154,376 research outputs found

    First-Principles Based Matrix-Green's Function Approach to Molecular Electronic Devices: General Formalism

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    Transport in molecular electronic devices is different from that in semiconductor mesoscopic devices in two important aspects: (1) the effect of the electronic structure and (2) the effect of the interface to the external contact. A rigorous treatment of molecular electronic devices will require the inclusion of these effects in the context of an open system exchanging particle and energy with the external environment. This calls for combining the theory of quantum transport with the theory of electronic structure starting from the first-principles. We present a rigorous yet tractable matrix Green's function approach for studying transport in molecular electronic devices, based on the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Formalism of quantum transport and the density-functional theory of electronic structure using local orbital basis sets. By separating the device rigorously into the molecular region and the contact region, we can take full advantage of the natural spatial locality associated with the metallic screening in the electrodes and focus on the physical processes in the finite molecular region. This not only opens up the possibility of using the existing well-established technique of molecular electronic structure theory in transport calculations with little change, but also allows us to use the language of qualitative molecular orbital theory to interpret and rationalize the results of the computation. For the device at equilibrium, our method provides an alternative approach for solving the molecular chemisorption problem. For the device out of equilibrium, we show that the calculation of elastic current transport through molecules, both conceptually and computationally, is no more difficult than solving the chemisorption problem.Comment: To appear in Chemical Physic

    Molecular Dynamics in a Grand Ensemble: Bergmann-Lebowitz model and Adaptive Resolution Simulation

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    This article deals with the molecular dynamics simulation of open systems that can exchange energy and matter with a reservoir; the physics of the reservoir and its interactions with the system are described by the model introduced by Bergmann and Lebowitz.Despite its conceptual appeal, the model did not gain popularity in the field of molecular simulation and, as a consequence, did not play a role in the development of open system molecular simulation techniques, even though it can provide the conceptual legitimation of simulation techniques that mimic open systems. We shall demonstrate that the model can serve as a tool to devise both numerical procedures and conceptual definitions of physical quantities that cannot be defined in a straightforward way by systems with a fixed number of molecules. In particular, we discuss the utility of the Bergmann-Lebowitz (BL) model for the calculation of equilibrium time correlation functions within the Grand Canonical Adaptive Resolution method (GC-AdResS) and report numerical results for the case of liquid water.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    A correlated-polaron electronic propagator: open electronic dynamics beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation

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    In this work we develop a theory of correlated many-electron dynamics dressed by the presence of a finite-temperature harmonic bath. The theory is based on the ab-initio Hamiltonian, and thus well-defined apart from any phenomenological choice of collective basis states or electronic coupling model. The equation-of-motion includes some bath effects non-perturbatively, and can be used to simulate line- shapes beyond the Markovian approximation and open electronic dynamics which are subjects of renewed recent interest. Energy conversion and transport depend critically on the ratio of electron-electron coupling to bath-electron coupling, which is a fitted parameter if a phenomenological basis of many-electron states is used to develop an electronic equation of motion. Since the present work doesn't appeal to any such basis, it avoids this ambiguity. The new theory produces a level of detail beyond the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer states, but with cost scaling like the Born-Oppenheimer approach. While developing this model we have also applied the time-convolutionless perturbation theory to correlated molecular excitations for the first time. Resonant response properties are given by the formalism without phenomenological parameters. Example propagations with a developmental code are given demonstrating the treatment of electron-correlation in absorption spectra, vibronic structure, and decay in an open system.Comment: 25 pages 7 figure

    Optical absorption spectra of finite systems from a conserving Bethe-Salpeter equation approach

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    We present a method for computing optical absorption spectra by means of a Bethe-Salpeter equation approach, which is based on a conserving linear response calculation for electron-hole coherences in the presence of an external electromagnetic field. This procedure allows, in principle, for the determination of the electron-hole correlation function self-consistently with the corresponding single-particle Green function. We analyze the general approach for a "one-shot" calculation of the photoabsorption cross section of finite systems, and discuss the importance of scattering and dephasing contributions in this approach. We apply the method to the closed-shell clusters Na_4, Na^+_9 and Na^+_(21), treating one active electron per Na atom.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Long-range correlation energy calculated from coupled atomic response functions

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    An accurate determination of the electron correlation energy is essential for describing the structure, stability, and function in a wide variety of systems, ranging from gas-phase molecular assemblies to condensed matter and organic/inorganic interfaces. Even small errors in the correlation energy can have a large impact on the description of chemical and physical properties in the systems of interest. In this context, the development of efficient approaches for the accurate calculation of the long-range correlation energy (and hence dispersion) is the main challenge. In the last years a number of methods have been developed to augment density functional approximations via dispersion energy corrections, but most of these approaches ignore the intrinsic many-body nature of correlation effects, leading to inconsistent and sometimes even qualitatively incorrect predictions. Here we build upon the recent many-body dispersion (MBD) framework, which is intimately linked to the random-phase approximation for the correlation energy. We separate the correlation energy into short-range contributions that are modeled by semi-local functionals and long-range contributions that are calculated by mapping the complex all-electron problem onto a set of atomic response functions coupled in the dipole approximation. We propose an effective range-separation of the coupling between the atomic response functions that extends the already broad applicability of the MBD method to non-metallic materials with highly anisotropic responses, such as layered nanostructures. Application to a variety of high-quality benchmark datasets illustrates the accuracy and applicability of the improved MBD approach, which offers the prospect of first-principles modeling of large structurally complex systems with an accurate description of the long-range correlation energy.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Can Density Matrix Embedding Theory with the Complete Activate Space Self-Consistent Field Solver Describe Single and Double Bond Breaking in Molecular Systems?

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    Density matrix embedding theory (DMET) [Phys. Rev. Lett.2012, 109, 186404] has been demonstrated as an efficient wave-function-based embedding method to treat extended systems. Despite its success in many quantum lattice models, the extension of DMET to real chemical systems has been tested only on selected cases. Herein, we introduce the use of the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) method as a correlated impurity solver for DMET, leading to a method called CAS-DMET. We test its performance in describing the dissociation of a H-H single bond in a H10 ring model system and an N=N double bond in azomethane (CH3-N=N-CH3) and pentyldiazene (CH3(CH2)4-N=NH). We find that the performance of CAS-DMET is comparable to CASSCF with different active space choices when single-embedding DMET corresponding to only one embedding problem for the system is used. When multiple embedding problems are used for the system, the CAS-DMET is in a good agreement with CASSCF for the geometries around the equilibrium, but not in equal agreement at bond dissociation.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, TOC graphi