11 research outputs found

    An overview of open government data in developed countries: A comparison study between the state of Qatar & UK

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    Even though the diverse studies that have addressed OGD in many developed countries, there is still a lack in scientific literature about OGD initiatives in developing countries. The problem addressed in this paper is the lack of literature about related OGD information in two countries namely UK and Qatar. Therefore, we aim to provide information about the state of OGD in these two countries and discuss the differences in comparative analysis. This paper provides an analytical and comparative approach to discuss the state of open government data in two countries namely UK and Qatar. The results of this study showed that the state of OGD in UK is more advanced and developed than its state in Qatar according to the references reviewed and reports published by both countries

    Enablers and Inhibitors of Public Value Creation Through the Use of Open Government Data in Australian Public Sector

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    The development of open government data (OGD) has spread all around the world. The vast datasets that were proactively published on the OGD portal would be beneficial for government and its citizens. There are some factors that might enable OGD usage to create public values for the users and communities in the public sector. The OGD literature shows that there is a huge gap of an empirical research. This research aims to identify the salient factors that enable or inhibit a successful OGD usage and its beneficial outcomes in Australian public sector. This research has drawn on the Moore’s framework (1995) for creating public values and the information systems success model framework as theoretical backgrounds to conduct survey research from a government employee perspective to address the gap in the literature


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    ABSTRACT This research paper analyzes the Influence of IS innovation diffusion on the performance/ outcome of the village government. Besides this paper also determines the role of organizational support and technological advantage in determining performance. Finally, this study researched these variables as moderating between IS innovation diffusion and implementation. The primary data was collected through a survey and analyzed using the smart-pls. The result shows that the technological advantage is significantly associated with the performance of the village government. This finding contributes to the technology organization environment. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh difusi inovasi SI terhadap kinerja pemerintah desa. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menentukan peran dukungan organisasi dan keunggulan teknologi dalam menentukan kinerja. Terakhir, penelitian ini juga meneliti variabel-variabel tersebut sebagai variabel pemoderasi antara difusi inovasi SI dan kinerja. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui survei dan dianalisis menggunakan smart-pls. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keunggulan teknologi berpengaruh secara signifikan dengan kinerja pemerintah desa. Temuan ini secara teoritis berkontribusi pada technology organization environment


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    The introduction of open government has been used in many countries to improve the transparency, accountability of the state, and promote participation by citizens in collaborative governance. Its potential for public services improvement, citizen empowerment, and a positive impact on reducing corruption have attracted scholarly attention. Set alongside this, open government initiatives have facilitated greater access to information which can be used to hold governments to account and, in so doing, build trust between citizens and the state. While open government principles sit easily in democratic systems, some authoritarian states have also adopted this concept. This raises two questions. First, is there evidence that open collaboration, as the most developed form of open government, has empowered citizens in autocracies? Second, and more generally, why would authoritarian regimes seek to adopt open government when the concepts of autocracy and openness are antithetical? This paper attempts to address these questions using three case study countries in Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan which adopted open government policies. It finds evidence of cooptation, network authoritarianism, and state unresponsiveness/resistance to citizens’ inputs

    Open data work for empowered deliberative democracy: Findings from a living lab study

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    Open government data have the potential to facilitate democratic debate and collaboration between government and citizens. This assumes that citizens can effectively use data. However, not all citizens possess these skills. Building on the Empowered Deliberative Democracy Framework, this study examined how open data work - a variety of interventions and activities facilitated by intermediaries - can foster inclusive democratic processes at the local level by using a living lab methodology. Our living lab took place in a vulnerable neighborhood in a city in the Netherlands. Our findings demonstrate that open data work for empowered deliberative democracy requires enhancing the community's awareness and capacity for interpreting and using data about local problems and enabling them to engage in a process of joint learning and deliberation with data intermediaries, government, and other stakeholders

    How to effectively use interactivity with interactive data visualization on groups with different literacy levels

