44,282 research outputs found

    Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums - Tools for Management and Marketing within Educational Organizations

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    This paper is about the use of Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums as tools for managers within educational organizations. In the same time, some of concepts, ideas and models can be used in other business organizations, especially in service providing organizations. Understanding management requires both learning and practicing, directly experiencing. People involved in electronic networks are experiencing the alternative to real communication. We considered Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums both as marketing tool and a human resources management tool. The benefits of using discussion lists are: people informed, involved and improved.electronic mailing list, internet forums, virtual groups, educational organization, educational tool, working groups

    The advanced cyberinfrastructure research and education facilitators virtual residency: Toward a national cyberinfrastructure workforce

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    An Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Research and Education Facilitator (ACI-REF) works directly with researchers to advance the computing- and data-intensive aspects of their research, helping them to make effective use of Cyberinfrastructure (CI). The University of Oklahoma (OU) is leading a national "virtual residency" program to prepare ACI-REFs to provide CI facilitation to the diverse populations of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) researchers that they serve. Until recently, CI Facilitators have had no education or training program; the Virtual Residency program addresses this national need by providing: (1) training, specifically (a) summer workshops and (b) third party training opportunity alerts; (2) a community of CI Facilitators, enabled by (c) a biweekly conference call and (d) a mailing list

    O tipo de modalidade de discurso em um lista de discussões de brasileiros na Internet

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    This work is the result of an ethnographic research within the framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics. It was carried out by computer-mediation on the Internet. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modality of discourse in a mailing-list, through the empirical analysis of interactions between internauts of a ´virtual community´, which I called Arial-net ”“ from where I extracted original texts in which proverbs and other Brazilian popular expressions had been cited by them. In order for the sample to be significant, only native Brazilians, children of native Brazilians, born in the five regions of the country, were involved in the study, irrespective of gender, age, educational level or socioeconomic status.This work is the result of an ethnographic research within the framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics. It was carried out by computer-mediation on the Internet. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modality of discourse in a mailing-list, through the empirical analysis of interactions between internauts of a ´virtual community´, which I called Arial-net ”“ from where I extracted original texts in which proverbs and other Brazilian popular expressions had been cited by them. In order for the sample to be significant, only native Brazilians, children of native Brazilians, born in the five regions of the country, were involved in the study, irrespective of gender, age, educational level or socioeconomic status.This work is the result of an ethnographic research within the framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics. It was carried out by computer-mediation on the Internet. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modality of discourse in a mailing-list, through the empirical analysis of interactions between internauts of a ´virtual community´, which I called Arial-net ”“ from where I extracted original texts in which proverbs and other Brazilian popular expressions had been cited by them. In order for the sample to be significant, only native Brazilians, children of native Brazilians, born in the five regions of the country, were involved in the study, irrespective of gender, age, educational level or socioeconomic status.This work is the result of an ethnographic research within the framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics. It was carried out by computer-mediation on the Internet. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modality of discourse in a mailing-list, through the empirical analysis of interactions between internauts of a ´virtual community´, which I called Arial-net ”“ from where I extracted original texts in which proverbs and other Brazilian popular expressions had been cited by them. In order for the sample to be significant, only native Brazilians, children of native Brazilians, born in the five regions of the country, were involved in the study, irrespective of gender, age, educational level or socioeconomic status.This work is the result of an ethnographic research within the framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics. It was carried out by computer-mediation on the Internet. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modality of discourse in a mailing-list, through the empirical analysis of interactions between internauts of a ´virtual community´, which I called Arial-net ”“ from where I extracted original texts in which proverbs and other Brazilian popular expressions had been cited by them. In order for the sample to be significant, only native Brazilians, children of native Brazilians, born in the five regions of the country, were involved in the study, irrespective of gender, age, educational level or socioeconomic status.This work is the result of an ethnographic research within the framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics. It was carried out by computer-mediation on the Internet. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modality of discourse in a mailing-list, through the empirical analysis of interactions between internauts of a ´virtual community´, which I called Arial-net ”“ from where I extracted original texts in which proverbs and other Brazilian popular expressions had been cited by them. In order for the sample to be significant, only native Brazilians, children of native Brazilians, born in the five regions of the country, were involved in the study, irrespective of gender, age, educational level or socioeconomic status.This work is the result of an ethnographic research within the framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics. It was carried out by computer-mediation on the Internet. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modality of discourse in a mailing-list, through the empirical analysis of interactions between internauts of a ´virtual community´, which I called Arial-net ”“ from where I extracted original texts in which proverbs and other Brazilian popular expressions had been cited by them. In order for the sample to be significant, only native Brazilians, children of native Brazilians, born in the five regions of the country, were involved in the study, irrespective of gender, age, educational level or socioeconomic status.This work is the result of an ethnographic research within the framework of Interactional Sociolinguistics. It was carried out by computer-mediation on the Internet. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modality of discourse in a mailing-list, through the empirical analysis of interactions between internauts of a ´virtual community´, which I called Arial-net ”“ from where I extracted original texts in which proverbs and other Brazilian popular expressions had been cited by them. In order for the sample to be significant, only native Brazilians, children of native Brazilians, born in the five regions of the country, were involved in the study, irrespective of gender, age, educational level or socioeconomic status

