132 research outputs found

    Manpower Optimization and Process Efficiency Improvement at a Textile Manufacturing Company

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    Manufacturing needs to constantly nurture a system that optimizes the coordination of input, process and output. The ability to fully utilize the resources especially the labor and equipment in the assembly line has always been an important factor to achieve high productivity. A textile company packaging area is a highly manual operation and the management is facing a problem finding the effective way to utilize the operators and improve the processes. Thus, productivity analysis needs to be done at this area to determine the standard time and the types of wastes occurring at this area for the purpose of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the packaging operations. In addition, the purpose of this project is to provide the company management with recommendations on improved manpower planning and methods to perform the work by the operators. Specifically, the research has applied the Work Study method especially Process Mapping, time study with stop watch and MOST Predetermined Time Standards (PTS). Results include the operator standard time and the current utilization of the packaging operator. Based on the results, recommendations such as reducing the number of operators to improve labor utilization, sequencing of jobs and changing the methods to perform the pin packaging through scoop and sticker dispensing design were made to the management. Consequently, the outcomes of this project are advantageous for the company to improve the packing area’s productivity and for the company to be cost efficient in meeting the ever demanding customer expectation while still paying attention to the employee’s well being


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    In the past, numerous studies have been conducted on the topics of moisture damage and permeability, but very few studies have correlated permeability with moisture damage in Asphalt Concrete (AC). This study evaluates whether such a relation exists or not. In addition, correlations of permeability with AC mix volumetrics and pores are evaluated. Also, correlation of laboratory permeability with field permeability is examined. In this study, a field survey is conducted to identify a set of eight pavements (bad) that are known to suffer from moisture damage and a set of eight pavements (good) that do not exhibit moisture damage. Field permeability testing is conducted on those 16 pavements. Results show that good performing pavements have very low (field) permeability compared to the bad performing pavements, which was expected. Field coring is conducted and cores are collected from all 16 pavement sections. Next, laboratory permeability testing is conducted on the field cores using a falling head permeameter. Based on laboratory permeability values, the good pavement sections exhibit smaller permeability than the bad performing sections. To this end, moisture damage potential of field cores is determined in the laboratory using Moisture Induced Sensitivity Test (MIST) device and the AASHTO T 283 method. In MIST method, a sample is wet conditioned using repeated increase and decrease of pore pressure inside the saturated pores of AC sample. In the AASHTO T 283 method, a sample is wet conditioned using vacuum saturation and then subjected to one cycle of freeze-thaw. A set of three wet and three dry conditioned samples are tested for indirect tensile strength and Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of wet to dry sample sets is determined. It is shown that both MIST and the AASHTO T 283 yield TSR values of less than 1.0, which means moisture damage occurred by both conditioning methods. Based on the AASHTO T 283 data, when moisture damage is correlated with laboratory permeability, the AASHTO T 283 shows a good correlation but MIST shows a poor correlation. Correlations of field permeability with the AASHTO T 283 and MIST are found to be poor. Mix volumetrics (e.g., gradation, porosity, binder content) tests are performed on field cores. Gradation data is plotted on a 0.45 power curve. Based on the power curve plot, it is shown that a mix gradation that passes near to the maximum density line have low permeabilities and moisture damage potentials. It is known that an AC sample contains 3 types of pore: permeable, dead-end, and isolated pores. In this study, permeable pore is determined using a tracer test method, a concept borrowed from soil permeability testing. Dead-end and isolated pores are also determined using a CoreLok device. It is shown that permeable pores have a better correlation with permeability than the effective pore, which is defined as the sum of permeable and dead-end pores. In this study, an attempt is made to correlate laboratory permeability with field permeability. Laboratory permeability does not have any correlation with the field permeability. This may be due to the fact that field permeability is affected by several factors such as 3D flow in the field, Open Graded Friction Coarse (OGFC), tack coats. To this end, an analytical model is developed to predict field permeability from laboratory permeability. Model permeability is found to be higher than the laboratory permeability. Because the model considers lateral and vertical direction flows whereas laboratory permeability test considers only vertical flow. It is shown that the model permeability is less than the field permeability for pavements with OGFC and more than the field permeability for pavements without OGFC. Therefore, a shift factor is developed to match the model permeability with the field permeability

