46 research outputs found

    Artifact Removal Methods in EEG Recordings: A Review

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    To obtain the correct analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, non-physiological and physiological artifacts should be removed from EEG signals. This study aims to give an overview on the existing methodology for removing physiological artifacts, e.g., ocular, cardiac, and muscle artifacts. The datasets, simulation platforms, and performance measures of artifact removal methods in previous related research are summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique are discussed, including regression method, filtering method, blind source separation (BSS), wavelet transform (WT), empirical mode decomposition (EMD), singular spectrum analysis (SSA), and independent vector analysis (IVA). Also, the applications of hybrid approaches are presented, including discrete wavelet transform - adaptive filtering method (DWT-AFM), DWT-BSS, EMD-BSS, singular spectrum analysis - adaptive noise canceler (SSA-ANC), SSA-BSS, and EMD-IVA. Finally, a comparative analysis for these existing methods is provided based on their performance and merits. The result shows that hybrid methods can remove the artifacts more effectively than individual methods

    A fast approach to removing muscle artifacts for EEG with signal serialization based Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    An electroencephalogram (EEG) is an electrophysiological signal reflecting the functional state of the brain. As the control signal of the brain-computer interface (BCI), EEG may build a bridge between humans and computers to improve the life quality for patients with movement disorders. The collected EEG signals are extremely susceptible to the contamination of electromyography (EMG) artifacts, affecting their original characteristics. Therefore, EEG denoising is an essential preprocessing step in any BCI system. Previous studies have confirmed that the combination of ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA) can effectively suppress EMG artifacts. However, the time-consuming iterative process of EEMD limits the application of the EEMD-CCA method in real-time monitoring of BCI. Compared with the existing EEMD, the recently proposed signal serialization based EEMD (sEEMD) is a good choice to provide effective signal analysis and fast mode decomposition. In this study, an EMG denoising method based on sEEMD and CCA is discussed. All of the analyses are carried out on semi-simulated data. The results show that, in terms of frequency and amplitude, the intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) decomposed by sEEMD are consistent with the IMFs obtained by EEMD. There is no significant difference in the ability to separate EMG artifacts from EEG signals between the sEEMD-CCA method and the EEMD-CCA method (p > 0.05). Even in the case of heavy contamination (signal-to-noise ratio is less than 2 dB), the relative root mean squared error is about 0.3, and the average correlation coefficient remains above 0.9. The running speed of the sEEMD-CCA method to remove EMG artifacts is significantly improved in comparison with that of EEMD-CCA method (p < 0.05). The running time of the sEEMD-CCA method for three lengths of semi-simulated data is shortened by more than 50%. This indicates that sEEMD-CCA is a promising tool for EMG artifact removal in real-time BCI systems.Fil: Dai, Yangyang. Nankai University; ChinaFil: Duan, Feng. Nankai University; ChinaFil: Feng, Fan. Nankai University; ChinaFil: Sun, Zhe. RIKEN; JapónFil: Zhang, Yu. Lehigh University Bethlehem; Estados UnidosFil: Caiafa, César Federico. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Marti Puig, Pere. Central University of Catalonia; EspañaFil: Solé Casals, Jordi. Central University of Catalonia; Españ

    Noise removal methods on ambulatory EEG: A Survey

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    Over many decades, research is being attempted for the removal of noise in the ambulatory EEG. In this respect, an enormous number of research papers is published for identification of noise removal, It is difficult to present a detailed review of all these literature. Therefore, in this paper, an attempt has been made to review the detection and removal of an noise. More than 100 research papers have been discussed to discern the techniques for detecting and removal the ambulatory EEG. Further, the literature survey shows that the pattern recognition required to detect ambulatory method, eye open and close, varies with different conditions of EEG datasets. This is mainly due to the fact that EEG detected under different conditions has different characteristics. This is, in turn, necessitates the identification of pattern recognition technique to effectively distinguish EEG noise data from a various condition of EEG data

    Blind Source Separation Methods Applied to Muscle Artefacts Removing from Epileptic Eeg Recording: A Comparative Study.

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    International audienceElectroencephalogram (EEG) recordings are often contaminated with muscle artifacts. These artifacts obscure the EEG and complicate its interpretation or even make the interpretation unfeasible. In this paper, realistic spike EEG signals are simulated from the activation of a 5 cm2 epileptic patch in the left superior temporal gyrus. Background activities and real muscle artifacts are then added to the simulated data. We compare the efficiency of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Blind Source Separation based on Canonical Correlation Analysis (BSS-CCA) to remove muscle artifacts from the EEG signals. The quantitative comparison indicates that the EMD approach exhibits a better performance than ICA and BSS-CCA, especially in the case of very low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)

    Motion Artifacts Correction from Single-Channel EEG and fNIRS Signals using Novel Wavelet Packet Decomposition in Combination with Canonical Correlation Analysis

