10 research outputs found

    Domain-specific Knowledge in Lexicography: How It Helps Lexicographers and Users of Accounting Dictionaries Intended for Communicative Usage Situations

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    Dictionaries are consulted when translating specialized texts in the global marketplace and when such texts are written in a foreign language. However, studies of translation in e.g. accounting indicate that most dictionaries do not provide the help needed in communicative situations, because they do not take into consideration that domain-specific meanings are culture- and structure-dependent. It is proposed that this state of affairs can be improved by studying the relevant types of knowledge required of lexicographers making accounting and other specialized dictionaries: declarative, procedural and schematic knowledge. These knowledge types are relevant when lexicographers select entry words as well as when they select equivalents and translations. Finally, it is proposed that declarative, procedural and schematic knowledge is needed when writing definitions of terms, and that these types of knowledge should also be reflected in the definitions presented to users or in other ways in dictionaries

    Desarrollando métodos comparativos realistas críticos para investigar las religiones, los sistemas de creencias y la educación

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    Education is increasingly implicated in religious and other ideological issues, but contributions from comparative education have been surprisingly rare. From the definition ‘belief-systems’, this paper reviews relevant comparative methodologies, and proposes that a ‘critical realist comparative’ approach can reduce methodological weaknesses. It concludes that ontology and epistemology can apply current perspectives on ‘fake-news’ and ‘fact checking’. The UNESCO ‘disarming history’ framework can encourage non-confrontational educational discussions and the participatory creation of curricula and teaching materials. Appropriate research frameworks entail locating studies in terms of people, places, and/or systems, and the methodologies for researching powerful people and organisations can improve data collection methods. Crowdsourcing research and online research, including big data, increase the scope of these methods. Diverse participation improves research, and the paper provides ideas for involving young people.La educación está cada vez más implicada en cuestiones religiosas y otras cuestiones ideológicas, pero las contribuciones de la Educación comparada han sido sorprendentemente escasas. A partir de la definición «sistemas de creencias», este artículo revisa metodologías comparativas relevantes y propone que un enfoque «comparativo realista crítico» puede reducir las debilidades metodológicas. Concluye que la ontología y la epistemología pueden aplicar perspectivas actuales sobre «noticias falsas» y «verificación de hechos». El marco de la «historia desarmadora» de la UNESCO puede fomentar discusiones educativas sin confrontación y la creación participativa de planes de estudio y materiales de enseñanza. Los marcos de investigación apropiados implican ubicar estudios en términos de personas, lugares y/o sistemas, y las metodologías para investigar personas y organizaciones poderosas pueden mejorar los métodos de recolección de datos. La investigación de crowdsourcing y la investigación en línea, incluido Big data, aumentan el alcance de estos métodos. La participación diversa mejora la investigación, y el documento proporciona ideas para involucrar a los jóvenes.

    E-Business Strategy to Adopt Electronic Banking Services in Ethiopia

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    E-banking services in Ethiopia are increasing among low-income populations; however, with over 53 million mobile service users countrywide, more than 85% of the population still lacks access to banking services. A single case study was used to explore e-business strategies that bank managers use to promote the adoption of electronic banking services to the unbanked population in Ethiopia. The extended resource-based view of strategy served as the conceptual framework for this study. Data were collected from interviews with 12 experienced bank managers from leading commercial bank in Ethiopia. Data were analyzed using coding techniques and word clustering, with the help of qualitative data analysis software. After member checking and methodological triangulation, data were sorted into 5 themes including ensuring leadership, creating accessibility, fostering customers\u27 acceptance, leveraging unique features and organizational resources, and building an e-banking ecosystem. The result showed that bank managers need to develop a customer-centric organizational posture and they should focus to build e-banking ecosystem inside and outside the country so that they can realize their vision to become global competitors. The findings from the study may contribute to positive social change for the unbanked communities in Ethiopia by informing bank managers options of e-banking adoption strategies thereby improve the convenience and accessibility of banking services

