16 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Motivation Achievement untuk Pemain Advergames dengan Tingkat Pemahaman (Level Of Comprehension) dari Brand Message (Pesan Merek)

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    Advergame merupakan salah satu strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan di era modern. Strategi ini dilakukan melalui video games sebagai mediumnya. Berbeda dengan media-media konvensional seperti televisi, koran, radio, dsb. Yang bersifat pasif ketika menyampaikan pesan Advergame memiliki keunikan tersendiri yakni lebih bersifat interaktif. Sehingga menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui Hubungan antara Motivation achievement (Motivasi Penghargaan) dengan Level of Comprehension dari brand message. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen one shot case study. Dengan total partisipan 30 orang yang terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok termotivasi dan kelompok tidak termotivasi. kelompok termotivasi adalah kelompok yang diberikan motivasi terlebih dahulu sebelum bermain advergame. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Uji perbandingan Independent samples T-test. dengan pemenuhan asumsi independensi sampel, uji normalitas Kolomogrov Smirnov dan uji homogenitas variansi. Temuan dari penelitian ini ini menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan nilai yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok yang diuji, artinya adalah tidak ada Hubungan antara Motivation achievement dengan Level of Comprehension dari brand message. Kedua kelompok dapat memahami pesan yang disampaikan melalui games tanpa harus diberi motivasi

    Effects of brand placement and player involvement on brand awareness: an empirical study on online game players

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    This paper examines the effects of brand placement and player involvement on brand awareness. The data in this study were collected from questionnaires distributed to 150 game players of online game with snowball sampling. Data analysis used multiple regression  analysis. However, our prediction that there were effect of brand placement and player involvement on brand awareness was not supported. We presents the discussions in this paper

    Targeting the Weak: A Content Analysis of Violence in Advergames

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    With a rising trend of targeting children using various means of advertisement, the popularity of advergames has significantly increased. Although previous research suggests that negative content in advergames result in less favorable attitudes toward the game (Waiguny, et al., 2013), the presence of violence in advergames targeted to children aged three to ten years is significantly high. Despite the growing concern regarding violence in advergames and other means of advertisement targeted to children, research has not yet investigated the actual amount of violence in advergames. To shed light on this important issue, the present research discusses results of a descriptive study along with a literature review of previously conducted studies. This research by no means is exhaustive, but does give a glimpse into the world of advergames and the possible negative effects associated with its content. The results of this study indicate, that roughly 38% of the advergames that were analyzed and discussed in this paper contain violence of some degree. These findings suggest parents should closely monitor their child\u27s online game type especially as it relates to advergames

    The role of flow for mobile advergaming effectiveness

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    Purpose: Based on flow theory, the purpose of this paper is to explain why the use of mobile advergames can enhance players’ brand perceptions and purchase intentions, as well as the factors that affect players’ flow experience. Design/methodology/approach: Data from 212 participants who played a mobile advergame was analysed. Structural equation modelling with PLS was used to test the research model. Findings: The results reveal that challenge, interactivity, focused attention and telepresence significantly influence the flow experience while playing mobile advergames. Results also show that the greater the flow, the more positive the attitude towards the featured brand and the greater the purchase intention. Practical implications: The findings of this study are important for advertising practitioners and advergames developers as understanding the key game features that promote flow is crucial to designing engaging mobile advergames that persuade players most. Originality/value: This study contributes to the literature in two ways. First, it provides new insights into the effectiveness of mobile advergames, which is an under-researched area. Second, it offers a conceptual framework based on flow theory for understanding why the use of mobile advergames can enhance players’ brand perceptions and purchase intentions

    Advergaming - How does cognitive overload effect brand recall? Differences between in-game advertising (IGA) and advergames

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    Advergaming serves as a new and valuable form of online advertising, especially for companies that target young consumers. This study examines the impacts of cognitive overload with placement prominence on respondents' brand recall, recognition and brand attitudes. An experiment was conducted on a group of university students with an exposure to an advergame under low and high cognitive load stimulus. Results showed that brands that are placed prominently are better recalled in high cognitive load condition. However, cognitive overload doesn't have any significant effect on the recognition of the main brand in which the advergames is specifically designed. Moreover, there is no difference in recall of subtly placed products in low and high cognitive load conditions. However, there is a significant difference in brand attitude in different cognitive loads. The study both investigated the context of advergames and as well in-game advertising (IGA) situations. The results of the study have both practical and theoretical implications.Publisher's Versio

    The effectiveness of advergames compared to television commercials and interactive commercials featuring advergames