    Classifying yield spread movements in sparse data through triplots

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.ENGLISH SUMMARY : In many developing countries, including South Africa, all data that are required to calculate the fair values of financial instruments are not always readily available. Additionally, in some instances, companies who do not have the necessary quantitative skills are reluctant to incorporate the correct fair valuation by failing to employ the appropriate techniques. This problem is most notable with regards to unlisted debt instruments. There are two main inputs with regards to the valuation of unlisted debt instruments, namely the the risk-free curve and the the yield spread. Investigation into these two components forms the basis of this thesis. Firstly, an analysis is carried out to derive approximations of risk-free curves in areas where data is sparse. Thereafter it is investigated whether there is sufficient evidence of a significant change in yield spreads of unlisted debt instruments. In order to determine these changes, however, a new method that allows for simultaneous visualisation and classification of data was developed - termed triplot classification with polybags. This new classification technique also has the ability to limit misclassification rates. In the first paper, a proxy for the extended zero curve, calculated from other observable inputs, is found through a simulation approach by incorporating two new techniques, namely permuted integer multiple linear regression and aggregate standardised model scoring. It was found that a Nelson Siegel fit, with a mixture of one year forward rates as proxies for the long term zero point, and some discarding of initial data points, performs relatively well in the training and testing data sets. This new method allows for the approximation of risk-free curves where no long term points are available, and further allows for the determinants of the yield curve shape by considering other available data. The changes in these shape determining parameters are used in the final paper as determinants for changes in yield spreads. For the second paper, a new classification technique is developed that was used in the final paper. Classification techniques do not easily allow for visual interpretation, nor do they usually allow for the limitation of the false negative and positive error rates. For some areas of research and practical applications these shortcomings are important to address. In this paper, classification techniques are combined with biplots, allowing for simultaneous visual representation and classification of the data, resulting in the so-called triplot. By further incorporating polybags, the ability of limiting misclassification type errors is also introduced. A simulation study as well as an application is provided showing that the method provides similar results compared to existing methods, but with added visualisation benefits. The paper focuses purely on developing a statistical technique that can be applied to any field. The application that is provided, for example, is on a medical data set. In the final paper the technique is applied to changes in yield spreads. The third paper considered changes in yield spreads which were analysed through various covariates to determine whether significant decreases or increases would have been observed for unlisted debt instruments. The methodology does not specifically determine the new spread, but gives evidence on whether the initial implied spread could be left the same, or whether a new spread should be determined. These yield spread movements are classified using various share, interest rate, financial ratio, and economic type covariates in a visually interpretive manner. This also allows for a better understanding of how various factors drive the changes in yield spreads. Finally, as supplement to each paper, a web-based application was built allowing the reader to interact with all the data and properties of the methodologies discussed. The following links can be used to access these three applications: - Paper 1: https://carelvdmerwe.shinyapps.io/ProxyCurve/ - Paper 2: https://carelvdmerwe.shinyapps.io/TriplotSimulation/ - Paper 3: https://carelvdmerwe.shinyapps.io/SpreadsTriplot/AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : In baie ontwikkelende lande, insluitend Suid-Afrika, is al die inligting wat benodig word om