89 research outputs found

    The Teleportation Design Pattern for Hardware Transactional Memory

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    We identify a design pattern for concurrent data structures, called teleportation, that uses best- effort hardware transactional memory to speed up certain kinds of legacy concurrent data struc- tures. Teleportation unifies and explains several existing data structure designs, and it serves as the basis for novel approaches to reducing the memory traffic associated with fine-grained locking, and with hazard pointer management for memory reclamation

    Outsmarting Network Security with SDN Teleportation

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    Software-defined networking is considered a promising new paradigm, enabling more reliable and formally verifiable communication networks. However, this paper shows that the separation of the control plane from the data plane, which lies at the heart of Software-Defined Networks (SDNs), introduces a new vulnerability which we call \emph{teleportation}. An attacker (e.g., a malicious switch in the data plane or a host connected to the network) can use teleportation to transmit information via the control plane and bypass critical network functions in the data plane (e.g., a firewall), and to violate security policies as well as logical and even physical separations. This paper characterizes the design space for teleportation attacks theoretically, and then identifies four different teleportation techniques. We demonstrate and discuss how these techniques can be exploited for different attacks (e.g., exfiltrating confidential data at high rates), and also initiate the discussion of possible countermeasures. Generally, and given today's trend toward more intent-based networking, we believe that our findings are relevant beyond the use cases considered in this paper.Comment: Accepted in EuroSP'1

    Food Media: Food and Technology as a Medium for Social Communication

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    XR, music and neurodiversity: design and application of new mixed reality technologies that facilitate musical intervention for children with autism spectrum conditions

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    This thesis, accompanied by the practice outputs,investigates sensory integration, social interaction and creativity through a newly developed VR-musical interface designed exclusively for children with a high-functioning autism spectrum condition (ASC).The results aim to contribute to the limited expanse of literature and research surrounding Virtual Reality (VR) musical interventions and Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs) designed to support individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions. The author has developed bespoke hardware, software and a new methodology to conduct field investigations. These outputs include a Virtual Immersive Musical Reality Intervention (ViMRI) protocol, a Supplemental Personalised, immersive Musical Experience(SPiME) programme, the Assisted Real-time Three-dimensional Immersive Musical Intervention System’ (ARTIMIS) and a bespoke (and fully configurable) ‘Creative immersive interactive Musical Software’ application (CiiMS). The outputs are each implemented within a series of institutional investigations of 18 autistic child participants. Four groups are evaluated using newly developed virtual assessment and scoring mechanisms devised exclusively from long-established rating scales. Key quantitative indicators from the datasets demonstrate consistent findings and significant improvements for individual preferences (likes), fear reduction efficacy, and social interaction. Six individual case studies present positive qualitative results demonstrating improved decision-making and sensorimotor processing. The preliminary research trials further indicate that using this virtual-reality music technology system and newly developed protocols produces notable improvements for participants with an ASC. More significantly, there is evidence that the supplemental technology facilitates a reduction in psychological anxiety and improvements in dexterity. The virtual music composition and improvisation system presented here require further extensive testing in different spheres for proof of concept

    Swarm intelligence for clustering dynamic data sets for web usage mining and personalization.

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    Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques were inspired by bee swarms, ant colonies, and most recently, bird flocks. Flock-based Swarm Intelligence (FSI) has several unique features, namely decentralized control, collaborative learning, high exploration ability, and inspiration from dynamic social behavior. Thus FSI offers a natural choice for modeling dynamic social data and solving problems in such domains. One particular case of dynamic social data is online/web usage data which is rich in information about user activities, interests and choices. This natural analogy between SI and social behavior is the main motivation for the topic of investigation in this dissertation, with a focus on Flock based systems which have not been well investigated for this purpose. More specifically, we investigate the use of flock-based SI to solve two related and challenging problems by developing algorithms that form critical building blocks of intelligent personalized websites, namely, (i) providing a better understanding of the online users and their activities or interests, for example using clustering techniques that can discover the groups that are hidden within the data; and (ii) reducing information overload by providing guidance to the users on websites and services, typically by using web personalization techniques, such as recommender systems. Recommender systems aim to recommend items that will be potentially liked by a user. To support a better understanding of the online user activities, we developed clustering algorithms that address two challenges of mining online usage data: the need for scalability to large data and the need to adapt cluster sing to dynamic data sets. To address the scalability challenge, we developed new clustering algorithms using a hybridization of traditional Flock-based clustering with faster K-Means based partitional clustering algorithms. We tested our algorithms on synthetic data, real VCI Machine Learning repository benchmark data, and a data set consisting of real Web user sessions. Having linear complexity with respect to the number of data records, the resulting algorithms are considerably faster than traditional Flock-based clustering (which has quadratic complexity). Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that scalability was gained without sacrificing quality. To address the challenge of adapting to dynamic data, we developed a dynamic clustering algorithm that can handle the following dynamic properties of online usage data: (1) New data records can be added at any time (example: a new user is added on the site); (2) Existing data records can be removed at any time. For example, an existing user of the site, who no longer subscribes to a service, or who is terminated because of violating policies; (3) New parts of existing records can arrive at any time or old parts of the existing data record can change. The user\u27s record can change as a result of additional activity such as purchasing new products, returning a product, rating new products, or modifying the existing rating of a product. We tested our dynamic clustering algorithm on synthetic dynamic data, and on a data set consisting of real online user ratings for movies. Our algorithm was shown to handle the dynamic nature of data without sacrificing quality compared to a traditional Flock-based clustering algorithm that is re-run from scratch with each change in the data. To support reducing online information overload, we developed a Flock-based recommender system to predict the interests of users, in particular focusing on collaborative filtering or social recommender systems. Our Flock-based recommender algorithm (FlockRecom) iteratively adjusts the position and speed of dynamic flocks of agents, such that each agent represents a user, on a visualization panel. Then it generates the top-n recommendations for a user based on the ratings of the users that are represented by its neighboring agents. Our recommendation system was tested on a real data set consisting of online user ratings for a set of jokes, and compared to traditional user-based Collaborative Filtering (CF). Our results demonstrated that our recommender system starts performing at the same level of quality as traditional CF, and then, with more iterations for exploration, surpasses CF\u27s recommendation quality, in terms of precision and recall. Another unique advantage of our recommendation system compared to traditional CF is its ability to generate more variety or diversity in the set of recommended items. Our contributions advance the state of the art in Flock-based 81 for clustering and making predictions in dynamic Web usage data, and therefore have an impact on improving the quality of online services

