176,268 research outputs found

    The Influence of Influencer Marketing and Online Customer Reviews on Purchase Intention Through the Perceived Value of Cosmetic Products on Tiktok Shop (An Empirical Study on Students in the City of Pekanbaru)

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    This research aims to determine the extent of the influence of influencer marketing and online customer reviews on purchase intention through the perceived value of Tiktok Shop cosmetic products. This study consists of two independent variables, namely influencer marketing and online customer reviews, and one dependent variable, which is purchase intention, with perceived value as an intervening variable. The analytical method used is path analysis. Data collection for this research was conducted using a questionnaire filled out by respondents who are students in the city of Pekanbaru and have purchased cosmetic products from Tiktok Shop more than once.The results of the study, based on Partial Tests (t-tests), are as follows: a) There is no significant influence of influencer marketing on perceived value. b) There is a significant influence of online customer reviews on perceived value. c) There is no significant influence of influencer marketing on purchase intention. d) There is a significant influence of online customer reviews on purchase intention. e) There is a significant influence of perceived value on purchase intention. f) Perceived value does not mediate the influence of influencer marketing on purchase intention. g) Perceived value mediates the influence of online customer reviews on purchase intention

    The influence of online reviews on decision making – implications to the travel industry

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    This study adopts a quantitative approach using a factorial between-subjects experimental design to determine the effects of online reviews on brand trust and consumer equity. Customer equity links closely with customer value, brand value and relationships unlike willingness to buy. An online user discussion forum was purpose-built to conduct experimental research for this study, using a restricted probability sample of 269 participants drawn from a registered US online panel. The key findings from the research are: (a) that the valence of consumer-to-consumer online reviews positively affects consumer equity, which further supports previous findings; (b) that negative online reviews cause value equity to decrease, positive online reviews cause brand equity to increase, and negative online reviews cause brand equity and relationship equity to decrease equally; (c) as brand trust increases, the change in the consumer equity drivers (value, brand and relationship) tend to become more negative, thereby affecting customer equity (this is a significant new finding); and (d) that contrary to the literature, consumer-to-consumer online reviews demonstrated no significant relationship with brand trust


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of online customer reviews, product quality and customer experience on purchasing decisions for Maybelline cosmetics for female students at Darul ‘Ulum Lamongan Islamic University. The population in this study amounted to 1.519 female students, with a total sample of 94 respondents. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling, the analytical method used for this research is deskriptif analys, validity test, reability test, multiple liniear regression test, coefficient of determination test, classic assumption test,t test, f test,. The result of the t test of this study indicate that the online customer reviews variable obtained atcount value of 3.274>1.661, the product quality variable obtained atcount value of 4.771>1.661, the customer experience variable obtained atcount value of 7.241>1.661, and the f test result for the online customer reviews, product quality and customer experience on purchasing decisions obtained Fcount>Ftable or 75.021>2.705, and adjusted r squared value of 0.705 or 70.5%. This show that the variables online customer reviews, product quality and customer experience have a partial and simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions, and the remaining 29.5% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Keyword: Customer Review, Product Quality, Customer Experienc

    Influence of customer reviews, safety and convenience on online purchasing decisions Case study marketplace shopee

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of customer reviews, security and convenience on online purchasing decisions through the marketplace. This research is a quantitative research. The target population is the people of Yogyakarta shopping online on the Shopee marketplace. The research sample is 100 respondents. The data collection method used the questionnaire method, while the data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis and classical assumption test consisting of normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The results showed that customer reviews had a positive effect on online purchasing decisions with a significance value of 0.029 0.05. Security has a positive effect on online purchasing decisions with a significance value of 0.002 0.05. Ease has a positive effect on online purchasing decisions with a significance value of 0.000 0.05. Customer reviews, security and convenience simultaneously influence online purchasing decisions on the Shopee marketplace with a significance value of 0.000 0.05

    The Influence of Online Customer Reviews and Online Customer Ratings on Purchasing Decisions Product electronics in the Shopee marketplace for the Karawang Regency Community

