7 research outputs found

    Model pembelajaran predict observe explain dalam edmodo untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika di SMP: Analisis stacking

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika siswa melalui penerapan pembelajaran Predict Observe Explain dalam Edmodo. Peneltian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain one group pretest-posttest. Responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 10 orang siswa yang berasal dari kelas VII di salah satu sekolah menengah pertama swasta di Yogyakarta. Pemahaman konsep dievaluasi menggunakan 10 soal tes pilihan ganda pada materi Energi. Peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa dianalisis menggunakan teknik Stacking dan divisualisasikan menggunakan Wright map. Analisis Stacking dan Wright map dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Winsteps 4.6.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan rata-rata pemahaman konseptual secara klasikal sebesar 0,76 logit. Sebanyak 73% siswa mengalami peningkatan pemahaman konsep pada materi Energi. Peningkatan pemahaman tertinggi sebesar 2,07 logit. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa implementasi model Predict Observe Explain dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika siswa pada materi Energi


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    The purpose of this research is to identify student misconceptions in the subject Descriptive Statistics on material of Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, and Measures of Placemark and its cause. This descriptive qualitative research using the technique of written tests, interviews, and documentation in collecting data.The focus of this research is student misconceptions.The subjects were students of the second semester math education group F University PGRI Semarang 2015/2016 academic year were selected by purposive sampling.Test the credibility of the data in this research use triangulation techniques.The results showed that every student has a different misconceptions appropriate to academic ability.In outline, student misconceptions is the determination of the use of parameters and statistics according to the origin of the data provided.This misconception will impact on the next misconception is elections in notation and use of formulas that were not appropriate.This is because the learning difficulties of students in the form of the prerequisites material are not yet well understood, less complete understanding of the definition of a concept, has not been able to develop auxiliary table as needed calculations, as well as lack carefully situations in workmanship matter.Keywords: Misconceptions, Descriptive Statistics, Measures in Statistic

    Effects of Virtual Experiments Oriented Science Instruction on Students’ Achievement and Attitude

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    This study was conducted to identify the effects of virtual experiment technique on seventh grade students' electricity achievement and attitudes towards science laboratory. The subjects were 69 seventh grade students in two classes of the same teacher. Randomly assigned experimental group students received virtual experiments oriented instruction, whereas control group students performed physical experiments. Achievement test and attitude scales were given as pretests prior to instruction and as posttests after four weeks of instruction. Two separate covariance analysis were conducted in this study and both of them indicated statistical significant differences. In accordance with these significant results, it can be concluded that virtual experiments have a substantial role in education by providing safe medium and interactive genuine models for students. Therefore, it is suggested that virtual experiments can be used in different contexts and various steps of education whenever possibleThis study was conducted to identify the effects of virtual experiment technique on seventh grade students' electricity achievement and attitudes towards science laboratory. The subjects were 69 seventh grade students in two classes of the same teacher. Randomly assigned experimental group students received virtual experiments oriented instruction, whereas control group students performed physical experiments. Achievement test and attitude scales were given as pretests prior to instruction and as posttests after four weeks of instruction. Two separate covariance analysis were conducted in this study and both of them indicated statistical significant differences. In accordance with these significant results, it can be concluded that virtual experiments have a substantial role in education by providing safe medium and interactive genuine models for students. Therefore, it is suggested that virtual experiments can be used in different contexts and various steps of education whenever possible

    Das conceções alternativas às conceções científicas com metodologias ativas de aprendizagem e utilização de simuladores: uma intervenção didática para a aprendizagem da Física do som

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    A aprendizagem da Física é uma área repleta de dificuldades e é frequente as conceções alternativas limitarem a compreensão profunda de diversos domínios desta disciplina. Em especial, no domínio do som, é comum encontrar essas conceções. As metodologias ativas de aprendizagem têm sido usadas com eficácia para o ensino das ciências numa abordagem construtivista, onde se parte das conceções alternativas para promover a construção de modelos mentais que se aproximam dos modelos conceptuais cientificamente aceites. Por seu lado, também a utilização de simuladores computacionais contribui significativamente para vários domínios de aprendizagem, no âmbito do ensino das ciências. Nesta investigação, pretende-se averiguar quais os contributos que uma sequência didática de atividades aporta para a evolução conceptual dos alunos relativamente aos conceitos envolvidos no domínio curricular “Produção e Propagação do Som” da disciplina de Físico-Química. As atividades assentam numa metodologia de aprendizagem baseada em problemas com utilização de simuladores computacionais, constituindo-se uma metodologia ativa de aprendizagem, nas quais os alunos têm um papel central e o professor é um facilitador. Analisam-se as conceções alternativas dos alunos acerca dos diferentes conteúdos curriculares em estudo e a sua respetiva evolução conceptual, assim como a perceção dos alunos relativamente à metodologia de aprendizagem e aos simuladores utilizados. A investigação seguiu uma metodologia de cariz qualitativo, operacionalizada numa investigação-ação, com uma turma de alunos do 8.º ano, do Agrupamento de Escolas Domingos Sequeira, em Leiria. Os resultados mostram que existiu evolução na compreensão conceptual dos conteúdos curriculares em estudo em todas as questões analisadas, mas que a sequência didática não foi suficiente para que todos os alunos construíssem conceções cientificamente aceites em todos os conteúdos curriculares estudados, para além de se verificar o desenvolvimento de algumas conceções alternativas. Os alunos revelam satisfação com a metodologia de aprendizagem utilizada e com a utilização dos simuladores, mas afirmam sentir necessidade do papel mais interventivo do professor para sustentar e validar as aprendizagens realizadas

