111,343 research outputs found

    Quasilinear Drift Of Cosmic Rays In Weak Turbulent Electromagnetic Fields

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    A general quasilinear transport parameter for particle drift in arbitrary turbulence geometry is presented. The new drift coefficient is solely characterized by a nonresonant term and is evaluated for slab and two-dimensional turbulence geometry. The calculations presented here demonstrate that fluctuating electric fields are a key quantity for understanding quasilinear particle drift in slab geometry. It is shown that particle drift does not exist in unpolarized and purely magnetic slab fluctuations. This is in stark contrast to previous models, which are restricted to slab geometry and the field line random walk limit. The evaluation of the general transport parameter for two-dimensional turbulence geometry, presented here for the first time for dynamical magnetic turbulence, results in a drift coefficient valid for a magnetic power spectrum and turbulence decay rate varying arbitrarily in wavenumber. For a two-component, slab/two-dimensional turbulence model, numerical calculations are presented. The new quasilinear drift, induced by the magnetic perturbations, is compared with a standard drift expression related to the curvature and gradient of an unperturbed heliospheric background magnetic field. The considerations presented here offer a solid ground and natural explanation for the hitherto puzzling observation that drift models often describe observations much better when drift effects are reduced.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Critical behavior and entanglement of the random transverse-field Ising model between one and two dimensions

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    We consider disordered ladders of the transverse-field Ising model and study their critical properties and entanglement entropy for varying width, w20w \le 20, by numerical application of the strong disorder renormalization group method. We demonstrate that the critical properties of the ladders for any finite ww are controlled by the infinite disorder fixed point of the random chain and the correction to scaling exponents contain information about the two-dimensional model. We calculate sample dependent pseudo-critical points and study the shift of the mean values as well as scaling of the width of the distributions and show that both are characterized by the same exponent, ν(2d)\nu(2d). We also study scaling of the critical magnetization, investigate critical dynamical scaling as well as the behavior of the critical entanglement entropy. Analyzing the ww-dependence of the results we have obtained accurate estimates for the critical exponents of the two-dimensional model: ν(2d)=1.25(3)\nu(2d)=1.25(3), x(2d)=0.996(10)x(2d)=0.996(10) and ψ(2d)=0.51(2)\psi(2d)=0.51(2).Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    The effect of realistic geometries on the susceptibility-weighted MR signal in white matter

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of realistic microstructural geometry on the susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) signal in white matter (WM), with application to demyelination. Methods: Previous work has modeled susceptibility-weighted signals under the assumption that axons are cylindrical. In this work, we explore the implications of this assumption by considering the effect of more realistic geometries. A three-compartment WM model incorporating relevant properties based on literature was used to predict the MR signal. Myelinated axons were modeled with several cross-sectional geometries of increasing realism: nested circles, warped/elliptical circles and measured axonal geometries from electron micrographs. Signal simulations from the different microstructural geometries were compared to measured signals from a Cuprizone mouse model with varying degrees of demyelination. Results: Results from simulation suggest that axonal geometry affects the MR signal. Predictions with realistic models were significantly different compared to circular models under the same microstructural tissue properties, for simulations with and without diffusion. Conclusion: The geometry of axons affects the MR signal significantly. Literature estimates of myelin susceptibility, which are based on fitting biophysical models to the MR signal, are likely to be biased by the assumed geometry, as will any derived microstructural properties.Comment: Accepted March 4 2017, in publication at Magnetic Resonance in Medicin

    Correlations between reflected and transmitted intensity patterns emerging from opaque disordered media

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    The propagation of monochromatic light through a scattering medium produces speckle patterns in reflection and transmission, and the apparent randomness of these patterns prevents direct imaging through thick turbid media. Yet, since elastic multiple scattering is fundamentally a linear and deterministic process, information is not lost but distributed among many degrees of freedom that can be resolved and manipulated. Here we demonstrate experimentally that the reflected and transmitted speckle patterns are correlated, even for opaque media with thickness much larger than the transport mean free path, proving that information survives the multiple scattering process and can be recovered. The existence of mutual information between the two sides of a scattering medium opens up new possibilities for the control of transmitted light without any feedback from the target side, but using only information gathered from the reflected speckle.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Geometric phases in electric dipole searches with trapped spin-1/2 particles in general fields and measurement cells of arbitrary shape with smooth or rough walls

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    The important role of geometric phases in searches for a permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron, using Ramsey separated oscillatory field nuclear magnetic resonance, was first noted by Commins and investigated in detail by Pendlebury et al. Their analysis was based on the Bloch equations. In subsequent work using the spin density matrix Lamoreaux and Golub showed the relation between the frequency shifts and the correlation functions of the fields seen by trapped particles in general fields (Redfield theory). More recently we presented a solution of the Schr\"odinger equation for spin-1/21/2 particles in circular cylindrical traps with smooth walls and exposed to arbitrary fields [Steyerl et al.] Here we extend this work to show how the Redfield theory follows directly from the Schr\"odinger equation solution. This serves to highlight the conditions of validity of the Redfield theory, a subject of considerable discussion in the literature [e.g., Nicholas et al.] Our results can be applied where the Redfield result no longer holds, such as observation times on the order of or shorter than the correlation time and non-stochastic systems and thus we can illustrate the transient spin dynamics, i.e. the gradual development of the shift with increasing time subsequent to the start of the free precession. We consider systems with rough, diffuse reflecting walls, cylindrical trap geometry with arbitrary cross section, and field perturbations that do not, in the frame of the moving particles, average to zero in time. We show by direct, detailed, calculation the agreement of the results from the Schr\"odinger equation with the Redfield theory for the cases of a rectangular cell with specular walls and of a circular cell with diffuse reflecting walls.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Theoretical study of optical fiber Raman polarizers with counterpropagating beams

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    The theory of two counter-propagating polarized beams interacting in a randomly birefringent fiber via the Kerr and Raman effects is developed and applied to the quantitative description of Raman polarizers in the undepleted regime. Here Raman polarizers, first reported by Martinelli et. al. [Opt. Express. 17, 947 (2009)], are understood as Raman amplifiers operating in the regime in which an initially weak unpolarized beam is converted into an amplified fully polarized beam towards the fiber output. Three parameters are selected for the characterization of a Raman polarizer: the degree of polarization of the outcoming beam, its state of polarization, and its gain. All of these parameters represent quantities that are averaged over all random polarization states of the initially unpolarized signal beam. The presented theory is computer friendly and applicable to virtually all practically relevant situations, including the case of co-propagating beams, and in particular to the undepleted as well as the depleted regimes of the Raman polarizer.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, to be submitted to the Journal of Lightwave Technolog

    Robust Detection of Moving Human Target in Foliage-Penetration Environment Based on Hough Transform

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    Attention has been focused on the robust moving human target detection in foliage-penetration environment, which presents a formidable task in a radar system because foliage is a rich scattering environment with complex multipath propagation and time-varying clutter. Generally, multiple-bounce returns and clutter are additionally superposed to direct-scatter echoes. They obscure true target echo and lead to poor visual quality time-range image, making target detection particular difficult. Consequently, an innovative approach is proposed to suppress clutter and mitigate multipath effects. In particular, a clutter suppression technique based on range alignment is firstly applied to suppress the time-varying clutter and the instable antenna coupling. Then entropy weighted coherent integration (EWCI) algorithm is adopted to mitigate the multipath effects. In consequence, the proposed method effectively reduces the clutter and ghosting artifacts considerably. Based on the high visual quality image, the target trajectory is detected robustly and the radial velocity is estimated accurately with the Hough transform (HT). Real data used in the experimental results are provided to verify the proposed method