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    This research aims/objectives of this research are to find out, analyze, explain online customer reviews about selling electronic products in the shoppee marketplace, online customer ratings about selling electronic products in the shoppee marketplace, purchasing decisions of electronic products in the shoppee marketplace, the relationship between online customer reviews with online customer ratings on selling electronic products in the shoppee marketplace, the effect of partial online customer reviews on purchasing decisions of electronic products in the shopee marketplace, the effect of stimulants between online customer reviews and online customer ratings on buying electronic product decisions in the shoppee marketplace. This research was conducted using quantitative methods with descriptive and verification approaches and sampling using the Malhotra sampling technique which resulted in a sample of 115 respondents. The analysis technique used is the Likert scale analysis technique and path analysis with the help of the sequential interval method (MSI), Microsoft Office, and SPSS version 26. 0. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, this research proves that. The correlation coefficient between the variables Online Customer Review and Online Customer Rating obtained a value of 0.661 which means that it is quite strong, positive and significant between online customer reviews and online customer ratings. the partial effect of online customer reviews on purchasing decisions has a value of 27.8%. The effect of online customer ratings on purchasing decisions has a value of 42.0%. The simultaneous effect of online customer review and online customer rating is 69.8% while the remaining 30.2% is another variable not examined.Penelitian ini bertujuan/tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, menganalisis, menjelaskan ulasan pelanggan online tentang penjualan produk elektronik di marketplace shoppee, penilaian pelanggan online tentang penjualan produk elektronik di marketplace shoppee, keputusan pembelian produk elektronik di marketplace shoppee, hubungan antara review pelanggan online dengan penilaian pelanggan online pada penjualan produk elektronik di marketplace shopee, pengaruh review pelanggan online parsial terhadap keputusan pembelian produk elektronik di marketplace shopee, pengaruh perangsang antara review pelanggan online dan penilaian pelanggan online pada keputusan membeli produk elektronik di marketplace shoppee. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan verifikatif serta pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Malhotra sampling yang menghasilkan sampel sebanyak 115 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis skala Likert dan analisis jalur dengan bantuan metode sequential interval (MSI), Microsoft Office, dan SPSS versi 26.0. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, penelitian ini membuktikan itu. Koefisien korelasi antara variabel Online Customer Review dan Online Customer Rating diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,661 yang artinya cukup kuat, positif dan signifikan antara online customer review dan online customer rating. pengaruh parsial ulasan pelanggan online terhadap keputusan pembelian memiliki nilai sebesar 27,8%. Pengaruh peringkat pelanggan online terhadap keputusan pembelian memiliki nilai sebesar 42,0%. Pengaruh simultan antara online customer review dan online customer rating adalah sebesar 69,8% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 30,2% merupakan variabel lain yang tidak diteliti


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    Hotel management will concentrate on addressing difficult challenges and finding new ways for hotels to succeed in today's changing market world. Online customer reviews can be used to reflect the degree of differentiation between hotel brands and understanding the hotel industry's market structure through text analytics. The purpose of this study is to discover and demonstrate how customer online reviews (WOM and content), in the hospitality industry using text analysis can be used to explore brand positioning of hotel persona. This study gathered 4.215 online reviews one of hotel at Bandung city from year of 2015 – 2019, the methodology used the approach of text classification, quantitative analysis of text. This study found the category of visitors who stay the most are comes from family category and romantic vacation category, while the target visitors expected by the hotel are from business traveler’s category. Most customer state the word "family" when mentioning the hotel. Children, family, pool, zoo are the words most often discussed in customer reviews. This study findings can be used as an insight into what are the things that generate a satisfying experience and strengthen brand positioning of the hotel. In the future, it would be interesting to gathered data from multiple e-commerce application, and combining ontology-learning-based text mining and psychometric techniques to translate online hotel’s reviews into a hotel’s positioning map, capturing the relationship between product of hotel and reviewer effectively. Keywords: online review, brand positioning, text analytics, customer perceived value, hotel person

    Reading Consumer Reviews to Confirm My Expectations: The Accelerated Impact of Confirmation under Extreme Review Tones

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    This study examines how the initially perceived product value affects a consumer’s purchase intention after he/she reads various tones of online reviews. It proposes that the associations among the initially perceived product value, the level of confirmation made by reading reviews and final purchase intention would differ across review tones that; 1) when the tone is extreme, the impact of confirmation will be stronger than when the tone is moderate and 2) when the tone is favorable, the impact of initially perceived product value will be stronger than when the tone is critical. The survey was conducted to 276 online shopping mall users in Korea and most of hypotheses were supported. This study emphasizes that the impact of online review should be discussed together with the level of expectation that a customer had before reading online reviews, because the customers have to go through searching and screening processes before reading online reviews

    Research on Online Reviews Reliability

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    This study examines the factors that have an impact on online reviews reliability. A theoretical framework was built and empirically tested with a sample of 200 interviewees. Results of structural equation model show that the online reviews quality and perceived risk have positive impact on online review reliability. Accordingly, online review value and number have positive impact on online review quality, customer involvement and reviewer acception have positive impact on perceived risk. The results of this study also suggest that the character of online review and reviewer indirectly impact review reliability by impacting intermediate variables

    The impact of online reputation on hotel profitability

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to quantify the impact of online customer reputation on financial profitability. Design/methodology/approach: Online reputation is captured by extracting the most recurring textual themes associated with customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, expressed within positive vs negative online guest reviews on Booking.com. Latent semantic analysis is used for textual analysis. Proxies of overall financial performance are manually constructed for the sample hotels, using financial data from the Financial Analysis Made Easy (FAME) database. Ordinary least squares is used to gauge the effect of online customer reputation on financial profitability. Findings: Empirical findings indicate that recurring textual themes from positive online reviews (in contrast to negative reviews) exhibit a higher degree of homogeneity and consensus. The themes repeated in positive, but not in negative reviews, are found to significantly associate with hotel financial performance. Results contribute to the discussion about the measurable effect of online reputation on financial performance. Originality/value: Contemporary quantitative methods are used to extract online reputation for a sample of UK hotels and associate this reputation with bottom-line financial profitability. The relationship between online reputation, as manifested within hotel guest reviews, and the financial performance of hotels is examined. Financial profitability is the result of revenues, reduced by the costs incurred in order to be able to offer a given level of service. Previous studies have mainly focused on basic measures of performance, i.e. revenue generation, rather than bottom-line profitability. By combining online guest reviews from travel websites (Booking.com) with financial measures of enterprise performance (FAME), this study makes a meaningful contribution to the strategic management of hotel businesses
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