    The Emergence of the American Engaged University Paradigm

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    Ein zentrales Problem dieser Studie bestand darin, zu verstehen, was Universitäten veranlasst, sich an der Umgestaltung von Gemeinschaften und sich selbst zu beteiligen, wenn sie die traditionellen Missionen der Bildung neu gestalten. Durch eine bewusste Auswahl wurden drei Universitäten ausgewählt, um Daten zu sammeln und die Forschungsfragen zu beantworten. Die Daten wurden aus öffentlich zugänglichen Online-Berichten abgerufen, die jede Institution auf ihren eigenen Webseiten veröffentlichte. Über tausend Seiten der drei Institutionen wurden mithilfe einer Diskursanalyse (DA) analysiert. Die Dokumente stellten die offizielle Bestätigung des aufkommenden Trends dar. Die Analyse der institutionellen Diskurse zeigte Muster auf, die relevant waren, um die Institutionalisierung des Engagements an den drei Universitäten zu erklären. Sie folgten einem konsequenten Weg der internen Überarbeitung dessen, was sie taten, als tiefes Hinterfragen früherer institutionalisierter Praktiken und Diskurse, die sie zu Veränderungen führten. Dann erfolgte die Institutionalisierung von Diskursen in Form von Zentren für Zivildienst, strategische Planung, Service-Lernen, bürgerliches Leben, neue Klassen, herausfordernde Vorträge, um das Engagement zu fördern. Die Studie war in der Lage, einige der grundlegenden Mechanismen der sozialen Sprache zu identifizieren, die verwendet werden, um Institutionen innerhalb von Institutionen zu schaffen, wie z. B. das Engagement in der Gemeinschaft. Die Forschung lieferte Daten zur Unterstützung der theoretischen Annahme, dass Sprache durch eine Vielzahl möglicher Textkonfigurationen Diskurse erzeugt, die gleichzeitig soziale Handlungen wie Institutionalisierung hervorrufen. Diese Prozesse offenbarten, wie Engagement generiert wurde.A central problem to this study was to understand what prompts universities to participate in transforming communities and themselves as they reshape the traditional missions of education. Using a purposely selection, three universities were chosen to collect data and answer the research questions. The data was retrieved from public available online reports that each institution posted on their own webpages. Over a thousand pages from the three institutions were analyzed, using a Discourse Analysis (DA). The documents represented the official endorsement to the emerging trend. The analysis of institutional discourses presented patterns that were relevant to explain the institutionalization of engagement in the three universities. They followed a consistent path of internal revisions of what they were doing, as deep questioning of previous institutionalized practices, and discourses, that led them to changes. Then, the institutionalization of discourses occurred in the forms of centers for community service, strategic planning, service-learning, civic life, new classes, challenging lectures, among others, to promote engagement. The study was able to identify some of the basic mechanisms social language used to create institutions, within institutions, like community engagement. The research provided data to support the theoretical assumption that language, through a host of possible configurations of texts generates discourses that, at the same time, engender social actions such as institutionalization. Those processes disclosed how engagement was generated

    Activities and tasks: A case of search in the primary school information use environment

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    Studies of children (ages 4-11) searching in primary schools have either been of a work task that is a research assignment or of a search task that has been designed by the researcher. There is little understanding of how the environment is influencing the search activity and the full range of search tasks that children conduct in schools. Research was conducted in two phases. In phase one, using maximal variation sampling ten teachers from a single primary school were asked to describe what children in their class had searched for in the prior academic year. The collected data was analysed using two techniques. Firstly, thematic analysis was used to identify what is shaping children’s search. Secondly, a framework initially developed from a review of the literature was used to identify and describe the search tasks. In phase two, using observation data that had previously been collected for other research projects, the phase one analysis was verified and extended. Findings confirm that the primary school environment influences how children search for information and what they use the information for. It was found that children are conducting a greater range of search tasks than has been currently accounted for. Ten different uses of information were identified. As well as this both children and teachers are doers and originators of search tasks, and therefore search can also be considered a group based activity. This thesis contributes to a greater understanding of information use environments. In particular, new insights into the range and variety of search activities within primary schools are presented. Furthermore, a novel framework that can be used to describe search tasks within an information use environment is developed

    The role of emotions in e-learning in psychotherapy: a mixed methods study

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    Research questions 1. What is the role of emotions in e-learning (in particular as it relates to a case example of online psychotherapy education)? 2. What methods can be used to detect and measure emotions in e-learning? Methodology These research questions are addressed by a systematic literature review and analysis of the following student data from the University of Sheffield’s online MSc in Psychotherapy Studies: i. a set of mental health/well-being outcome measures ii. a linguistic analysis of forum postings using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) iii. qualitative interviews with ex-students Findings i. the mental health/well-being measure scores do not reliably detect changes in emotional processing ii. the LIWC picks up individuals’ emotional change but does not correlate strongly with the outcome measures. iii. those learners who can trust others online are more satisfied, and more likely to engage in transformative learning. Of the methods employed, the student interviews gave the best insight into students’ emotional experience. Conclusions Emotions are central topics for learning in a psychotherapy course; they are pivotal in terms of how students engage with an e-learning course, and with learners and tutors. Student engagement and satisfaction in e-learning are engendered by a collaborative learning approach, which encourages sharing of emotions through self-disclosure. Being online may provoke anxiety and make it harder for some students to develop the kind of trusting relationships needed to self-disclose; for other students, the anxiety is less problematic, and being online is a liberating and positive factor in their learning. The research suggests that learning could be personalized according to students’ emotional preferences by adopting a learning analytics approach – providers of e-learning need to be aware of the emotional experience of e-learners, and equipped to respond appropriately to maximise opportunities for engagement and transformative learning

    Book Review: The Essential Guide to Using the Web for Research

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