40,875 research outputs found

    Continuum percolation of wireless ad hoc communication networks

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    Wireless multi-hop ad hoc communication networks represent an infrastructure-less and self-organized generalization of todays wireless cellular networks. Connectivity within such a network is an important issue. Continuum percolation and technology-driven mutations thereof allow to address this issue in the static limit and to construct a simple distributed protocol, guaranteeing strong connectivity almost surely and independently of various typical uncorrelated and correlated random spatial patterns of participating ad hoc nodes.Comment: 30 pages, to be published in Physica

    Function and form in networks of interacting agents

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    The main problem we address in this paper is whether function determines form when a society of agents organizes itself for some purpose or whether the organizing method is more important than the functionality in determining the structure of the ensemble. As an example, we use a neural network that learns the same function by two different learning methods. For sufficiently large networks, very different structures may indeed be obtained for the same functionality. Clustering, characteristic path length and hierarchy are structural differences, which in turn have implications on the robustness and adaptability of the networks. In networks, as opposed to simple graphs, the connections between the agents are not necessarily symmetric and may have positive or negative signs. New characteristic coefficients are introduced to characterize this richer connectivity structure.Comment: 27 pages Latex, 11 figure

    k-connectivity of Random Graphs and Random Geometric Graphs in Node Fault Model

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    k-connectivity of random graphs is a fundamental property indicating reliability of multi-hop wireless sensor networks (WSN). WSNs comprising of sensor nodes with limited power resources are modeled by random graphs with unreliable nodes, which is known as the node fault model. In this paper, we investigate k-connectivity of random graphs in the node fault model by evaluating the network breakdown probability, i.e., the disconnectivity probability of random graphs after stochastic node removals. Using the notion of a strongly typical set, we obtain universal asymptotic upper and lower bounds of the network breakdown probability. The bounds are applicable both to random graphs and to random geometric graphs. We then consider three representative random graph ensembles: the Erdos-Renyi random graph as the simplest case, the random intersection graph for WSNs with random key predistribution schemes, and the random geometric graph as a model of WSNs generated by random sensor node deployment. The bounds unveil the existence of the phase transition of the network breakdown probability for those ensembles.Comment: 6 page

    The Geometric Block Model

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    To capture the inherent geometric features of many community detection problems, we propose to use a new random graph model of communities that we call a Geometric Block Model. The geometric block model generalizes the random geometric graphs in the same way that the well-studied stochastic block model generalizes the Erdos-Renyi random graphs. It is also a natural extension of random community models inspired by the recent theoretical and practical advancement in community detection. While being a topic of fundamental theoretical interest, our main contribution is to show that many practical community structures are better explained by the geometric block model. We also show that a simple triangle-counting algorithm to detect communities in the geometric block model is near-optimal. Indeed, even in the regime where the average degree of the graph grows only logarithmically with the number of vertices (sparse-graph), we show that this algorithm performs extremely well, both theoretically and practically. In contrast, the triangle-counting algorithm is far from being optimum for the stochastic block model. We simulate our results on both real and synthetic datasets to show superior performance of both the new model as well as our algorithm.Comment: A shorter version of this paper has appeared in 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The AAAI proceedings version as well as the previous version in arxiv contained some errors that have been corrected in this versio

    Thresholds in Random Motif Graphs

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    We introduce a natural generalization of the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph model in which random instances of a fixed motif are added independently. The binomial random motif graph G(H,n,p)G(H,n,p) is the random (multi)graph obtained by adding an instance of a fixed graph HH on each of the copies of HH in the complete graph on nn vertices, independently with probability pp. We establish that every monotone property has a threshold in this model, and determine the thresholds for connectivity, Hamiltonicity, the existence of a perfect matching, and subgraph appearance. Moreover, in the first three cases we give the analogous hitting time results; with high probability, the first graph in the random motif graph process that has minimum degree one (or two) is connected and contains a perfect matching (or Hamiltonian respectively).Comment: 19 page

    On the strength of connectedness of a random hypergraph

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    Bollob\'{a}s and Thomason (1985) proved that for each k=k(n)[1,n1]k=k(n) \in [1, n-1], with high probability, the random graph process, where edges are added to vertex set V=[n]V=[n] uniformly at random one after another, is such that the stopping time of having minimal degree kk is equal to the stopping time of becoming kk-(vertex-)connected. We extend this result to the dd-uniform random hypergraph process, where kk and dd are fixed. Consequently, for m=nd(lnn+(k1)lnlnn+c)m=\frac{n}{d}(\ln n +(k-1)\ln \ln n +c) and p=(d1)!lnn+(k1)lnlnn+cnd1p=(d-1)! \frac{\ln n + (k-1) \ln \ln n +c}{n^{d-1}}, the probability that the random hypergraph models Hd(n,m)H_d(n, m) and Hd(n,p)H_d(n, p) are kk-connected tends to eec/(k1)!.e^{-e^{-c}/(k-1)!}.Comment: 16 pages, minor revisions from first draf

    Connectivity of Random Annulus Graphs and the Geometric Block Model

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    We provide new connectivity results for {\em vertex-random graphs} or {\em random annulus graphs} which are significant generalizations of random geometric graphs. Random geometric graphs (RGG) are one of the most basic models of random graphs for spatial networks proposed by Gilbert in 1961, shortly after the introduction of the Erd\H{o}s-R\'{en}yi random graphs. They resemble social networks in many ways (e.g. by spontaneously creating cluster of nodes with high modularity). The connectivity properties of RGG have been studied since its introduction, and analyzing them has been significantly harder than their Erd\H{o}s-R\'{en}yi counterparts due to correlated edge formation. Our next contribution is in using the connectivity of random annulus graphs to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for efficient recovery of communities for {\em the geometric block model} (GBM). The GBM is a probabilistic model for community detection defined over an RGG in a similar spirit as the popular {\em stochastic block model}, which is defined over an Erd\H{o}s-R\'{en}yi random graph. The geometric block model inherits the transitivity properties of RGGs and thus models communities better than a stochastic block model. However, analyzing them requires fresh perspectives as all prior tools fail due to correlation in edge formation. We provide a simple and efficient algorithm that can recover communities in GBM exactly with high probability in the regime of connectivity