3,105 research outputs found

    Harnessing Openness to Transform American Health Care

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    The Digital Connections Council (DCC) of the Committee for Economic Development (CED) has been developing the concept of openness in a series of reports. It has analyzed information and processes to determine their openness based on qualities of "accessibility" and "responsiveness." If information is not available or available only under restrictive conditions it is less accessible and therefore less "open." If information can be modified, repurposed, and redistributed freely it is more responsive, and therefore more "open." This report looks at how "openness" is being or might usefully be employed in the healthcare arena. This area, which now constitutes approximately 16-17 percent of GDP, has long frustrated policymakers, practitioners, and patients. Bringing greater openness to different parts of the healthcare production chain can lead to substantial benefits by stimulating innovation, lowering costs, reducing errors, and closing the gap between discovery and treatment delivery. The report is not exhaustive; it focuses on biomedical research and the disclosure of research findings, processes of evaluating drugs and devices, the emergence of electronic health records, the development and implementation of treatment regimes by caregivers and patients, and the interdependence of the global public health system and data sharing and worldwide collaboration


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    Описаны базовые концепции и архитектура Semantic Web, а также положение дел по разработке данного проекта по состоянию на конец 2007 года. Выделены проблемы, которые стоят перед мировым сообществом для дальнейшего развития Semantic Web.\ud Basic concepts and architecture of Semantic Web is described. State of the art concerning development of the project up to the end of 2007 year is outlined. The problems of future development of Semantic Web are noted.\u

    Representing and Redefining Specialised Knowledge: Medical Discourse

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    This volume brings together five selected papers on medical discourse which show how specialised medical corpora provide a framework that helps those engaging with medical discourse to determine how the everyday and the specialised combine to shape the discourse of medical professionals and non-medical communities in relation to both long and short-term factors. The papers contribute, in an exemplary way, to illustrating the shifting boundaries in today’s society between the two major poles making up the medical discourse cline: healthcare discourse at the one end, which records the demand for personalised therapies and individual medical services; and clinical discourse the other, which documents research into society’s collective medical needs

    Applying Wikipedia to Interactive Information Retrieval

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    There are many opportunities to improve the interactivity of information retrieval systems beyond the ubiquitous search box. One idea is to use knowledge bases—e.g. controlled vocabularies, classification schemes, thesauri and ontologies—to organize, describe and navigate the information space. These resources are popular in libraries and specialist collections, but have proven too expensive and narrow to be applied to everyday webscale search. Wikipedia has the potential to bring structured knowledge into more widespread use. This online, collaboratively generated encyclopaedia is one of the largest and most consulted reference works in existence. It is broader, deeper and more agile than the knowledge bases put forward to assist retrieval in the past. Rendering this resource machine-readable is a challenging task that has captured the interest of many researchers. Many see it as a key step required to break the knowledge acquisition bottleneck that crippled previous efforts. This thesis claims that the roadblock can be sidestepped: Wikipedia can be applied effectively to open-domain information retrieval with minimal natural language processing or information extraction. The key is to focus on gathering and applying human-readable rather than machine-readable knowledge. To demonstrate this claim, the thesis tackles three separate problems: extracting knowledge from Wikipedia; connecting it to textual documents; and applying it to the retrieval process. First, we demonstrate that a large thesaurus-like structure can be obtained directly from Wikipedia, and that accurate measures of semantic relatedness can be efficiently mined from it. Second, we show that Wikipedia provides the necessary features and training data for existing data mining techniques to accurately detect and disambiguate topics when they are mentioned in plain text. Third, we provide two systems and user studies that demonstrate the utility of the Wikipedia-derived knowledge base for interactive information retrieval

    Figuring the Modern: The Objectified Present in Stéphane Mallarmé and T. S. Eliot

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    Contextualizing modern/modernist poetry as an artful objectification, this monograph aims to elucidate the significance of resourceful texts by Stéphane Mallarmé and T. S. Eliot in a symbolist productivity. The engaging texts represent the sublime in verbal extremity: Mallarmé's posthumous manuscript entitled Igitur in an endless circularity for the completion by an incompletion, his article "Ballets" as a printed synthesis of poetry and the performing art, ballet, and Eliot's poetic works in their entirety for a manifold development of the imagery of water that embodies a cosmic inclusion. Particularly, as a swan song for the poet Mallarmé facing a mental crisis, Igitur directs the reader to reconsider the testamentary letters written by the conscripted Japanese students in the Second World War. Representing literature as a holistic combination of the logical and the artistic, the two poets' creation leads the reader to fully recognize the importance of living this moment

    Psychologists\u27 use of, familiarity, and comfort with Alcoholics Anonymous slogans in psychotherapy

