21 research outputs found


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    The present content analysis is aimed at exploring the computerized activities included in the 10th grade “Communication Skills” Arabic Language Textbook in Jordan. It attempts to find out whether each unit includes such activities or not. It also attempts to explore the nature of these activities and their relation to the topics presented in the units that have undergone analysis. The content analysis includes the eight units of the second part of the 10th grade “Communication Skills” Arabic Language Textbook in Jordan. The findings showed that all the units included computerized activities. It also showed that each unit has at least one task that requires students to surf the internet and do the required activities. Furthermore, all the tasks in the computerized activities are directly related to the topics presented in the eight units. The researcher presents some pedagogical implications at the end of the analysis

    Imparare ad imparare con le tecnologie

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    Issues and challenges facing school libraries in selected primary schools in Gauteng Province, South Africa

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    There is no national policy for school libraries which compels school governing bodies and principals to have a library in their schools. It is thus not surprising that in 2011, only 21% of state schools had libraries, only 7% had stocked libraries and 79% of schools had no library at all (Department of Basic Education (DBE) Republic of South Africa, 2011a:23). This article forms part of a broader qualitative study which investigated 10 primary schools in Gauteng Province, South Africa that had libraries, or were in the process of setting up a library, with the intention of providing a rich description of the issues and challenges facing these schools. The 10 schools used in this study were chosen on the basis of their location and fee structures. They represented the full continuum of fees within the state structure. In this article, we discuss three core categories of predicaments faced by primary school libraries. These were resourcing the library, operating the library and the role of the library. Our main contention is that school libraries are not playing an effective role in supporting and enabling quality education for all South African children. This needs to be addressed by government as a matter of urgency.Keywords: academic achievement; books; information and communication technologies; information literacy; literacy; national school library policy; quality education; reading; school librarians; school librarie

    Societ? della Conoscenza, Educazione, Tecnologia

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    : In the knowledge society we must be able to deal with a new type of knowledge which is dynamic, distributed/globalized and complex. This change in the nature of knowledge imposes new requirements on educational systems which (i) must provide the individuals with new cognitive tools and (ii) must aim at an harmonic integration between the learning processes traditionally taking place within the Institutions and those emerging spontaneously and informally, mainly on the Internet. Some of the key cognitive skills required to build dynamically our personal knowledge and to act wisely and effectively in knowledge society are identified and discussed. The possible role of technology as a resource for supporting the development of those skills is discussed as well. Finally the present situation of our national educational system is considered and some conditions required to answers successfully to the challenges of knowledge society are discussed.La societ? della conoscenza ci richiede di rapportarci con un sapere dalle caratteristiche nuove: dinamicit?, distribuzione e globalizzazione, complessit?. Pei i sistemi educativi si profilano nuovi compiti: da una parte promuovere la formazione degli strumenti concettuali necessari per rapportarsi con i nuovi saperi e dall\u27altra rendere i processi di apprendimento al loro interno sinergici con quelli che hanno luogo spontaneamente, soprattutto sulla rete, al di fuori dei contesti istituzionali. Qui vengono identificate e analizzate alcune delle abilit? cognitive chiave necessarie per vivere ed operare nella societ? della conoscenza e viene discusso il ruolo della tecnologia come risorsa per l\u27apprendimento in relazione all\u27acquisizione di quelle abilit?. Si accenna anche alla situazione della scuola e vengono discusse alcune condizioni necessarie affinch? essa possa efficacemente rispondere alle sfide della societ? della conoscenza