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceOpen data can be used as an empowering tool to society; however, it is not usually accessible to the general audience. This difficulty tends to increase as users lack data literacy. Interactive data visualization is a solution to provide clearer information, enhancing understanding and engagement. This study aims to develop interactive visualizations with open data to understand how to effectively communicate a message. The prototype was created with Microsoft Power BI and the database was developed by The World Bank. This work contributed with a methodology to evaluate literacy and to evaluate the prototype with quantitative and qualitative metrics. ANOVA single factor tests pointed statistically significant differences between groups regarding accuracy, complexity, and comprehension. This suggests that data literacy should be considered when creating visualizations, and projects as DATALIT are essential to enhance users’ literacy. Both groups agreed that the best visualizations were the bar, line and pie charts, and the choropleth map was well accepted. The least preferred visualization and the most complex was the bubble chart. Non-Experient users found the elements a little more complex. Both groups worked well with filters and slicers, and tooltips had a good acceptance. Groups considered animation the worst component. When the interaction was not described in the text, the Non-Experient group had more difficult in discovering it. Participants showed average good results in all measures, thus Microsoft Power BI is a useful tool to create effective interactive visualizations for different groups. The results from this work will allow organizations to understand how to adapt their visualizations to different audiences and the importance of data literacy skills

    Empowerment y compromiso organizacional en los colaboradores de un área de Comisión de Protección al Consumidor, Lima, 2019

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    El objetivo de estudio ha sido determinar la relación del empowerment y compromiso organizacional en los colaboradores de un área de Comisión de Protección al Consumidor, Lima, 2019; cuyo se ha tomado las siguientes teorías: Según Manes (2005) “El empowerment permite el desarrollo de los recursos, la delegación, el compromiso, el trabajo en equipo, y la sinergia. El objetivo del empowerment está relacionado con la autogestión, es decir la capacidad de dirigirse a sí mismo y ser responsable del resultado obtenido” (p.67). Empowerment no significa abandonar la disciplina y permitir que no se cumplan los objetivos en este sentido la idea es que cada subordinado tenga la liberta de tomar decisiones por el bienestar de la organización y conllevar el éxito. Según Allen y Meyer (1991) sostiene que la escala de compromiso organizacional se enfoca en tres dimensiones que ceden a los colaboradores vincularse a las organizaciones. El compromiso afectivo como el deseo de pertenecer a una organización (quieren/desean hacerlo). El compromiso de continuidad relacionado en la creencia que dejar la organización será difícil (lo necesitan). El compromiso normativo es el sentimiento de obligación hacia la organización (deben/ están obligados). El estudio presenta enfoque cuantitativo; de tipo aplicada; el nivel descriptivo correlacional; de diseño no experimental de corte transversal; la población fue de 50 colaboradores, como muestra el total de la población y el instrumento aplicado es el cuestionario de tipo Likert. Los resultados aprueban la hipótesis general, la cual afirma que existe relación entre el empowerment y compromiso organizacional con un coeficiente de correlación spearman igual a 0,588; y un nivel de significancia bilateral de (sig = 000) es > que el p valor (0.05). Por ello se concluye que existe relación en el empowerment y compromiso organizacional en los colaboradores de un área de Comisión de Protección al Consumidor, Lima, 2019

    Digitalization, accounting and accountability. A literature review and reflections on future research in public services

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    This study discusses the current state of the art and future directions of research on digitalization, accountability and accounting in public services. Through a systematic literature review, we investigate 232 articles published between 1998 and the first quarter of 2020. These studies are analysed looking at the implications of the increasing digitalization of the public realm for the i) production of data, ii) consumption of data, and iii) their subsequent effects. Based upon this analysis we identify the following emerging critical digital accountability issues and related future research avenues: the potential for dialogic and horizontal, multi-centric accountability; the blurring of accountability roles and boundaries; the increasing relevance of translation processes and translators’ roles - and the need to ensure accountability in such translations; the need to pay stronger attention to social equity and inclusivity implications of digitalization

    Open Government Data to improve Public Service Quality: an empirical validation through a Structural Equation Model

