18 research outputs found

    Efficient and Perfect domination on circular-arc graphs

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    Given a graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E), a \emph{perfect dominating set} is a subset of vertices V′⊆V(G)V' \subseteq V(G) such that each vertex v∈V(G)∖V′v \in V(G)\setminus V' is dominated by exactly one vertex v′∈V′v' \in V'. An \emph{efficient dominating set} is a perfect dominating set V′V' where V′V' is also an independent set. These problems are usually posed in terms of edges instead of vertices. Both problems, either for the vertex or edge variant, remains NP-Hard, even when restricted to certain graphs families. We study both variants of the problems for the circular-arc graphs, and show efficient algorithms for all of them

    Linear-Time Algorithms for Edge-Based Problems

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    There is a dearth of algorithms that deal with edge-based problems in trees, specifically algorithms for edge sets that satisfy a particular parameter. The goal of this thesis is to create a methodology for designing algorithms for these edge-based problems. We will present a variant of the Wimer method [Wimer et al. 1985] [Wimer 1987] that can handle edge properties. We call this variant the Wimer edge variant. The thesis is divided into three sections, the first being a chapter devoted to defining and discussing the Wimer edge variant in depth, showing how to develop an algorithm using this variant, and an example of this process, including a run of an algorithm developed using this method. The second section involves algorithms developed using the Wimer edge variant. We will provide algorithms for a variety of edge parameters, including four different matching parameters (connected, disconnected, induced and 2-matching), three different domination parameters (edge, total edge and edge-vertex) and two covering parameters (edge cover and edge cover irredundance). Each of these algorithms are discussed in detail and run in linear time. The third section involves an attempt to characterize the Wimer edge variant. We show how the variant can be applied to three classes of graphs: weighted trees, unicyclic graphs and generalized series-parallel graphs. For each of these classes, we detail what adaptations are required (if any) and design an algorithm, including showing a run on an example graph. The fourth chapter is devoted to a discussion of what qualities a parameter has to have in order to be likely to have a solution using the Wimer edge variant. Also in this chapter we discuss classes of graphs that can utilize the Wimer edge variant. Other topics discussed in this thesis include a literature review, and a discussion of future work. There are plenty of options for future work on this topic, which hopefully this thesis can inspire. The intent of this thesis is to provide the foundation for future algorithms and other work in this area

    Changing and Unchanging strong efficient edge domination number of some standard graphs when a vertex is removed or an edge is added

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    Let G=(V,\ E) be a simple graph. A subset S of E(G) is a strong (weak) efficient edge dominating set of G if │Ns[e] S│ = 1 for all e E(G)(│Nw[e] S│ = 1 for all e E(G)) where Ns(e) ={f / f E(G), f is adjacent to e & deg f ≥ deg e}(Nw(e) ={f / f E(G), f is adjacent to e & deg f ≤ deg e}) and Ns[e]=Ns(e){e}(Nw[e] = Nw(e){e}). The minimum cardinality of a strong efficient edge dominating set of G (weak efficient edge dominating set of G) is called a strong efficient edge domination number of G and is denoted by {\gamma\prime}_{se}(G) ({\gamma^\prime}_{we}(G)).When a vertex is removed or an edge is added to the graph, the strong efficient edge domination number may or may not be changed. In this paper the change or unchanged of the strong efficient edge domination number of some standard graphs are determined, when a vertex is removed or an edge is added

    Efficient domination through eigenvalues

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    The paper begins with a new characterization of (k, τ )-regular sets. Then, using this result as well as the theory of star complements, we derive a simplex-like algorithm for determining whether or not a graph contains a (0, τ )-regular set. When τ = 1, this algorithm can be applied to solve the efficient dominating set problem which is known to be NPcomplete. If −1 is not an eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of the graph, this particular algorithm runs in polynomial time. However, although it doesn’t work in polynomial time in general, we report on its successful application to a vast set of randomly generated graphs

    (1,j)(1,j)-set problem in graphs

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    A subset D⊆VD \subseteq V of a graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) is a (1,j)(1, j)-set if every vertex v∈V∖Dv \in V \setminus D is adjacent to at least 11 but not more than jj vertices in D. The cardinality of a minimum (1,j)(1, j)-set of GG, denoted as γ(1,j)(G)\gamma_{(1,j)} (G), is called the (1,j)(1, j)-domination number of GG. Given a graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) and an integer kk, the decision version of the (1,j)(1, j)-set problem is to decide whether GG has a (1,j)(1, j)-set of cardinality at most kk. In this paper, we first obtain an upper bound on γ(1,j)(G)\gamma_{(1,j)} (G) using probabilistic methods, for bounded minimum and maximum degree graphs. Our bound is constructive, by the randomized algorithm of Moser and Tardos [MT10], We also show that the (1,j)(1, j)- set problem is NP-complete for chordal graphs. Finally, we design two algorithms for finding γ(1,j)(G)\gamma_{(1,j)} (G) of a tree and a split graph, for any fixed jj, which answers an open question posed in [CHHM13]