    Editorial: Implementing the Teacher Education Initiative

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    Representatives from ten specialty professional associations affiliated with the National Technology Leadership Coalition (NTLC) are collaborating with Microsoft Corporation to develop an innovative professional development opportunity for teacher educators—the Teacher Education Initiative (TEI). The goal of the initiative is to enhance preparation of future teachers to use technology in effective ways to teach students across grades and academic disciplines. This effort builds upon initiatives such as Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) and Microsoft’s Partners in Learning (PIL) program. The goals of TEI are described in more detail in a previously published overview, “Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow’s Technologies” (Dilworth et al., 2012). The current article describes planned implementation strategies designed to advance more effective integration of technology in teacher preparation. TEI is grounded in the framework of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK; referred to as technological pedagogical content knowledge in Mishra & Koehler, 2006). Representatives of teacher education associations from a number of academic disciplines have assumed responsibility for the development of teacher education resources for each discipline. Representatives from associations related to special education, instructional technology, and teacher education at large are developing resources for non-discipline-specific teacher educators. In order to facilitate a systematic, coordinated approach within each TEI college or university representatives from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) are developing related materials for the leaders of schools, colleges and departments of teacher education

    Development of a framework for the e-education of educators of special groups aiming to improve their compatibility with their learners

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    En las sociedades multiculturales modernas la diversidad es una característica que se extiende incuestionablemente a la educación. Educadores y estudiantes de diferentes culturas y etnias, con diferentes orígenes lingüísticos y sociales tienen un punto de encuentro e interacción en los procedimientos educativos. En la educación multicultural el papel del profesor es primordial para potenciar o no a los estudiantes en la clase, por lo que es muy importante mejorar las capacidades docentes del formador a este respecto si se desea conseguir la igualdad educativa. Esto cobra mayor relevancia aún cuando los educadores se hacen cargo de grupos espaciales, es decir, de cualquier grupo social cuyas características (sociales, culturales, étnicas, lingüísticas, físicas, etc) sean causa de exclusión social, marginalización o estigmatización de sus miembros (inmigrantes, gitanos, ex-convictos, ex-adictos o personas con necesidades especiales). En la educación de grupos especiales la compatibilidad entre educadores y educandos, o lo que es lo mismo, el nivel de conocimiento y aceptación del grupo de discentes y la actitud positiva hacia el mismo afecta directamente a la eficiencia y éxito del procedimiento educativo. Por otro lado, y dado el auge de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación ?con el potencial que esto conlleva?, la utilización de las mismas para conducir programas educativos personalizados ha llegado a ser una práctica globalmente adoptada. Esto permite que la personalización se adecúe a las necesidades del educador en cualquier momento y lugar y que se puedan reducir costes asociados a la educación del educador. En este documento se presenta un marco (denominado ESG) para la educación a través de medios electrónicos de los educadores de grupos especiales para la mejora de su compatibilidad con los educandos. El marco ESG se sustenta tanto en la tecnología educativa como en la educación multicultural y la educación de adultos, combinando elementos necesarios de todos estos campos. El marco ESG está basado en el modelo de diseño instruccional ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) con la adición de una fase nueva: Mantenimiento de la red de la comunidad educativa. El marco ESG proporciona para cada fase directrices dinámicas, flexibles y claras que pueden ser seguidas por diseñadores, desarrolladores, administradores y educadores, optimizando el aprendizaje electrónico personalizado y dotando de una educación efectiva a los educadores de grupos especiales. Para validar el marco ESG se ha llevado a cabo una aplicación piloto con educadores de un grupo de personas de raza gitana en Grecia. La evaluación del curso piloto ha probado que el marco ESG es eficiente y funcional para la mejora de la compatibilidad entre educadores y estudiantes y que ofrece la posibilidad mediante el uso de tecnologías de e-learning de una personalización de los programas educativos de acuerdo a las necesidades del educador independientemente del lugar y momento en el que se requieran las acciones formativas

    Development of a framework for the e-education of educators of special groups aiming to improve their compatibility with their learners

