152 research outputs found

    Structure and enumeration of (3+1)-free posets

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    A poset is (3+1)-free if it does not contain the disjoint union of chains of length 3 and 1 as an induced subposet. These posets play a central role in the (3+1)-free conjecture of Stanley and Stembridge. Lewis and Zhang have enumerated (3+1)-free posets in the graded case by decomposing them into bipartite graphs, but until now the general enumeration problem has remained open. We give a finer decomposition into bipartite graphs which applies to all (3+1)-free posets and obtain generating functions which count (3+1)-free posets with labelled or unlabelled vertices. Using this decomposition, we obtain a decomposition of the automorphism group and asymptotics for the number of (3+1)-free posets.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures. New version includes substantial changes to clarify the construction of skeleta and the enumeration. An extended abstract of this paper appears as arXiv:1212.535

    Uniform random generation of large acyclic digraphs

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    Directed acyclic graphs are the basic representation of the structure underlying Bayesian networks, which represent multivariate probability distributions. In many practical applications, such as the reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks, not only the estimation of model parameters but the reconstruction of the structure itself is of great interest. As well as for the assessment of different structure learning algorithms in simulation studies, a uniform sample from the space of directed acyclic graphs is required to evaluate the prevalence of certain structural features. Here we analyse how to sample acyclic digraphs uniformly at random through recursive enumeration, an approach previously thought too computationally involved. Based on complexity considerations, we discuss in particular how the enumeration directly provides an exact method, which avoids the convergence issues of the alternative Markov chain methods and is actually computationally much faster. The limiting behaviour of the distribution of acyclic digraphs then allows us to sample arbitrarily large graphs. Building on the ideas of recursive enumeration based sampling we also introduce a novel hybrid Markov chain with much faster convergence than current alternatives while still being easy to adapt to various restrictions. Finally we discuss how to include such restrictions in the combinatorial enumeration and the new hybrid Markov chain method for efficient uniform sampling of the corresponding graphs.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Statistics and Computin

    Asymptotic analysis and efficient random sampling of directed ordered acyclic graphs

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    Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) are directed graphs in which there is no path from a vertex to itself. DAGs are an omnipresent data structure in computer science and the problem of counting the DAGs of given number of vertices and to sample them uniformly at random has been solved respectively in the 70's and the 00's. In this paper, we propose to explore a new variation of this model where DAGs are endowed with an independent ordering of the out-edges of each vertex, thus allowing to model a wide range of existing data structures. We provide efficient algorithms for sampling objects of this new class, both with or without control on the number of edges, and obtain an asymptotic equivalent of their number. We also show the applicability of our method by providing an effective algorithm for the random generation of classical labelled DAGs with a prescribed number of vertices and edges, based on a similar approach. This is the first known algorithm for sampling labelled DAGs with full control on the number of edges, and it meets a need in terms of applications, that had already been acknowledged in the literature.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures. For the implementation of the algorithms, see https://github.com/Kerl13/randda

    On the chromatic number of the preferential attachment graph

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    We prove that for every m∈Nm\in \mathbb N and every ή∈(−m,0)\delta\in (-m,0), the chromatic number of the preferential attachment graph PAt(m,ή)PA_t(m, \delta) is asymptotically almost surely equal to m+1m+1. The proof relies on a combinatorial construction of a family of digraphs of chromatic number m+1m+1 followed by a proof that asymptotically almost surely there is a digraph in this family, which is realised as a subgraph of the preferential attachment graph.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    The birth of the strong components

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    Random directed graphs D(n,p)D(n,p) undergo a phase transition around the point p=1/np = 1/n, and the width of the transition window has been known since the works of Luczak and Seierstad. They have established that as n→∞n \to \infty when p=(1+ÎŒn−1/3)/np = (1 + \mu n^{-1/3})/n, the asymptotic probability that the strongly connected components of a random directed graph are only cycles and single vertices decreases from 1 to 0 as ÎŒ\mu goes from −∞-\infty to ∞\infty. By using techniques from analytic combinatorics, we establish the exact limiting value of this probability as a function of ÎŒ\mu and provide more properties of the structure of a random digraph around, below and above its transition point. We obtain the limiting probability that a random digraph is acyclic and the probability that it has one strongly connected complex component with a given difference between the number of edges and vertices (called excess). Our result can be extended to the case of several complex components with given excesses as well in the whole range of sparse digraphs. Our study is based on a general symbolic method which can deal with a great variety of possible digraph families, and a version of the saddle-point method which can be systematically applied to the complex contour integrals appearing from the symbolic method. While the technically easiest model is the model of random multidigraphs, in which multiple edges are allowed, and where edge multiplicities are sampled independently according to a Poisson distribution with a fixed parameter pp, we also show how to systematically approach the family of simple digraphs, where multiple edges are forbidden, and where 2-cycles are either allowed or not. Our theoretical predictions are supported by numerical simulations, and we provide tables of numerical values for the integrals of Airy functions that appear in this study.Comment: 62 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables. Supplementary computer algebra computations available at https://gitlab.com/vit.north/strong-components-au

    Controllability in complex brain networks

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    Complex functional brain networks are large networks of brain regions and functional brain connections. Statistical characterizations of these networks aim to quantify global and local properties of brain activity with a small number of network measures. Recently it has been proposed to characterize brain networks in terms of their "controllability", drawing on concepts and methods of control theory. The thesis will review the control theory for networks and its application in neuroscience. In particular, the study will highlight important limitations and some warning and caveats in the brain controllability framework.ope

    On the approximability of the maximum induced matching problem

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    In this paper we consider the approximability of the maximum induced matching problem (MIM). We give an approximation algorithm with asymptotic performance ratio <i>d</i>-1 for MIM in <i>d</i>-regular graphs, for each <i>d</i>≥3. We also prove that MIM is APX-complete in <i>d</i>-regular graphs, for each <i>d</i>≥3
