209 research outputs found

    On a multiwavelet spectral element method for integral equation of a generalized Cauchy problem

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    In this paper we deal with construction and analysis of a multiwavelet spectral element scheme for a generalized Cauchy type problem with Caputo fractional derivative. Numerical schemes for this type of problems, often suffer from the draw-back of spurious oscillations. A common remedy is to render the problem to an equivalent integral equation. For the generalized Cauchy type problem, a corresponding integral equation is of nonlinear Volterra type. In this paper we investigate wellposedness and convergence of a stabilizing multiwavelet scheme for a, one-dimensional case (in [a,\ua0b] or [0,\ua01]), of this problem. Based on multiwavelets, we construct an approximation procedure for the fractional integral operator that yields a linear system of equations with sparse coefficient matrix. In this setting, choosing an appropriate threshold, the number of non-zero coefficients in the system is substantially reduced. A severe obstacle in the convergence analysis is the lack of continuous derivatives in the vicinity of the inflow/ starting boundary point. We overcome this issue through separating a J (mesh)-dependent, small, neighborhood of a (or origin) from the interval, where we only take L2-norm. The estimate in this part relies on Chebyshev polynomials, viz. As reported by Richardson(Chebyshev interpolation for functions with endpoint singularities via exponential and double-exponential transforms, Oxford University, UK, 2012) and decreases, almost, exponentially by raising J. At the remaining part of the domain the solution is sufficiently regular to derive the desired optimal error bound. We construct such a modified scheme and analyze its wellposedness, efficiency and accuracy. The robustness of the proposed scheme is confirmed implementing numerical examples

    An efficient hp spectral collocation method for nonsmooth optimal control problems

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    summary:One of the most challenging problems in the optimal control theory consists of solving the nonsmooth optimal control problems where several discontinuities may be present in the control variable and derivative of the state variable. Recently some extended spectral collocation methods have been introduced for solving such problems, and a matrix of differentiation is usually used to discretize and to approximate the derivative of the state variable in the particular collocation points. In such methods, there is typically no condition for the continuity of the state variable at the switching points. In this article, we propose an efficient hp spectral collocation method for the general form of nonsmooth optimal control problems based on the operational integration matrix. The time interval of the problem is first partitioned into several variable subintervals, and the problem is then discretized by considering the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto collocation points. Here, the switching points are unknown parameters, and having solved the final discretized problem, we achieve some approximations for the optimal solutions and the switching points. We solve some comparative numerical test problems to support of the performance of the suggested approach

    Space-time adaptive finite elements for nonlocal parabolic variational inequalities

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    This article considers the error analysis of finite element discretizations and adaptive mesh refinement procedures for nonlocal dynamic contact and friction, both in the domain and on the boundary. For a large class of parabolic variational inequalities associated to the fractional Laplacian we obtain a priori and a posteriori error estimates and study the resulting space-time adaptive mesh-refinement procedures. Particular emphasis is placed on mixed formulations, which include the contact forces as a Lagrange multiplier. Corresponding results are presented for elliptic problems. Our numerical experiments for 22-dimensional model problems confirm the theoretical results: They indicate the efficiency of the a posteriori error estimates and illustrate the convergence properties of space-time adaptive, as well as uniform and graded discretizations.Comment: 47 pages, 20 figure

    High-Order Multivariate Spectral Algorithms for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Delay

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    One of the open problems in the numerical analysis of solutions to high-dimensional nonlinear integral equations with memory kernel and proportional delay is how to preserve the high-order accuracy for nonsmooth solutions. It is well-known that the solutions to these equations display a typical weak singularity at the initial time, which causes challenges in developing high-order and efficient numerical algorithms. The key idea of the proposed approach is to adopt a smoothing transformation for the multivariate spectral collocation method to circumvent the curse of singularity at the beginning of time. Therefore, the singularity of the approximate solution can be tailored to that of the exact one, resulting in high-order spectral collocation algorithms. Moreover, we provide a framework for studying the rate of convergence of the proposed algorithm. Finally, we give a numerical test example to show that the approach can preserve the nonsmooth solution to the underlying problems. © 2022 by the authors.King Saud University, KSUM. A. Zaky and A. Aldraiweesh extend their appreciation to Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program (DSFP) at King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)

