1,189 research outputs found

    Versatile Markovian models for networks with asymmetric TCP sources

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    In this paper we use Stochastic Petri Nets (SPNs) to study the interaction of multiple TCP sources that share one or two buffers, thereby considerably extending earlier work. We first consider two sources sharing a buffer and investigate the consequences of two popular assumptions for the loss process in terms of fairness and link utilization. The results obtained by our model are in agreement with existing analytic models or are closer to results obtained by ns-2 simulations. We then study a network consisting of three sources and two buffers and provide evidence that link sharing is approximately minimum-potential-delay-fair in case of equal round-trip times. \u

    Dependability Analysis of Control Systems using SystemC and Statistical Model Checking

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    Stochastic Petri nets are commonly used for modeling distributed systems in order to study their performance and dependability. This paper proposes a realization of stochastic Petri nets in SystemC for modeling large embedded control systems. Then statistical model checking is used to analyze the dependability of the constructed model. Our verification framework allows users to express a wide range of useful properties to be verified which is illustrated through a case study

    Distributed control of urban traffic networks using hybrid models

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    Urban traffic control poses a challenging problem in terms of coordinating the different traffic lights that can be used in order to influence the traffic flow. Model based control requires hybrid systems models consisting of interacting fluid flow Petri net models for controlled and uncontrolled intersections, and cell transmission models for links connecting the intersections. This paper proposes a simulation based distributed model predictive control algorithm for solving this problem

    Performance evaluation of an emergency call center: tropical polynomial systems applied to timed Petri nets

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    We analyze a timed Petri net model of an emergency call center which processes calls with different levels of priority. The counter variables of the Petri net represent the cumulated number of events as a function of time. We show that these variables are determined by a piecewise linear dynamical system. We also prove that computing the stationary regimes of the associated fluid dynamics reduces to solving a polynomial system over a tropical (min-plus) semifield of germs. This leads to explicit formul{\ae} expressing the throughput of the fluid system as a piecewise linear function of the resources, revealing the existence of different congestion phases. Numerical experiments show that the analysis of the fluid dynamics yields a good approximation of the real throughput.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. A shorter version can be found in the proceedings of the conference FORMATS 201

    Stochastic Calculus of Wrapped Compartments

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    The Calculus of Wrapped Compartments (CWC) is a variant of the Calculus of Looping Sequences (CLS). While keeping the same expressiveness, CWC strongly simplifies the development of automatic tools for the analysis of biological systems. The main simplification consists in the removal of the sequencing operator, thus lightening the formal treatment of the patterns to be matched in a term (whose complexity in CLS is strongly affected by the variables matching in the sequences). We define a stochastic semantics for this new calculus. As an application we model the interaction between macrophages and apoptotic neutrophils and a mechanism of gene regulation in E.Coli

    06161 Abstracts Collection -- Simulation and Verification of Dynamic Systems

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    From 17.04.06 to 22.04.06, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06161 ``Simulation and Verification of Dynamic Systems\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    A formalism for describing and simulating systems with interacting components.

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    This thesis addresses the problem of descriptive complexity presented by systems involving a high number of interacting components. It investigates the evaluation measure of performability and its application to such systems. A new description and simulation language, ICE and it's application to performability modelling is presented. ICE (Interacting ComponEnts) is based upon an earlier description language which was first proposed for defining reliability problems. ICE is declarative in style and has a limited number of keywords. The ethos in the development of the language has been to provide an intuitive formalism with a powerful descriptive space. The full syntax of the language is presented with discussion as to its philosophy. The implementation of a discrete event simulator using an ICE interface is described, with use being made of examples to illustrate the functionality of the code and the semantics of the language. Random numbers are used to provide the required stochastic behaviour within the simulator. The behaviour of an industry standard generator within the simulator and different methods of number allocation are shown. A new generator is proposed that is a development of a fast hardware shift register generator and is demonstrated to possess good statistical properties and operational speed. For the purpose of providing a rigorous description of the language and clarification of its semantics, a computational model is developed using the formalism of extended coloured Petri nets. This model also gives an indication of the language's descriptive power relative to that of a recognised and well developed technique. Some recognised temporal and structural problems of system event modelling are identified. and ICE solutions given. The growing research area of ATM communication networks is introduced and a sophisticated top down model of an ATM switch presented. This model is simulated and interesting results are given. A generic ICE framework for performability modelling is developed and demonstrated. This is considered as a positive contribution to the general field of performability research
