190 research outputs found

    Timing recovery techniques for digital recording systems

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    Design of adaptive analog filters for magnetic front-end read channels

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    Esta tese estuda o projecto e o comportamento de filtros em tempo contínuo de muito-alta-frequência. A motivação deste trabalho foi a investigação de soluções de filtragem para canais de leitura em sistemas de gravação e reprodução de dados em suporte magnético, com custos e consumo (tamanho total inferior a 1 mm2 e consumo inferior a 1mW/polo), inferiores aos circuitos existentes. Nesse sentido, tal como foi feito neste trabalho, o rápido desenvolvimento das tecnologias de microelectrónica suscitou esforços muito significativos a nível mundial com o objectivo de se investigarem novas técnicas de realização de filtros em circuito integrado monolítico, especialmente em tecnologia CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor). Apresenta-se um estudo comparativo a diversos níveis hierárquicos do projecto, que conduziu à realização e caracterização de soluções com as características desejadas. Num primeiro nível, este estudo aborda a questão conceptual da gravação e transmissão de sinal bem como a escolha de bons modelos matemáticos para o tratamento da informação e a minimização de erro inerente às aproximações na conformidade aos princípios físicos dos dispositivos caracterizados. O trabalho principal da tese é focado nos níveis hierárquicos da arquitectura do canal de leitura e da realização em circuito integrado do seu bloco principal – o bloco de filtragem. Ao nível da arquitectura do canal de leitura, apresenta-se um estudo alargado sobre as metodologias existentes de adaptação de sinal e recuperação de dados em suporte magnético. Este desígnio aparece no âmbito da proposta de uma solução de baixo custo, baixo consumo, baixa tensão de alimentação e baixa complexidade, alicerçada em tecnologia digital CMOS, para a realização de um sistema DFE (Decision Feedback Equalization) com base na igualização de sinal utilizando filtros integrados analógicos em tempo contínuo. Ao nível do projecto de realização do bloco de filtragem e das técnicas de implementação de filtros e dos seus blocos constituintes em circuito integrado, concluiu-se que a técnica baseada em circuitos de transcondutância e condensadores, também conhecida como filtros gm-C (ou transcondutância-C), é a mais adequada para a realização de filtros adaptativos em muito-alta-frequência. Definiram-se neste nível hierárquico mais baixo, dois subníveis de aprofundamento do estudo no âmbito desta tese, nomeadamente: a pesquisa e análise de estruturas ideais no projecto de filtros recorrendo a representações no espaço de estados; e, o estudo de técnicas de realização em tecnologia digital CMOS de circuitos de transcondutância para a implementação de filtros integrados analógicos em tempo contínuo. Na sequência deste estudo, apresentam-se e comparam-se duas estruturas de filtros no espaço de estados, correspondentes a duas soluções alternativas para a realização de um igualador adaptativo realizado por um filtro contínuo passa-tudo de terceira ordem, para utilização num canal de leitura de dados em suporte magnético. Como parte constituinte destes filtros, apresenta-se uma técnica de realização de circuitos de transcondutância, e de realização de condensadores lineares usando matrizes de transístores MOSFET para processamento de sinal em muito-alta-frequência realizada em circuito integrado usando tecnologia digital CMOS submicrométrica. Apresentam-se métodos de adaptação automática capazes de compensar os erros face aos valores nominais dos componentes, devidos às tolerâncias inerentes ao processo de fabrico, para os quais apresentamos os resultados de simulação e de medição experimental obtidos. Na sequência deste estudo, resultou igualmente a apresentação de um circuito passível de constituir uma solução para o controlo de posicionamento da cabeça de leitura em sistemas de gravação/reprodução de dados em suporte magnético. O bloco proposto é um filtro adaptativo de primeira ordem, com base nos mesmos circuitos de transcondutância e técnicas de igualação propostos e utilizados na implementação do filtro adaptativo de igualação do canal de leitura. Este bloco de filtragem foi projectado e incluído num circuito integrado (Jaguar) de controlo de posicionamento da cabeça de leitura realizado para a empresa ATMEL em Colorado Springs, e incluído num produto comercial em parceria com uma empresa escocesa utilizado em discos rígidos amovíveis.This thesis studies the design and behavior of continuous-time very-high-frequency filters. The motivation of this work was the search for filtering solutions for the readchannel in recording and reproduction of data on magnetic media systems, with costs and consumption (total size less than 1 mm2 and consumption under 1mW/pole), lower than the available circuits. Accordingly, as was done in this work, the rapid development of microelectronics technology raised very significant efforts worldwide in order to investigate new techniques for implementing such filters in monolithic integrated circuit, especially in CMOS technology (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor). We present a comparative study on different hierarchical levels of the project, which led to the realization and characterization of solutions with the desired characteristics. In the first level, this study addresses the conceptual question of recording and transmission of signal and the choice of good mathematical models for the processing of information and minimization of error inherent in the approaches and in accordance with the principles of the characterized physical devices. The main work of this thesis is focused on the hierarchical levels of the architecture of the read channel and the integrated circuit implementation of its main block - the filtering block. At the architecture level of the read channel this work presents a comprehensive study on existing methodologies of adaptation and signal recovery of data on magnetic media. This project appears in the sequence of the proposed solution for a lowcost, low consumption, low voltage, low complexity, using CMOS digital technology for the performance of a DFE (Decision Feedback Equalization) based on the equalization of the signal using integrated analog filters in continuous time. At the project level of implementation of the filtering block and techniques for implementing filters and its building components, it was concluded that the technique based on transconductance circuits and capacitors, also known as gm-C filters is the most appropriate for the implementation of very-high-frequency adaptive filters. We defined in this lower level, two sub-levels of depth study for this thesis, namely: research and analysis of optimal structures for the design of state-space filters, and the study of techniques for the design of transconductance cells in digital CMOS circuits for the implementation of continuous time integrated analog filters. Following this study, we present and compare two filtering structures operating in the space of states, corresponding to two alternatives for achieving a realization of an adaptive equalizer by the use of a continuous-time third order allpass filter, as part of a read-channel for magnetic media devices. As a constituent part of these filters, we present a technique for the realization of transconductance circuits and for the implementation of linear capacitors using arrays of MOSFET transistors for signal processing in very-high-frequency integrated circuits using sub-micrometric CMOS technology. We present methods capable of automatic adjustment and compensation for deviation errors in respect to the nominal values of the components inherent to the tolerances of the fabrication process, for which we present the simulation and experimental measurement results obtained. Also as a result of this study, is the presentation of a circuit that provides a solution for the control of the head positioning on recording/playback systems of data on magnetic media. The proposed block is an adaptive first-order filter, based on the same transconductance circuits and equalization techniques proposed and used in the implementation of the adaptive filter for the equalization of the read channel. This filter was designed and included in an integrated circuit (Jaguar) used to control the positioning of the read-head done for ATMEL company in Colorado Springs, and part of a commercial product used in removable hard drives fabricated in partnership with a Scottish company