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    Advergames played on computers can be persuasive forms of advertising, especially when players are highly involved or experience telepresence (“being there” in the game). But 30-s TV commercials also deliver high levels of telepresence. Online-video interactive TV commercials, which can combine a TV commercial and an advergame, potentially deliver double the effectiveness of either form of advertising by itself. This study compared the effectiveness of advergames played on a PC to normal 30-s TV commercials, and also to interactive commercials enhanced with advergames. The results show no differences in telepresence, and therefore no differences in persuasive effect, measured by brand attitude, across these three ad types. Implications for advertisers and for future research are discussed

    Women\u27s Perceptions Toward Mobile Advertising

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    The use of technology is changing at a very rapid pace, and companies must strategically design advertising messages for the ever-changing devices and platforms. The general business problem was that business owners have not been able to maximize the profitability of mobile advertising messages directed at women. The specific business problem was that business leaders need strategies to enhance mobile advertising returns by targeting messages that incorporate women\u27s perceptions of mobile advertising. The purpose of this case study was to explore how business leaders can enhance mobile advertising returns by incorporating women\u27s perceptions of mobile advertising into the design of advertising messages. The conceptual framework for this study was user gratification theory. The study population was 5 women business owners from a medium-sized city in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Criteria for study participation included owning a business and using a mobile device to shop. Data were gathered in face-to-face interviews and the review of company documents and websites pertaining to mobile advertising. Yin\u27s 5-step process was used for data analysis. Themes that emerged were value, need, personalization, and time. Business owners, potential business owners, and marketing personnel could benefit from this research. The implications for positive social change include activating management to motivate employees, thereby enhancing employee performance to sustain organizational profitability. Leaders can actively participate in social change by motivating and developing employees, who can then help others and contribute to society by bringing awareness to social causes and providing mentoring and job skills training

    Advertising business model strategy to increase consumers' brand recognition : an exploratory study testing the benefits of a quiz structure, applying incentives and targeting ads

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    Atualmente, existe uma saturação do mercado publicitário devido aos novos meios de baixo custo. A sociedade tem acesso a ferramentas para ignorar ou evitar publicidade, nomeadamente, bloquear anúncios na internet, e passar à frente anúncios na TV. O principal objetivo deste projeto é a criação de estratégias publicitárias com o intuito de aumentar a atenção dos consumidores e, consequentemente, o reconhecimento da marca. Este modelo foi construído de forma a testar, os benefícios de uma estrutura quiz, incentivos e anúncios com targeting, de acordo com género, idade e ocupação. O presente trabalho é, de natureza descritiva e, quanto à profundidade, exploratório. Procura-se um primeiro conhecimento empírico da aceitação do modelo imaginado, através dos dados recolhidos que identificam caraterísticas e dimensões da problemática, oferecendo, no final, uma visão mais completa e clara. O desenho metodológico incluiu um simulador de quiz, associado a um inquérito por questionário, capaz de mostrar anúncios publicitários para testar a atenção de 160 participantes, e um inquérito, fundamentado na Teoria de Comportamento Planeado, para recolher a sua opinião. Após um mês, um novo questionário foi aplicado com o objetivo de avaliar o reconhecimento da marca pelos consumidores. Através do desempenho dos participantes, este estudo concluiu que a estrutura de quiz tem influência positiva na atenção e no reconhecimento da marca. Os participantes demostraram uma atitude positiva face à experiência, o que é promissor para a criação de um modelo de negócio com base nesta estratégia de publicidade. Efetivamente destacaram que seria mais fácil a sua aceitação, caso se implementasse em smartphones e se se usasse incentivos.Advertising has now cheap methods to promote products which are leading to market saturation. Nowadays, society has tools to ignore or avoid advertising, giving consumers the ability to block ads from the internet, and fast-forwarding commercials in TV. The main goal for this project was to create a business model strategy to increase consumers’ attention and consequently, brand recognition. This model was constructed to test the benefits of strategies such the implementation of a quiz structure, incentives and targeting ads, according to gender, age and occupation This research has a descriptive nature and follows and presents an exploratory study, using quantitative instruments to collect data. These instruments consisted in a quiz simulator, associated to a questionnaire, showing commercial videos, in order to test users’ attention, along with a survey, grounded in the Theory of Planned Behavior, to assess participants’ opinion. After one month, another questionnaire tested participants’ memory, with the goal of assessing consumers’ brand recognition. Results evaluated participants’ performances, influenced by each strategy, individually and combined. From participants’ performances, this research concluded that a quiz structure helps users focus on the ad and improves their brand recognition. Furthermore, incentives and targeted ads have different influence over each demographic variable, and behave different when combined with each other. From feedback, participants demonstrated a positive attitude towards the business model and highlighted that this model would be more easily accepted, implementing it in smartphones and using a reward system along with targeted ads