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    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is often included as an adjunct to psychotherapy for individuals suffering from addiction. As a culture unto itself, AA has its own customs, philosophy, and language, including what is commonly referred to as AA slogans. This study investigated the frequency with which psychologists use these slogans as well as how familiar and comfortable they are with them. Additionally this study investigated whether these variables were related to psychologists\u27 work setting or percentage of addicted caseload. Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, results indicate that more than 80% of respondents utilize AA slogans at least some of the time. Familiarity varied greatly depending on the slogan. Over 80% of those surveyed are at least somewhat comfortable using AA slogans in psychotherapy. Work experience in an addiction treatment setting was a mediating variable for familiarity as well as use of specific AA slogans, though not for overall use of AA slogans or levels of comfort. A higher rate of use and familiarity was related to a higher caseload of addicted patients and comfort was not related to caseload. Frequency of slogan use, familiarity and comfort were significantly positively related to frequency of referral to AA. Themes regarding reasons for discomfort using AA slogans as well as their clinical utility were also explored

    Constructed fictional language in translation: Conveying Nadsat from A Clockwork Orange to Kellopeliappelsiini

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    Tämä pro gradu –tutkielma käsittelee keinotekoisen fiktiivisen kielen välittymistä kaunokirjallisuuden kääntämisessä. Aineistona käytettiin Anthony Burgessin romaania A Clockwork Orange (1962) ja sen suomentajan, Moog Konttisen vuonna 2007 uudistamaa laitosta Kellopeli Appelsiini. Vertailevan tutkimuksen kohteena oli teoksen fiktiivinen taidekieli Nadsat ja sen lähde- ja kohdekieliset ilmenemät. Tutkimus tehtiin kaksivaiheisena: kvalitatiivisesti ja kvantitatiivisesti. Kvalitatiivinen tutkimusmateriaali koostui otteista, joissa esiintyy Nadsat-kielisiä sanoja sekä näiden otteiden käännösvastineista. Kvantitatiivinen tutkimusmateriaali puolestaan rajoittui lähdeteoksen ensimmäisessä luvussa esiintyviin Nadsat-kielisiin sanoihin ja niiden suomenkielisiin vastineisiin kohdetekstissä. Lähdetekstissä esiintymiä oli 212 ja kohdetekstissä 147. Aihetta koskevan vakiintuneen käsitteistön puutteellisuudesta johtuen tutkimuksessa luotiin aluksi saatavilla olleiden lähteiden perusteella kategorisointimalli, jonka avulla materiaalin taidekielityyppi määriteltiin. Nadsatin välittymistä lähdetekstistä kohdetekstiin tutkittiin kaksivaiheisella analyysilla. Ensimmäinen vaihe, jonka metodi perustui funktionaalisen ekvivalenssin toteutumisen kartoittamiseen kohdetekstissä, tutki Nadsatin kolmiosaisen funktion välittymistä vertailemalla otteita lähde- ja kohdeteksteistä. Tämä Anna Bogicin tutkimukseen perustuva funktio koostui Nadsatin sisäpiiriryhmiä erottelevasta, eufemistisesta ja aivopesevästä vaikutuksesta. Toinen vaihe tutki kvantitatiivisin menetelmin käännöksessä käytettyjä paikallisia käännösstrategioita, eli yksittäisiä käännösratkaisuja, joiden lähde- tai kohdetekstiorientaation perusteella määriteltiin kääntäjän käyttämä globaali eli koko tekstiä koskeva käännösstrategia. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että lähdetekstin taidekielen funktio on merkittävimmältä osaltaan välittynyt kohdetekstiin. Lisäksi kävi ilmi, että suomentaja on tämän tutkimuksen lähtöolettamuksen vastaisesti käyttänyt työssään kotouttavaa globaalia käännösstrategiaa luoden näin uutta, lähdetekstistä riippumatonta suomenkielistä Nadsat-sanastoa. Tämä on merkittävä tutkimustulos sikäli, että muissa vastaavanlaisissa tutkimuksissa Nadsatin funktion välittymisen ehtona pidettiin vieraannuttavaa globaalia käännösstrategiaa. Loppupäätelmänä todettiinkin, että suomennos on toteutettu funktionaalisen ekvivalenssin periaatteen mukaisesti luomalla lähdetekstin taidekielelle orgaaninen suomen kieleen pohjautuva vastine. Kotouttava globaali käännösstrategia on siten validi keino fiktiivisen taidekielen kääntämisessä.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Front-Line Physicians' Satisfaction with Information Systems in Hospitals

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    Day-to-day operations management in hospital units is difficult due to continuously varying situations, several actors involved and a vast number of information systems in use. The aim of this study was to describe front-line physicians' satisfaction with existing information systems needed to support the day-to-day operations management in hospitals. A cross-sectional survey was used and data chosen with stratified random sampling were collected in nine hospitals. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The response rate was 65 % (n = 111). The physicians reported that information systems support their decision making to some extent, but they do not improve access to information nor are they tailored for physicians. The respondents also reported that they need to use several information systems to support decision making and that they would prefer one information system to access important information. Improved information access would better support physicians' decision making and has the potential to improve the quality of decisions and speed up the decision making process.Peer reviewe