563 research outputs found

    Special education in Poland (until 1989) – historical perspective

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    Jacek Kulbaka, Special education in Poland (until 1989) – historical perspective. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 27, Poznań 2019. Pp. 117–149. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.27.06The article is dedicated to presenting the information regarding the origins, organisation and the activity of special schools and institutions in Europe, with the particular focus on Polish territories (from the beginning of the 19th century to the final years of the Polish People’s Republic). The text nature may be included within the framework of inquiries regarding the history of education. Referring to the wide historical context (social, political, economical, legal, outlook and other determinants), the aim of the author of the text was to introduce the accomplishments of particular individuals, and various institutions active for the children with disabilities, in the discussed period.Jacek Kulbaka, Special education in Poland (until 1989) – historical perspective. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 27, Poznań 2019. Pp. 117–149. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.27.06The article is dedicated to presenting the information regarding the origins, organisation and the activity of special schools and institutions in Europe, with the particular focus on Polish territories (from the beginning of the 19th century to the final years of the Polish People’s Republic). The text nature may be included within the framework of inquiries regarding the history of education. Referring to the wide historical context (social, political, economical, legal, outlook and other determinants), the aim of the author of the text was to introduce the accomplishments of particular individuals, and various institutions active for the children with disabilities, in the discussed period

    Rankraštinės knygos bibliotekose, archyvuose ir muziejuose Lenkijoje: informacijos apie XVII–XVIII a. LDK politinį gyvenimą rinkiniai

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    The article discusses manuscript books – collections of public life materials created in the 17th and 18th centuries in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, now located in Poland. They were created mainly by nobles and by chancellery clerks and officials employed at magnates’ and state dignitaries’ courts as an expression of the interests of collectors or documentary and historiographical concerns, and sometimes also as support for public activity. They contained various materials related to conducting, documenting and recording public life. The present overview is based on an identification of copies and on the information contained in printed and online manuscript catalogues and inventories. The number of surviving manuscripts of that type can be hypothetically estimated at ca. 400–500 copies, with ca. 100 copies identified in Poland. Their largest collection is held in the Radvilos Archives, part of the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, with single copies scattered across different libraries and museums. The oldest ones date back to the late 16th and early 17th centuries. The greatest value should be attributed to several manuscripts originating from the Radvilos of Biržai community from the mid-17th century. Other valuable manuscripts include some made by common nobles, especially in the 17th century, as they often contain unique materials, unknown from elsewhere, as well as those created in the circles of the Sapiegos and Radvilos of Nyasvizh magnate families. Standing out among the latter are miscellanies created during the first three decades of the 18th century by Kazimierz Złotkowski, secretary of the Grand Chancellor of Lithuania Karolis Stanislovas Radvila. These books attest to the integration of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s nobility and magnates with other lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They largely contain materials relating to public life of the whole Commonwealth, while often including materials relating to local issues.Straipsnyje aptariamos rankraštinės knygos – informacijos rinkiniai apie viešą gyvenimą, – sukurtos XVII–XVIII a. Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje, dabar saugomos Lenkijoje. Jas daugiausia kūrė didikai, kanceliarijos tarnautojai ir pareigūnai, dirbę magnatų ir valstybės garbingųjų asmenų teismuose, vedami troškimo kaupti arba rūpesčio dėl dokumentavimo ir istoriografijos ateities, o kartais ir vedami noro paremti visuomeninę veiklą. Juose randama įvairios informacijos apie viešą gyvenimą bei jo dokumentavimą. Medžiaga šiam tyrimui surinkta iš spausdintinių ir internetinių rankraščių katalogų ir inventorių. Galima manyti, kad yra išlikę 400–500 tokio tipo rankraščių ir maždaug 100 dokumentų pačioje Lenkijoje. Didžiausia jų kolekcija saugoma Radvilų archyve, kuris yra Centrinio istorijos archyvo Varšuvoje dalis, o pavieniai egzemplioriai yra išsibarstę po įvairias bibliotekas ir muziejus. Seniausi yra XVI a. pabaigos ir XVII a. pradžios. Didžiausios vertės yra keli XVII a. vidurio rankraščiai iš Biržų Radvilų giminės. Tarp kitų vertingų dokumentų patenka XVII a. Sapiegų, Nesvyžiaus Radvilų bei paprastų didikų aplinkoje sukurti rankraščiai, kuriuose dažnai randama unikali, kitur nežinoma informacija. Iš pastarųjų išsiskiria įvairenybės, sukurtos Lietuvos didžiojo kanclerio Karolio Stanislovo Radvilos sekretoriaus Kazimierzo Złotkowskio pirmaisiais trimis XVIII a. dešimtmečiais. Šios knygos liudija apie Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės bajorų ir magnatų integraciją su kitomis Abiejų Tautų Respublikos (ATR) žemėmis. Rankraščiai iš esmės yra turtingi informacijos apie ATR viešąjį gyvenimą, o kartu išsaugo lokalinį kontekstą

    The voice of the people: legislative drafting processes in transitional and developing democracies