    Comunidad Virtual de Aprendizaje (CVA) informal sobre los odonatos ibéricos: análisis de la lista de correo Odo-GIO (Odonata)

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    Una versión parcial de este trabajo fue presentada en el II Simposio Ibérico de Odonatología en Lugo (resumen disponible en http://hdl.handle.net/10651/47691); se agradecen los comentarios de algunos participantes que acabaron generando nuevos análisis que proporcionan una mayor información sobre el uso de la CVA.Las Comunidades Virtuales de Aprendizaje (CVA) son un referente para el aprendizaje informal. Se analiza la lista de distribución de correos (mailing-list) Odo-GIO alojada en RedIris y ligada al incipiente Grupo Ibérico de Odonatología (GIO) atendiendo a los mensajes compartidos entre sus integrantes desde la perspectiva de su temática y objetivos. Se evalúan mediante un cuestionario las percepciones de los miembros de la CVA tanto sobre el desarrollo pasado como el futuro de la lista de distribución. Los miembros de la CVA que respondieron al cuestionario manifestaron en su mayor parte un alto interés en los odonatos, refiriendo experiencias positivas de aprendizaje dentro de la CVA. Al valorar su potencialidad como vía de aprendizaje, cuestiones relativas a su distribución, conservación o comportamiento fueron las más destacadas. -------------------------------------------- Abstract: Virtual Learning Communities (VLC) are a reference for informal learning. Odo-GIO mailing-list, hosted in RedIris and linked to the Grupo Ibérico de Odonatología (GIO) is analyzed according to the theme and aims of the messages shared among its members. Virtual learning community members’ perceptions are evaluated through a questionnaire on both past and future developments of the mailing-list. Community members who responded to the questionnaire manifested a high interest in dragonflies, and commented positive learning experiences within the virtual community. The evaluation of its potential as a learning tool, highlighted issues related to odonate distribution, conservation or behavio

    New Kids on the Net. Deutschsprachige Philosophie elektronisch\ud

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    Mailing lists tend to be shaped by core groups of dedicated participants, developing their interests and opinions in front of a predominantly receptive audience of subscribers. A new kind of communicative praxis is established on top of some guidelines on how computers should exchange data: participation in quasi-instantaneous, globally distributed, non-hierarchical discursive interchange. Computer networks, as is well known, are not confined by any historical or geographical borders. As a consequence, the cultural impact of the technical devices seems to affect arbitrary collections of users availing themselves of the necessary equipment and know-how. One of the most dazzling experiences of communication on the net, it has correctly been pointed\ud out, is its global egalitarianism. While it is true that large parts of the planet are still excluded and the predominance of the English language imposes important\ud constraints on the participants, it is difficult to avoid an initial euphoria, a cosmopolitan state of mind, as one becomes familiar with a machinery that can support spatially unlimited cooperation between equals with a minimum of\ud administrative overhead

    DNALinux Virtual Desktop Edition

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    The new version of DNALinux (VDE) is presented. DNALinux VDE is a departure from traditional distributions since it uses a virtual machine to bundle together the operating system and bioinformatics applications. The main advantage of this approach is that a virtualized environment doesn't affect a installed system. With a virtual machine a Linux system can be run under a Windows system, provided that the virtual machine player is installed. The included programs are listed and specifications to add more programs are explained. We believe that DNALinux could be used as a standardized virtual machine for learning, using, developing and testing bioinformatics applications

    XML content warehousing: Improving sociological studies of mailing lists and web data

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    In this paper, we present the guidelines for an XML-based approach for the sociological study of Web data such as the analysis of mailing lists or databases available online. The use of an XML warehouse is a flexible solution for storing and processing this kind of data. We propose an implemented solution and show possible applications with our case study of profiles of experts involved in W3C standard-setting activity. We illustrate the sociological use of semi-structured databases by presenting our XML Schema for mailing-list warehousing. An XML Schema allows many adjunctions or crossings of data sources, without modifying existing data sets, while allowing possible structural evolution. We also show that the existence of hidden data implies increased complexity for traditional SQL users. XML content warehousing allows altogether exhaustive warehousing and recursive queries through contents, with far less dependence on the initial storage. We finally present the possibility of exporting the data stored in the warehouse to commonly-used advanced software devoted to sociological analysis