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    2017 - 2018Objective: The thesis focuses on the concept of Open Government Data (OGD) as a new approach to the management of public administrations (Pereira et al., 2017; Wang and Lo, 2016; Zuiderwijk and Janssen, 2014; Attard et al., 2015; Chan, 2013), based on the use of technologies for data treatment capable of favoring the affirmation of logics characterized by transparency, citizens’ involvement and participation in the processes, activities and services of the public sector (Dawes et al., 2016; Gonzalez-Zapata and Heeks, 2015; Ubaldi, 2013; Shadbolt et al., 2012). In particular, the objective of the work is to deepen the aspects and conditions enabling the management of Public Administration (PA) according to the OGD, as well as the impact of this approach on the quality of the public service provided to the community. The choice to carry out this study arises from the consideration according to which in literature, to date, there is no organic nucleus of empirical research aimed at investigating the stimulating factors of the ODG and the concrete effects on the public service quality resulting from the implementation of such an approach in public administrations. Methodology: The work starts from the analysis of the state of the art dedicated to the methods of conducting public administrations. Specifically, through a chronological excursus, the main approaches to the management of the PA (such as the Bureaucratic Model, New Public Management, New Public Governance, New Public Service, Open Government) were analyzed to represent the paradigmatic evolution leading to the affirmation of the OGD. The most important aspects (constructs) emerging from the analysis of the literature were further investigated to verify the existence of possible relations of influence between them. To this end, for each of the identified constructs, several items were selected for the construction of a questionnaire, administered to a sample of 567 Italian citizens. The results emerged from the answers provided by the citizens allowed defining and testing a Structural Equation Model (SEM), aimed at providing empirical evidences about the facilitating aspects of the OGD and the effects of its adoption within the PA in terms of public service quality for the community. Results: The findings highlight the existence of some crucial aspects, sometimes undervalued within the PA, which should be taken into account for the proper management of public administrations according to the logic of the OGD, especially in a historical moment characterized by an increasingly felt need to manage huge amounts of data in a transparent, participatory and collaborative way. In particular, according to the results of the analysis, it is necessary to encourage the dissemination of data-driven culture at every level of society so that citizens can take advantage of the benefits deriving from a thoughtful adoption of the ODG in the PA. Implications: The work provides both theoretical and managerial implications. From a purely theoretical point of view, the thesis offers its contribution under a twofold profile: methodological and conceptual. Regarding the first aspect, the study brings to light the results obtained by testing a SEM, which represents a methodology particularly appreciated for the analysis of data in the social sciences (Hair et al., 2016; Kline, 2015), especially since it allows verifying the interrelations between latent (not directly measurable) variables (Heck and Thomas, 2015; Duncan, 2014); with regard to the conceptual profile, the thesis favors the enrichment of the literature through the analysis of an approach to company management in a sector in which the studies in this regard are still fragmented. Regarding managerial implications, the identification of the most incisive aspects in managing public administration according to the Open Government Data provides policy makers and public sector executives with valuable information for the development of policies and strategies capable of improving the quality of the service rendered to citizens. In particular, the usefulness of the thesis should be seen in the fact that, through an empirical analysis, the work offers ideas to optimize the allocation of human, economic, technological and temporal resources. In other words, in presence of limited resources, as traditionally occurs in the public sector, knowing the aspects toward which investment should be opportunely directed could generate a considerable advantage for public domain services’ recipients. Research limitations: The study follows a quantitative approach based on the test of a Structural Equation Model, defined through the administration of questionnaires. The choice to resort to questionnaires, if on the one hand allowed building a large sample (made up of over 500 citizens), on the other hand reduced the depth of the analysis, since it prevented from investigating with high degree of detail the thought of each citizen involved in the sample survey. For this reason, the thesis takes shape as a starting point for a future research project to be carried out by using additional qualitative and quantitative methods, to be applied by means of both traditional (such as interviews) and innovative (such as social media analytics) techniques. [edited by author]XVII n.s. (XXXI ciclo