    Enhanced coding, clock recovery and detection for a magnetic credit card

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2299 on 03.04.2017 by CS (TIS)This thesis describes the background, investigation and construction of a system for storing data on the magnetic stripe of a standard three-inch plastic credit in: inch card. Investigation shows that the information storage limit within a 3.375 in by 0.11 in rectangle of the stripe is bounded to about 20 kBytes. Practical issues limit the data storage to around 300 Bytes with a low raw error rate: a four-fold density increase over the standard. Removal of the timing jitter (that is prob-' ably caused by the magnetic medium particle size) would increase the limit to 1500 Bytes with no other system changes. This is enough capacity for either a small digital passport photograph or a digitized signature: making it possible to remove printed versions from the surface of the card. To achieve even these modest gains has required the development of a new variable rate code that is more resilient to timing errors than other codes in its efficiency class. The tabulation of the effects of timing errors required the construction of a new code metric and self-recovering decoders. In addition, a new method of timing recovery, based on the signal 'snatches' has been invented to increase the rapidity with which a Bayesian decoder can track the changing velocity of a hand-swiped card. The timing recovery and Bayesian detector have been integrated into one computation (software) unit that is self-contained and can decode a general class of (d, k) constrained codes. Additionally, the unit has a signal truncation mechanism to alleviate some of the effects of non-linear distortion that are present when a magnetic card is read with a magneto-resistive magnetic sensor that has been driven beyond its bias magnetization. While the storage density is low and the total storage capacity is meagre in comparison with contemporary storage devices, the high density card may still have a niche role to play in society. Nevertheless, in the face of the Smart card its long term outlook is uncertain. However, several areas of coding and detection under short-duration extreme conditions have brought new decoding methods to light. The scope of these methods is not limited just to the credit card