die billike waardes van finansiële instrumente te bereken, nie altyd geredelik beskikbaar nie. In sommige gevalle is ondernemings, wat nie oor die nodige kwantitatiewe vaardighede beskik nie, teësinnig om die regte billike waardasie te bereken deur nie-toepaslike tegnieke te gebruik. Hierdie probleem is veral opvallend ten opsigte van ongenoteerde skuldinstrumente. Daar is twee hoof insette met betrekking tot die waardasie van ongenoteerde skuldinstrumente, naamlik die risiko-vrye kromme en die opbrengskoersspreiding. Die ondersoek na hierdie twee komponente vorm die basis van hierdie tesis. Eerstens word ’n analise uitgevoer om benaderings vir die risiko-vrye kurwes af te lei in areas waar die data skaars is. Daarna word ondersoek gedoen om vas te stel of daar voldoende bewyse is van betekenisvolle veranderinge in die opbrengskoersspreiding van ongenoteerde skuldinstrumente. Ten einde hierdie veranderinge te bepaal, is ’n nuwe metode wat gelyktydige visualisering en klassifikasie van data moontlik maak, ontwikkel - genaamd tri-stipping-klassifisering met poli-sakke. Hierdie nuwe klassifikasietegniek het ook die vermoë om wanklassifikasiekoerse te beperk. In die eerste artikel word ’n benadering vir die uitgebreide nul-kromme bereken uit ander waarneembare insette. Dit word gevind deur middel van ’n simulasiebenadering deur twee nuwe tegnieke, naamlik gepermuteerde heelgetal meervoudige liniêre regressie en totale gestandaardiseerde model-telling, te gebruik. Dit is gevind dat ’n Nelson Siegel-passing, met ’n kombinasie van een jaar vooruitkoerse as benaderings vir die langtermyn nulpunt, en ’n mate van weglating van die aanvanklike datapunte, relatief goed in die leer en toetsing van datastelle presteer. Hierdie nuwe metode maak voorsiening vir die benadering van risiko-vrye krommes waar geen langtermynpunte beskikbaar is nie. Dit maak ook voorsiening vir die komponente van die opbrengskrommevorm deur ander beskikbare data in ag te neem. Die veranderinge in hierdie vormbepalingsparameters word in die finale artikel as komponente vir veranderinge in opbrengskoersspreidings gebruik. In die tweede artikel word ’n nuwe klassifikasietegniek ontwikkel wat in die finale artikel gebruik word. Klassifikasietegnieke laat nie maklik visuele interpretasie toe nie, en maak gewoonlik ook nie die beperking van die vals negatiewe en positiewe foutkoerse moontlik nie. Hierdie tekortkominge is belangrik vir sommige navorsings- en praktiese toepassingsareas. In hierdie artikel word klassifikasietegnieke gekombineer met bi-stippings, waardeur die data gelyktydig visueel voorgestel en geklassifiseer word, wat die sogenaamde tri-stipping tot gevolg het. Deur poli-sakke in te bring, word die vermoë om foute in die wanklassifikasie te beperk geïnkorporeer. ’n Simulasie-studie sowel as ’n toepassing word word geïllustreer. Dit toon aan dat die metode soortgelyke resultate lewer in vergelyking met die bestaande metodes, maar met ekstra visualiseringsvoordele. Die artikel fokus slegs op die ontwikkeling van ’n statistiese tegniek wat op enige veld toegepas kan word. Die toepassing wat byvoorbeeld verskaf is, was op ’n mediese datastel. In die finale artikel word die tegniek op veranderinge in opbrengskoersspreidings toegepas. In die derde artikel word veranderinge in opbrengskoersspreidings ondersoek en word dit deur middel van verskillende ko-variate ontleed om te bepaal of betekenisvolle daling of stygings by ongenoteerde skuldinstrumente waargeneem word. Die metodologie bepaal nie die nuwe spreiding spesifiek nie, maar lewer ’n bewys of die aanvanklike geïmpliseerde spreiding dieselfde gelaat kan word, of dat ’n nuwe spreiding bepaal moet word. Hierdie opbrengskoersspreidingbewegings word op ’n visueel interpretatiewe wyse geklassifiseer met behulp van verskillende aandeel-, rentekoers-, finansiële verhouding- en ekonomiese tipe ko-variate. Dit gee ook ’n beter begrip van hoe verskillende faktore die veranderinge in opbrengskoerse beïnvloed. Ten slotte, aanvullend tot elke artikel, is ’n webtoepassing gebou wat die leser in staat stel om met al die data en eienskappe van die metodologieë wat bespreek is, te eksperimenteer. Die volgende skakels kan gebruik word om toegang tot hierdie drie toepassings te verkry: - Artikel 1: https://carelvdmerwe.shinyapps.io/ProxyCurve/ - Artikel 2: https://carelvdmerwe.shinyapps.io/TriplotSimulation/ - Artikel 3: https://carelvdmerwe.shinyapps.io/SpreadsTriplot/Doctora