    Teaching Introductory Statistics to Graduate Students in the Social Sciences: A Mixed Method Investigation of the Effectiveness of Simulations in Statistics Education

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    The primary purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of using simulations as an instructional tool in an introductory doctoral level statistics course. The study focuses on the impacts of simulations on students’ attitudes and understanding of statistical concepts, as well as how the simulations could inspire students’ positive attitudes and improve statistics performance or would fail to help. In addition, since the statistics anxiety has been a primary obstacle to students’ statistics education, and “statistics anxiety” is experienced by as many as 80% of graduate students (Onwuegbuzie, 2004). The researcher is interested to explore the details of the statistics anxiety related attitudes of this group of students, including examining their anxiety levels before and after taking the introductory statistics course. If the anxiety levels were not the same, what factors led to the release or acceleration of the statistics anxiety related attitudes after students complete the introductory statistics course. Moreover, the course has a hybrid online or flipped structure, and the target population for this study is social sciences adult learners, with limited background in statistics or mathematics. Given the prevalence of the online course, especially considering the constraints and background of this target population, the researcher is interested to determine the preferred statistics learning style of the social sciences adult learners, whether in-class or online, as well as the factors leading to the particular preference. The mixed method research approach is used in this study, combing both quantitative and qualitative research methods. A total of twenty-two social sciences adult learners is involved in this study, five of which are from the Spring semester, while seventeen of the remaining are from the Fall semester. The quantitative method of Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test, together with the qualitative method of thematical analysis, produce some impressive findings. The use of simulations could inspire social sciences adult learners’ positive attitudes toward statistics, develop a high self-efficacy, and improve the understanding of the statistical concept of Central Limit Theorem (CLT), even though not significant. In addition, the social sciences adult students’ anxiety levels diminish after they complete the introductory statistics course. Moreover, the online learning style is presently inappropriate for the introductory statistics course for adult learners from social sciences

    Design pédagogique et jeux vidéo : recherche exploratoire pour le développement d’un modèle soutenant le design pédagogique dans les jeux vidéo non éducatifs

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    Le design pédagogique dans les jeux vidéo non éducatifs est une discipline en mal de définitions et de méthodes. Contrairement à celui que l’on trouve dans les écoles ou autres institutions de formation, le design pédagogique pour les jeux vidéo non éducatifs est fait par des designers de jeux qui n’ont souvent aucune formation en enseignement. Un modèle de design pédagogique pour les jeux vidéo non éducatifs est donc développé dans ce mémoire, à partir d’une recherche exploratoire utilisant l’analyse de contenu de jeux vidéo et les théories de la science de l’éducation. Étant donné les ressources limitées disponibles pour le développement du modèle, la présente recherche pourra servir de base à la construction d’un modèle plus élaboré sur un sujet semblable, offrira des pistes intéressantes de recherche sur l’enseignement par le jeu et pourra soutenir les designers de jeu lors de la planification du design pédagogique dans leurs jeux.Instructional design for non-educational video games is an ill-defined discipline that lacks established methods. Contrarily to the one used in schools or other education or formation institutions, video game instructional design is done by video game designers who often have no teaching training. An instructional design model for non-educational games is developed, in this paper, based on video game content analysis and educational science theories. Considering the limited resources available for the development of this model, it lays grounds for the establishment of a more elaborate model on instructional video game design, offers insights on education through games and can help video game designers plan the instructional design for their games

    Evaluating learning theory-based methods for improving the learning outcomes of introductory statistics courses

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    Modern introductory statistics courses have undergone significant change in recent times. The move towards emphasising more data and concepts has seen a dramatic increase in the use of technology and innovative learning methods. However, while many of these changes have been informed by learning theories, their efficacy has not been thoroughly evaluated. This thesis reports the findings of three major projects that have evaluated theory-based interventions aimed at improving key learning outcomes in introductory statistics courses. With the growing importance of technological skills required by modern notions of statistical literacy, Part I assesses the use of active-exploratory training approaches for the development of statistical package skills using experimental and qualitative methodologies. In Part II, the use of short lecture-based conceptual change activities for correcting common statistical misconceptions are evaluated in a prospective cohort study. Part III explores the use of the online virtual environment, known as the Island, for project-based learning aimed at developing students’ statistical thinking using both survey and experimental studies. The outcomes of these major parts provide valuable insight into the importance of evaluation research in statistics education and the challenges it presents to researchers. The findings discussed build upon statistics education research and suggest promising directions for future inquiry