14 research outputs found

    Parameterized Construction of Program Representations for Sparse Dataflow Analyses

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    Data-flow analyses usually associate information with control flow regions. Informally, if these regions are too small, like a point between two consecutive statements, we call the analysis dense. On the other hand, if these regions include many such points, then we call it sparse. This paper presents a systematic method to build program representations that support sparse analyses. To pave the way to this framework we clarify the bibliography about well-known intermediate program representations. We show that our approach, up to parameter choice, subsumes many of these representations, such as the SSA, SSI and e-SSA forms. In particular, our algorithms are faster, simpler and more frugal than the previous techniques used to construct SSI - Static Single Information - form programs. We produce intermediate representations isomorphic to Choi et al.'s Sparse Evaluation Graphs (SEG) for the family of data-flow problems that can be partitioned per variables. However, contrary to SEGs, we can handle - sparsely - problems that are not in this family

    A trajectory-based strict semantics for program slicing

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    We define a program semantics that is preserved by dependence-based slicing algorithms. It is a natural extension, to non-terminating programs, of the semantics introduced by Weiser (which only considered terminating ones) and, as such, is an accurate characterisation of the semantic relationship between a program and the slice produced by these algorithms. Unlike other approaches, apart from Weiser’s original one, it is based on strict standard semantics which models the ‘normal’ execution of programs on a von Neumann machine and, thus, has the advantage of being intuitive. This is essential since one of the main applications of slicing is program comprehension. Although our semantics handles non-termination, it is defined wholly in terms of finite trajectories, without having to resort to complex, counter-intuitive, non-standard models of computation. As well as being simpler, unlike other approaches to this problem, our semantics is substitutive. Substitutivity is an important property becauseit greatly enhances the ability to reason about correctness of meaning-preserving program transformations such as slicing

    Semantical Equivalence of the Control Flow Graph and the Program Dependence Graph

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    The program dependence graph (PDG) represents data and control dependence between statements in a program. This paper presents an operational semantics of program dependence graphs. Since PDGs exclude artificial order of statements that resides in sequential programs, executions of PDGs are not unique. However, we identified a class of PDGs that have unique final states of executions, called deterministic PDGs. We prove that the operational semantics of control flow graphs is equivalent to that of deterministic PDGs. The class of deterministic PDGs properly include PDGs obtained from well-structured programs. Thus, our operational semantics of PDGs is more general than that of PDGs for well-structured programs, which are already established in literature.Comment: 30 page

    Evaluating Lexical Approximation of Program Dependence

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    Complex dependence analysis typically provides an underpinning approximation of true program dependence. We investigate the effectiveness of using lexical information to approximate such dependence, introducing two new deletion operators to Observation-Based Slicing (ORBS). ORBS provides direct observation of program dependence, computing a slice using iterative, speculative deletion of program parts. Deletions become permanent if they do not affect the slicing criterion. The original ORBS uses a bounded deletion window operator that attempts to delete consecutive lines together. Our new deletion operators attempt to delete multiple, non-contiguous lines that are lexically similar to each other. We evaluate the lexical dependence approximation by exploring the trade-off between the precision and the speed of dependence analysis performed with new deletion operators. The deletion operators are evaluated independently, as well as collectively via a novel generalization of ORBS that exploits multiple deletion operators: Multi-operator Observation-Based Slicing (MOBS). An empirical evaluation using three Java projects, six C projects, and one multi-lingual project written in Python and C finds that the lexical information provides a useful approximation to the underlying dependence. On average, MOBS can delete 69% of lines deleted by the original ORBS, while taking only 36% of the wall clock time required by ORBS

    A complete transformational toolkit for compilers

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    In an earlier paper, one of the present authors presented a preliminary account of an equational logic called PIM. PIM is intended to function as a 'transformational toolkit' to be used by compilers and analysis tools for imperative languages, and has been applied to such problems as program slicing, symbolic evaluation, conditional constant propagation, and dependence analysis. PIM consists of the untyped lambda calculus extended with an algebraic rewriting system that characterizes the behavior of lazy stores and generalized conditionals. A major question left open in the earlier paper was whether there existed a complete equational axiomatization of PIM's semantics. In this paper, we answer this question in the affirmative for PIM's core algebraic component, PIMt, under the assumption of certain reasonable restrictions on term formation. We systematically derive the complete PIM logic as the culmination of a sequence of increasingly powerful equational systems starting from a straightforward 'interpreter' for closed PIM terms

    Towards a complete transformational toolkit for compilers

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    PIM is an equational logic designed to function as a ``transformational toolkit'' for compilers and other programming tools that analyze and manipulate imperative languages.It has been applied to such problems as program slicing, symbolic evaluation, conditional constant propagation, and dependence analysis.PIM consists of the untyped lambda calculus extended with an algebraic data type that characterizes the behavior of lazy stores and generalized conditionals.A graph form of PIM terms is by design closely related to several intermediate representations commonly used in optimizing compilers. In this paper, we show that PIM's core algebraic component, PIMt_t, possesses a complete equational axiomatization (under the assumption of certain reasonable restrictions on term formation). This has the practical consequence of guaranteeing that every semantics-preserving transformation on a program representable in PIMt_t can be derived by application of PIMt_t rules. We systematically derive the complete PIMt_t logic as the culmination of a sequence of increasingly powerful equational systems starting from a straightforward ``interpreter'' for closed PIMt_t terms. This work is an intermediate step in a larger program to develop a set of well-founded tools for manipulation of imperative programs by compilers and other systems that perform program analysis

    A Sparse Program Dependence Graph For Object Oriented Programming Languages

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    The Program Dependence Graph (PDG) has achieved widespread acceptance as a useful tool for software engineering, program analysis, and automated compiler optimizations. This thesis presents the Sparse Object Oriented Program Dependence Graph (SOOPDG), a formalism that contains elements of traditional PDG\u27s adapted to compactly represent programs written in object-oriented languages such as Java. This formalism is called sparse because, in contrast to other OO and Java-specific adaptations of PDG\u27s, it introduces few node types and no new edge types beyond those used in traditional dependence-based representations. This results in correct program representations using smaller graph structures and simpler semantics when compared to other OO formalisms. We introduce the Single Flow to Use (SFU) property which requires that exactly one definition of each variable be available for each use. We demonstrate that the SOOPDG, with its support for the SFU property coupled with a higher order rewriting semantics, is sufficient to represent static Java-like programs and dynamic program behavior. We present algorithms for creating SOOPDG representations from program text, and describe graph rewriting semantics. We also present algorithms for common static analysis techniques such as program slicing, inheritance analysis, and call chain analysis. We contrast the SOOPDG with two previously published OO graph structures, the Java System Dependence Graph and the Java Software Dependence Graph. The SOOPDG results in comparatively smaller static representations of programs, cleaner graph semantics, and potentially more accurate program analysis. Finally, we introduce the Simulation Dependence Graph (SDG). The SDG is a related representation that is developed specifically to represent simulation systems, but is extensible to more general component-based software design paradigms. The SDG allows formal reasoning about issues such as component composition, a property critical to the creation and analysis of complex simulation systems and component-based design systems