    SourceAmerica Design Challenge Accessible Kitting and Packaging Station

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    This document entails our research, design, proposed development, and testing process for solving the 2020 SourceAmerica collegiate design challenge. Our team, “Just Kitting”, is composed of four Mechanical Engineering students from California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo. The design challenge requires us to create a device that will help improve the quality of life and productivity of people with disabilities working in the kitting and packaging industry. This document includes our background research and information received from various interviews with our sponsor and others who have experience working with disabilities. Using this information, we refined our problem statement to focus on individuals with disabilities that affect their fine motor skills because many procedures in the kitting and packaging industry are heavily reliant on the dexterity of the user. We tailored our ideation process, decision matrices, concept prototypes, and design justification around this target demographic. This process resulted in the final design of our workstation which provides an innovate and efficient way to bag and package five types of items. In addition, this design requires simple push-pull motions to reduce the dexterity required to create a kit. We have outlined our manufacturing and design verification plans to proceed with this design, along with a breakdown of our projected costs to implement a functional prototype


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    Algae have been identified as a source of renewable, clean energy, with much research being devoted to identifying high energy yield algae, energy extraction methods, and reactor design with mono-cultures of algae, but little research has been done on reactor design and operational conditions with mixed cultures of algae to improve productivity and solids separation. The objective of this study was to determine if the settling characteristics of mixed algal cultures can be enriched or improved through manipulation of reactor design characteristics by incorporating cyclic settling or floating phases into operation, timing of light/dark cycles, and/or control of the solids and hydraulic residence time. Photobioreactors constructed of cast acrylic were operated as sequencing batch reactors. Each reactor was run with identical feed, light/dark cycle, and working volume. Biomass measurements were taken regularly to measure growth and productivity. Density measurements were taken to observe operation conditions effects on solids separation. The sludge volume index (SVI) was used to assess the degree of solids separation in each reactor. Selection for algal biomass with good settling or flotation characteristics was assessed in experiment 1. In experiment 2 the effects of the light/dark cycle on settling and density were investigated. In experiment 3 the solids separation time, hydraulic retention time, and solids retention time were explored in regards to solids separation and biomass productivity. Experiment 4, the final experiment, investigated the effects of low and high carbon environments on solids separation, SVI, and biomass productivity. Results from these studies suggest that the light/dark cycle does not influence density or solids separation, low carbon environments are not an underlying mechanism for solids separation, and that good settling systems are more dependent on the species of algae, morphology and size of the settling flocs. Results from this study could be applied for practical purposes in solids separation

    Desain Sarana Penyimpan Paket Kurir Motor Perusahaan Jasa Titipan Dengan Konsep Organizable

