this limitation is by implementing web-based simulation. Web-based simulation allows simulation to be carried out over the Internet using a standard web browser. The usage of web browsers make the Internet a very user-friendly environment by integrating all related resources into a single tool that eliminates the steep learning curve for novice simulation users. In this thesis, we present the web-based simulation environment project (Websim). Websim uploads a simulation program (developed using C/C++) in binary format, generates a web-interface for the program and allows users to access the simulation program y 1<1 the Internet. The results generated from the simulation program would be translated into an image file. Finally, the Image file is embedded into an HTML file, and returned to Websim users. Websim is mainly developed using the combination of CGI and Javascript technologies. The server-side CGI scripts, written in Perl process the various requests from users, while the chent-side Javascript is used to perform user inputs validations. Thus, lessen the workload of the server and tighten the security. Websim is able to receive the simulation program m executable format and provide a web interface for it. This gives the flexibility and convenience of using the programming language of choice for the simulation modeller, and to integrate it with the web. Besides that, Websim also allows the storage of simulation program on a web server, thus could act as an online store for simulation programs. This permits the sharing of simulation program over the Internet, to an exclusive user groups or to the general public. Finally, Websim could act as a teaching tool in school and universities, especially for courses involving modelling and simulation. It allows teaching and learning to be done through the Internet, hence could assist students in having a better understanding on certain topics or concepts

    Development of a Mobile Robotic Phenotyping System for Growth Chamber-based Studies of Genotype x Environment Interactions

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    To increase understanding of the interaction between phenotype and genotype x environment to improve crop performance, large amounts of phenotypic data are needed. Studying plants of a given strain under multiple environments can greatly help to reveal their interactions. To collect the labor-intensive data required to perform experiments in this area, a Mecanum-wheeled, magnetic-tape-following indoor rover has been developed to accurately and autonomously move between and inside growth chambers. Integration of the motor controllers, a robot arm, and a Microsoft Kinect (v2) 3D sensor was achieved in a customized C++ program. Detecting and segmenting plants in a multi-plant environment is a challenging task, which can be aided by integration of depth data into these algorithms. Image-processing functions were implemented to filter the depth image to minimize noise and remove undesired surfaces, reducing the memory requirement and allowing the plant to be reconstructed at a higher resolution in real-time. Three-dimensional meshes representing plants inside the chamber were reconstructed using the Kinect SDK’s KinectFusion. After transforming user-selected points in camera coordinates to robot-arm coordinates, the robot arm is used in conjunction with the rover to probe desired leaves, simulating the future use of sensors such as a fluorimeter and Raman spectrometer. This paper reports the system architecture and some preliminary results of the system


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    This research was conducted at Starbucks Coffee Shop Tunjungan Plaza Kota Surabaya. The urgency of this study is understanding Starbucks' operations to the local environment, natural resource use, waste management, and contribution to environmental problems. The formulation of the research problem is: 1) How is the implementation of green marketing at Starbucks Tunjungan Plaza Kota Surabaya? 2) How can green marketing become a brand image in the community? 3) What are the obstacles faced by Starbucks in implementing green marketing strategies and practices in the city of Surabaya? This research method is a qualitative descriptive study that explains phenomena based on research findings combined with the use of relevant theories. This research data analysis technique includes data triangulation based on primary data and secondary data. The results showed Starbucks coffee shops created a significant positive impact through recycling programs, coffee bean sourcing and waste reduction. This combination has a high responsibility and concern for the environment that gives rise to a strong emotional attachment with customers. The secret to the success of Starbucks coffee shops is the combination of green marketing and a strong brand image that is the main driver of sustainable business success in society and the environment.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Coffee Shop Starbucks Tunjungan Plaza Kota Surabaya. Urgensi penelitian ini pemahaman operasi Starbucks terhadap lingkungan local, penggunaan sumber daya alam, pengelolaan limbah, dan kontribusi terhadap masalah lingkungan. Rumusan masalah penelitian yaitu: 1) Bagaimana penerapan green marketing di Starbucks Tunjungan Plaza Kota Surabaya? 2) Bagaimana green marketing dapat menjadi brand image di masyarakat? 3) Bagaimana kendala yang dihadapi Starbuck dalam penerapan strategi dan praktik green marketing di Kota Surabaya? Metode penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif kualitatif yang menjelaskan fenomena berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian yang dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan teori yang relevan. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini meliputi triangulasi data yang didasari pada data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Coffee shop Starbucks menciptakan dampak positif yang signifikan melalui program-program daur ulang, sourcing biji kopi dan pengurangan limbah. Kombinasi ini memiliki tanggung jawab dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan yang tinggi sehingga memunculkan keterikatan emosional yang kuat dengan pelanggan. Rahasia kesuksesan coffee shop Starbucks adalah kombinasi green marketing dan brand image yang kuat sehingga menjadi pendorong utama kesuksesan bisnis berkelanjutan pada masyarakat dan lingkungan

    In Situ Surface Characterization

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    Operation of in situ space assets, such as rovers and landers, requires operators to acquire a thorough understanding of the environment surrounding the spacecraft. The following programs help with that understanding by providing higher-level information characterizing the surface, which is not immediately obvious by just looking at the XYZ terrain data. This software suite covers three primary programs: marsuvw, marsrough, and marsslope, and two secondary programs, which together use XYZ data derived from in situ stereo imagery to characterize the surface by determining surface normal, surface roughness, and various aspects of local slope, respectively. These programs all use the Planetary Image Geometry (PIG) library to read mission-specific data files. The programs themselves are completely multimission; all mission dependencies are handled by PIG. The input data consists of images containing XYZ locations as derived by, e.g., marsxyz. The marsuvw program determines surface normals from XYZ data by gathering XYZ points from an area around each pixel and fitting a plane to those points. Outliers are rejected, and various consistency checks are applied. The result shows the orientation of the local surface at each point as a unit vector. The program can be run in two modes: standard, which is typically used for in situ arm work, and slope, which is typically used for rover mobility. The difference is primarily due to optimizations necessary for the larger patch sizes in the slope case. The marsrough program determines surface roughness in a small area around each pixel, which is defined as the maximum peak-to-peak deviation from the plane perpendicular to the surface normal at that pixel. The marsslope program takes a surface normal file as input and derives one of several slope-like outputs from it. The outputs include slope, slope rover direction (a measure of slope radially away from the rover), slope heading, slope magnitude, northerly tilt, and solar energy (compares the slope with the Sun s location at local noon). The marsuvwproj program projects a surface normal onto an arbitrary plane in space, resulting in a normalized 3D vector, which is constrained to lie in the plane. The marsuvwrot program rotates the vectors in a surface normal file, generating a new surface normal file. It also can change coordinate systems for an existing surface normal file. While the algorithms behind this suite are not particularly unique, what makes the programs useful is their integration into the larger in situ image processing system via the PIG library. They work directly with space in situ data, understanding the appropriate image metadata fields and updating them properly. The secondary programs (marsuvwproj, marsuvwrot) were originally developed to deal with anomalous situations on Opportunity and Spirit, respectively, but may have more general applicability

    Grounding semantics in robots for Visual Question Answering

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    In this thesis I describe an operational implementation of an object detection and description system that incorporates in an end-to-end Visual Question Answering system and evaluated it on two visual question answering datasets for compositional language and elementary visual reasoning