    An Optimal Unequal Error Protection LDPC Coded Recording System

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    For efficient modulation and error control coding, the deliberate flipping approach imposes the run-length-limited(RLL) constraint by bit error before recording. From the read side, a high coding rate limits the correcting capability of RLL bit error. In this paper, we study the low-density parity-check (LDPC) coding for RLL constrained recording system based on the Unequal Error Protection (UEP) coding scheme design. The UEP capability of irregular LDPC codes is used for recovering flipped bits. We provide an allocation technique to limit the occurrence of flipped bits on the bit with robust correction capability. In addition, we consider the signal labeling design to decrease the number of nearest neighbors to enhance the robust bit. We also apply the density evolution technique to the proposed system for evaluating the code performances. In addition, we utilize the EXIT characteristic to reveal the decoding behavior of the recommended code distribution. Finally, the optimization approach for the best distribution is proven by differential evolution for the proposed system.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure


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    In magnetic recording greater area) bit packing densities are achieved through increasing track density by reducing space between and width of the recording tracks, and/or reducing the wavelength of the recorded information. This leads to the requirement of higher precision tape transport mechanisms and dedicated coding circuitry. A TMS320 10 digital signal processor is applied to a standard low-cost, low precision, multiple-track, compact cassette tape recording system. Advanced signal processing and coding techniques are employed to maximise recording density and to compensate for the mechanical deficiencies of this system. Parallel software encoding/decoding algorithms have been developed for several Run-Length Limited modulation codes. The results for a peak detection system show that Bi-Phase L code can be reliably employed up to a data rate of 5kbits/second/track. Development of a second system employing a TMS32025 and sampling detection permitted the utilisation of adaptive equalisation to slim the readback pulse. Application of conventional read equalisation techniques, that oppose inter-symbol interference, resulted in a 30% increase in performance. Further investigation shows that greater linear recording densities can be achieved by employing Partial Response signalling and Maximum Likelihood Detection. Partial response signalling schemes use controlled inter-symbol interference to increase recording density at the expense of a multi-level read back waveform which results in an increased noise penalty. Maximum Likelihood Sequence detection employs soft decisions on the readback waveform to recover this loss. The associated modulation coding techniques required for optimised operation of such a system are discussed. Two-dimensional run-length-limited (d, ky) modulation codes provide a further means of increasing storage capacity in multi-track recording systems. For example the code rate of a single track run length-limited code with constraints (1, 3), such as Miller code, can be increased by over 25% when using a 4-track two-dimensional code with the same d constraint and with the k constraint satisfied across a number of parallel channels. The k constraint along an individual track, kx, can be increased without loss of clock synchronisation since the clocking information derived by frequent signal transitions can be sub-divided across a number of, y, parallel tracks in terms of a ky constraint. This permits more code words to be generated for a given (d, k) constraint in two dimensions than is possible in one dimension. This coding technique is furthered by development of a reverse enumeration scheme based on the trellis description of the (d, ky) constraints. The application of a two-dimensional code to a high linear density system employing extended class IV partial response signalling and maximum likelihood detection is proposed. Finally, additional coding constraints to improve spectral response and error performance are discussed.Hewlett Packard, Computer Peripherals Division (Bristol