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    Pertumbuhan jasa kurir di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahun dari tahun 2006 – 2010 dan tercatat industri logistik tumbuh 53,33%. Dan jasa logistik berkembang paling banyak pada kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta sebanyak 36,8 % dan kota-kota di Jawa Timur sebanyak 23,2 %. Kota-kota besar mempunyai karakteristik padat penduduk. Serta medan jalan untuk perkantoran dan perkampungan pinggir kota semakin padat dan terhambat untuk kendaraan roda 4 untuk melakukan akses pengiriman efisien. Untuk itu kurir motor sebagai salah satu alternatif pengiriman paket dan dokumen. Karena dipercaya sebagai pengiriman tercepat dan efektif. Namun belum adanya penelitian yang mengakomodir sarana kurir motor yang mengulas keamanan dan keselamatan paket dari faktor ketahanan material dan ketahanan dalam kondisi ekstrem. Dan sarana konfigurasi pembawa paket sesuai klasifikasinya. Metode kualitatif seperti affinity diagram, interview dan literature menghasilkan analisis sistem organizable dengan konfigurasi paket berdasarkan klasifikasi yang lebih compact dan efisien. Agar dihasilkan storage dengan konsep safe, secure dan durable. Sebagai konsep branding untuk menghasilkan citra baik terhadap konsumen dan masyarakat pasif. Inovasi yang dihasilkan berupa storage box dengan sistem modular terklasifikasi dengan bahan hardshell polypropylene sebagai penahan paket dari resiko benturan. Agar tercipta simbiosis mutualisme antar konsumen dengan jasa ekspedisi. ================================================================================================================== The growth of courier services in Indonesia increase in every years from 2006- 2010 and recorded the logistic industry grows 53,33 %. And logistic services are most increased in big cities like Jakarta as much as 36,8 % and cities in East Java as much as 23,2 %. Big cities have characteristic in dense population. As well as road terrain for offices and township suburbs is more dense and obstructed for four wheel vehicles to perform efficient delivery access. For that reason, motorcycle courier is one of the alternative in package and document delivery. Because it is believed to be the fastest and effective delivery. However, research that accomodates a motorcycle vehicle courier to review the security and savety of the package from factor of material and extreme condition resistance is still lack. Especially, from storage side that becomes background of core research. This research using qualitative method of “ Shadowing Method “ and concluded through Affinity. Furthermore, Interview Method. And resulted design oppurtunity concerned in ergonomics, anthropometry. The analysis results configuration of organizable package system, document, and valuable goods layout that is more compact and efficient. In order to be produced a storage with safe, secure, and durable concept. As a branding concept to deliver good image to consumer and passive society. Innovation that produced is a box storage with modular classified with hardshell enclosure as a guide package from crash risk for mutualism symbiosis among consumer with Pandu Logistik courier service

    Formulation Development and Evaluation of Ubidecarenone Chewable Tablets

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    Aim: To formulate Ubidecarenone chewable tablet containing 400mg and to evaluate organoleptic characters such as taste and flavour along with in vitro release studies. Plan of the work: Pre-formulation studies Drug- Excipent compatability studies, Assay Water content In process Quality Control Checks for derived properties like Bulk Density, Tapped Density, Compressibility Index, Hausner’s Ratio and Angle of Repose for drug and blends to be determined. Optimization of concentration of ingredients such as Flavours, Sweeteners, Disintegrant, Wetting agent, Glidant and Lubricant. Formulation of Chewable tablets with optimized ingredients. Evaluation of chewable tablets for post compression parameters like Uniformity of Weight, Thickness, Hardness, Friability, Disintegration Time, Assay and in vitro drug release characteristics to be studied. Palatability test has to be done for the optimized batch. Accelerated Stability Studies of the Ubidecarenone chewable tablets packed in 75 cc Amber coloured HDPE Bottle with 33 mm PP Child Resistant Cap with Induction sealed having 1 g of 6 g / yard cotton as dunnage, and 2 no’s of 1 g Silica gel canister as desiccant; shall be determined at 40 ± 2°C / 75 ± 5% RH at one month interval for 3 months and the following are used as raiders for evaluation while comparing with Initial, Appearancem, Uniformity of weight,Thickness and Hardness, Disintegration Time, Water content, Assay . Dissolution studies SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION:The aim of the present study was to formulate Ubidecarenone chewable tablets and was achieved. Ubidecarenone raw material had poor flow characteristics. Hence, it was blended using directly compressible excipients which improve the flow property of the blend and chewable tablets were formulated by direct compression. The excipients used in the formulation were subjected to Drug- Excipient compatibility study and found that the excipients were compatible with the drug. Optimization study for flavouring agent was conducted and found that the Combination of Orange flavour (0.83%) and Mint flavour (0.21%) were found to be palatable. Optimization study for sweetening agent was conducted and as a result 1.66% of Aspartame and 0.42% of Saccharin Sodium were optimized and it was used to get good sweet taste. 5% of Crospovidone (Polyplasdone XL 10) was optimized to get a rapid disintegration of tablets. Poloxamer 407 (Lutrol Micro 127 in 0.83%) produced a drug release of 88.25% at the end of 45 minutes and it complies with USP limits. Thus it was optimized as good wetting agent. Colloidal Silicon Dioxide (Cabosil in 0.5%) and Sodium Stearyl Fumarate (Pruv in 0.5%) were optimized as the glidant and lubricant to produce tablets without sticking, picking and striation. The optimized formulation blend has a good flow property based on its angle of repose value. The optimized formulation blend (E III) was compressed by direct compression technique in 16 station tablet compression machine using 21 x 10 mm caplet shaped punches. The formulated chewable tablets were evaluated for post compression parameters and found that they were uniform in weight, thickness and hardness. The friability was within the limits. The disintegration time of chewable tablets for finalized batch (E III) was 1 minute 45 seconds. � The drug content of the chewable tablets was 98.14% and is within the USP limits (90-110%). Drug release of 88.25% was observed at the end of 45 minutes and 99.75% at the end of 90 minutes for optimized batch (E III) and it was within the USP limits. The formulated chewable tablets were subjected to accelerated stability studies and the tablets were found to be stable. The Ubidecarenone in the form of chewable tablets (400mg) will improve the compliance of Parkinsonism patients

