44 research outputs found

    Adaptive deinterlacing of video sequences using motion data

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    In this work an efficient motion adaptive deinterlacing method with considerable improvement in picture quality is proposed. A temporal deinterlacing method has a high performance in static images while a spatial method has a better performance in dynamic parts. In the proposed deinterlacing method, a motion adaptive interpolator combines the results of a spatial method and a temporal method based on motion activity level of video sequence. A high performance and low complexity algorithm for motion detection is introduced. This algorithm uses five consecutive interlaced video fields for motion detection. It is able to capture a wide range of motions from slow to fast. The algorithm benefits from a hierarchal structure. It starts with detecting motion in large partitions of a given field. Depending on the detected motion activity level for that partition, the motion detection algorithm might recursively be applied to sub-blocks of the original partition. Two different low pass filters are used during the motion detection to increase the algorithm accuracy. The result of motion detection is then used in the proposed motion adaptive interpolator. The performance of the proposed deinterlacing algorithm is compared to previous methods in the literature. Experimenting with several standard video sequences, the method proposed in this work shows excellent results for motion detection and deinterlacing performance

    A DWT based perceptual video coding framework: concepts, issues and techniques

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    The work in this thesis explore the DWT based video coding by the introduction of a novel DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) / MC (Motion Compensation) / DPCM (Differential Pulse Code Modulation) video coding framework, which adopts the EBCOT as the coding engine for both the intra- and the inter-frame coder. The adaptive switching mechanism between the frame/field coding modes is investigated for this coding framework. The Low-Band-Shift (LBS) is employed for the MC in the DWT domain. The LBS based MC is proven to provide consistent improvement on the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of the coded video over the simple Wavelet Tree (WT) based MC. The Adaptive Arithmetic Coding (AAC) is adopted to code the motion information. The context set of the Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (ABAC) for the inter-frame data is redesigned based on the statistical analysis. To further improve the perceived picture quality, a Perceptual Distortion Measure (PDM) based on human vision model is used for the EBCOT of the intra-frame coder. A visibility assessment of the quantization error of various subbands in the DWT domain is performed through subjective tests. In summary, all these findings have solved the issues originated from the proposed perceptual video coding framework. They include: a working DWT/MC/DPCM video coding framework with superior coding efficiency on sequences with translational or head-shoulder motion; an adaptive switching mechanism between frame and field coding mode; an effective LBS based MC scheme in the DWT domain; a methodology of the context design for entropy coding of the inter-frame data; a PDM which replaces the MSE inside the EBCOT coding engine for the intra-frame coder, which provides improvement on the perceived quality of intra-frames; a visibility assessment to the quantization errors in the DWT domain

    Complexity adaptation in video encoders for power limited platforms

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    With the emergence of video services on power limited platforms, it is necessary to consider both performance-centric and constraint-centric signal processing techniques. Traditionally, video applications have a bandwidth or computational resources constraint or both. The recent H.264/AVC video compression standard offers significantly improved efficiency and flexibility compared to previous standards, which leads to less emphasis on bandwidth. However, its high computational complexity is a problem for codecs running on power limited plat- forms. Therefore, a technique that integrates both complexity and bandwidth issues in a single framework should be considered. In this thesis we investigate complexity adaptation of a video coder which focuses on managing computational complexity and provides significant complexity savings when applied to recent standards. It consists of three sub functions specially designed for reducing complexity and a framework for using these sub functions; Variable Block Size (VBS) partitioning, fast motion estimation, skip macroblock detection, and complexity adaptation framework. Firstly, the VBS partitioning algorithm based on the Walsh Hadamard Transform (WHT) is presented. The key idea is to segment regions of an image as edges or flat regions based on the fact that prediction errors are mainly affected by edges. Secondly, a fast motion estimation algorithm called Fast Walsh Boundary Search (FWBS) is presented on the VBS partitioned images. Its results outperform other commonly used fast algorithms. Thirdly, a skip macroblock detection algorithm is proposed for use prior to motion estimation by estimating the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients after quantisation. A new orthogonal transform called the S-transform is presented for predicting Integer DCT coefficients from Walsh Hadamard Transform coefficients. Complexity saving is achieved by deciding which macroblocks need to be processed and which can be skipped without processing. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves significant complexity savings with a negligible loss in rate-distortion performance. Finally, a complexity adaptation framework which combines all three techniques mentioned above is proposed for maximizing the perceptual quality of coded video on a complexity constrained platform

    Self-Calibration of Multi-Camera Systems for Vehicle Surround Sensing

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    Multi-camera systems are being deployed in a variety of vehicles and mobile robots today. To eliminate the need for cost and labor intensive maintenance and calibration, continuous self-calibration is highly desirable. In this book we present such an approach for self-calibration of multi-Camera systems for vehicle surround sensing. In an extensive evaluation we assess our algorithm quantitatively using real-world data

    Multi-camera object segmentation in dynamically textured scenes using disparity contours

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    This thesis presents a stereo-based object segmentation system that combines the simplicity and efficiency of the background subtraction approach with the capacity of dealing with dynamic lighting and background texture and large textureless regions. The method proposed here does not rely on full stereo reconstruction or empirical parameter tuning, but employs disparity-based hypothesis verification to separate multiple objects at different depths.The proposed stereo-based segmentation system uses a pair of calibrated cameras with a small baseline and factors the segmentation problem into two stages: a well-understood offline stage and a novel online one. Based on the calibrated parameters, the offline stage models the 3D geometry of a background by constructing a complete disparity map. The online stage compares corresponding new frames synchronously captured by the two cameras according to the background disparity map in order to falsify the hypothesis that the scene contains only background. The resulting object boundary contours possess a number of useful features that can be exploited for object segmentation.Three different approaches to contour extraction and object segmentation were experimented with and their advantages and limitations analyzed. The system demonstrates its ability to extract multiple objects from a complex scene with near real-time performance. The algorithm also has the potential of providing precise object boundaries rather than just bounding boxes, and is extensible to perform 2D and 3D object tracking and online background update

    Architectures for Adaptive Low-Power Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    This Ph.D. thesis describes novel hardware/software architectures for adaptive low-power embedded multimedia systems. Novel techniques for run-time adaptive energy management are proposed, such that both HW & SW adapt together to react to the unpredictable scenarios. A complete power-aware H.264 video encoder was developed. Comparison with state-of-the-art demonstrates significant energy savings while meeting the performance constraint and keeping the video quality degradation unnoticeable

    Proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress

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    Published proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, hosted by York University, 27-30 May 2018


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    A biosensor is defined as a detecting device that combines a transducer with a biologically sensitive and selective component. When a specific target molecule interacts with the biological component, a signal is produced, at transducer level, proportional to the concentration of the substance. Therefore biosensors can measure compounds present in the environment, chemical processes, food and human body at low cost if compared with traditional analytical techniques. This book covers a wide range of aspects and issues related to biosensor technology, bringing together researchers from 11 different countries. The book consists of 16 chapters written by 53 authors. The first four chapters describe several aspects of nanotechnology applied to biosensors. The subsequent section, including three chapters, is devoted to biosensor applications in the fields of drug discovery, diagnostics and bacteria detection. The principles behind optical biosensors and some of their application are discussed in chapters from 8 to 11. The last five chapters treat of microelectronics, interfacing circuits, signal transmission, biotelemetry and algorithms applied to biosensing