    Koopman analysis of the long-term evolution in a turbulent convection cell

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    We analyse the long-time evolution of the three-dimensional flow in a closed cubic turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection cell via a Koopman eigenfunction analysis. A data-driven basis derived from diffusion kernels known in machine learning is employed here to represent a regularized generator of the unitary Koopman group in the sense of a Galerkin approximation. The resulting Koopman eigenfunctions can be grouped into subsets in accordance with the discrete symmetries in a cubic box. In particular, a projection of the velocity field onto the first group of eigenfunctions reveals the four stable large-scale circulation (LSC) states in the convection cell. We recapture the preferential circulation rolls in diagonal corners and the short-term switching through roll states parallel to the side faces which have also been seen in other simulations and experiments. The diagonal macroscopic flow states can last as long as a thousand convective free-fall time units. In addition, we find that specific pairs of Koopman eigenfunctions in the secondary subset obey enhanced oscillatory fluctuations for particular stable diagonal states of the LSC. The corresponding velocity field structures, such as corner vortices and swirls in the midplane, are also discussed via spatiotemporal reconstructions.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, article in press at Journal of Fluid Mechanic

    Higher-Order Methods for Solving Maxwell\u27s Equations in the Time-Domain

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    On the use of spectral element methods for under-resolved simulations of transitional and turbulent flows

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    The present thesis comprises a sequence of studies that investigate the suitability of spectral element methods for model-free under-resolved computations of transitional and turbulent flows. More specifically, the continuous and the discontinuous Galerkin (i.e. CG and DG) methods have their performance assessed for under-resolved direct numerical simulations (uDNS) / implicit large eddy simulations (iLES). In these approaches, the governing equations of fluid motion are solved in unfiltered form, as in a typical direct numerical simulation, but the degrees of freedom employed are insufficient to capture all the turbulent scales. Numerical dissipation introduced by appropriate stabilisation techniques complements molecular viscosity in providing small-scale regularisation at very large Reynolds numbers. Added spectral vanishing viscosity (SVV) is considered for CG, while upwind dissipation is relied upon for DG-based computations. In both cases, the use of polynomial dealiasing strategies is assumed. Focus is given to the so-called eigensolution analysis framework, where numerical dispersion and diffusion errors are appraised in wavenumber/frequency space for simplified model problems, such as the one-dimensional linear advection equation. In the assessment of CG and DG, both temporal and spatial eigenanalyses are considered. While the former assumes periodic boundary conditions and is better suited for temporally evolving problems, the latter considers inflow / outflow type boundaries and should be favoured for spatially developing flows. Despite the simplicity of linear eigensolution analyses, surprisingly useful insights can be obtained from them and verified in actual turbulence problems. In fact, one of the most important contributions of this thesis is to highlight how linear eigenanalysis can be helpful in explaining why and how to use spectral element methods (particularly CG and DG) in uDNS/iLES approaches. Various aspects of solution quality and numerical stability are discussed by connecting observations from eigensolution analyses and under-resolved turbulence computations. First, DG’s temporal eigenanalysis is revisited and a simple criterion named "the 1% rule" is devised to estimate DG’s effective resolution power in spectral space. This criterion is shown to pinpoint the wavenumber beyond which a numerically induced dissipation range appears in the energy spectra of Burgers turbulence simulations in one dimension. Next, the temporal eigenanalysis of CG is discussed with and without SVV. A modified SVV operator based on DG’s upwind dissipation is proposed to enhance CG’s accuracy and robustness for uDNS / iLES. In the sequence, an extensive set of DG computations of the inviscid Taylor-Green vortex model problem is considered. These are used for the validation of the 1% rule in actual three-dimensional transitional / turbulent flows. The performance of various Riemann solvers is also discussed in this infinite Reynolds number scenario, with high quality solutions being achieved. Subsequently, the capabilities of CG for uDNS/iLES are tested through a complex turbulent boundary layer (periodic) test problem. While LES results of this test case are known to require sophisticated modelling and relatively fine grids, high-order CG approaches are shown to deliver surprisingly good quality with significantly less degrees of freedom, even without SVV. Finally, spatial eigenanalyses are conducted for DG and CG. Differences caused by upwinding levels and Riemann solvers are explored in the DG case, while robust SVV design is considered for CG, again by reference to DG’s upwind dissipation. These aspects are then tested in a two-dimensional test problem that mimics spatially developing grid turbulence. In summary, a point is made that uDNS/iLES approaches based on high-order spectral element methods, when properly stabilised, are very powerful tools for the computation of practically all types of transitional and turbulent flows. This capability is argued to stem essentially from their superior resolution power per degree of freedom and the absence of (often restrictive) modelling assumptions. Conscientious usage is however necessary as solution quality and numerical robustness may depend strongly on discretisation variables such as polynomial order, appropriate mesh spacing, Riemann solver, SVV parameters, dealiasing strategy and alternative stabilisation techniques.Open Acces