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    Increasing the track density in magnetic systems is very difficult due to inter-track interference (ITI) caused by the magnetic field of adjacent tracks. This work presents a two-track partial response class 4 magnetic channel with linear and symmetrical ITI; and explores modulation codes, signal processing methods and error correction codes in order to mitigate the effects of ITI. Recording codes were investigated, and a new class of two-dimensional run-length limited recording codes is described. The new class of codes controls the type of ITI and has been found to be about 10% more resilient to ITI compared to conventional run-length limited codes. A new adaptive trellis has also been described that adaptively solves for the effect of ITI. This has been found to give gains up to 5dB in signal to noise ratio (SNR) at 40% ITI. It was also found that the new class of codes were about 10% more resilient to ITI compared to conventional recording codes when decoded with the new trellis. Error correction coding methods were applied, and the use of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes was investigated. It was found that at high SNR, conventional codes could perform as well as the new modulation codes in a combined modulation and error correction coding scheme. Results suggest that high rate LDPC codes can mitigate the effect of ITI, however the decoders have convergence problems beyond 30% ITI

    Contributions to adaptive equalization and timing recovery for optical storage systems

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    Applications of iterative decoding to magnetic recording channels.

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    Finally, Q-ary LDPC (Q-LDPC) codes are considered for MRCs. Belief propagation decoding for binary LDPC codes is extended to Q-LDPC codes and a reduced-complexity decoding algorithm for Q-LDPC codes is developed. Q-LDPC coded systems perform very well with random noise as well as with burst erasures. Simulations show that Q-LDPC systems outperform RS systems.Secondly, binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are proposed for MRCs. Random binary LDPC codes, finite-geometry LDPC codes and irregular LDPC codes are considered. With belief propagation decoding, LDPC systems are shown to have superior performance over current Reed-Solomon (RS) systems at the range possible for computer simulation. The issue of RS-LDPC concatenation is also addressed.Three coding schemes are investigated for magnetic recording systems. Firstly, block turbo codes, including product codes and parallel block turbo codes, are considered on MRCs. Product codes with other types of component codes are briefly discussed.Magnetic recoding channels (MRCs) are subject to noise contamination and error-correcting codes (ECCs) are used to keep the integrity of the data. Conventionally, hard decoding of the ECCs is performed. In this dissertation, systems using soft iterative decoding techniques are presented and their improved performance is established

    Modulation codes

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    A large amount of research has been put into areas of signal processing, medium design, head and servo-mechanism design and coding for conventional longitudinal as well as perpendicular magnetic recording. This work presents some further investigation in the signal processing and coding aspects of longitudinal and perpendicular digital magnetic recording. The work presented in this thesis is based upon numerical analysis using various simulation methods. The environment used for implementation of simulation models is C/C + + programming. Important results based upon bit error rate calculations have been documented in this thesis. This work presents the new designed Asymmetric Decoder (AD) which is modified to take into account the jitter noise and shows that it has better performance than classical BCJR decoders with the use of Error Correction Codes (ECC). In this work, a new method of designing Generalised Partial Response (GPR) target and its equaliser has been discussed and implemented which is based on maximising the ratio of the minimum squared euclidean distance of the PR target to the noise penalty introduced by the Partial Response (PR) filter. The results show that the new designed GPR targets have consistently better performance in comparison to various GPR targets previously published. Two methods of equalisation including the industry's standard PR, and a novel Soft-Feedback- Equalisation (SFE) have been discussed which are complimentary to each other. The work on SFE, which is a novelty of this work, was derived from the problem of Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and noise colouration in PR equalisation. This work also shows that multi-level SFE with MAP/BCJR feedback based magnetic recording with ECC has similar performance when compared to high density binary PR based magnetic recording with ECC, thus documenting the benefits of multi-level magnetic recording. It has been shown that 4-level PR based magnetic recording with ECC at half the density of binary PR based magnetic recording has similar performance and higher packing density by a factor of 2. A novel technique of combining SFE and PR equalisation to achieve best ISI cancellation in a iterative fashion has been discussed. A consistent gain of 0.5 dB and more is achieved when this technique is investigated with application of Maximum Transition Run (MTR) codes. As the length of the PR target in PR equalisation increases, the gain achieved using this novel technique consistently increases and reaches up to 1.2 dB in case of EEPR4 target for a bit error rate of 10-5