2,295 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of clustering techniques for finding people

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    Typically in a large organisation much expertise and knowledge is held informally within employees' own memories. When employees leave an organisation many documented links that go through that person are broken and no mechanism is usually available to overcome these broken links. This match making problem is related to the problem of finding potential work partners in a large and distributed organisation. This paper reports a comparative investigation into using standard information retrieval techniques to group employees together based on their webpages. This information can, hopefully, be subsequently used to redirect broken links to people who worked closely with a departed employee or used to highlight people, say indifferent departments, who work on similar topics. The paper reports the design and positive results of an experiment conducted at RisĂž National Laboratory comparing four different IR searching and clustering approaches using real users' web pages

    The computer integrated documentation project: A merge of hypermedia and AI techniques

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    To generate intelligent indexing that allows context-sensitive information retrieval, a system must be able to acquire knowledge directly through interaction with users. In this paper, we present the architecture for CID (Computer Integrated Documentation). CID is a system that enables integration of various technical documents in a hypertext framework and includes an intelligent browsing system that incorporates indexing in context. CID's knowledge-based indexing mechanism allows case based knowledge acquisition by experimentation. It utilizes on-line user information requirements and suggestions either to reinforce current indexing in case of success or to generate new knowledge in case of failure. This allows CID's intelligent interface system to provide helpful responses, based on previous experience (user feedback). We describe CID's current capabilities and provide an overview of our plans for extending the system

    Hierarchical growing cell structures: TreeGCS

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    We propose a hierarchical clustering algorithm (TreeGCS) based upon the Growing Cell Structure (GCS) neural network of Fritzke. Our algorithm refines and builds upon the GCS base, overcoming an inconsistency in the original GCS algorithm, where the network topology is susceptible to the ordering of the input vectors. Our algorithm is unsupervised, flexible, and dynamic and we have imposed no additional parameters on the underlying GCS algorithm. Our ultimate aim is a hierarchical clustering neural network that is both consistent and stable and identifies the innate hierarchical structure present in vector-based data. We demonstrate improved stability of the GCS foundation and evaluate our algorithm against the hierarchy generated by an ascendant hierarchical clustering dendogram. Our approach emulates the hierarchical clustering of the dendogram. It demonstrates the importance of the parameter settings for GCS and how they affect the stability of the clustering

    Implicit Measures of Lostness and Success in Web Navigation

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    In two studies, we investigated the ability of a variety of structural and temporal measures computed from a web navigation path to predict lostness and task success. The user’s task was to find requested target information on specified websites. The web navigation measures were based on counts of visits to web pages and other statistical properties of the web usage graph (such as compactness, stratum, and similarity to the optimal path). Subjective lostness was best predicted by similarity to the optimal path and time on task. The best overall predictor of success on individual tasks was similarity to the optimal path, but other predictors were sometimes superior depending on the particular web navigation task. These measures can be used to diagnose user navigational problems and to help identify problems in website design

    The Descriptive Challenges of Fiber Art

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    Knowledge Representation and WordNets

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    Knowledge itself is a representation of “real facts”. Knowledge is a logical model that presents facts from “the real world” witch can be expressed in a formal language. Representation means the construction of a model of some part of reality. Knowledge representation is contingent to both cognitive science and artificial intelligence. In cognitive science it expresses the way people store and process the information. In the AI field the goal is to store knowledge in such way that permits intelligent programs to represent information as nearly as possible to human intelligence. Knowledge Representation is referred to the formal representation of knowledge intended to be processed and stored by computers and to draw conclusions from this knowledge. Examples of applications are expert systems, machine translation systems, computer-aided maintenance systems and information retrieval systems (including database front-ends).knowledge, representation, ai models, databases, cams

    A Web video retrieval method using hierarchical structure of Web video groups

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    In this paper, we propose a Web video retrieval method that uses hierarchical structure of Web video groups. Existing retrieval systems require users to input suitable queries that identify the desired contents in order to accurately retrieve Web videos; however, the proposed method enables retrieval of the desired Web videos even if users cannot input the suitable queries. Specifically, we first select representative Web videos from a target video dataset by using link relationships between Web videos obtained via metadata “related videos” and heterogeneous video features. Furthermore, by using the representative Web videos, we construct a network whose nodes and edges respectively correspond to Web videos and links between these Web videos. Then Web video groups, i.e., Web video sets with similar topics are hierarchically extracted based on strongly connected components, edge betweenness and modularity. By exhibiting the obtained hierarchical structure of Web video groups, users can easily grasp the overview of many Web videos. Consequently, even if users cannot write suitable queries that identify the desired contents, it becomes feasible to accurately retrieve the desired Web videos by selecting Web video groups according to the hierarchical structure. Experimental results on actual Web videos verify the effectiveness of our method

    The Blogosphere at a Glance — Content-Based Structures Made Simple

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    A network representation based on a basic wordoverlap similarity measure between blogs is introduced. The simplicity of the representation renders it computationally tractable, transparent and insensitive to representation-dependent artifacts. Using Swedish blog data, we demonstrate that the representation, in spite of its simplicity, manages to capture important structural properties of the content in the blogosphere. First, blogs that treat similar subjects are organized in distinct network clusters. Second, the network is hierarchically organized as clusters in turn form higher-order clusters: a compound structure reminiscent of a blog taxonomy