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals, highly non-stationary in nature, greatly suffers from motion artifacts while recorded using wearable sensors. This paper proposes two robust methods: i) Wavelet packet decomposition (WPD), and ii) WPD in combination with canonical correlation analysis (WPD-CCA), for motion artifact correction from single-channel EEG and fNIRS signals. The efficacy of these proposed techniques is tested using a benchmark dataset and the performance of the proposed methods is measured using two well-established performance matrices: i) Difference in the signal to noise ratio ({\Delta}SNR) and ii) Percentage reduction in motion artifacts ({\eta}). The proposed WPD-based single-stage motion artifacts correction technique produces the highest average {\Delta}SNR (29.44 dB) when db2 wavelet packet is incorporated whereas the greatest average {\eta} (53.48%) is obtained using db1 wavelet packet for all the available 23 EEG recordings. Our proposed two-stage motion artifacts correction technique i.e. the WPD-CCA method utilizing db1 wavelet packet has shown the best denoising performance producing an average {\Delta}SNR and {\eta} values of 30.76 dB and 59.51%, respectively for all the EEG recordings. On the other hand, the two-stage motion artifacts removal technique i.e. WPD-CCA has produced the best average {\Delta}SNR (16.55 dB, utilizing db1 wavelet packet) and largest average {\eta} (41.40%, using fk8 wavelet packet). The highest average {\Delta}SNR and {\eta} using single-stage artifacts removal techniques (WPD) are found as 16.11 dB and 26.40%, respectively for all the fNIRS signals using fk4 wavelet packet. In both EEG and fNIRS modalities, the percentage reduction in motion artifacts increases by 11.28% and 56.82%, respectively when two-stage WPD-CCA techniques are employed.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures and 2 table

    Low-Density EEG Correction With Multivariate Decomposition and Subspace Reconstruction

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    A hybrid method is proposed for removing artifacts from electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. This relies on the integration of artifact subspace reconstruction (ASR) with multivariate empirical mode decomposition (EMD). The method can be applied when few EEG sensors are available, a condition in which existing techniques are not effective, and it was tested with two public datasets: 1) semisynthetic data and 2) experimental data with artifacts. One to four EEG sensors were taken into account, and the proposal was compared to both ASR and multivariate EMD (MEMD) alone. The proposed method efficiently removed muscular, ocular, or eye-blink artifacts on both semisynthetic and experimental data. Unexpectedly, the ASR alone also showed compatible performance on semisynthetic data. However, ASR did not work properly when experimental data were considered. Finally, MEMD was found less effective than both ASR and MEMD-ASR

    CLEEGN: A Convolutional Neural Network for Plug-and-Play Automatic EEG Reconstruction

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    Human electroencephalography (EEG) is a brain monitoring modality that senses cortical neuroelectrophysiological activity in high-temporal resolution. One of the greatest challenges posed in applications of EEG is the unstable signal quality susceptible to inevitable artifacts during recordings. To date, most existing techniques for EEG artifact removal and reconstruction are applicable to offline analysis solely, or require individualized training data to facilitate online reconstruction. We have proposed CLEEGN, a novel convolutional neural network for plug-and-play automatic EEG reconstruction. CLEEGN is based on a subject-independent pre-trained model using existing data and can operate on a new user without any further calibration. The performance of CLEEGN was validated using multiple evaluations including waveform observation, reconstruction error assessment, and decoding accuracy on well-studied labeled datasets. The results of simulated online validation suggest that, even without any calibration, CLEEGN can largely preserve inherent brain activity and outperforms leading online/offline artifact removal methods in the decoding accuracy of reconstructed EEG data. In addition, visualization of model parameters and latent features exhibit the model behavior and reveal explainable insights related to existing knowledge of neuroscience. We foresee pervasive applications of CLEEGN in prospective works of online plug-and-play EEG decoding and analysis

    Analysis of the propagation of uterine electrical activity applied to predict preterm labor