    Virtual machine scheduling in dedicated computing clusters

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    Time-critical applications process a continuous stream of input data and have to meet specific timing constraints. A common approach to ensure that such an application satisfies its constraints is over-provisioning: The application is deployed in a dedicated cluster environment with enough processing power to achieve the target performance for every specified data input rate. This approach comes with a drawback: At times of decreased data input rates, the cluster resources are not fully utilized. A typical use case is the HLT-Chain application that processes physics data at runtime of the ALICE experiment at CERN. From a perspective of cost and efficiency it is desirable to exploit temporarily unused cluster resources. Existing approaches aim for that goal by running additional applications. These approaches, however, a) lack in flexibility to dynamically grant the time-critical application the resources it needs, b) are insufficient for isolating the time-critical application from harmful side-effects introduced by additional applications or c) are not general because application-specific interfaces are used. In this thesis, a software framework is presented that allows to exploit unused resources in a dedicated cluster without harming a time-critical application. Additional applications are hosted in Virtual Machines (VMs) and unused cluster resources are allocated to these VMs at runtime. In order to avoid resource bottlenecks, the resource usage of VMs is dynamically modified according to the needs of the time-critical application. For this purpose, a number of previously not combined methods is used. On a global level, appropriate VM manipulations like hot migration, suspend/resume and start/stop are determined by an informed search heuristic and applied at runtime. Locally on cluster nodes, a feedback-controlled adaption of VM resource usage is carried out in a decentralized manner. The employment of this framework allows to increase a cluster’s usage by running additional applications, while at the same time preventing negative impact towards a time-critical application. This capability of the framework is shown for the HLT-Chain application: In an empirical evaluation the cluster CPU usage is increased from 49% to 79%, additional results are computed and no negative effect towards the HLT-Chain application are observed

    Virtual machine scheduling in dedicated computing clusters

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    Time-critical applications process a continuous stream of input data and have to meet specific timing constraints. A common approach to ensure that such an application satisfies its constraints is over-provisioning: The application is deployed in a dedicated cluster environment with enough processing power to achieve the target performance for every specified data input rate. This approach comes with a drawback: At times of decreased data input rates, the cluster resources are not fully utilized. A typical use case is the HLT-Chain application that processes physics data at runtime of the ALICE experiment at CERN. From a perspective of cost and efficiency it is desirable to exploit temporarily unused cluster resources. Existing approaches aim for that goal by running additional applications. These approaches, however, a) lack in flexibility to dynamically grant the time-critical application the resources it needs, b) are insufficient for isolating the time-critical application from harmful side-effects introduced by additional applications or c) are not general because application-specific interfaces are used. In this thesis, a software framework is presented that allows to exploit unused resources in a dedicated cluster without harming a time-critical application. Additional applications are hosted in Virtual Machines (VMs) and unused cluster resources are allocated to these VMs at runtime. In order to avoid resource bottlenecks, the resource usage of VMs is dynamically modified according to the needs of the time-critical application. For this purpose, a number of previously not combined methods is used. On a global level, appropriate VM manipulations like hot migration, suspend/resume and start/stop are determined by an informed search heuristic and applied at runtime. Locally on cluster nodes, a feedback-controlled adaption of VM resource usage is carried out in a decentralized manner. The employment of this framework allows to increase a cluster’s usage by running additional applications, while at the same time preventing negative impact towards a time-critical application. This capability of the framework is shown for the HLT-Chain application: In an empirical evaluation the cluster CPU usage is increased from 49% to 79%, additional results are computed and no negative effect towards the HLT-Chain application are observed

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first