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    Although legislative drafting processes have escaped the attention that other features of legislative organization have received, they produce the text--and often the detailed substance--of legislation in ways that articulate some voices, not others. Comparatively, these processes vary widely in degree of organization, centralization, and hierarchy, but not along obvious lines of regime type, electoral system, or legal tradition. Some scholars attribute cross-national divergence in choice of institutions to historical institutional factors such as policy legacies or the diffusion of new institutional models. Others attribute divergence to the motivations of key political actors, but disagree about the bases for these actors' motivations (e.g. partisan, informational, or distributional concerns). I suggest that extant theories cannot fully explain legislative drafting processes: persistence does not because drafting processes do not predictably remain in place or stable at transition. Diffusion fails because innovations do not reliably follow particular hegemons or neighboring polities. And while theories of legislative organization explain how the incentives endogenous to a particular legislature shape the evolution of processes such as drafting processes, they do not account for cross-national variation. Legislators seem to follow different types of incentives in diverse countries, and we lack a theory for why some drafters deliver particularistic benefits in the drafting process whereas others seem swayed by information resources to aim for good policy. Drawing on cross-national analysis of sixteen post-communist states and four case studies, I argue that the structure of factional conflict during transition from communist rule produces the incentives that explain the variation in legislation drafting processes (and consequently, responsiveness of legislation produced). Here, "the structure of factional conflict" means "the identity and relative strength of competing factions as structured by features of the state and communication network." When this structure produces partisan incentives, conservative factions tend to create centralized drafting processes. When it produces informational incentives, competing factions tend to create consensus-based drafting processes. When it produces distributional incentives, factions tend to choose fragmented drafting processes. The structure of factional conflict is mediated by persistence and diffusion, but this study gives priority of explanation to the structure of factional conflict

    Kwestia białoruska i żydowska w myśli polityczno-prawnej polskich ugrupowań w Wilnie w pierwszych latach niepodległości – wybrane zagadnienia

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    The position of Polish groups of interwar Vilnius (in the first years of independence) on the issues presented in this article was varied. National Democracy did not regard Belarusians as an independent nation and denied them the right to an independent state. Democrats, on the other hand, were in favor of equal rights for all nations and granted Belarusians the right to their own culture and education. In a similar vein, the Democrats, along with Vilnius conservatives, also expressed their opinions on the Jewish question. Representatives of National Democracy found a lot of space for this issue in their statements. In the context of the dispute about Vilnius, it was emphasized that the Jews would opt for Lithuania and Vilnius’s membership of the Lithuanian state.Stanowisko polskich ugrupowań międzywojennego Wilna (w pierwszych latach niepodległości) odnośnie do prezentowanych w niniejszym artykule kwestii było różne. Narodowa Demokracja nie uznawała Białorusinów za samodzielny naród i odmawiała im prawa do niezależnego państwa. Demokraci zaś opowiadali się za równouprawnieniem wszystkich nacji i przyznawali Białorusinom prawo do własnej kultury i szkolnictwa. W podobnym tonie demokraci, wraz z konserwatystami wileńskimi, wypowiadali się też w kwestii żydowskiej. Sporo miejsca w swoich wypowiedziach tej kwestii poświęcili przedstawiciele Narodowej Demokracji. W kontekście sporu o Wilno podkreślono, że Żydzi opowiedzą się za Litwą i przynależnością Wilna do państwa litewskiego

    Si vis Pacem, Cole Iustitiam. A Century of International Labour Organization

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    In 2019 the International Labour Organization celebrated its 100th anniversary. Established after the end of World War I, the organization aimed to improve working conditions and support actions for workers’ rights by negotiating labour standards through tripartite concertation involving representatives of employers, employees and governments, and by ensuring, through social justice, long-term global peace. Over the years, the ILO has developed methods of action allowing for achieving those goals by actively participating in solving the evolving problems of the world of work and labour. The article attempts to summarize the achievements of the ILO in the 1919–2019 period by analysing the directions of action and outlining the evolution of the activities of the organization

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    Combating Adult Illiteracy in the People’s Republic of Poland (on the Example of Selected Documents of the Ministry of Education and the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Combating Illiteracy in 1949–1951)

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    The subject of this article is combating adult illiteracy in the People’s Republic of Poland. The existing knowledge concerning the topic has been supplemented with the analysis of the archival documents, currently being in possession of the Central Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw. It describes how illiterates were recognised in the society, in what way they were encour­aged to train new skills and how attending the courses was made possible for them. The analysed documents include censors’ reviews of manuals, press articles, letters wrote by former illiterates and other valuable records. The communists were combating illiteracy not only in the name of the social progress, but mostly motivated by their quest to broaden the possibilities of ideological indoctrination – during the courses organised for illiterates and later on. This is why the selection of manuals and other publications addressed to former illiterates was propagandist. The strategic importance of the matter was expressed by Vladimir Lenin himself: “Socialism cannot be built by illiterates” (W. Ozga, Educa­tion in the six-year-plan and the revolutionary changes of the society and economics in the People’s Republic of Poland, Warsaw 1951, p. 124)

    Еволюція політичної участі українців у Другій Речі Посполитій

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    Статтю присвячено викликам, з якими зіткнулися демократичні інституції у 1920-х рр., з особливим акцентом на Другій Речі Посполитій. Досліджено стратегії, які використовували комуністичні сили, щоб уникнути обмежень на свою діяльність, використовуючи демократичні процеси у власних цілях. Центральне місце в цьому аналізі посідають українські громади в регіонах Хелм і Підляшшя, які стали ключовими цілями для комуністичної інтеграції й демократичної підривної діяльності. У дослідженні розглядаються перетворення організаційних осередків на таємні осередки Комуністичної партії Західної України, перетворення газети на знаряддя політичної пропаганди та вплив на місцеву думку для сприяння виборам прокомуністичних посадовців до Сейму й Сенату Республіки Польща. У статті висвітлено складну динаміку української політичної активності в цю епоху та її наслідки для розуміння ширшої кризи в демократичних інститутах. Ключові слова: політична участь, криза демократії, Друга польська республіка, українська меншина, політична партія, громадська організація

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