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    There are many open questions concerning the functioning of the human uterus. One of these open questions concerns exactly how the uterus operates as an organ to perform the very organized act of contracting in a synchronized fashion to expulse a new human into this world. If we don‟t understand how it works when it is working normally, it is obvious that we will not be as capable of intervening or preventing when, sometimes with tragic consequences, it does not do its job properly and a child is born before it is ready. The aim of our research is to be able to understand what the electrical activity of the uterus can tell us about the risk of premature birth, to understand better how the uterus works and to benefit from these understanding to find tool that can be used for labor detection and prediction of preterm labor. This idea of using the externally detected electrical activity of the uterus (electrohysterogram or EHG) to predict preterm labor is not new and lot of work has already been put into it. The novel approach in this work is not to use the signal collected from one or two isolated places on the expectant mother‟s abdomen but to map the propagation of the signals and to investigate the auto organization of the contractions. We therefore use a matrix of electrodes to give us a much more complete picture of the organization and operation of the uterus as pregnancy reaches its conclusion. Labor is the physiologic process by which a fetus is expelled from the uterus to the outside world and is defined as regular uterine contractions accompanied by cervical effacement and dilatation. In the normal labor, the uterine contractions and cervix dilatation are preceded by biochemical changes in the cervical connective tissue.Il reste beaucoup de questions ouvertes concernant le fonctionnement de l'utérus humain. L'une de ces questions est comment l'utérus fonctionne en tant qu‟organe organisé pour générer une contraction synchrone et expulser un nouvel être humain dans ce monde ? Si nous ne comprenons pas comment l‟utérus fonctionne, quand il fonctionne normalement, il est évident que nous ne serons pas en mesure d'intervenir ou de prévoir quand, avec parfois des conséquences tragiques, il ne fait pas son travail correctement et qu‟un enfant nait avant d‟être prêt ! Le but de notre recherche est de comprendre ce que l'activité électrique de l'utérus peut nous apporter sur la prévention du risque de naissance prématurée, de mieux comprendre comment fonctionne l'utérus et de bénéficier de ces connaissances pour développer un outil qui peut être utilisé pour la détection de l‟accouchement et la prédiction du travail prématuré. Cette idée d'utiliser l'activité électrique détectée à la surface de l‟abdomen (ou électrohystérogramme EHG) pour prédire un accouchement prématuré n'est pas nouvelle et beaucoup de travaux ont déjà été mis en oeuvre. La nouvelle approche dans ce travail n‟est pas d‟utiliser le signal recueilli par un ou deux endroits isolés sur l'abdomen de la future mère, mais de cartographier la propagation des signaux et d‟explorer l'auto organisation des contractions. Nous utilisons donc une matrice d'électrodes pour nous donner une image beaucoup plus complète de l'organisation et du fonctionnement de l'utérus. L‟accouchement est le processus physiologique par lequel le foetus est expulsé de l'utérus vers le monde extérieur. Il est défini comme la survenue de contractions utérines régulières accompagnées de l'effacement du col et de la dilatation cervicale. Dans le travail normal, les contractions de l'utérus et la dilatation du col sont précédées par des changements biochimiques du tissu conjonctif du col utérin

    Etude de la propagation de l‟activité électrique utérine dans une optique clinique : Application a la détection des menaces d‟accouchement prématuré

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    Uterine contractions are essentially controlled by two physiological phenomena: cell excitability and propagation of uterine electrical activity probably related to high and low frequencies of uterine electromyogram, called electrohysterogram -EHG-, respectively. All previous studies have been focused on extracting parameters from the high frequency part and did not show a satisfied potential for clinical application. The objective of this thesis is the analysis of the propagation EHG signals of during pregnancy and labor in the view of extracting tool for clinical application. A novelty of our thesis is the multichannel recordings by using 4x4 electrodes matrix posed on the woman abdomen. Monovariate analysis was aimed to investigate the nonlinear characteristics of EHG signals. Bivariate and multivariate analyses have been done to analyze the propagation of the EHG signals by detecting the connectivity between the signals. An increase of the nonlinearity associated by amplitude synchronization and phase desynchronization were detected. Results indicate a highest EHG propagation during labor than pregnancy and an increase of this propagation with the week of gestations. The results show the high potential of propagation‟s parameters in clinical point of view such as labor detection and then preterm labor prediction. We proposed novel combination of Blind Source Separation and empirical mode decomposition to denoise monopolar EHG as a possible way to increase the classification rate of pregnancy and labor.Les contractions utérines sont contrôlées par deux phénomènes physiologiques: l'excitabilité cellulaire et la propagation de l'activité électrique utérine probablement liées aux hautes et basses fréquences de l‟electrohysterograme (EHG) respectivement. Toutes les études précédentes ont porté sur l'extraction de paramètres de la partie haute fréquence et n'ont pas montré un potentiel satisfait pour l'application clinique. L'objectif de cette thèse est l'analyse de propagation de l'EHG pendant la grossesse et le travail dans la vue de l'extraction des outils pour une application clinique. Une des nouveautés de la thèse est l‟enregistrement multicanaux à l'aide d‟une matrice d'électrodes 4x4 posée sur l'abdomen de la femme. Analyse monovariés visait à étudier les caractéristiques non linéaires des signaux EHG, analyses bivariées et multivariées ont été effectuées pour analyser la propagation des signaux EHG par la détection de la connectivité entre les signaux. Une augmentation de la non- linéarité associée par une synchronisation en amplitude et de désynchronisation en phase a été détectée. Les résultats indiquent plus de propagation au cours du travail que la grossesse et une augmentation de cette propagation avec les semaines de gestations. Les résultats montrent le potentiel élevé de paramètres de propagation dans le point de vue clinique tel que la détection du travail et de prédiction du travail prématuré. Finalement, nous avons proposé une nouvelle combinaison entre Séparation Aveugles de Sources et la Décomposition en Modes Empiriques pour débruiter les signaux EHG monopolaires comme un moyen possible d'augmenter le taux de classification de signaux grossesse et l'accouchement