    Application of a synalysis packaging design method in PC magniviewer package redesign

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    This study addresses the over-packaging phenomena in packaging design perspectives and, through the review of architectural design methods and packaging design principles, sets up a SyNalysis packaging design method with the packaging design process. Furthermore, an example of a PC magnifier redesigning is demonstrated in the thesis, step by step. The SyNalysis method contains scientific analytical methods and the designer\u27s creative, synthetic methods. Its embodiment is presented in three processes: analysis, design and evaluation of the processes. The SyNalysis packaging design method serves as a guide to help packaging designers, and especially new and inexperienced designers pursue a more logical and practical way to create a better design. In addition, this packaging design method can also help packaging science students master packaging design skills in a more efficient way

    The role and potential contribution of industrial design in developing agricultural machinery for Malaysia

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    The aim of this research is to determine whether Industrial Design has an important role to play in the design and development of agricultural equipment, particularly in Malaysia. It is perhaps natural to think of agricultural machinery and equipment as being functional devices with issues such as task performance, robustness and reliability in all weathers being paramount. So is there really a role for the industrial designer? It is argued here that effective design of agricultural products cannot be achieved by considering only the functional requirements and technological aspects, since there are also many human issues to be taken into account. Effectiveness of new product development depends on interdisciplinary team working. This research has been conducted utilising qualitative and quantitative survey methods consisting of interviews and postal questionnaires. The findings show the need for a broad approach to design and confirm that industrial design has an important contribution to make in Malaysian agricultural equipment industries. Introducing two design projects in this research has strengthened the research methodology. The purpose of these design projects is to implement the knowledge and skills of the researcher into agricultural machinery design activities as a means of gaining insight into the problems and processes fundamental to agricultural design. Design guidelines formulated from the research findings will provide Malaysian industrial designers with an approach for effective participation within agricultural design activities. These will help design teams to identify and consider the broad range of issues inherent in agricultural design projects, and hence to work more effectively. Designing agricultural machinery requires an understanding not only of the tasks, crops and the working environment but also of the people who will buy and use the products. Malaysian agricultural machinery design activities have been left, behind compared to some other countries. A push in this area could create major benefits because agricultural machinery design can provide significant advantages to the farmers and hence to the country
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