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    En las sociedades multiculturales modernas la diversidad es una característica que se extiende incuestionablemente a la educación. Educadores y estudiantes de diferentes culturas y etnias, con diferentes orígenes lingüísticos y sociales tienen un punto de encuentro e interacción en los procedimientos educativos. En la educación multicultural el papel del profesor es primordial para potenciar o no a los estudiantes en la clase, por lo que es muy importante mejorar las capacidades docentes del formador a este respecto si se desea conseguir la igualdad educativa. Esto cobra mayor relevancia aún cuando los educadores se hacen cargo de grupos espaciales, es decir, de cualquier grupo social cuyas características (sociales, culturales, étnicas, lingüísticas, físicas, etc) sean causa de exclusión social, marginalización o estigmatización de sus miembros (inmigrantes, gitanos, ex-convictos, ex-adictos o personas con necesidades especiales). En la educación de grupos especiales la compatibilidad entre educadores y educandos, o lo que es lo mismo, el nivel de conocimiento y aceptación del grupo de discentes y la actitud positiva hacia el mismo afecta directamente a la eficiencia y éxito del procedimiento educativo. Por otro lado, y dado el auge de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación ?con el potencial que esto conlleva?, la utilización de las mismas para conducir programas educativos personalizados ha llegado a ser una práctica globalmente adoptada. Esto permite que la personalización se adecúe a las necesidades del educador en cualquier momento y lugar y que se puedan reducir costes asociados a la educación del educador. En este documento se presenta un marco (denominado ESG) para la educación a través de medios electrónicos de los educadores de grupos especiales para la mejora de su compatibilidad con los educandos. El marco ESG se sustenta tanto en la tecnología educativa como en la educación multicultural y la educación de adultos, combinando elementos necesarios de todos estos campos. El marco ESG está basado en el modelo de diseño instruccional ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) con la adición de una fase nueva: Mantenimiento de la red de la comunidad educativa. El marco ESG proporciona para cada fase directrices dinámicas, flexibles y claras que pueden ser seguidas por diseñadores, desarrolladores, administradores y educadores, optimizando el aprendizaje electrónico personalizado y dotando de una educación efectiva a los educadores de grupos especiales. Para validar el marco ESG se ha llevado a cabo una aplicación piloto con educadores de un grupo de personas de raza gitana en Grecia. La evaluación del curso piloto ha probado que el marco ESG es eficiente y funcional para la mejora de la compatibilidad entre educadores y estudiantes y que ofrece la posibilidad mediante el uso de tecnologías de e-learning de una personalización de los programas educativos de acuerdo a las necesidades del educador independientemente del lugar y momento en el que se requieran las acciones formativas

    The design, implementation and evaluation of a web-based learning environment for distance education

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    In this study, the need was emphasised to investigate the effects of using the Web in teaching students at a distance using a multi-level evaluation framework. A Web-based learning environment was designed, developed, implemented and evaluated for this purpose. Constructivist epistemology provided the basis for developing various components and developing problem-centred and interactive activities. Management, tutorial, interaction and support components were designed to work with each other to construct the learning environment, deliver course content, facilitate interaction and monitor student progress.A methodology was designed to describe and assess the learning environment in terms of access (standardisation, speed, resources, the tutor and peers), costs (types, structure, factors influencing, etc.), teaching and learning functions (quality of course objectives, materials and resources, learning approach and student achievement), interactivity (quantity and quality of student-tutor and student-peer interaction), user-friendliness (user-interface design, ease of use and navigation design) and organisational issues. The learners were Egyptian first-grade secondary school students (32), assigned randomly, and the topic selected for the course being developed was mathematics. Feedback was obtained from both learners and experts in distance education and on-line learning during the developmental and field-testing of the learning environment. Quantitative and qualitative methods (on-line student and expert questionnaires, students' logs, performance in formative evaluation, content analysis of peer discussions, achievement test and cost-analysis) were combined to gain insights into students' satisfaction with the different instructional and technical features and capabilities of the learning environment, achievement of course objectives in comparison with conventional classroom students, factors influencing their learning and perceptions and the unit cost per student study hour.The results indicated that although the learning environment and course materials were accessible, interactive, well-structured, user-friendly and achievement was successful for the on-line group, no significant differences were identified between the on-line students and traditional classroom students in overall achievement or achievement of low-order and high-order learning objectives. In addition, it is unlikely any cost saving would be made from shifting to the Internet to deliver instruction and many major factors were found to influence the development and support costs of on-line learning